welcome to the channel
Paths of prosperity and abundance
powerful affirmations of I am abundance
money will flow like water in your life
tonight I share this powerful I am
prayer with you
which will lead you on this journey of
spiritual connection and financial
decree and prophesy these words with
intention and faith
allowing the Divine energy to guide you
towards a reality of prosperity and
prepare yourself to align with the
infinite source of wealth release
limiting beliefs
and open yourself to a continuous flow
of financial blessings
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all those who also seek Divine
together let’s create a current of
positive energy and spread abundance to
the world
leave in the comments the phrase
I am aligned with the flow of abundance
wealth and money flows into my life from
expected and unexpected sources
join us in the sacred moment of
affirmation and gratitude
as we declare our ability to co-create a
life filled with abundance
Dear God
Almighty father creator of Heaven and
in the name of the Holy Trinity I
address you with a heart full of
gratitude and certainty
that I will be heard in the sacred
moment of Prayer
I acknowledge your greatness your
Infinite Wisdom
and your loving presence that guides
every step of my journey
I open myself to receive the victories
of abundance that emanate from you
for you are the I am
an inexhaustible source of prosperity
and wealth
I understand that your will is my
and that you desire me to live a full
and prosperous life in all aspects
in this sacred moment
I declare that money flows into my life
like water steadily and abundantly
just as the Waters of a river flow
Financial abundance flows towards me
filling every area of my life with
wealth and prosperity
I release any limiting belief that has
hindered me from receiving the wealth
you desire for me
I choose to trust in you my God knowing
that you are the Supreme provider
capable of transforming any financial
situation and opening doors that were
once closed
prepare me to receive this abundance
with a grateful and receptive heart
I open the doors of my mind and heart to
divine inspiration allowing its creative
ideas to flow into my life
bringing opportunities for financial
growth and success
I recognize that your exceptions are
constant and your victories flow in all
areas of my life
just as you take care of the birds in
the sky and clothe the Lilies of the
I know that you care for me and provide
for all my needs including Financial
in this moment of Prayer
I visualize abundance flowing towards me
I see the doors of opportunities opening
business prospects are rising and
valuable connections forming
I visualize myself living a fulfilling
life enjoying the fruit of my labor
sharing with others and contributing to
the well-being of those around me
I decree and affirm
that I am deserving of divine wealth for
I am a beloved child of God
free me from any feelings of inadequacy
or deficiency
for I know that I was created in your
image and likeness
and this includes the ability to create
and bring abundance into every area of
my life
in every action I undertake I sow seeds
of prosperity and gratitude
through my diligent work and dedication
I reap the fruits of prosperity that you
have reserved for me
I trust that your hand guides and
directs me in every step I take
leading me towards the realization of my
financial and personal dreams
heavenly father in communion with the
Holy Trinity
I thank you in advance for all the
victories that you are pouring upon me
I am grateful for allowing money to flow
into my life like a river of Grace and
and for guiding me in every moment
Illuminating the path of prosperity
I decree
that I am a beloved child of God
deserving of all his abundance
I affirm
that the source of infinite Prosperity
flows through me
manifesting as material and spiritual
I decree
that I am an anchor of positivity and
attracting opportunities for financial
I affirm
that each day is an opportunity to
towards my vision of prosperity and
I decree
the release of limiting beliefs about
and embrace that which strengthens me as
the creator of My reality
I affirm
that I am Guided by Divine wisdom in all
my financial decisions
leading me to success
I decree
I Express gratitude for what I have now
and for what I am about to receive
making space for more victories
I affirm
that my mind is aligned with the
frequency of abundance
attracting creative and profitable ideas
I decree
that the doors of financial success are
opening for me
providing unique opportunities
I affirm
that every penny I spend returns
multiplied in prosperity and growth
I decree
I state that my financial journey is a
Divine expression of growth and
I affirm
that I am willing to invest in myself
enhancing my abilities to attract
greater prosperity
I decree
that my clear and positive vision of the
financial future will manifest rapidly
in my reality
I affirm
that abundance flows through me
touching not only my life but also the
lives of those around me
I decree
that I am receptive to synchronicities
and opportunities that the Universe
presents to improve my financial
I affirm
that I am aligned with the energy of
allowing it to flow freely to me and
through me
I decree
that I am grateful for all the financial
lessons I have learned
evolving them into steps towards success
I affirm
that my confidence and divine exceptions
empowers me to overcome any Financial
I decree
that my actions are driven by a sincere
desire to serve and create impact
resulting in financial Rewards
I affirm
that my relationship with money is
healthy and balanced
allowing me to fully enjoy life
I decree
that I am an open channel for creativity
and innovation
which are essential to Bringing wealth
I affirm
that my words and thoughts are powerful
shaping the financial reality I
I decree
that abundance flows in all areas of my
balancing health love and prosperity
I affirm
that I am the inexhaustible source of
wealth and abundance
I decree
that I am courageous in the face of
financial challenges
trusting that there is always a solution
I affirm
that I am attuned to the opportunities
that arise
seizing each one to expand my riches
I decree
that I am grateful for the financial
celebrating every step towards my vision
of success
I affirm
that I am aligned with the opportunities
that arise
taking advantage of each one to expand
my wealth
I decree
that my faith is stronger than any
allowing me to manifest the prosperous
life I deserve
I affirm
that I am blessed with the ability to
create my financial reality
attracting abundance from all directions
beloved and generous God
in this sacred connection with you I
raise my voice in decrees of deep
I recognize my divine nature as your
beloved child deserving of all your
magnificent abundance
with unwavering faith I affirm
that the source of infinite Prosperity
flows through me
weaving itself into all aspects of my
whether in the material wealth I touch
or the spirituality that nurtures me
now declaring with Inner Strength I am
an anchor of positivity and success
attracting opportunities for financial
growth that blossom-like Gardens of
achievements in my life
with each Dawn I embrace the gift of a
new day
seeing it as an open window to move
towards my vision of prosperity and
Silence of this moment
I release the constraints of limiting
beliefs about money
strengthening myself as the creator of
my own reality shaping the future with
my choices
Guided by Your Divine wisdom I find
Clarity in every financial decision
confident that this guidance will lead
me to success
gratitude overflows from my being as I
acknowledge the abundance already
present in my life
and celebrate the victories that are
about to come opening doors for further
my mind is like a beacon aligned with
the frequency of abundance
attracting creative and lucrative ideas
that materialize as Divine blessings
the doors of financial success are
opening before me
and I step through them with confidence
knowing that unique opportunities await
every cent I spend returns to me
multiplied in prosperity and growth
blessing my financial Journey with the
energy of continuous flow
walking this path I understand that my
financial journey is a Divine expression
of growth and self-discovery
where challenges are steps to be
I am willing to invest in myself
refining my skills and knowledge
bringing greater Prosperity as the fruit
of this dedication
with unwavering faith I visualize the
financial future I desire
being manifest quickly in my reality
enveloping me in its radiant light
abundance flows through me like a clear
touching not only my life but also
blessing those who cross my path
with each synchronicity and opportunity
the universe presents me I feel aligned
with the energy of money
allowing it to flow freely to me and
through me
with gratitude I absorb the financial
lessons life has brought me
evolving them into steps that elevate me
towards success and wisdom
my trust in Divine exceptions
strengthens me to overcome any Financial
challenges that may arise
knowing I am protected by your grace
with every action I undertake driven by
a sincere desire to serve and create
I know I am cultivating a harvest of
financial Rewards
my relationship with money is healthy
and balanced
allowing me to enjoy each experience
with joy and gratitude
in this sacred instant I decree
that I am an open channel for creativity
and innovation
bringing wealth and abundance to every
area of my life
my words and thoughts are powerful
instruments of manifestation
the financial reality I experience daily
abundance flows with Harmony and balance
in all areas of my life
intertwining with the health love and
prosperity I deserve
aligned with my true Mission each step I
take is Guided by purpose
leading me to enrich my life and the
lives of those around me
I decree
the courage to face Financial challenges
trusting in Divine wisdom to guide and
sustain me in every moment
every choice I make is an investment in
my future
an act of wisdom that generates growth
and leads me to the Fulfillment of my
at each stage of my financial journey I
feel gratitude for the opportunity of
and celebrate every step that brings me
closer to my vision of success
I am attentive to the opportunities that
recognizing each of them as a gift from
a chance to expand my wealth
my faith is an inner light that shines
intensely surpassing any obstacles that
may arise
allowing me to manifest a prosperous and
fulfilling life
the ability to create my financial
reality is a Divine gift that has been
granted to me
I attract abundance from all directions
with the certainty that I am a receiver
of all the wealth the universe has to
with unwavering faith and an open heart
I declare that I am an open channel to
receive Divine blessings and The
Continuous Flow of wealth into my life
knowing that your promises are true and
that your assistance and support are
so be it
in the name of the Father the Son and
the Holy Spirit
open your eyes
and thank God for this Divine moment
don’t forget to leave it in the comments
I am aligned with the flow of abundance
wealth and money flows into my life from
expected and unexpected sources
your help is very important
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