God Says ➨ After You Watch, Jesus Will Smile and Devil Cry | God Message Today For You | God Tells - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says ➨ After You Watch, Jesus Will Smile and Devil Cry | God Message Today For You | God Tells

God’s special message is only for you

don’t make the mistake of leaving it God

wants to solve all your problems in the

last seconds God will answer all your

questions my beloved child you are my

cherished child and I Proclaim this

loudly for the cosmos to hear you are an

heir to my blessings enveloped in my


love this is why the enemy views you

with trepidation for they know of my

unwavering defense protection and

provision over you in my presence you

want for nothing do not follow the path

of those who turned away from me who

listen to their adversaries and believe

themselves to be orphans Unworthy of

Love they chose to forsake

me wandering lost and devoid of Peace

Comfort or God but I stand beside you

type Amen in the comments and don’t

forget to share this message with up to

three people so that God can help you

steadfast for so long I have urged you

to believe in my words my word is truth

vibrant powerful and

everlasting infusing you with faith it

has consistently proven

true I am waiting for you to boldly step

forward and claim your courage Your

adversaries are but Shadows fear them

not whom will you

trust the deceitful adversary

or The God Who breathed life into you

the Tempest bends to my will my power is

boundless while many May strive to bring

you down I alone can lift you up should

you falter a thousand times my grace and

love will rescue you each time they may

attempt to weaken you but a thousandfold

I will fortify you and should you

stumble I will raise you let your heart

swell with the courage and Faith of a

champion a triumphant Warrior embodying

Holiness and wisdom humility in heart a

hero of Faith Victorious and triumphant

Embrace and declare this inherent worth

within yourself you are my cherished

child my

beloved my love for you is


unending confide in me express your

belief in love for me I yearn to hear it

let your voice carry these truths your

importance to me is

immeasurable and it is my deepest wish

for you to feel profoundly loved yet I

see times when you wake engulfed in

sorrow so deep that its cause eludes

even you it’s an emotion that appears

abruptly as if your heart is striving to

communicate something

vital understand this for it is

essential that feeling is your heart

resonating with my Holy Spirit In The

Quiet of the morning my spirit Whispers

your name Beck in you back when you

start to drift away if you want God’s

grace always upon you then please

consider to support our ministry by

clicking thanks button because this

message took us a lot of efforts but

often you’re so entangled in the day’s

demands that you miss these moments to

sit and recall my

presence my spirit gently warns You

cautioning Against The Emptiness that’s


in the sadness you experience is a

fervent plea from your soul your spirit

your heart all crying out in thirst

longing for The Living Water that heals

replenishes and sweeps away

turmoil restoring peace and serenity to

your emotions if you find yourself

feeling despondent my beloved child

remember that my promises are

unbreakable seek solace in my word for

it is a Wellspring of Joy may your heart

be comforted by the knowledge of my

enduring love even in the darkest of

nights let this truth be your anchor

your Refuge your hope I am with you my

child Rest In My Embrace and let my love

wash over you like a gentle breeze

soothing your weary

Soul cast your burdens upon me and I

will sustain you trust in my unfailing

love for it is your strength and your

salvation in your moments of deepest

despair I am there holding you close do

not despair for I am your comforter your

refuge and your strength lean on me and

I will carry you through the storm you

are never alone at my

child I Am With You Always even to the

end of the age if you believe that God

will help you please subscribe to the

channel I am your Guiding Light in the

darkness The Beacon of Hope that leads

you through the storm

though the winds may howl and the waves

May crash my hand is always outstretched

ready to lift you up and carry you to

safety when you feel lost and alone

remember that I am here walking beside

you every step of the

way I know the trials you face the

doubts that plague your mind and the

fears that grip your heart but I also

know the strength that lies within you

the courage to face whatever challenges

come your way trust in me and I will

give you the strength to

overcome have faith in my promises and I

will lead you to victory for I am the

Alpha and the Omega the beginning and

the end the one who was who is and who

is to

come in my presence there is peace that

surpasses all understanding a peace that

guards your heart and mind so do not be

afraid my child for I Am With You Always

draw near to me and I will draw near to

you if you believe in God then like the

video and leave a heartfelt Amen in the

comments please support our ministry by

clicking the thanks button and consider

joining us as a cherished member your

generosity uplifts our mission God bless

you seek me with all your heart and you

will find me let go of your worries and

your fears and entrust them to me I will

carry your burdens and give you rest

take my yoke upon you and learn from me

for I am gentle and humble in heart and

you will find rest for your soul do not

be discouraged by the challenges that

lie ahead for I am the god of the

impossible with me all things are

possible so stand firm in your faith and

let nothing shake you for I Am The Rock

on which You Stand The Fortress in which

you hide the strength of your salvation

be bold my child and

courageous for I have not given you a

spirit of fear but of power and of love

and of a sound mind so go forth with

confidence knowing that I am with you

always even to the end of the age and

when you reach the end of your journey

and stand before me in glory you will

hear these words well done my good and

faithful servant enter into the joy of

your master for in me you have found

true Victory true

fulfillment true life Everlasting so go

forth my child and live in the fullness

of my love for you are my beloved and I

am yours now and forever more amen if

you believe that God will help you

please subscribe to the channel if you

do not believe feel free to leave

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