I want you to know that you are never alone - Free AI Voice Generator

I want you to know that you are never alone

my beloved child I want you to know that

you are never

alone I hold the final say in everything

and that’s why you can trust that your

life rests in my

hands I won’t let you

down no matter what others say or think

about you it doesn’t change a thing they

won’t harm you I love you and you won’t

fall you won’t be defeated you will

prosper I will heal your body of all

ailments yours and your families I will

bless you with abundance and

peace this is your time and that’s why

you hear me who told you that you can’t

change whoever said that was lying their

eyes filled with

Envy they told you that you’ll never

change that you’ll only get worse that

you’re destined to

fail but you dare to approach me even

though you thought you were Unworthy of

my love and my

attention you you found out that my word

my faithfulness and my presence are

real love pours down from the sky like

cascading waterfalls for you you were

hurt by disdain but this rain of

affection has healed you I’ve removed

the Stone from your heart and now in

your chest beats a good simple Heart

full of Faith painted with hope eager to

love and eager to live in innocent as a

child strong and unbreakable as a

warrior the past is behind you accept

your reality you are a new person wiser

full of

patience I’m giving you Tranquility but

your part is to pray and do what you can

to rid your life of the bad habits and

thoughts of the past protect yourself

and take care of yourself that’s what I

do night and day in times of Darkness do

not fear stumbling I surround you with

an impenetrable

shield my light illuminates you open the

door of your

heart prepare to be transformed receive

my Holy Spirit who will guide you to all

truth leading you by the hand molding

you like a Potter shaped clay fear and

doubt have no power over you no emotion

controls you now and in your heart there

is only room for my love you won’t allow

to stress or doubt I love you the

promises I’ve made to you are coming

true my will shall be done I have the

final say in everything and you look so

good go and stand before the mirror

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