God's Message Now: LISTEN CLOSELY || God Message For You || God Blessings || God Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator

God’s Message Now: LISTEN CLOSELY || God Message For You || God Blessings || God Message Today

my beloved child listen closely for the message I bring you today is of utmost

importance tomorrow holds a promise a promise of unparalleled joy and wonder

awaiting you but heed my words dear one for time is fleeting and the opportunity

I present to you must not be missed before the sun rises on the tomorrow I urge you to open this message open it

with a heart open to my guidance for within these words lies the key to unlocking the most beautiful blessings I

have in store for you do not delay for tomorrow will be the most wonderful day of your life trust in me and let my love

illuminate your path to accept God’s Gift of a wonderful tomorrow type I accept and prepare your heart for His

blessings my beloved hear these words from the depths of my heart to yours love is the very essence of my being and

it is the foundation upon which all of creation rests let your hearts be filled with with the boundless love that I

offer you and let that love flow freely to all those around you remember my children that I created each and every

one of you in my image and that you are all equally precious in my sight embrace the diversity of my creation and

celebrate the unique gifts and talents that each of you possesses let go of

judgment and Prejudice and instead choose to love and accept one another just as I love and accept you type

believe if you trust God’s plan for tomorrow’s wonders share your faith in a world filled with darkness and division

be a beacon of light and unity show kindness to those who are different from you and extend a helping hand to those

in Need for in doing so you not only honor me but you also fulfill the greatest commandment to love one another

as I have loved you my dear children know that no matter how far you may Stray From the Path I have set before

you my love for you remains constant and unwavering I am a god of infinite mercy

and forgiveness and I stand ready to to welcome you back into my loving Embrace whenever you turn to me with a repentant

heart comment ready if you believe God has extraordinary plans for you let’s spread the word do not be weighed down

by guilt and shame for your past mistakes for I have already forgiven them instead let go of the burden of

your sins and allow my grace to wash over you like a gentle stream cleansing you and renewing you from within

remember the parable of the prodigal son who squandered his inheritance in Reckless living only to be welcomed back

with open arms by his loving father so too am I ready to welcome you home with joy and celebration no matter how far

you may have strayed let go of bitterness and resentment toward those who have wronged you and choose instead

to extend the same forgiveness to them that I have extended to you for in forgiving others you free yourself from

the chains of anger and hatred and you open your heart to receive the fullness of my love and grace say I am prepared

to declare your Readiness for tomorrow’s blessings share this message to encourage enage others my beloved

children do not be afraid to entrust your lives into my hands for I am a faithful and trustworthy God who will

never abandon you surrender your worries and fears to me and allow me to guide you along the path that I have planned

for you since before the beginning of time I know that the future may seem uncertain and the road ahead may appear

daunting but trust in my wisdom and my love to lead you safely through even the darkest valleys have faith that I am

always with you walking beside you every step of the way do not rely solely on your own strength and understanding for

they are limited in finite instead lean on me and draw strength from my infinite power and wisdom when you surrender

control of your life to me you open yourself up to the countless blessings and miracles that I have in store for

you type miracle if you’re expecting wonders tomorrow share this video to pass on the Hope remember the words of

the psalmist trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and all your ways submit

to him and he will make your path straight trust in me my children and I will lead you to the Abundant Life that

I have promised you my dear children let your hearts be filled with compassion for those who are suffering and in neat

just as I have shown mercy and compassion to you so too must you show mercy and compassion to others open your

eyes to the pain and suffering that exists in the world around you and let your love for your fellow human beings

move you to action feed the hungry clothe the naked and shelter the homeless visit the sick and the

imprisoned and offer them comfort and companionship in their time of need declare God’s time is perfect if you

believe tomorrow is a gift from God don’t forget to share remember the parable of the Good Samaritan who showed

Mercy to a stranger in need and go and do likewise for in serving others you

not only minister to their physical needs but you also demonstrate the love and compassion of your heavenly father

to a hurting world do not be content to Simply offer words of sympathy and

encouragement but let your love be made manifest through your actions for as the Apostle James wrote faith without Deeds

is dead let your faith be alive and active my children and let your love for others shine brightly for all to see my

beloved children do not lose heart in the face of adversity for I am a god of Hope and renewal who can turn even the

darkest of circumstances into sources of light enjoy place your trust in me and I

will lift you up on wings like eagles renewing your strength and giving you the courage to face whatever challenges

may come your way how meant yes Lord to accept God’s blessings for tomorrow encourage others by sharing this video

no matter how Bleak the present may seem remember that I am always working behind the scenes to bring about your

Redemption and restoration just as I brought the Israelites out of bondage in

Egypt and led them into the promised land so too am I working in your lives to bring about a new season of Hope hope

and blessing do not dwell on past failures or disappointments but instead fix your eyes on the future that I have

prepared for you a future filled with hope purpose and joy beyond measure for I have plans to prosper you and not to

harm you plans to give you hope in a future so do not lose hope my children but trust in my promises and hold fast

to your faith for as the Apostle Paul wrote and now these three remain faith

hope and love but the greatest of these is love let love be your Guiding Light in the midst of darkness and let Hope be

your anchor in the storms of life for I Am With You Always even to the End of the Age type to symbolize your

Readiness for transformation share the sign of change my cherished children let

gratitude overflow from your hearts like a river for every good gift comes from me your heavenly father take a moment

each day to pause and reflect on the countless blessings that surround you both big and small in the hustle and

bustle of life it is easy to overlook the beauty and wonder of my creation and

the many ways in which I provide for your needs but when you cultivate a spirit of thankfulness you open your

eyes to the Abundant Blessings that I have poured out upon you remember the words of the psalmist give thanks to the

Lord for he is good his love endures forever let your hearts be filled with gratitude for my steadfast love and

faithfulness toward you and let your Thanksgiving rise up as a sweet fragrance before my Throne say I trust

in you to affirm your faith in God’s promise for tomorrow share to build trust among others express your

gratitude not only through words but also through actions that reflect your appreciation for my goodness and Grace

share your blessings with others who are less fortunate and let your generosity be a testament to the gratitude that

fills your heart my dear children be strong and courageous for I am always with you wherever you go do not be

afraid of the challenges and trials that lie ahead for I have equipped you with everything you need to overcome them

when you feel weak and weary call upon me and I will renew your strength take courage and the knowledge that I am your

everpresent help in times of trouble and that nothing is impossible for those who put their trust in me comment blessed if

you feel blessed by the promise of Tomorrow share your blessings remember the words that I spoke to Joshua as he

prepared to lead the Israelites into the promised land be strong and courageous do not be afraid do not be discouraged

for the the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go let these words be a source of strength and encouragement to

you as you journey through life do not allow fear to hold you back from stepping out in faith and fulfilling the

purposes that I have ordained for Your Life Trust in my power to guide and protect you and let your confidence be

rooted not in your own abilities but in the knowledge that I am with you always even to the End of the Age my beloved

children I desire for you to experience the fullness of joy and contentment that

comes from knowing me and walking in my ways do not allow the cares and concerns of this world to steal your joy but

instead fix your eyes on the Eternal truths of my word true Joy is not found in the pursuit of worldly pleasures or

material possessions but in the presence of my Spirit dwelling within you seek first my kingdom and my righteousness

and all these things will be added unto you type amen if you feel God’s presence in your life today let your hearts be

filled with gratitude for the abundance AB blessings that I have bestowed upon you and let your joy overflow into every

area of your life Rejoice always pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances for this is my will for

you in Christ Jesus do not allow comparison nor Envy to rob you of your contentment but instead learn to be

content with whatever I have provided for you for godliness with contentment is great gain and it is only when you

are truly content in me that you will find lasting peace and fulfillment my

dear children I long for you to experience the beauty and power of unity

and Harmony within the body of Christ just as the father Son and Holy Spirit are one so to are you called to be one

in heart and mind with your brothers and sisters in Christ do not allow Division and Discord to drive a wedge between you

but instead make every effort to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace love one another deeply

forgive one another freely and bear with one another patiently just as I have loved forgiven and and born with you

feeling blessed share this video to spread the love of God remember that you are all members of one body with each of

you playing a unique and valuable role in advancing my kingdom here on Earth do not exalt yourselves above one another

but instead humbly submit to one another out of reverence for me let your love for one another be a powerful testimony

to the world of my love and grace and let your Unity be a reflection of the unity that exists within the godhead for

when you are United in purpose and spirit there is nothing that you cannot accomplish together in my name my

beloved children do not lose sight of the Eternal perspective in the midst of the temporal trials and tribulations of

this world fix your eyes on the things that are unseen rather than on the things that are seen for the things that

are seen are temporary but the things that are unseen are Eternal do not be discouraged by the trials and hardships

that you face in this life for they are but momentary afflictions that are achieving for you an eternal Glory that

far outweighs them all trust in my promise that I am working all things together for your good and that nothing

can separate you from my love share this video with a message of faith and type Faith forward to encourage others to

move forward with God set your minds on things above where Christ is seated at my right hand and store up for

yourselves Treasures in Heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal for

where your treasure is there your heart will be also live your Liv Liv with eternity in view making the most of

every opportunity to advance my kingdom and bring glory to my name and know that when your time on this Earth comes to an

end you will receive the imperishable Crown of Glory that I have reserved for you from the foundation of the world my

beloved children let humility be the guiding principle of your lives for I resist the proud but give grace to the

humble do not exalt yourselves above others but instead consider others as more important than yourselves follow

the example of my son Jesus Christ who humbled himself and took on the form of

a servant willingly laying down his life for the sake of others serve one another with love and compassion just as he

served you washing the feet of his disciples and ultimately laying down his life as a ransom for many do not seek

recognition nor praise for your acts of service but instead serve with a humble heart knowing that your reward comes

from me alone for when you humble yourselves before me I will exalt you in due time remember the words words that I

spoke through the prophet mikah he has shown you oh mortal what is good and what does the Lord require of you to act

justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God Walk humbly before me my children and let your lives be a

Living testament to the transforming power of humility and service for those

who believe Miracles are coming comment I believe my dear children in the midst of trials and tribulations let patience

and endurance be your companions do not grow weary in doing good for in due time

you will reap a harvest of blessings if you do not give up know that I am with you in every trial and every hardship

giving you the strength and endurance to persevere Until the End trust in my timing for I make all things beautiful

in my time and I will never give you more than you can bear remember the example of my servant job who endured

unimaginable suffering and yet remain faithful to me until the end like him

hold fast to your faith in me knowing that I am able to do far more abundantly than all that you ask or imagine do not

lose heart when you face adversity but instead let your trials be a refining fire that purifies your faith and

strengthens your character and know that as you persevere through the storms of life you are becoming more and more like

my son Jesus Christ who endured the cross for the joy set before him my beloved children let compassion and

empathy be the Hallmarks of your interactions with others for I have shown you great compassion and mercy and

I expect you to do likewise open your hearts to the pain and suffering of those around you and let your love move

you to action do not turn a blind eye to the needs of others but instead be quick to show kindness and mercy to all whom

you encounter be a source of comfort and encouragement to those who are hurting and let your compassion be a Beacon of

Hope in a world filled with Darkness remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said blessed are the merciful

for they shall receive Mercy show Mercy to others my children children and know that as you do you are storing up

Treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal if you’re

committed to prayer comment praying and let’s pray together let your love for others be genuine and let your

compassion be overflowing for in doing so you fulfill the greatest Commandments to love me with all your heart soul mind

and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself my dear children seek wisdom and discernment with all your heart for

they are more precious than gold and sweeter than honey do not lean on your own understanding but instead seek my

wisdom in all things and I will guide you on the path of righteousness no that wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord

for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy one is understanding trust in my

wisdom to lead you and guide you in all your ways and I will make your path straight remember the words of my

servant Solomon who said trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and all your ways

submit to him and he will make your path straight let these words be a Guiding Light to you as you navigate the

complexities of Life seek wisdom in my word and let it dwell richly in your hearts teaching and admonishing one

another in all wisdom and know that as you seek wisdom from me I will give generously to all without finding fault

and it will be given to you my beloved children trust in me with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

for I am a faithful and trustworthy God who will never leave you nor forsake you surrender your fears and anxieties to me

and let my peace fill your hearts and Minds know that I am in control of all things and that nothing can happen apart

from my sovereign will trust in my goodness and my love for you and know that I am working all things together

for your good according to my perfect plan and purpose remember the words that I spoke through the Prophet Jeremiah for

I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope in a future trust in my

plans for you my children and know that they are plans for your welfare and not

for evil to give you a future and a hope believe in God’s timing comment patience

to wait on the Lord let go of your desire to control the outcomes of your life and instead surrender yourselves

fully to me trusting that I will lead you and guide you in the way that you should go and know that as you trust in

me with all your heart I will make your path straight and I will lead you to the Abundant Life that I have promised you

my cherished children let Faith be the anchor of your soul souls and let trust be The Guiding Light of your journey

have faith in my promises for they are steadfast and true and Trust in my faithfulness for I am the same yesterday

today and forever when the storms of life rage around you and the Winds of Doubt threaten to overwhelm you hold

fast to your faith in me remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said

truly I tell you if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move from here to there

and it will move nothing will be impossible possible for you let your faith be like that Mustard Seed small

yet Mighty capable of moving mountains and overcoming obstacles that seem insurmountable trust in my power to work

all things together for your good and know that nothing is impossible for those who believe do not allow doubt and

fear to Cloud your vision or weaken your resolve but instead fix your eyes on me the author and perfector of your faith

trust in my goodness in my love for you and know that I will never leave you nor forsake you no matter what ch challenges

you may face my beloved children let thankfulness overflow from your hearts like a river for every good imperfect

gift comes from me your heavenly father cultivate a spirit of gratitude in all circumstances knowing that I am working

all things together for your good even in the midst of Trials and hardships give thanks to me for I am able to turn

even the most difficult circumstances into sources of blessing and growth let

your thankfulness be a testament to your trust in my Providence and my love for

you remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of

God in Christ Jesus for you let your gratitude be an offering of praise and worship to me and let it draw you closer

to me in intimacy and communion if you’re ready to embrace tomorrow’s blessings type ready for God’s miracles

in the comments below do not take my blessings for granted but instead recognize them as tokens of my love and

grace toward you and as you give thanks to me for all that I have done for you know that I am pleased with your

offering and that I will continue to pour out my blessings upon you and abundance my dear children let

compassion and mercy be the guiding principles of your lives for I have shown you great compassion and mercy and

I expect you to do likewise open your hearts to the needs of others and let your love for them move you to action do

not turn a blind eye to the suffering and Injustice in the world but instead be quick to show kindness and mercy to

all who you encounter be a source of comfort and encouragement to those who are hurting and let your compassion be a

light in the darkness remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said blessed

are the merciful for they shall receive Mercy show Mercy to others my children and know that as you do you are storing

up Treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal let your love

for others be genuine and let your compassion be overflowing for in doing so you fulfill the greatest Commandments

to love me with all your heart soul mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself my beloved children let Hope

be the anchor of your souls and let encouragement be the bomb for your weary hearts even in the darkest of times hold

fast to the hope that I offer you for I am the god of Hope who never fails to keep my promises know that I am with you

in every trial and every hardship giving you the strength and courage to persevere Until the End trust in my

power to work all things together together for your good and know that nothing is impossible for those who put

their trust in me remember the words that I spoke through the prophet Isaiah do not fear for I am with you do not be

dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

let these words be a source of Hope and encouragement to you as you navigate the challenges of life believe in tomorrow’s

wonders share this message and type believer in miracles to spread the Hope do not lose heart when you fa face

adversity but instead let your hope be a beacon of light in the darkness guiding you through even the most difficult of

times and know that as you trust in me with all your heart I will make your path straight and I will lead you to the

Abundant Life that I have promised you my dear children let unity and fellowship be the Hallmarks of your

relationships with one another for I have called you to live in harmony with one another as members of one body with

Christ as the head do not allow Division and Discord to disrupt the unity of the spirit but instead make every effort to

maintain the bond of peace be quick to forgive one another bearing with one another in love and let your love for

one another be a testimony to the world of my love and grace for where there is Unity there is strength and where there

is love there is healing and restoration remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who prayed that all who believe

in him would be one just as he and I are one let his prayer be a Guiding Light to you as you seek to live in unity and

fellowship with one another do not allow Petty disagreements or differences of opinion to divide you but instead let

your love for one another Prevail and let your Unity be a reflection of the unity that exists within the godhead for

when you are united in purpose in spirit there is nothing that you cannot accomplish together in my name my

beloved children let Grace and forgiveness flow freely from your hearts for I have shown you boundless Grace and

forgiveness and I expect you to do likewise just as I have forgiven you of your sins so too must you forgive those

who have wronged you do not Harbor bitterness or resentment in your hearts but instead choose to release the burden

of unforgiveness and extend the same Grace to others that I have extended to you forgive as you have been forgiven

and let your love for others be a reflection of my love for you remember the parable of the unforgiving servant

who was forgiven a great debt by his master only to refuse to forgive a much smaller dto to him by a fellow servant

do not be like that servant my children but instead be quick to show Mercy

and forgiveness to all who have wronged you if God’s plan for you resonates type trusting in his plan to affirm your

faith in his Divine timing let your forgiveness be genuine and heartfelt and let it bring healing and Reconciliation

to your relationships and know that as you forgive others you are demonstrating the love and grace of your heavenly

father to a hurting and broken world my dear children let joy and celebration

fill your hearts and Minds for I have given you abundant reasons to rejoice in my goodness and faithfulness rejoice in

the Salvation that I have provided for you through my son Jesus Christ and let your hearts be filled with gratitude for

the gift of eternal life do not allow the cares and concerns of this world to steal your joy but instead fix your eyes

on the Eternal truths of my word knowing that your citizenship is in heaven and that you are Heirs of my kingdom

celebrate the victories and blessings that I have bestowed upon you and let your joy be a testimony to the world of

my goodness and Grace sing praises to me your heavenly father and let your joy overflow into every aspect of your lives

remember the words of the psalmist who said this is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it

let every day be a day of Celebration and Thanksgiving as you rejoice in the Abundant Blessings that I have poured

out upon you my beloved children let peace and rest fill your hearts and Minds for I am the god of Peace who

gives rest to the weary and weary Souls cast your cares and anxieties upon me

and I will give you rest for your souls do not allow worry and fear to consume your thoughts but instead trust in my

promise to take care of you and provide for all your needs rest in the knowledge that I am in control of all things and

that nothing can happen apart from my sovereign will remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said come to me all

you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and

humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls let your hearts be at peace my children knowing that I am with

you always even to the end of the age and as you rest in my presence you will experience the peace that surpasses all

understanding guarding your hearts and Minds in Christ Jesus ready for God’s guidance type Lead Me Lord and open your

heart to his path my cherished children be strong and courageous for I am with you wherever you go do not be afraid of

the challenges and trials that lie ahead for I have equipped you with everything you need to overcome them when you feel

weak and weary call upon me and I will renew your strength take courage in the knowledge that I am your everpresent

help in times of trouble and that nothing is impossible for those who put their trust in me remember the words

that I spoke to Joshua as he prepared to lead the Israelites into the promised land be strong and courageous do not be

afraid do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go let these words be a source of

strength and encouragement to you as you journey through life do not rely on your own strength and understanding but

instead trust in my power to guide and protect you and know that as you walk in faith and obedience I will lead you to

victory and success in all that you do my dear children let gratitude overflow from your hearts like a river for every

good gift comes from me your heavenly father take a moment each day to pause and reflect on the countless blessings

that surround you both big and small in the hustle and bust hle of life it is easy to overlook the beauty and wonder

of my creation and the many ways in which I provide for your needs but when you cultivate a spirit of thankfulness

you open your eyes to the Abundant Blessings that I have poured out upon you remember the words of the psalmist

give thanks to the Lord for he is good his love endures forever let your hearts be filled with gratitude for my

steadfast love and faithfulness toward you and let your Thanksgiving rise up as a sweet fragrance before my throne

express your gratitude not only through words but also through actions that reflect your appreciation for my

goodness and Grace share your blessings with others who are less fortunate and

let your generosity be a testament to the gratitude that fills your heart my beloved children seek wisdom and

Guidance with all your heart for I am the source of all wisdom and understanding do not lean on your own

understanding but instead seek my wisdom in all things and I will guide you on the path of righteousness know that

wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the

Holy one is understanding trust in my wisdom to lead you and guide you in all your ways and I will make your path

straight remember the words of my servant Solomon who said trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on

your own understanding and all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight let these words be a Guiding

Light to you as you navigate the complexities of Life seek wisdom in my word and let let it dwell richly in your

hearts teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom and know that as you seek wisdom from me I will give

generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to you my dear children let faithfulness and obedience

characterize your walk with me for I am a faithful and trustworthy God who keeps my promises to a thousand Generations do

not waver in your faith but instead stand firm in the Assurance of my unfailing love and faithfulness toward

you obey my commands and follow my precepts knowing that they are for your good and your protection trust in my

wisdom and my guidance and do not lean on your own understanding for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are

my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said if

you love me keep my commands let your love for me be demonstrated through your obedience to my word and let your

faithfulness be a testimony to the world of my faithfulness toward you do not be swayed by by the fleeting pleasures and

temptations of this world but instead fix your eyes on me the author and perfector of your faith and know that as

you remain faithful and obedient to me I will bless you abundantly and lead you into the fullness of life that I have

promised you my beloved children let humility be the guiding principle of your lives for I resist the proud but

give grace to the humble do not exalt yourselves above others but instead consider others as more important than

yourselves follow the example of my son son Jesus Christ who humbled himself and

took on the form of a servant willingly laying down his life for the sake of others serve one another with love and

compassion just as he served you washing the feet of his disciples and ultimately laying down his life as a ransom for

many do not seek recognition nor praise for your acts of service but instead serve with a humble heart knowing that

your reward comes from me alone for when you humble yourselves before me I will exalt you in due time remember the words

that I spoke through the prophet Mike he has shown you oh mortal what is good and what does the Lord require of you to act

justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God Walk humbly before me my children and let your lives be a

Living testament to the transforming power of humility and service my dear

children in the midst of trials and tribulations let patience and endurance be your companions do not grow weary in

doing good for in due time you will reap a harvest of bless blings if you do not give up know that I am with you in every

trial and every hardship giving you the strength and endurance to persevere Until the End trust in my timing for I

make all things beautiful in my time and I will never give you more than you can bear remember the example of my servant

job who endured unimaginable suffering and yet remain faithful to me until the

end like him hold fast to your faith in me knowing that I am able to do far more abundantly than all that you ask or

imagine do not lose heart when you face adversity but instead let your trials be a refining fire that purifies your faith

and strengthens your character and know that as you persevere through the storms of life you are becoming more and more

like my son Jesus Christ who endured the cross for the joy set before him my beloved children let compassion and

empathy be the Hallmarks of your interactions with others for I have shown you great compassion and mercy and

I expect you to do likewise open your hearts to the pain and suffering of those around you and let your love for

your fellow human beings move you to action do not turn a blind eye to the needs of others but instead be quick to

show kindness and mercy to all whom you encounter be a source of comfort and encouragement to those who are hurting

and let your compassion be a Beacon of Hope and a world filled with Darkness remember the words of my son Jesus

Christ who said blessed are the merciful for they shall receive Mercy show Mercy to others my children and know that as

you do you are storing up Treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break

in and steal let your love for others be genuine and let your compassion be overflowing for in doing so you fulfill

the greatest Commandments to love me with all your heart soul mind and strength and to love your neighbor as

yourself my beloved children do not lose sight of the Eternal perspective amidst the fleeting trials and joys of this

world fix your eyes on the things that are unseen for they are Eternal while the things that are seen are temporary

in the midst of life’s challenges remember that your true citizenship is in heaven and your ultimate hope lies in

the promise of Eternity with me let this hope anchor your soul and give you strength to endure whatever trials may

come your way do not be discouraged by the Troubles of this world for they are temporary and fleeting instead focus on

storing up Treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal

remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said do not store up for yourselves Treasures on Earth where moth

and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal but store up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven where neither moth

nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there your heart will be

also let your priorities be aligned with the Eternal Kingdom and let your actions reflect your heavenly citizenship live

your life with an eternal perspective knowing that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing

with the glory that will be revealed in you my dear children let Hope and Assurance fill your hearts for I am a

faithful God who keeps my promises to all generations trust in my unfailing

love and faithfulness and know that I am with you always even to the end of the age when you feel discouraged or

overwhelmed by the challenges of life remember that I am your refuge and strength a very present help in times of

trouble place your hope in me and I will renew your strength and give you the courage to face whatever lies ahead do

not allow fear or doubt to Cloud your vision but instead fix your eyes on me the author and perfector of your faith

know that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine according to my power that is at work

within you remember the words of the prophet Isaiah who said those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength

they will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint let these words be

a source of Hope and encouragement to you as you Journey Through Life Trust in my promises my children and know that I

am faithful to fulfill them let your hope be anchored in my unfailing love and let your Assurance be rooted in the

knowledge that I am with you always guiding and protecting you every step of the way my beloved children I desire for

you to experience the beauty and power of unity and Harmony within the body of

Christ just as the father Son and Holy Spirit are one so too are you called to be one in heart and mind with your

brothers and Sisters in Christ do not allow Division and Discord to disrupt the unity of the spirit but instead make

every effort to maintain the bond of peace love one another deeply forgive one another freely and bear with one

another patiently just as I have loved forgiven and born with you remember that you are all members of one body with

each of you playing a unique and valuable role in advancing my kingdom here on Earth do not exalt yourselves

above one another but instead humbly submit to one another out of reverence for me let your love for one another be

a powerful testimony to the world of my love and grace and let your Unity be a

reflection of the unity that exists within the godhead for when you are united in purpose in spirit there is

nothing that you cannot accomplish together in my name my cherished children let peace and contentment fill

your hearts and Minds for I am the source of all peace and The Giver of every good gift trust in me with all

your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge me and I will direct your

paths do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and

petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to me and my peace which transcends all understanding will guard

your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus Remember the words of my son Jesus

Christ who said Peace I leave with you my peace I give you I do not give to you as the world gives do not let your

hearts be troubled and do not be afraid let these words be a source of comfort and Assurance to you in times of trouble

let go of your worries and fears and Trust in my provision and care for you seek first my kingdom then my

righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well and know that as you abide in me you will experience the

peace that surpasses all understanding filling your hearts with joy and contentment my dear children let love

and compassion guide your every action and decision for love is the greatest commandment I have given you love one

another as I have loved you for by this all people will know that you are my disciples show kindness and mercy to

those around you especially to the marginalized and oppressed let your hearts be open to the needs of others

and let your hands be quick to help and uplift those who are in need remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who

said love your neighbor as yourself let your love for others be genuine and selfless without expecting anything in

return for when you love others with the same love with which I have loved you you fulfilled the law of Christ do not

withhold Your Love or compassion from anyone regardless of their background or circumstances for I have shown you great

love and compassion and I expect you to do likewise my beloved children be strong and courageous for I am with you

wherever you go do not be afraid of the challenges and obstacles that lie ahead for I have given you the strength and

courage to overcome them when you feel weak and weary call upon me and I will renew your strength take courage and the

know knowled that I am your everpresent help in times of trouble and that nothing is impossible for those who put

their trust in me remember the words that I spoke to Joshua as he prepared to lead the Israelites into the promised

land be strong and courageous do not be afraid do not be discouraged for the

Lord your God will be with you wherever you go let these words be a source of strength and encouragement to you as you

face the challenges of life do not rely on your own strength or understanding but instead trust in my power to guide

and protect you and know that as you walk in faith and obedience I will lead you to victory and success in all that

you do my dear children let forgiveness and Reconciliation be the cornerstones of your relationships with one another

forgive those who have wronged you just as I have forgiven you and seek reconciliation with those whom you have

offended do not Harbor bitterness or resentment in your hearts but instead choose to release the burden of

unforgiveness and extend the same Grace to others that I have extended to you for forgive as you have been forgiven

and let your love for others be a reflection of my love for you remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who

said if you forgive others their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not

forgive others their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses let these words be a sobering reminder

of the importance of forgiveness in the life of a Believer seek reconciliation with those whom you have robbed and be

quick to make amends and seek forgiveness for reconciliation brings healing and restoration to broken

relationships and it is a powerful testimony to the transforming power of my love and grace my beloved children

trust in me with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge me and I will make

your path straight surrender your fears and anxieties to me and let my peace fill your hearts and Minds know that I

am in control of all things and that nothing can happen apart from my sovereign will trust in my good in my

love for you and know that I am working all things together for your good according to my perfect plan and purpose

remember the words that I spoke through the Prophet Jeremiah for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper

you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future trust in my plans for you my children and know that they

are plans for your welfare and not for evil to give you a future and a hope let

go of your desire to control the outcomes of your life and instead surrender eles fully to me trusting that

I will lead you and guide you in the way that you should go and know that as you trust in me with all your heart I will

make your path straight and I will lead you to the Abundant Life that I have promised you my dear children let

humility in servant characterize your interactions with others for I have shown you the way of humility through my

son Jesus Christ he humbled himself taking on the form of a servant and he

calls you to do likewise do not seek recognition nor praise for your acts of service but instead serve others with a

humble heart knowing that your reward comes from me alone be willing to serve in whatever capacity I call you to

whether it be great or small for in serving others you reflect the love and compassion of my son remember the words

of my son who said the greatest among you will be your servant for those who exalt themselves will be humbled and

those who humble themselves will be exalted let these words guide you as you seek to live a life of humility and

servanthood do not seek to elevate your El above others but instead consider

others as more important than yourselves serve one another with love and compassion just as my son served you and

let your lives be a living testimony to the transforming power of humility and

servanthood my beloved children trust in my timing for I make all things beautiful in my time do not grow

impatient or discouraged when things do not happen according to your plans but instead trust in my perfect timing and

my sovereign control over all things remember the words of the prophet Isaiah for my thoughts are not your thoughts

neither are your ways my ways declares the Lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher

than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts trust in my wisdom and my goodness knowing that I work all things

together for your good according to my perfect plan and purpose do not try to rush ahead of my timing but instead wait

patiently for me to act on your behalf for in waiting patiently you demonstrate your trust and Reliance on me and you

open yourself up to receive the blessings that I have in store for you trust in my promises my children and

know that I am faithful to fulfill them let your hope be anchored in my unfailing love and let your confidence

be rooted in the knowledge that I am with you always guiding and protecting you every step of the way my dear

children cultivate a spirit of gratitude for the blessings that I have bestowed upon you both big and small take time

each day to count your blessings and give thanks to me for my Pres provision and Care in your lives in the midst of

life’s challenges it can be easy to overlook the many blessings that surround you but when you cultivate a

spirit of gratitude you open your eyes to the abundance of blessings that I have poured out upon you and you

experience a greater sense of joy and contentment in your lives remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said give

thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you let your hearts be filled with gratitude

for my steadfast love and faithfulness toward you and let your Thanksgiving rise up as a sweet fragrance before my

Throne express your gratitude not only through words but also through actions that reflect your appreciation for my

goodness and Grace share your blessings with others who are less fortunate and

let your generosity be a testament to the gratitude that fills your heart my cherished Children Place your hope in my

promises for they are steadfast and true do not lose heart when you face trials and tribulations

but instead hold fast to the hope that I offer you knowing that I am faithful to keep my promises to you when you feel

discouraged or overwhelmed by the challenges of life remember the promises that I have spoken over you remember

that I am with you always even to the end of the age and that I will never leave you nor forsake you remember the

words of the Prophet Jeremiah for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to

give you hope in a future let these words be a source of Hope hope and encouragement to you as you navigate the

uncertainties of Life place your hope in need my children and know that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can

ask or imagine according to my power that is at work within you trust in my promises and know that as you do you

will experience the hope that does not disappoint filling your hearts with joy and peace my beloved children trust in

my sovereignty for I am in control of all things do not be afraid of the uncertainties of life but instead place

your trust in me knowing that I hold the future in my hands when you feel anxious or overwhelmed by the challenges that

lie ahead remember that I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end I know the end from the beginning and

nothing can happen apart from my sovereign will remember the words of the psalmist the Lord Reigns let the Earth

Rejoice let the many coastlands be glad let these words be a source of comfort and Assurance to you as you navigate the

uncertainties of Life Trust in my goodness in my love for you knowing that I am working all things together for

your good according to my perfect plan and purpose and know that as you place your trust in me I will guide you and

protect you leading you into the Abundant Life that I have promised you my dear children let compassion and

empathy guide your interactions with others for I have shown you great compassion and mercy and I expect you to

do likewise open your hearts to the needs of others and let your love for your fellow human beings move you to

action do not turn a blind eye to the suffering and en Justice in the world but instead be quick to show kindness

and mercy to all whom you encounter be a source of comfort and encouragement to those who are hurting and let your

compassion be a light in the darkness remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said blessed are the merciful

for they shall receive Mercy show Mercy to others my children and know that as you do you are storing up Treasures in

Heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal let your love for others be

genuine and let your compassion be overflowing for in doing so you fulfill the greatest Commandments to love me

with all your heart soul mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself by cherished children hold fast

to your faith in times of uncertainty for I Am The Rock on which you stand firm when the storms of life rage around

you and the Winds of Doubt threaten to overwhelm you remember that I am your anchor your refuge and your strength do

not allow fear or anxiety to dictate your actions but instead place your your trust in me knowing that I am faithful

to keep my promises to you remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said do

not let your hearts be troubled believe in God believe also in me trust in my

wisdom in my sovereignty knowing that I am in control of all things and that nothing can happen apart from my will

even in the midst of uncertainty I am working all things together for your good according to my perfect plan and

purpose remember the words of the prophet Isaiah you will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast

because they trust in you let your faith be steadfast and unwavering my children knowing that as you trust in me with all

your heart I will make your path straight my beloved children let Joy overflow from your hearts in my presence

for I am the source of all joy and happiness rejoice in the Salvation that I have provided for you through my son

Jesus Christ and let your hearts be filled with gratitude for the gift of eternal life do not allow the cares and

worries of this world to steal your Joy but instead fix your eyes on me the author and perfector of your faith

remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said these things I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you

and that your joy may be full let your joy be a testimony to the world of my goodness and Grace and let it be a light

in the darkness shining brightly for all to see rejoice in my presence my children knowing that as you abide in me

your joy will be complete my dear children let peace reign in your hearts and Minds even in the midst of chaos and

uncertainty I am the god of Peace who gives rest to the weary and troubled Souls cast your anxi is upon me and I

will give you peace that surpasses all understanding do not allow the Troubles of this world to overwhelm you but

instead place your trust in me knowing that I am with you always guiding and protecting you remember the words of my

son Jesus Christ who said Peace I leave with you my peace I give to you not as

the world gives do I give to you let let not your hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid let my peace be a shield

around your hearts guarding you from fear and anxiety trust in my promises my

children and know that as you rest in my presence you will experience the peace that surpasses all understanding filling

your hearts with joy and contentment my beloved children find strength in your weakness for I am the god who gives

strength to the weary and power to the weak when you feel overwhelmed by the challenges of life come to me and I will

renew your strength and give you the courage to persevere do not rely on your own strength or abilities but instead

place your trust in me knowing that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine remember the

words of the Apostle Paul who said my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness let your

weaknesses be an opportunity for my strength to be made perfect in you trust in my power to work through you and know

that as you surrender your weaknesses to me I will use them for my glory and for your good my dear children have

compassion for the lost and the Brokenhearted for I have shown you great compassion and mercy and I expect you to

do likewise open your hearts to those who are lost in searching for Hope and let your love for them be a light in the

darkness do not judge or condemn those who are lost but instead show them the same grace and mercy that I have shown

you share the message of my love and forgiveness with them and lead them gently to the foot of the cross remember

the words of my son Jesus Christ who said go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation let

these words be a call to action for you my children as you seek to share the hope of Salvation with those who are

lost and in need of my grace do not be afraid to step out in faith and share my love with others for I Am With You

Always guiding and empowering you to fulfill the Great Commission and know that as you reach out with compassion to

the lost you are fulfilling my commandment to love your neighbor as yourself my beloved children trust in my

provision for your every need just as I provide for the birds of the air and the lies of the field so too will I provide

for you do not worry about what you will eat or drink or wear but instead seek first my kingdom and my righteousness

and all these things will be added unto you remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said look at the birds of the

air they neither sow nor reap nor gather into Barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them are you not of more value

than they let these words be a reminder to you of my love and care for you trust in my provision my children and know

that I am faithful to provide for all your needs according to my riches and Glory do not be anxious about tomorrow

but instead cast your cares upon me knowing that I care for you my dear children cultivate patience in waiting

for my timing and my purposes to unfold in your lives do not grow weary or

discouraged when things do not happen according to your timetable but instead trust in my perfect time timing in my

sovereign control over all things remember the words of the psalmist wait for the Lord be strong and Let Your

Heart Take courage wait for the Lord let these words be a source of encouragement to you as you wait upon me in the

waiting cultivate a spirit of trust and surrender knowing that I am working all things together for your good according

to my perfect plan and purpose trust in my faithfulness my children and know

that as you wait patiently for me I will renew your strength and give you the courage to persever my beloved children

walk in humility before me for I resist the proud but give grace to the humble do not exalt yourselves above others but

instead consider others as more important than yourselves follow the example of my son Jesus Christ who

humbled himself and took on the form of a servant willingly laying down his life for the sake of others serve one another

with love and compassion just as he served you and let your lives be a Living testament to the transforming

power of humility and service remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said do nothing from

selfish ambition nor conceit but in humility count others more significant than yourselves let these words be a

Guiding Light to you as you seek to walk in humility before me do not seek recognition nor praise for your acts of

service but instead serve with a humble heart knowing that your reward comes from me alone for when you humble

yourselves before me I will exalt you in due time my dear children be faithful in

in the midst of trials and tribulations for I Am With You Always even in the darkest of times do not lose heart or

grow weary when You Face difficulties but instead stand firm in your faith knowing that I am working all things

together for your good remember the example of my servant job who remained faithful to me even in the face of

unimaginable suffering like him hold fast to your faith in me knowing that I am able to do far more abundantly than

all you can ask or imagine do not be discouraged by the trials that you face but instead count it all joy knowing

that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness trust in my faithfulness my children and know that as you remain

faithful to me I will bless you abundantly and lead you into the fullness of life that I have promised you my beloved children Embrace unity in

the midst of diversity for I have created you all in my image each with unique gifts talents and perspectives do

not allow differences to divide you but instead celebrate the diversity of my creation and seek unity in the bond of

Love remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said There is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither slave nor free

there is no male and female for you are all one in Christ Jesus let these words be a reminder to you of the unity that

exists within the body of Christ despite differences in culture ethnicity or background embrace one another with love

and acceptance and let your Unity be a powerful testimony to the world of my love and grace for when you are united

in purpose in spirit there is nothing that you cannot accomplish together in my name my dear children find joy in

serving others for I have called you to love one another as I have loved you serve one another with gladness and

humility knowing that as you do you are fulfilling my greatest commandment do not seek recognition nor praise for your

acts of service but instead serve with a joyful heart knowing that your reward comes from me alone follow the example

of my son Jesus Christ who came not to be served but to serve and let your

lives be a reflection of his love and compassion remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said Each one must give

as he has decided in his heart not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful Giver let these words

be a Guiding Light to you as you seek to serve others with joy and gladness find joy in serving others my children and

know that as you do you are storing up Treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do

not break in and steal my beloved children trust in my guidance in all aspects of your lives I am the Good

Shepherd who leads you beside Quiet Waters and guides you along the right paths for my name’s sake do not lean on

your own understanding but instead acknowledge me in all your ways and I will direct your paths seek my guidance

through prayer meditation on my word and seeking wise counsel from those who walk closely with me trust that I know what

is best for you and that my plans for you are plans for your welfare and not for evil to give give you a future and a

hope remember the words of the prophet Isaiah whether you turn to the right or to the left your ears will hear a voice

behind you saying this is the way walk in it let these words reassure you that I am always with you guiding you every

step of the way trust in my guidance my children and know that as you do you will walk in the paths of righteousness

and experience the Abundant Life that I have promised you my dear children find contentment in all circumstances for I

am the source of true contentment in satisfaction whether you have plenty or little be content with what you have

knowing that I am your provider and that I will never leave you nor forsake you do not fall into the Trap of comparing

yourselves to others or coveting what they have but instead focus on being grateful for the blessings that I have

bestowed upon you cultivate a spirit of thankfulness in your hearts and let your contentment be a testimony to the world

of my faithfulness and provision remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said I have learned to be content

whatever the circumstances I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty I have learned the

secret of being content in any in every situation whether well-fed or hungry whether living in plenty or in want let

these words inspire you to find contentment in me alone find contentment in me my children and know that as you

do you will experience the peace that surpasses all understanding filling your hearts with joy and gratitude my beloved

children persevere in prayer for I am a God who hears and answers the prayers of my people do not grow weary or

discouraged when you do not see immediate results but instead continue to pray without ceasing knowing that I

am faithful to answer according to my perfect will pray with faith and expectancy knowing that I am able to do

immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine trust in my wisdom and my goodness and know that as you pray

according to my will I will hear you and answer you in my perfect timing remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who

said ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you for everyone

who asks receives and the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks the door will be opened let these words encourage

you to persevere in prayer knowing that I am faithful to answer persevere in prayer my children and know that as you

do you will experience the power and the presence of my spirit working in and through you bringing about my purposes

in your life and in the world around you my dear children trust in my comfort in

times of sorrow and distress I am the god of all comfort who comforts you in all your troubles so that you can

comfort those in any trouble with the comfort you yourselves receive from me when you feel overwhelmed by grief or

sadness come to me and I will wrap you in my arms of love and bring you peace that surpasses all understanding do not

try to Bear your burdens alone but instead cast all your cares upon me knowing that I care for you remember the

words of my son Jesus Christ who said come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest take

my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls let these

words be a source of comfort and hope to you in times of trouble trust in my comfort my children and know that as you

do you will experience the peace that surpasses all understanding filling your hearts with hope and joy my beloved

children find strength in your weakness for I am the god who gives strength to the weary and power to the weak when you

feel overwhelmed by the challenges of life come to me and I will renew your strength and give you the courage to

persevere do not rely on your own strength or abilities but instead place your trust in me knowing that I am able

to do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said my grace is

sufficient for you for my power is made perfect and weakness let your weaknesses be an opportunity for my strength to be

made perfect in you trust in my power to work through you and know that as you surrender your weaknesses to me I will

use them for my glory and for your good find strengthen me my children and know that as you do you will be able to

overcome every obstacle and face every challenge with confidence and courage my

cherished children show compassion for the vulnerable and marginalized in society for I have shown you great

compassion and mercy and I expect you to do likewise open your hearts to those who are in need and let your actions

reflect my love love and kindness do not turn a blind eye to the suffering and Injustice in the world but instead be

quick to show kindness and mercy to those who are hurting extend a helping hand to the poor the oppressed and the

marginalized and advocate for justice on their behalf remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said truly I tell

you whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me let these words

inspire you to show compassion to those who are in need knowing that as you do you are serving me show compassion for

the vulnerable my children and know that as you do you are fulfilling my commandment to love your neighbor as

yourself my dear children be courageous in times of fear and uncertainty for I

Am With You Always guiding and protecting you do not be afraid of the challenges and trials that lie ahead but

instead place your trust in me knowing that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine remember

the words of my son Jesus Christ who said take heart I have overcome the

world let these words fill you with courage and confidence as you face the trials and tribulations of Life do not

allow fear to paralyze you or hold you back from fulfilling my purposes for your life but instead step out in faith

knowing that I am with you every step of the way trust in my strength and my power to overcome every obstacle and

know that as you do you will experience victory in every area of your life be courageous my children and know that as

you trust in me me you will be able to face whatever challenges come your way with confidence and boldness my beloved

Children Place your hope in my promises for they are steadfast and true do not lose heart when you face trials and

tribulations but instead hold fast to the hope that I offer you knowing that I am faithful to keep my promises to you

when you feel discouraged or overwhelmed by the challenges of life remember the promises that I have spoken over you

remember that I am with you always even to the end of the age age and that I will never leave you nor forsake you

remember the words of the Prophet Jeremiah for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm

you plans to give you hope in a future let these words be a source of Hope and encouragement to you as you navigate the

uncertainties of Life place your hope in me my children and know that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can

ask or imagine according to my power that is at work within you trust in my promises and know that as you do you

will experience the hope that does not disappoint filling your hearts with joy and peace my dear children trust in my

sovereignty for I am in control of all things do not be afraid of the uncertainties of life but instead place

your trust in me knowing that I hold the future in my hands when you feel anxious or overwhelmed by the challenges that

lie ahead remember that I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end I know the end from the beginning and

nothing can happen apart from my sovereign will remember the words of the psalmist the Lord Reigns let the Earth

Rejoice let the many coastlands be glad let these words be a source of comfort and Assurance to you as you navigate the

uncertainties of Life Trust in my goodness and my love for you knowing that I am working all things together

for your good according to my perfect plan and purpose and know that as you place your trust in me I will guide you

and protect you leading you into the Abundant Life that I have promised you my beloved children cultivate a spirit

of gratitude for the blessings that I have bestowed upon you both big and small take time each day to count your

blessings and give thanks to me for my provision and care and your lives in the midst of life’s challenges it can be

easy to overlook the many blessings that surround you but when you cultivate a spirit of gratitude you open your eyes

to the abundance of blessings that I have poured out upon you and you experience a greater sense of joy and

contentment in your lives remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said Give Thanks and all circumstances for this is

the will of God in Christ Jesus for you let your hearts be filled with gratitude for my steadfast love and faithfulness

toward you and let your Thanksgiving rise up as a sweet fragrance before my Throne express your gratitude not only

through words but also through actions that reflect your appreciation for my goodness and Grace share your blessings

with others who are less fortunate and let your generosity be a testament to the gratitude that fills your heart my

cherished children trust in my guidance in all aspects of your lives I am the Good Shepherd who leads you beside Quiet

Waters and guides you along the right paths for my name’s sake do not lean on your own understanding but instead

acknowledge me in all your ways and I will direct your paths seek my guidance through prayer meditation on my word and

seeking wise counsel from those who walk closely with me trust that I know what is best for you and that my plans for

you are plans for your welfare and not for evil to to give you a future and a hope remember the words of the prophet

Isaiah whether you turn to the right or to the left your ears will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk

in it let these words reassure you that I am always with you guiding you every step of the way trust in my guidance my

children and know that as you do you will walk in the paths of righteousness and experience the Abundant Life that I

have promised you my dear children find contentment in all circumstances for I

am the source of true contentment in satisfaction whether you have plenty or little be content with what you have

knowing that I am your provider and that I will never leave you nor forsake you do not fall into the Trap of comparing

yourselves to others or coveting what they have but instead focus on being grateful for the blessings that I have

bestowed upon you cultivate a spirit of thankfulness in your hearts and let your contentment be a testimony to the world

of my faithfulness and provision remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said I have learned to be content

ENT whenever the circumstances I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty I have learned the

secret of being content in any and every situation whether wellfed or hungry whether living in plenty or in want let

these words inspire you to find contentment in me alone find contentment in me my children and know that as you

do you will experience the peace that surpasses all understanding filling your hearts with joy and gratitude my beloved

children persevere in prayer for I am a God who hears and answers the prayers of my people do not grow weary or

discouraged when you do not see immediate results but instead continue to pray without ceasing knowing that I

am faithful to answer according to my perfect will pray with faith and expectancy knowing that I am able to do

immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine trust in my wisdom and my goodness and know that as you pray

according to my will I will hear you and answer you in my perfect timing remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who

said ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you for everyone

who asks receives and the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks the door will be opened let these words encourage

you to persevere in prayer knowing that I am faithful to answer persevere in prayer my children and know that as you

do you will experience the power and the presence of my spirit working in and through you bringing about my purposes

in your life and in the world around you my dear dear children trust in my comfort in times of sorrow and distress

I am the god of all comfort who comforts you in all your troubles so that you can comfort those in any trouble with the

comfort you yourselves receive from me when you feel overwhelmed by grief or sadness come to me and I will wrap you

in my arms of love and bring you peace that surpasses all understanding do not try to Bear your burdens alone but

instead cast all your cares upon me knowing that I care for you remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said

come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I

am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls let these words be a source of comfort and hope to

you in times of trouble trust in my comfort my children and know that as you do you will experience the peace that

surpasses all understanding filling your hearts with hope and joy my beloved children find strength in your weakness

for I am the god who gives strength to the weary and power to the weak when you feel overwhelmed by the challenges of

life come to me and I will renew your strength and give you the courage to persevere do not rely on your own

strength or abilities but instead place your trust in me knowing that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can

ask or imagine remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said my grace is

sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness let your weaknesses be an opportunity for my strength to be

made perfect in you trust in my power to work through you and know that as you surrender your weaknesses to me I will

use them for my glory and for your good find strengthen me my children and know that as you do you will be able to

overcome every obstacle and face every challenge with confidence and courage my

cherished children show compassion for the vulnerable and marginalized in society for I have shown you great

compassion and mercy and I expect you to do likewise open your hearts to those who are in need and let your actions

reflect my love and kindness do not turn a blind eye to the suffering and Injustice in the world but instead be

quick to show kindness and mercy to those who are hurting extend a helping hand to the poor the oppressed and the

marginalized and advocate for justice on their behalf remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said truly I tell

you whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me let these words

inspire you to show compassion to those who are in need knowing that as you do you are serving me show compassion for

the vulnerable my children and know that as you do you are fulfilling my commandment to love your neighbor as

yourself my dear children be courageous in times of fear and uncertainty for I

Am With You Always guiding and protecting you do not be afraid of the challenges and trials that lie ahead but

instead place your trust in me knowing that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine remember

the words of my son Jesus Christ who said take heart I have overcome the

world let these words fill you with courage and confidence as you face the trials and tribulations of Life do not

allow fear to paralyze you or hold you back from fulfilling my purposes for your life but instead step out in faith

knowing that I am with you every step of the way trust in my strength and my power to overcome every obstacle and

know that as you do you will experience victory in every area of your life be courageous my children and know that you

trust in me you will be able to face whatever challenges come your way with confidence and boldness my beloved

Children Place your hope in my promises for they are steadfast and true do not lose heart when you face trials and

tribulations but instead hold fast to the hope that I offer you knowing that I am faithful to keep my promises to you

when you feel discouraged or overwhelmed by the challenges of life remember the promises that I have spoken over you

remember that I am with you always even to the end of the age and that I will never leave you nor forsake you remember

the words of the Prophet Jeremiah for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to

give you hope in a future let these words be a source of Hope and encouragement to you as you navigate the

uncertainties of Life place your hope in me my children and know that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can

ask or imagine according to my power that is at work within you trust in my promises and know that as you do do you

will experience the hope that does not disappoint filling your hearts with joy and peace my dear children trust in my

sovereignty for I am in control of all things do not be afraid of the uncertainties of life but instead place

your trust in me knowing that I hold the future in my hands when you feel anxious or overwhelmed by the challenges that

lie ahead remember that I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end I know the end from the beginning and

nothing can happen apart from my sovereign will remember remember the words of the psalmist the Lord Reigns

let the Earth Rejoice let the many coastlands be glad let these words be a source of comfort and Assurance to you

as you navigate the uncertainties of Life Trust in my goodness in my love for you knowing that I am working all things

together for your good according to my perfect plan and purpose and know that as you place your trust in me I will

guide you and protect you leading you into the Abundant Life that I have promised you my beloved children

cultivate a spirit of gratitude for for the blessings that I have bestowed upon you both big and small take time each

day to count your blessings and give thanks to me for my provision and Care in your lives in the midst of life’s

challenges it can be easy to overlook the many blessings that surround you but when you cultivate a spirit of gratitude

you open your eyes to the abundance of blessings that I have poured out upon you and you experience a greater sense

of joy and contentment in your lives in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ CHR Jesus for you let

your hearts be filled with gratitude for my steadfast love and faithfulness toward you and let your Thanksgiving

rise up as a sweet fragrance before my Throne express your gratitude not only through words but also through actions

that reflect your appreciation for my goodness and Grace share your blessings

with others who are less fortunate and let your generosity be a testament to the gratitude that fills your heart my

cherished children Embrace forgiveness and Reconciliation in your relationships for I have shown you great mercy and

forgiveness and I expect you to do the same let go of bitterness anger and resentment and instead choose to forgive

those who have wronged you just as I have forgiven you forgiveness is not easy but it is essential for your own

well-being and for the restoration of relationships remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said for if you

forgive others their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive others their

trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses let these words sink deep into your hearts and guide

your actions choose to extend grace and mercy to those who have hurt you knowing that in doing so you reflect my love and

forgiveness to the world seek reconciliation with those whom you have been estranged from and work towards

healing and restoration in your relationships remember that reconciliation does not always mean that

the relationship will be restored to what it once was but it does mean that you choose to forgive and let go of the

past hurt allowing for a new beginning May forgiveness and Reconciliation flow freely in your lives my children as you

walk in the footsteps of my son Jesus Christ who showed us the way of love and forgiveness my dear children walk in

humility before me and others for I resist the proud but give grace to the humble do not exalt yourselves above

others but instead consider others as more important than yourselves follow the example of my son Jesus Christ who

humbled himself and took on the form of a servant willingly laying down his life for the sake of others serve one another

with love and compassion just as he served you and let your lives be a Living testament to the transforming

power of humility and service remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said

do nothing from selfish ambition nor conceit but in humility count others more significant than yourselves let

these words be a Guiding Light to you as you seek to walk in humility before me do not seek recognition your praise for

your acts of service but instead serve with a humble heart knowing that your reward comes from me alone for when you

humble yourselves before me I will exalt you in due time my beloved children be

steadfast in your faith for I Am The Rock on which you stand firm do not be swayed by the shifting Sands of Doubt or

fear but instead anchor your faith in me knowing that I am faithful to keep my promises to you when you face trials and

temptations stand firm in the truth of my word and the power of my spirit Spirit within you remember the words of

the Apostle Paul who said Be watchful stand firm in the faith act like men be

strong let these words inspire you to stand strong in your faith no matter what challenges may come your way trust

in my faithfulness in my goodness knowing that as you do you will be able to withstand every attack of the enemy

and emerge Victorious be steadfast in your faith my children and know that as you remain faithful to me I will

strengthen you and uphold you with my righteous right hand my dear children show compassion through your service to

others for I have shown you great compassion and mercy and I expect you to do likewise look for opportunities to

serve those in need whether it be through acts of kindness generosity or sacrificial love remember the words of

my son Jesus Christ who said truly I say to you as you did it to one of the least

of these my brothers you did it to me let these words motivate you to serve others with compassion and humility

knowing that in doing so your serving me look for ways to meet the physical emotional and spiritual needs of those

around you and let your light shine brightly for all to see whether it be feeding the hungry clothing the naked

visiting the sick and imprisoned or simply offering a listening ear and a word of encouragement let your service

be a reflection of my love and compassion to the world may your hearts overflow with compassion my children as

you follow in the footsteps of my son Jesus Christ who came not to be served but to serve and to give give his life

as a ransom for many my cherished children trust in my timing for I make all things beautiful in my time do not

grow impatient or discouraged when things do not happen according to your timetable but instead trust in my

perfect timing and my sovereign control over all things remember the words of the prophet Isaiah for as the heavens

are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways in my thoughts than your thoughts let these words

remind you that my timing is perfect even when it may not line with your own trust in my wisdom and my goodness

knowing that I am working all things together for your good according to my perfect plan and purpose and know that

as you wait patiently for me I will renew your strength and give you the courage to persevere place your trust in

me my children and know that as you do you will experience the Beauty and the blessing of my perfect timing in your

lives my beloved children Embrace diversity and Foster Unity among yourselves for I have created each of

you uniquely and beautifully in my image do not let differences divide you but instead celebrate the rich tapestry of

diversity that I have woven into the fabric of humanity seek to understand and appreciate the perspectives cultures

and backgrounds of those around you and let your interactions be characterized by love respect and mutual acceptance

remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said There is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither slave nor free there is

no male and female for you are all one in Christ Jesus let the these words guide you as you strive to build

communities of love and unity where all are welcomed valued and cherished work

together in harmony using your unique gifts and talents to further my kingdom and bring glory to my name may your

hearts be United in love my children as you Embrace diversity and walk together

in the unity of the spirit my dear children cultivate patience as you wait upon me for I am faithful to fulfill my

promises in my perfect timing do not grow grow weary or lose heart when you do not see immediate results but instead

trust in my faithfulness and my goodness to bring about my purposes in your life remember the words of the psalmist wait

for the Lord be strong and Let Your Heart Take courage wait for the Lord let these words encourage you to wait

patiently for me knowing that I am working all things together for your good patience is a virtue that requires

trust and surrender to my will as you wait upon me with patience you will grow in character and maturity and you will

experience the peace that surpasses all understanding place your hope in me my children and know that as you wait

patiently for me I will renew your strength and lead you into the fullness of my blessings my cherished children

live a life of gratitude for the countless blessings that I have bestowed upon you let Thanksgiving be The Melody

of your hearts as you continually offer praise and thanksgiving to me for my goodness and Grace in your lives in

every situation and Circumstance choose to give thanks knowing that I am working all things together for your good

remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of

God in Christ Jesus for you let your gratitude overflow into acts of kindness

generosity and compassion towards others as you seek to share the blessings that you have received with those in need and

let your gratitude be a witness to the world of my faithfulness and provision in your lives

may your hearts be filled with gratitude my children as you live each day with Thanksgiving and praise on your lips my

dear children seek wisdom and discernment in all that you do for I am the source of all wisdom and

understanding do not rely on your own understanding but instead seek my guidance and direction in every decision

and Circumstance ask for wisdom and I will give it to you generously without finding fault trust in my wisdom to

guide you along the right path and to lead you into the fullness of my purposes for your life remember the

words of the wise King Solomon who said trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own

understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths let these words be a

Guiding Light to you as you seek to walk in wisdom and discernment trust in my wisdom in my goodness knowing that as

you do you will experience the Abundant Life that I have promised you seek wisdom and discernment my children and

know that as you do you will walk in the light of my truth and experience the fullness of my blessings my Bel loved

children rest in my peace for I am the source of true peace that surpasses all understanding in the midst of Life

storms and trials I offer you a peace that cannot be shaken a peace that calms the troubled heart and soothes the

anxious mind cast your burdens upon me and lay them at my feet for I care for you deeply surrender your worries fears

and anxieties to me and allow my peace to guard your hearts and Minds in Christ Jesus Remember the words of my son Jesus

Christ who said Peace I I leave with you my peace I give to you not as the world gives do I give to you let not your

hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid let these words resonate within you reminding you of the peace that is

freely available to you through me in times of turmoil turn your gaze upon me and allow my peace to flood your soul

bringing calmness and Tranquility in the midst of chaos rest in my peace my children and know that as you do you

will find renewed strength hope and Joy To Face whatever challenges may come your way way my cherished children walk

in obedience to my word for in obedience you will find true freedom and fulfillment do not merely listen to my

word but put it into practice allowing it to transform your thoughts attitudes and actions obey my Commandments out of

love for me knowing that they are for your good and for the good of those around you trust in my wisdom and my

goodness and know that as you walk in obedience to me you will experience the Abundant Life that I have promised you

remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said if you love me you will keep my Commandments let your love for

me be the driving force behind your obedience as you seek to honor me in all that you do walk in obedience my

children and know that as you do you will walk in the fullness of my blessings and experience the joy of

pleasing me my dear children persevere in your faith for I am the author and perfector of your faith do not be

discouraged by the trials and tribulations of life but instead hold fast to the hope that I offer you

knowing that I am faithful to fulfill my promises to you in times of doubt and uncertainty cling to my word and stand

firm on the foundation of my truth trust in my faithfulness and my goodness and know that as you persevere in faith you

will see my hand and work in your life bringing about beauty from ashes and Joy from sorrow remember the words of the

Apostle Paul who said let us not grow weary of doing good for in due season we will reap if we do not give up let these

words encourage you to press on in faith knowing that your labor in me is not in vain persevere in faith my children and

know that as you do you will experience the fullness of my blessings and the richness of my grace poured out upon you

my beloved children trust in my provision for I am your faithful provider who meets all your needs

according to my riches and Glory do not worry about tomorrow or be anxious about your material needs but instead seek

first my kingdom and my righteousness and all these things will be added unto you you I know what you need before you

even ask and I am faithful to provide for you in abundance trust in my goodness in my faithfulness knowing that

as you rely on me I will supply all your needs according to my glorious riches in Christ Jesus Remember the words of the

psalmist who said the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want let these words be a reminder to you of my

provision and care for you my beloved children trust in my provision my children and know that as you do you

will experience the abundance of my blessings poured out upon you filling your hearts with gratitude and joy my

cherished children embrace my love for you for it is unconditional unfailing and everlasting I have loved you with an

everlasting love and have drawn you to myself with cords of loving kindness do not doubt my love for you even in the

midst of your failures shortcomings and mistakes my love for you is not based on

your performance or Merit but on my character and nature is a loving and compassionate father oh open your hearts

to receive my love and allow it to transform you from the inside out let my love be the foundation of your identity

and the source of your security and confidence remember the words of the Apostle John who said we love because he

first loved us let these words remind you of the depth and breadth of my love for you my beloved children embrace my

love my children and know that as you do you will experience the fullness of life

and joy that comes from being deeply loved by by me my dear children cultivate a heart of compassion for

others for I have shown you great compassion and mercy and I expect you to do likewise let your hearts be tender

towards those who are hurting broken or in need and let your actions reflect my love and kindness take time to listen to

the stories of others to understand their struggles and pains put yourself in their shoes and let empathy guide

your response be quick to show kindness and mercy just as I have shown kindness

and mercy to you remember the parable of the Good Samaritan who stopped to help a wounded stranger on the roadside let

this Parable serve as a model for your own lives as you seek to be a source of healing and hope to those around you

cultivate a heart of compassion my children and know that as you do you will reflect my character and bring

light into the darkness of the world my beloved children find strength in your weakness for I am the god who gives

strength to the weary and power to the weak when you feel overwhelmed by the challenges of life come to me and I will

renew your strength and give you the courage to persevere do not rely on your own strength or abilities but instead

place your trust in me knowing that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine remember the

words of the Apostle Paul who said my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness let your

weaknesses be an opportunity for my strength to be made perfect in you trust in my power to work through you and know

that as you surrender your weaknesses to me to me I will use them for my glory and for your good find strengthen me my

children and know that as you do you will be able to overcome every obstacle and face every challenge with confidence

and courage my cherished children seek my presence above all else for in my

presence you will find fullness of joy and Abundant Life do not allow the distractions of this world to pull you

away from spending time with me but instead prioritize your relationship with Me Above All Else make time each

day to come before me in prayer worship and meditation on my word let your heart be still in my presence as you listen

for the gentle Whisper of my voice speaking to you seek my face continually and allow my spirit to fill you with

peace and contentment remember the words of the psalmist who said you make known to me the path of life in your presence

there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more let these words inspire you to seek my

presence Above All Else knowing that in me you will find everything your soul Longs for seek my presence my children

and know that as you do you will experience the richness of my love and the fullness of my blessings poured out

upon you my dear children trust in my plan for your life for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and

not to harm you plans to give you hope in a future do not be anxious about tomorrow or worry about what the future

holds but instead place your trust in me knowing that I am working all things together for your good when you feel

uncertain or unsure about the path ahead trust in my wisdom and my guidance to lead you in the right direction

surrender your hopes dreams and desires to me and allow me to shape and mold them according to my perfect will

remember the words of the prophet Isaiah who said for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher

than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts let these words remind you that my plan for your life is greater than

anything you could ever imagine trust in my plan my children and know that is you do you will walk in the fullness of my

blessings and experience the Abundant Life that I have promised you my beloved children cultivate a spirit of

generosity in your hearts for I have shown you great generosity and love and I expect you to do likewise give freely

of your time talents and resources to those in need and let your generosity be a reflection of my love and grace to the

world remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said it is more blessed to

give than to receive let these words inspire you to give generously and cheerfully knowing that as you do you

will experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from serving others be generous with your love your kindness

and your compassion towards those around you and let your light shine brightly for all to see whether it be through

acts of service Financial giving or simply offering a listening ear and a

word of encouragement let your generosity be a testament to the abundant grace that flows from me

cultivate a spirit of generosity my children and know that as you do you will bring hope healing and restoration

to a broken and hurting world my dear children embrace the power of forgiveness in your lives for I have

shown you great mercy and forgiveness and I expect you to extend the same to others let go of bitterness resentment

and anger and instead choose to forgive those who have wronged you just as I have forgiven you forgiveness is not

always easy but it is essential for your own well-being and for the restoration of relationships remember the words of

my son Jesus Christ who said for if you forgive others their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you

but if you do not forgive others their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses let these words

sink deep into your hearts and guide your actions choose to extend grace and mercy to those who have hurt you knowing

that in doing so you reflect my love and forgiveness to the world seek reconciliation with those whom you have

been estranged from and work towards healing and restor ation in your relationships remember that forgiveness

does not mean forgetting but rather choosing to release the hold that past hurts have on your heart allowing for

healing and Reconciliation to take place May forgiveness flow freely in your lives my children as you follow in the

footsteps of my son Jesus Christ who demonstrated the power of forgiveness on the cross my beloved children Embrace

diversity and Foster Unity among yourselves for I have created each of you uniquely and beautifully in my image

do not do not let differences divide you but instead celebrate the rich tapestry of diversity that I have woven into the

fabric of humanity seek to understand and appreciate the perspectives cultures

and backgrounds of those around you and let your interactions be characterized by love respect and mutual acceptance

remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said There is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither slave nor free there is

no male and female for you are all one in Christ Jesus let these words guide you as you strive to build communities

of love and unity where all are welcomed valued and cherished worked together in

harmony using your unique gifts and talents to further my kingdom and bring glory to my name may your hearts be

United in love my children as you Embrace diversity and walk together in

the unity of the spirit my beloved children persevere in your faith for I am the author and perfector of your

faith do not be discouraged by the trials and tribulations of life but instead hold fast to the hope that I

offer you knowing that I am faithful to fulfill my promises to you in times of doubt and uncertainty cling to my word

and stand firm on the foundation of my truth trust in my faithfulness and my goodness and know that as you persevere

in faith you will see my hand at work in your life bringing about beauty from ashes and Joy from sorrow remember the

words of the Apostle Paul who said let us not grow weary of doing good for in due season we will reap if we do not

give up let these words encourage you to press on in faith knowing that your labor in me is not in vain persevere in

faith my children and know that as you do you will experience the fullness of my blessings and the richness of my

grace poured out upon you my beloved children trust in my provision for I am your faithful provider who meets all

your needs according to my riches and Glory do not worry about tomorrow or be anxious about your material needs but

instead seek first my kingdom and my righteousness and all these things will be added unto you I know what you need

before you even ask and I am faithful to provide for you in abundance trust in my goodness and my faithfulness knowing

that as you rely on me I will supply all your needs according to my glorious riches in Christ Jesus Remember the

words of the psalmist who said the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want let these words be a reminder to you of my

provision and care for you my beloved children trust in my provision my children and know that as you do you

will experience the abundance of my blessings poured out upon you filling your hearts with gratitude and joy my

cherished children embrace my love for you for it is unconditional unfailing and everlasting I have loved you with an

everlasting love and have drawn you to myself with cords of loving kindness do not doubt my love for you even in the

midst of your failures shortcomings and mistakes my love for you is not based on

your performance or Merit but on my character and nature is a loving and compassionate father open your hearts to

receive my love and allow it to transform you from the inside out let my love be the foundation of your identity

and the source of your security and confidence remember the words of the Apostle John who said we love because he

first loved us let these words remind you of the depth and breadth of my love for you my beloved children embrace my

love my children and know that as you do you will experience the fullness of Life

enjoy that comes from being deeply loved by me my dear children cultivate a spirit of gratitude in your hearts for

gratitude is the key to unlocking the abundance of blessings I have prepared for you take time each day to reflect on

the countless gifts I have bestowed upon you both big and small and let Thanksgiving become The Melody of your

soul in every circumstance find something to be thankful for for even in the midst of Trials and challenges there

are blessings to be found choose to focus on the good rather than the negative and watch as your perspective

shifts and your heart overflows with joy remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said give thanks in all

circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you let these words guide you as you cultivate a

spirit of gratitude in your life express your gratitude not only through words but also through actions that reflect

your appreciation for my goodness and Grace share your blessings with others

and let your generosity be a testament to the gratitude that fills your your heart cultivate a spirit of gratitude my

children and know that as you do you will experience the richness of my blessings poured out upon you filling

your lives with joy peace and contentment my beloved children find rest in my peace for it is a gift I

freely offer to each of you in a world filled with turmoil and uncertainty my peace serves as an anchor for your soul

grounding you in the midst of Life storms cast your cares upon me and let go of anxiety and worry knowing that I

hold all things in my hands surrender your burdens at my feet and allow my peace to wash over you calming your

troubled heart and quieting your restless mind remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said Peace I leave

with you my peace I give to you not as the world gives do I give to you let not your hearts be troubled neither let them

be afraid let these words sink deep into your spirit reminding you of the gift of peace I offer you in moments of fear or

uncertainty turn your gaze to me and let my peace fill you surrounding you like a warm embrace rest in my peace my

children and know that as you do you will find renewed strength hope and courage to face whatever challenges come

your way my cherished children embrace the power of forgiveness in your lives for it is the pathway to freedom and

healing just as I have forgiven you of your sins so too must you forgive those who have wronged you let go of

bitterness resentment and anger and instead choose to extend grace and mercy to others just as I have shown grace and

mercy to you forgiveness is not about excusing or condoning the actions of others but rather it is about releasing

the hold that past hurts have on your heart remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said for if you forgive

others their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive others their trespasses

neither will your father forgive your trespasses let these words pierce your soul stirring within you a desire to

forgive as you have been forgiven as you choose to forgive you will experience the freedom and joy that come from

letting go of the burden of unforgiveness Embrace forgiveness my children and know that as you do you

will walk in the lightness of my love and grace free from the chains of bitterness and resentment my dear

children Walk In Love For Love is the greatest commandment I have given you love me with all your heart soul and

mind and love your neighbor as yourself let love be the guiding principle of your life shaping your thoughts words

and actions love unites heals heals and transforms and it is through love that you reflect my nature to the world

remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said and above all these put on love which binds everything together in

Perfect Harmony let these words inspire you to walk in love each day seeking to show kindness compassion and Grace to

all you encounter love is patient and kind it does not envy or boast it is not arrogant or root love bears all things

believes all things hopes all things endures all things walk in love my children and know that as you do you

fulfill the greatest commandment and bring glory to my name my beloved children seek my guidance in all that

you do for I am the one who leads you in the paths of righteousness do not rely on your own understanding but instead

acknowledge me in all your ways and I will direct your steps I know the plans I have for you plans for good and not

for evil plans to give you a future and a hope trust in my wisdom and my guidance knowing that I desire only what

is best best for you remember the words of the psalmist who said your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path

let these words remind you of the importance of seeking my guidance through prayer meditation on my word and

listening to the still small voice of my spirit seek my guidance my children and

know that as you do you will walk in the fullness of my blessings and experience the Abundant Life that I have prepared

for you my cherished children trust in my faithfulness for I am the same yesterday today and forever I have never

failed you and I never will in moments of doubt and uncertainty remember the countless times I have proven myself

faithful in your life recall the ways I have provided for you protected you and guided you even in the darkest of times

remember the words of the prophet Isaiah who said the grass withers the flower Fades but the word of our God will stand

forever let these words reassure you of my unchanging nature and my steadfast love for you trust in my faithfulness my

children and know that as you do you will find strength and confidence to face whatever challenges come your way

for I Am With You Always to the very end of the age my dear children shine brightly as beacons of my light in a

world filled with Darkness let your lives reflect the radiance of my love truth and goodness to all those around

you in a world marred by sin and Brokenness you have been called to be agents of transformation bringing hope

and healing wherever you go do not be afraid to let your light shine for the darkness cannot overcome it remember the

words of my son Jesus Christ who said you are the light of the world a city

set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a stand and it gives light

to all in the house in the same way let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give

glory to your father who is in heaven let these words inspire you to live lives that glorify me Illuminating the

darkness with the Brilliance of my love shine your light through acts of kindness compassion and generosity and

let your life be a testimony to the transformative power of my grace reflect my light my children and know that as

you do you will bring hope joy and salvation to a world in desperate need of my love my beloved children grow in

faithfulness and steadfastness in your walk with me for I Am The Rock on which you can build your lives do not waver in

your trust or commitment to me but instead remain firm and immovable knowing that your labor In Me Is Never

in vain in a world that is constantly changing and shifting let your faithfulness be a beacon of stability

and strength let your yes be yes and your no be no and let your actions align with your words demonstrating integrity

and reliability in all you do remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said

let us hold fast the confession of Our Hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful let these words

encourage you to stand firm in your faith trusting in my faithfulness to fulfill every promise I have made to you

grow in faithfulness my children and know that as you do you will experience the richness of my blessings and the joy

of walking in obedience to my will my cherished children surrender yourselves fully to my will for I have a plan and

purpose for each of your lives do not lean on your own understanding or try to control your own destiny but instead

trust in my wisdom and guidance to lead you in the way you should go surrendering to my will requires

humility and trust and as you relinquish your desires and preferences in favor of my perfect plan for you it means

yielding your will to mine even when it may not align with your own desires or expectations remember the words of my

son Jesus Christ who prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane father if you are willing remove this cup from me

nevertheless not my will but yours be done let these words serve as a model

for your own prayers of surrender as you submit yourselves wholeheartedly to my will surrender to my will my children

and know that as you do you will walk in the fullness of my blessings and experience the Abundant Life I have

prepared for you my dear children seek my presence above all else for in my presence you will find true joy peace

and fulfillment do not let the business of life or the distractions of this world pull you away from spending time

with me but instead prioritize your relationship with Me Above All Else make time each day to come before me in

prayer worship and meditation on my word let let your heart be still in my presence as you listen for the gentle

Whisper of my voice speaking to you seek my face continually and allow my spirit to fill you with peace and contentment

remember the words of the psalmist who said you make known to me the path of life in your presence there is fullness

of joy at your right hand our Pleasures forever more let these words inspire you to seek my presence Above All Else

knowing that in me you will find everything your soul Longs for seek my presence my children and know that as

you do you will experience the richness of my love and the fullness of my blessings poured out upon you my beloved

children Embrace hope for it is the anchor of your souls in times of trial and uncertainty let Hope rise within you

like a beacon of light Illuminating the darkness and guiding you through the storms of life in a world filled with

Despair and fear let your hope be a testament to the faithfulness of my promises trust in my goodness in my

sovereignty knowing that I am working all things together for your good good according to my perfect plan and purpose

remember the words of the Prophet Jeremiah who said for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans for

welfare and not for evil to give you a future and a hope let these words remind you that your hope is secure in me and

nothing can shake the Assurance of my promises Embrace hope my children and let it fill you with courage strength

and perseverance for in hope you will find the strength to endure the courage to press on and the Assurance of my

presence with you always my dear children Foster unity and diversity for I have created each of you uniquely and

wonderfully in my image let your hearts be open to one another embracing the beauty of your differences and

celebrating the richness of your diversity in a world divided by Prejudice and hatred be agents of

reconciliation and peace Bridging the gaps between cultures races and backgrounds let love be the bond that

unites you transcending barriers and bringing Harmony to all your relationships remember the words of the

Apostle Paul who said There is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither slave nor free there is no male and female for you

are all one in Christ Jesus let these words inspire you to embrace one another with love and acceptance regardless of

your differences Foster unity and diversity my children and let your lives be a testament to the power of love to

overcome all obstacles for in unity you will find strength and in diversity you will find beauty my cherished children

grow in wisdom and understanding for wisdom is more precious than gold and more valuable than Jewels seek wisdom

from me the source of all wisdom and let it guide you in every decision and Circumstance in a world filled with

confusion and deception let my word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path Illuminating the way forward and

guarding you from the snares of the enemy let your hearts be open to instruction correction and Repro as you

grow in wisdom and discernment remember the words of the wise King Solomon who said the fear of the Lord is the

beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is Insight let these words remind you that true wisdom begins with

reverence for me and it is found in knowing me intimately grow in wisdom my children and let it be the foundation of

your lives guiding you in the way of righteousness and leading you into the fullness of my blessings my dear

children serve one another with humility and Grace for I have called you to be Servants of one another just as my son

Jesus Christ came not to be served but to serve let humility be the Hallmark of your lives as you seek to follow in his

footsteps and a world consumed by self-interest and pride let your lives be a reflection of the humility and love

of my son serve one another with kindness compassion and gentleness considering others better than

yourselves and looking out for their interests above your own remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said do

nothing from selfish ambition nor conceit but in humility count others more significant than yourselves Let

each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others let these words inspire you to

serve with humility and love as you seek to build up one another in faith and love serve with humility my children and

know that as you do you will reflect my character to the world and bring glory to my name my beloved children find

strength and adversity for I am with you in the midst of every trial and challenge you face do not be dist

encouraged by the storms of life for I am your refuge in strength a very present help and trouble in moments of

weakness and despair turn to me and I will renew your strength trust in my promises knowing that I work all things

together for your good even in the darkest of times remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said I can do all

things through him who strengthens me let these words resonate within you reminding you that your strength comes

from me alone lead on me in times of trouble and I will hold you with my righteous right hand trust in my

faithfulness to carry you through every trial and adversity find strength in adversity my children and know that as

you do you will experience the depth of my love and the power of my grace to sustain you through every storm my dear

children Embrace joy as a gift from me for I Delight in seeing my children Rejoice let Joy fill your hearts even in

the midst of Trials and difficulties knowing that the joy of the Lord is your strength in a world marked by sorrow and

despair let your lives shine with the radiance of my joy bringing hope and light to those around you rejoice always

and let your joy be contagious spreading like wildfire to all you encounter remember the words of my son Jesus

Christ who said these things I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full let these

words inspire you to embrace joy as a central aspect of your life knowing that it flows from me and leads to Abundant

Life Embrace Joy my children and let it be a beacon of light in the darkness guiding others to the source of all joy

and happiness which is found in me alone my cherished children rest in my love

for it is a love that never fails never gives up and never runs dry in the busyness of Life take time to bask in

the warmth of my love allowing it to envelop you like a comforting Embrace in moments of doubt and uncertainty let my

love be your anchor holding you steady amidst the storms of life trust in the depth of my love for you knowing that

nothing can separate you from it neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation remember the words of the

Apostle John who said we love because he first loved us let these words remind

you that my love for you is the foundation of your identity and the source of your security and confidence

rest in my love my children and let it fill you with peace joy and contentment

for in my love you will find everything your heart longs for and more my dear children walk in faith trusting in my

promises and believing that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine let Faith be your guide

leading you into the fullness of my blessings and the richness of my grace in moments of doubt and uncertainty hold

fast to the truth of my word knowing that I am faithful to fulfill every promise I have made to you remember the

words of my son Jesus Christ who said have faith in God truly I say to you

whoever says to this mountain be taken up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believe beles

that what he says will come to pass it will be done for him let these words inspire you to walk in unwavering faith

knowing that nothing is impossible for me trust in my power to work miracles in your life and believe that I am able to

accomplish far more than you could ever ask or imagine walk in faith my children and know that as you do you will

experience the fullness of my blessings and the richness of my grace poured out upon you my beloved children cultivate a

heart of compassion for others for I have shown you great compassion and mercy and I expect you to do likewise

let your hearts be tender towards those who are hurting broken or in need and let your actions reflect my love and

kindness take time to listen to the stories of others to understand their struggles and pains put yourself in

their shoes and let empathy guide your response be quick to show kindness and mercy just as I have shown kindness and

mercy to you remember the parable of the Good Samaritan who stopped to help a wounded stranger on the roadside let

this Parable serve as a model for your own lives as you seek to be a source of healing and hope to those around you

cultivate a heart of compassion my children and know that as you do you will reflect my character and bring

light into the darkness of the world my beloved children find strength in your weakness for I am the god who gives

strength to the weary and power to the weak when you feel overwhelmed by the challenges of life come to me and I will

renew your strength and give you the courage to persevere do not rely on your own strength or abilities but instead

place your trust in me knowing that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine remember the

words of the Apostle Paul who said my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness let your

weaknesses be an opportunity for my strength to be made perfect in you trust in my power to work through you and know

that as you surrender your weaknesses to me I will use them for my glory and for your good find strength and meet my my

children and know that as you do you will be able to overcome every obstacle and face every challenge with confidence

and courage my cherished children seek my presence above all else for in my

presence you will find fullness of joy and Abundant Life do not allow the distractions of this world to pull you

away from spending time with me but instead prioritize your relationship with Me Above All Else make time each

day to come before me in prayer worship and meditation on my word let your heart heart be still in my presence as you

listen for the gentle Whisper of my voice speaking to you seek my face continually and allow my spirit to fill

you with peace and contentment remember the words of the psalmist who said you make known to me the path of life in

your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand our Pleasures forever more let these words inspire you to seek

my presence Above All Else knowing that in me you will find everything your soul Longs for seek my presence my children

and know that as you do you will experience the richness of my love and the fullness of my blessings poured out

upon you my dear children trust in my plan for your life for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and

not to harm you plans to give you hope in a future do not be anxious about tomorrow or worry about what the future

holds but instead place your trust in me knowing that I am working all things together for your good when you feel

uncertain or unsure about the path ahead trust in my wisdom and my guidance to lead you in the right direction

surrender your hopes dreams and desires to me and allow me to shape and mold them according to my perfect will

remember the words of the prophet Isaiah who said for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher

than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts let these words remind you that my plan for your life is greater than

anything you could ever imagine trust in my plan my children and know that as you do you will walk in the fullness of my

blessings and experience the Abundant Life that I have promised you my beloved children cultivate a spirit of

generosity in your hearts for I have shown you great generosity and love and I expect you to do likewise give freely

of your time talents and resources to those in need and let your generosity be a reflection of my love and grace to the

world remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said it is more blessed to

give than to receive let these words inspire you to give generously and cheerfully knowing that as you do you

will experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from serving others be generous with your love your kindness

and your compassion towards those around you and let your light shine brightly for all to see whether it be through

acts of service Financial giving or simply offering a listening ear and a

word of encouragement let your generosity be a testament to the abundant grace that flows from me

cultivate a spirit of generosity my children and know that as you do you will bring hope healing and restoration

ation to a broken and hurting world my dear children pursue peace with all people for I am the god of Peace who

desires Harmony and Reconciliation among my children seek to be peacemakers in a

world filled with conflict and strife and let your lives be a reflection of my love and compassion in moments of

disagreement or tension choose the path of reconciliation and forgiveness rather

than harboring bitterness or resentment remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who who said blessed are the

peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God let these words inspire you to actively pursue peace in your

relationships seeking to understand others empathize with their perspectives and work towards resolution and

Reconciliation the quick to listen slow to speak and slow to become angry and let your words and actions be

characterized by grace and humility pursue peace my children and know that as you do you will reflect my heart to

the world and experience the blessings of unity and Harmony in your relationships my

beloved children live with gratitude in your hearts for I Am The Giver of every good in perfect gift let Thanksgiving be

The Melody of your soul as you reflect on the countless blessings I have bestowed upon you each day in moments of

joy and abundance give thanks to me the source of all blessings and in moments of trial and hardship give thanks for

the strength and Grace I provide to sustain you remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said Give Thanks and

all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you let these words remind you of the importance of

cultivating a spirit of gratitude in your life regardless of your circumstances choose to focus on the

blessings rather than the challenges and let your gratitude overflow into acts of generosity and kindness towards others

live with gratitude my children and know that as you do you will experience the richness of my blessings poured out upon

you filling your hearts with joy and contentment my dear dear children trust in my timing for I make all things

beautiful in my time do not be anxious or impatient but instead wait patiently

for me to fulfill my promises to you knowing that I am faithful and true in moments of waiting and uncertainty hold

fast to the Assurance of my faithfulness and the certainty of my plans for you

remember the words of the prophet Isaiah who said but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength they shall

Mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint let these words

encourage you to trust in my timing even when it seems like nothing is happening surrender your desires and plans to me

and allow me to work in your life according to my perfect will and timing trust in my timing my children and know

that as you do you will experience the beauty and wonder of my plans unfolding in your life bringing fulfillment enjoy

beyond anything you could imagine my cherished children seek my guidance in all that you do for I am the one who

lead leads you in the paths of righteousness do not rely on your own understanding but instead acknowledge me

in all your ways and I will direct your steps I know the plans I have for you plans for good and not for evil plans to

give you a future and a hope trust in my wisdom in my guidance knowing that I desire only what is best for you

remember the words of the psalmist who said your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path let these words be a

reminder to you of the importance of seeking my guidance through prayer meditation on my word and listening to

the still small voice of my spirit seek my guidance my children and know that as

you do you will walk in the fullness of my blessings and experience the Abundant Life that I have prepared for you my

beloved children embrace the power of forgiveness in your lives for it is the pathway to freedom and healing just as I

have forgiven you of your sins so too must you forgive those who have wronged you let go of bitterness resentment and

anger and instead choose to extend grace and mercy to others just as I have shown grace and mercy to you forgiveness is

not about excusing or condoning the actions of others but rather it is about releasing the hold that past hurts have

on your heart remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said be kind to one another tender-hearted forgiving one

another as God in Christ forgave you let these words inspire you to let go of the burdens of unforgiveness knowing that as

you forgive you release yourself from the chains of bondage and open the door to healing and reconciliation Embrace

forgiveness my children and know that as you do you will experience the freedom and peace that come from walking and

obedience to my Commandments my dear children find rest in my peace for it is

a gift I freely offer to each of you in a world filled with turmoil and uncertainty my peace serves as an anchor

for your soul grounding you in the midst of Life storms cast your cares upon me and let go of anxiety and worry knowing

that I hold all things in my hands surrender your burden at my feet and allow my peace to wash over you calming

your troubled heart and quieting your restless mind remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said Peace I leave

with you my peace I give to you not as the world gives do I give to you let not your hearts be troubled neither let them

be afraid let these words sink deep into your spirit reminding you of the gift of peace I offer you in moments of fear or

uncertainty turn your gaze to me and let my peace fill you surrounding you like a war War Embrace rest in my peace my

children and know that as you do you will find renewed strength hope and courage to face whatever challenges come

your way my beloved children Embrace hope for it is the anchor of your souls in times of trial and uncertainty let

Hope rise within you like a beacon of light Illuminating the darkness and guiding you through the storms of life

in a world filled with Despair and fear let your hope be a testament to the faithfulness of my promises trust in my

goodness in my sovereignty knowing that I am working all things together for your good according to my perfect plan

and purpose remember the words of the Prophet Jeremiah who said for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord

plans for welfare and not for evil to give you a future and a hope let these words remind you that your hope is

secure in me and nothing can shake the Assurance of my promises Embrace hope my children and let it fill you with

courage strength and perseverance for in hope you will find the strength to endure the courage to press on and the

Assurance of my presence with you always my cherished children live in unity with one another for I have called you to be

one body United in love and purpose do not allow division or Strife to separate

you but instead strive to maintain the bond of peace and Harmony that I have established among you in a world marked

by Discord and conflict let your lives be a testimony to the transformative power of my love to overcome all

barriers and divisions let love be the foundation of your relationships binding you together in mutual affection and

respect remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through

the bond of peace let these words inspire you to seek reconciliation and forgiveness in your relationships and to

work towards Building Bridges of understanding and empathy with those around you live in unity my children and

know that as you do you will reflect my heart to the world and experience the blessings of peace and Harmony in your

midst my dear children seek my strength in your weakness for I am the god who gives power to the faint and strengthens

the powerless when you feel overwhelmed by the trials and challenges of life come to me and I will give you the

strength and courage you need to persevere do not rely on your own abilities or resources but instead place

your trust in me knowing that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine remember the words of the

prophet Isaiah who said but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings

like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint let these words be a reminder to you of my

faithfulness and power to sustain you in every circumstance trust in my strength to carry you through every trial and

adversity and know that as you lean on me you will find the courage and perseverance to overcome seek my

strength my children and know that as you do you will experience the fullness of my blessings and the richness of my

grace poured out upon you my beloved children cultivate contentment in your hearts for true satisfaction is found in

me alone do not chase after the fleeting pleasures of this world but instead find

joy in the abundance of my presence and the richness of my love in a culture that constantly urges you to strive for

more Let Your Hearts be satisfied with what you have knowing that I am the provider of all good things choose

gratitude over greed and let thankfulness be The Melody of your soul remember the words of the Apostle Paul

who said I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content I know how to be brought low and I know how to

abound in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger abundance and neat let these

words inspire you to find contentment in every season of Life trusting in my provision and my faithfulness to meet

all your needs according to my riches and Glory cultivate contentment my children and know that as you do you

will experience the peace and joy that surpasses all understanding regardless of your circumstances my cherished

children love your neighbor as yourself for love is the greatest commandment I have given you treat others with

kindness compassion and respect regardless of their background or beliefs and let your lives be a

reflection of my love and grace in a world marked by division and hatred Let Your Love shine brightly breaking down

barriers and Building Bridges of understanding and Reconciliation seek to understand others to empathize with

their struggles and to extend a hand of friendship and support remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said

love your enemies do good to those who hate you bless those who curse you pray for those who mistreat you let these

words challenge you to love unconditionally even when it is difficult or uncomfortable love your

neighbor my children and know that as you do you will reflect my heart to the world and bring glory to my name my dear

children trust in my provision for I am the god who supplies all your needs according to my riches and Glory do not

worry about tomorrow or be anxious about what the future holds but instead place your trust in me knowing that I will

always provide for you in moments of uncertainty or lack hold fast to the Assurance of my faithfulness and the

certainty of my promises remember the words of the psalmist who said I have been young and now am old yet I have not

seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread let these words be a reminder to you of my

faithfulness to provide for you in every circumstance Trust in my provision to meet all your needs both spiritual and

physical and know that as you seek first my kingdom and my righteousness all these things will be added unto you

trust in my provision my children and know that as you do you will experience the richness of my blessings and the

abundance of my grace poured out upon you my beloved children persevere in faith knowing that I am the god who is

faithful to complete the good work I have begun in you do not grow weary in doing good but instead press on towards

the goal of the upward call of Christ Jesus in moments of Doubt or discouragement hold fast to the promises

of my word and the Assurance of my presence with you remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said let us run

with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus the Pioneer and perfector of Faith let these

words inspire you to persevere in your faith trusting in my strength and my grace to carry you through every trial

and adversity stand firm in the face of opposition knowing that I am with you always always even to the End of the Age

persevere in faith my children and know that as you do you will reap a harvest of blessings and experience the fullness

of my joy and peace in your lives my dear children extend Grace to others as

I have extended grace to you for in Grace there is freedom and Redemption let your hearts overflow with compassion

and forgiveness embracing others with the same mercy and kindness that I have shown to you in a world filled with

judgment and condemnation be bearers of Grace offering Second Chances and opportunities for reconciliation

remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said blessed are the merciful for they shall receive Mercy let these

words guide your interactions with others leading you to respond with Grace and understanding even in the face of

offense or wrongdoing choose to forgive as you have been forgiven and let your lives be a reflection of my boundless

love and mercy extend Grace my children and know that as you do you will

experience the freedom and joy that comes from walking in obedience to my Commandments my beloved children

surrender control of your lives to me for I Am The Sovereign Lord who holds the universe in my hands do not lean on

your own understanding or try to orchestrate your own destiny but instead trust in my wisdom and guidance to lead

you in the way you should go surrendering control requires humility and Trust as you relinquish your desires

and preferences in favor of my perfect plan for you it means yielding your will to my

even when it may not align with your own expectations remember the words of my son Jesus Christ who said not my will

but yours be done let these words inspire you to surrender your lives completely to me trusting that my plan

for you is far greater than anything you could imagine surrender to my will my children and know that as you do you

will experience the fullness of my blessings and the peace that surpasses all understanding my cherished children

Embrace diversity and celebrate the uniqueness of of each individual for I have created you in my image with

infinite variety and Beauty let your hearts be open to one another appreciating the richness of different

cultures backgrounds and perspectives in a world marked by division and Prejudice

be agents of unity and inclusion welcoming others with open arms and showing kindness and respect to all

remember the words of the Apostle Paul who said There is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither slave nor free there is

no male and female for you are all one in Christ Jesus let these words inspire you to break down barriers and build

bridges of understanding and empathy as you seek to love others as I have loved you Embrace diversity my children and

let your lives be a testament to the beauty of unity in the midst of diversity my dear children seek wisdom

above all else for it is more precious than gold and more valuable than Jewels let your hearts be open to instruction

and your minds eager to learn as you seek to grow in wisdom and understand standing in a world filled with

deception and confusion let my word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path guiding you in the way you should

go remember the words of the wise King Solomon who said the fear of the Lord is

the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is Insight let these words inspire you to seek wisdom

from me the source of all wisdom as you navigate the complexities of Life choose the path of righteousness and truth and

let wisdom be your constant companion on your journey seek seek wisdom my children and know that as you do you

will walk in the fullness of my blessings and experience the Abundant Life I have prepared for you my beloved

children as we draw near to the conclusion of our time together I want to leave you with a final message of

encouragement and hope throughout our journey we have explored the depths of my love the richness of my grace and the

beauty of my truth we have delved into the mysteries of Faith wrestled with doubts and uncertainties and emerged

stronger and more resilient than before and now as we stand on the threshold of a new chapter I want to remind you of a

few key truths that I pray will continue to guide and sustain you in the days ahead first and foremost remember that I

am with you always even to the End of the Age no matter what challenges or obstacles you may face I am by your side

ready to walk with you through every trial and Triumph you are never alone for I am the everpresent help in times

of trouble the rock of your salvation and the anchor of your soul secondly hold fast to the Promises of my word for

they are the lamp to your feet and the light to your path in a world filled with uncertainty and confusion let my

truth be your guide leading you in the way of righteousness and peace trust in my faithfulness to fulfill every promise

I have made to you knowing that my word never returns void but accomplishes all that I purpose thirdly continue to seek

me with all your heart soul mind and strength cultivate a deep and intimate relationship with me through prayer

meditation on my word and fellowship with other believers draw near to me and I will draw near to you filling you with

my presence my peace and my joy forly walk in obedience to my Commandments for

in obedience there is blessing and favor love me with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself fulfilling the

greatest Commandments I have given you let your lives be a Living Sacrifice holy and pleasing to me as you seek to

glorify my name in all you do finally embrace the Journey of Faith with courage perseverance and hope know that

the road may be long and the path may be difficult but I am with you every step of the way guiding you strengthening you

and empowering you to press on towards the prize of the upward call of Christ Jesus trust in my timing my provision

and my plan for your life knowing that I am working all things together for your good as we part ways for now remember

that my love for you knows no bounds and my grace is sufficient for all your needs may you continue to grow in Grace

in knowledge of Me abounding In Love joy peace patience kindness goodness

faithfulness gentleness and self-control and May the peace of God which surpasses

all understanding guard your hearts and Minds in Christ Jesus now and forever more with all my love and blessings your

heavenly father amen my beloved children it is I your heavenly father speaking to

you with the utmost love and urgency I come to you today with a message that is both profound and urgent I desire to

come to your house within the next next minutes yes you read that correctly I the almighty the creator of the universe

wish to visit your humble abode to dwell with you to commune with you to bless you with my presence if you’re ready to

invite God into your home comment amen below do not doubt the sincerity of my

words for I speak with the unwavering truth that flows from the depths of my Divine heart I long to walk through the

door of your home to sit at your table and to share in the warmth of your hospitality I yearn to Wi is firsthand

the love that you have cultivated within your walls to see the kindness that you extend to one another and to rejoice in

the joy that permeates your lives you may wonder why I choose this moment to come to you why I do not wait for a more

convenient time but I assure you my timing is perfect for there is no moment more precious than the present I come to

you now because I see the burdens that weigh heavy on your heart the trials that test your faith and the doubts that

cloud your mind I come to you now because I know know that you are in need of my comfort my guidance and my

boundless love to accept God’s peace and love comment God’s peace Reigns in my

heart so I urge you do not hesitate do not delay throw open the doors of your

home and welcome me in with open arms do not worry about the state of your dwelling for I care not for material

things what matters to me is the purity of your intentions the sincerity of your welcome and the openness of your heart

prepare yourselves my dear ones for I am on my way prepare to receive the greatest gift of all the presence of

your heavenly father in your midst prepare to be transformed by the power of my love to be uplifted by the

strength of my spirit and to be renewed in the light of my grace I am coming to your house in the next minutes open it

immediately and let us dwell together in unity and peace forever more with all my love and blessings your heavenly father

my children you are enveloped in a love that knows no bounds from the moment you came into existence my love has

surrounded you like a warm embrace you are precious to me more valuable than any treasure on Earth no matter where

you go or what you do my love for you remains constant and unwavering God’s promises are true how me I believe if

you’re holding on to his promises your life has meaning and purpose Beyond Your Wildest Dreams you are not here by

accident but by Divine Design each moment of your existence is filled with opportunities to fulfill your unique

purpose in this world embrace your talents follow your passions and trust that I am guiding you every step of the

way no mistake is too great for my forgiveness to reach I offer you Grace upon Grace wiping away your

transgressions with the boundless depths of my Mercy let go of guilt and shame for they have no place in My Kingdom

embrace the freedom of forgiveness knowing that you are washed clean in my love within you lies a strength that

surpasses all understanding even in your weakest moment moments I am your Fortress and your strength draw upon the

power of my spirit within you and you will find the courage to face any challenge that comes your way with me by

your side you are capable of overcoming the impossible to acknowledge Jesus as your savior comment Jesus Is My Savior

though the storms of life may rage around you I am always with you my presence is a Beacon of Hope in the

darkest of nights guiding you safely through the trials and tribulations of this world you need only call upon on me

and I will be there ready to wrap you in my loving Embrace count your blessings for they are abundant and overflowing

from the air you breathe to the beauty of creation that surrounds you every good gift comes from my hand take time

to appreciate the simple joys of life and you will discover a profound sense of gratitude that enriches your soul

love is the greatest commandment the Cornerstone of your existence as I have loved you so you are called to love one

another let your words be filled with kindness your actions with compassion and your heart with empathy in love you

will find the truest expression of your Humanity within you lies the potential to make a difference in the world do not

underestimate the impact of your life for even the smallest act of kindness can Ripple outwards and touch the lives

of countless others trust in the seeds of greatness that I have planted within you and you will SAR to Heights beyond

your imagination ready for a breakthrough like this video share it to inspire others and comment breakthrough

True Believer to join the faith Journey hope is the anchor of your soul the light that shines through the darkness

no matter how dire your circumstances may seem never lose hope I am the god of

Miracles and with me all things are possible keep Faith alive in your heart and you will find that Hope Springs

Eternal trust in my plan for your life even when the path ahead seems unclear I

know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope in a future place your

trust in me and I will guide you along the path of righteousness leading you to the Abundant Life that I have promised

seek me with all your heart and you will find me I am not far from you but as close as your next breath open your

heart to my presence and I will reveal myself to you in ways Beyond Your Wildest Dreams seek first my kingdom

then my righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well faith is the substance of things hoped

for the evidence of Things Not Seen even when you cannot see the way ahead trust

in my faithfulness I Am The God Who parted the Red Sea who fed the , who

raised the dead to life with faith as small as a mustard seed you can move mountains perseverance is the key to

unlocking the doors of possibility do not grow weary in doing good for in due season you will reap a harvest if you do

not give up keep pressing forward trusting in my strength to sustain you with every step you take you draw closer

to the Fulfillment of my promises for Unity me in Christ comment one in the spirit and share this message with

friends my peace I give to you not as the world gives but as I give let not

your heart be troubled neither Let It Be Afraid in the midst of chaos and confusion I am your anchor of Peace

calming the storms that rage within you rest in my presence and you will find a peace that surpasses all understanding

Surrender Your Will to mine and I will lead you on Paths of righteousness lay down your burdens at my feet and I will

give you rest trust in my wisdom for I know the plans I have for you surrender

to my love and you will find Freedom beyond measure a joy of the Lord is your strength a Wellspring of Life

overflowing within you rejoice in the goodness of my love and let your heart be filled with gladness even in the

midst of trials and tribulations you can find joy in knowing that I Am with You guiding you every step of the way

forgiveness is the pathway to freedom and healing just as I have forgiven you so you are called to forgive us others

let go of bitterness and resentment and embrace the transformative power of forgiveness in extending Grace to others

you will find that you are set free from the chains of unforgiveness wisdom is more precious than rubies more valuable

than gold seek wisdom in all that you do and you will find success and fulfillment ask of me and I will give

generously without reproach trust in my guidance and you will walk in the paths of righteousness for divine protection

comment Angel and wrap yourself in his safety humble yourself before me and

I will lift you up Pride goes Before Destruction but humility before honor

recognize that every good gift comes from my hand and that apart from me you can do nothing walk in humility and you

will find favor in my sight the gift of eternal life is yours for the taking believe in me and you will never perish

but have everlasting life I am the resurrection and the life the way the truth and the life place your trust in

me and you will dwell in my presence for all eternity service is the highest calling the expression of Love In Action

look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others serve one another in humility and compassion

and you will find fulfillment beyond measure and lifting others up you will discover the true meaning of greatness

compassion is the language of the heart the bond that connects us all as one open your heart to the suffering of

others and let your compassion be a beacon of Hope in a world filled with darkness in comforting the Brokenhearted

and healing the wounded you will reflect my love to the world adversity is a reflection of my creativity a

celebration of the beauty of humanity embrace the richness of diversity in all its forms and let your heart be open to

the beauty of every individual you encounter in embracing diversity you will find unity in the midst of division

creativity is the spark of divine inspiration the expression of my image within you explore the depths of your

creativity and let your imagination SAR to new heights whether through ART music

literature or any other form of expression let your creativity be a reflection of my infinite creativity if

this message resonates with you like to affirm share to bless others and subscribe with a comment message

received for more inspirational content gratitude is the attitude of the heart the key that unlocks the fullness of

Life cultivate a spirit of gratitude in all that you do and you will find joy in the simplest of Pleasures give thanks

for the blessings that surround you and you will discover that your cup overflows with abundance resilience is

the strength that rises from adversity the ability to bounce back from life’s challenges though you may face trials

and tribulations do not lose heart draw upon the Wellspring of resilience within you and you will find the courage to

persevere through even the darkest of times self-care is the foundation of a healthy mind body and spirit take time

to to nourish your soul with rest relaxation and Rejuvenation nurture your body with nutritious food exercise and

adequate sleep care for your mind through meditation mindfulness and positive affirmations discernment is the

ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood wisdom and Folly seek discernment in all that you do and you

will navigate life’s challenges with Clarity and insight trust in my guidance

and I will lead you on Paths of righteousness hey patience is the Fruit of the Spirit The Virtue that enables

you to endure with Grace and fortitude be patient and waiting for my timing for

I know what is best for you trust in my faithfulness and you will find that all things unfold according to my perfect

plan friendship is a precious gift a reflection of my love for you cherish the friends who walk alongside you on

your journey supporting you through life’s ups and downs be a loyal and faithful friend in return and you will

find that your friendship bring joy and fulfillment beyond measure forgiveness is the pathway to healing and

Reconciliation the key that unlocks the chains of bitterness and resentment let go of past hurts and Grievances and

forgive those who have wronged you in extending Grace to others you will find that you are set free from the burdens

of unforgiveness intuition is the whisper of my spirit within you guiding you on Paths of righteousness Trust In

the Still Small Voice that speaks to your heart and you will find wisdom Beyond your own understanding follow

your intuition and you will walk in the light of my truth Joy is the fruit of a grateful heart the Wellspring of Life

overflowing within you choose joy in every circumstance knowing that I am with you always rejoice in the goodness

of my love and let your heart be filled with gladness if this message touched your heart like share with someone in

need and type heart touched in the comments to spread God’s love courage is the strength that rises from within

enabling you to face life’s challenge challenges with boldness and determination do not be afraid for I am

with you draw upon the courage within you and you will overcome every obstacle that stands in your way authenticity is

the courage to be true to yourself to embrace your uniqueness and individuality do not conform to the

expectations of others but follow the path that I have set before you live authentically and you will shine as a

beacon of light in a world filled with Darkness empathy is the ability to understand and share in the feelings of

others to walk in their shoes and see the world through their eyes open your heart to the suffering of others and let

your empathy be a source of comfort and healing in extending compassion to others you will reflect my love to the

world kindness is the language of love the expression of my heart within you be

kind to one another tender-hearted forgiving one another as I have forgiven you let your words be filled with

kindness your actions with compassion and your heart with empathy wisdom is The Treasure of the soul the light that

illuminates the path of righteousness seek wisdom in all that you do and you will find success and fulfillment ask of

me and I will give generously without reproach trust in my guidance and you will walk in the paths of righteousness

gratitude is the attitude of the heart the key that unlocks the fullness of Life cultivate a spirit of gratitude in

all that you do and you will find joy in the simplest of Pleasures give thanks for the blessings that surround you you

and you will discover that your cup overflows with abundance resilience is the strength that rises from adversity

the ability to bounce back from life’s challenges though you may face trials and tribulations do not lose heart draw

upon the Wellspring of resilience within you and you will find the courage to persevere through even the darkest of

times self-care is the foundation of a healthy mind body and spirit take time

to nourish your soul with rest relaxation and Rejuvenation nurture your body with nutritious food exercise and

adequate sleep care for your mind through meditation mindfulness and positive affirmations discernment is the

ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood wisdom and Folly seek discernment in all that you do and you

will navigate life’s challenges with Clarity and insight trust in my guidance

and I will lead you on Paths of righteousness patience is the Fruit of the Spirit The Virtue that enables you

to endure with Grace and fortitude be patient in waiting for my timing for I know what is best for

you trust in my faithfulness and you will find that all things unfold according to my perfect plan friendship

is a precious gift a reflection of my love for you cherish the friends who walk alongside you on your journey

supporting you through life’s ups and downs be a loyal and faithful friend in return and you will find that your

friendships bring joy and fulfillment beyond measure forgiveness is the pathway way to healing and

Reconciliation the key that unlocks the chains of bitterness and resentment let go of past hurts and Grievances and

forgive those who have wronged you and extending Grace to others you will find that you are set free from the burdens

of unforgiveness intuition is the whisper of my spirit within you guiding you on Paths of righteousness Trust In

the Still Small Voice that speaks to your heart and you will find wisdom beyond your own understanding follow

your intuition and you will walk in the light of my truth Joy is the fruit of a grateful heart the Wellspring of Life

overflowing within you choose joy in every circumstance knowing that I am with you always rejoice in the goodness

of my love and let your heart be filled with gladness courage is the strength that rises from within enabling you to

face life’s challenges with boldness and determination do not be afraid for I am

with you draw upon the courage within you and you will overcome every obstacle that stands in your way authenticity is

the courage to be true to yourself to embrace your uniqueness and individuality do not conform to the

expectations of others but follow the path that I have set before you live authentically and you will shine as a

beacon of light in a world filled with Darkness empathy is the ability to understand and share in the feelings of

others to walk in their shoes and see the world through their eyes open your heart to the suffering of others and let

your empathy be a source of comfort and healing and extend sending compassion to others you will reflect my love to the

world kindness is the language of love the expression of my heart within you be

kind to one another tender-hearted forgiving one another as I have forgiven you let your words be filled with

kindness your actions with compassion and your heart with empathy wisdom is The Treasure of the soul the light that

illuminates the path of righteousness seek wisdom in all that you do and you will find success and fulfillment ask of

me and I will give generously without reproach trust in my guidance and you will walk in the paths of righteousness

gratitude is the attitude of the heart the key that unlocks the fullness of Life cultivate a spirit of gratitude in

all that you do and you will find joy in the simplest of Pleasures give thanks for the blessings that surround you and

you will discover that your cup overflows with abundance resilience is the strength that rises from adversity

the ability to bounce back from life’s challenges though you may face trials and tribul ulations do not lose heart

draw upon the Wellspring of resilience within you and you will find the courage to persevere through even the darkest of

times self-care is the foundation of a healthy mind body and spirit take time

to nourish your soul with rest relaxation and Rejuvenation nurture your body with nutritious food exercise and

adequate sleep care for your mind through meditation mindfulness and positive affirmations discernment is the

ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood wisdom and Folly seek discernment in all that you do and you

will navigate life’s challenges with Clarity and insight trust in my guidance

and I will lead you on Paths of righteousness patience is the Fruit of the Spirit The Virtue that enables you

to endure with Grace and fortitude be patient in waiting for my timing for I

know what is best for you trust in my faithfulness and you will find that all things unfold according to my perfect

plan friendship is a precious gift a reflection of my love for you cherish the friends who walk alongside you on

your journey supporting you through life’s ups and downs be a loyal and faithful friend in return and you will

find that your friendships bring joy and fulfillment beyond measure forgiveness

is the pathway to healing and Reconciliation the key that unlocks the chains of bitterness and resentment let

go of past hurts and Grievances and forgive those who have rawed you and extending Grace to others you will find

that you are set free from the burdens of unforgiveness intuition is the whisper of my spirit within you guiding

you on Paths of righteousness Trust In the Still Small Voice that speaks to your heart and you will find wisdom

beyond your own understanding follow your intuition and you will walk in the light of my truth Joy is the fruit of a

grateful heart the Wellspring of Life overflowing within you choose joy in every circumstance knowing that I am

with you always rejoice in the goodness of my love love and let your heart be filled with gladness courage is the

strength that rises from within enabling you to face life’s challenges with boldness and determination do not be

afraid for I am with you draw upon the courage within you and you will overcome every obstacle that stands in your way

authenticity is the courage to be true to yourself to embrace your uniqueness

and individuality do not conform to the expectations of others but follow the

path that I have set before you live authentically and you will shine as a beacon of light in a world filled with

Darkness empathy is the ability to understand and share in the feelings of others to walk in their shoes and see

the world through their eyes open your heart to the suffering of others and let your heart be a source of comfort and

healing in extending compassion to others you will reflect my love to the world kindness is the language of love

the expression of my heart within you be kind to one another tender-hearted forgiving one another as I have forgiven

you let your words be filled with kindness your actions with compassion and your heart with empathy wisdom is

The Treasure of the soul the light that illuminates the path of righteousness seek wisdom in all that you do and you

will find success and fulfillment ask of me and I will give generously without

reproach trust in my guidance and you will walk in the paths of righteousness gratitude is the attitude of the heart

the key that unlocks the fullness of Life cultivate a spirit of gratitude in all that you do and you will find joy in

the simplest of Pleasures give thanks for the blessings that surround you and you will discover that your cup

overflows with abundance resilience is the strength that rises from adversity the ability to bounce back from life’s

challenges though you may face trials and tribulations do not lose heart draw

upon the Wellspring of resilience within you and you will find the courage to persevere through even the darkest of

times like this video If you believe in me self-care is the foundation of a healthy mind body and spirit take time

to nourish your soul with rest relaxation and Rejuvenation nurture your body with nutritious food exercise and

adequate sleep care for your mind through meditation mindfulness and positive affirmations discernment is the

ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood wisdom and Folly seek discernment in all that you do and you

will navigate life’s challenges with Clarity and Insight trust in my guidance

and I will lead you on Paths of righteousness patience is the Fruit of the Spirit The Virtue that enables you

to endure with Grace and fortitude be patient in waiting for my timing for I

know what is best for you trust in my faithfulness and you will find that all things unfold according to my perfect

plan friendship is a precious gift a reflection of my love for you cherish

the friends who walk alongside you on your journey supporting you through life’s ups and doubts be a loyal and

faithful friend in return and you will find that your friendships bring joy and fulfillment beyond measure forgiveness

is the pathway to healing and Reconciliation the key that unlocks the chains of bitterness and resentment let

go of past hurts and Grievances and forgive those who have rawed you in extending Grace to others you will find

that you are set free from the burdens of unforgiveness intuition is the whisper of my spirit within you guiding

you on Paths of righteousness Trust In the Still Small Voice that speaks to your heart and you will find wisdom

beyond your own understanding follow your intuition and you will walk in the light of my truth Joy is the fruit of a

grateful heart the Wellspring of Life overflowing within you choose joy in every circumstance knowing that I am

with you always rejoice in the goodness of my love and let your heart be filled with gladness courage is the strength

that rises from within enabling you to face life’s challenges with boldness and

determination do not be afraid for I am with you draw upon the courage within

you and you will overcome every obstacle that stands in your way authenticity is the courage to be true to yourself to

embrace your uniqueness and individuality do not conform to the expectations of others but follow the

path that I have set before you live authentically and you will shine as a beacon of light in a world filled with

Darkness empathy is the ability to understand and share in the feelings of of others to walk in their shoes and see

the world through their eyes open your heart to the suffering of others and let your empathy be a source of comfort and

healing in extending compassion to others you will reflect my love to the world kindness is the language of love

the expression of my heart within you be kind to one another tenderhearted forgiving one another as I have forgiven

you let your words be filled with kindness your actions with compassion and your heart with empathy wisdom is

The Treasure of the Soul Soul the light that illuminates the path of righteousness seek wisdom in all that

you do and you will find success and fulfillment ask of me and I will give generously without reproach trust in my

guidance and you will walk in the paths of righteousness gratitude is the attitude of the heart the key that

unlocks the fullness of Life cultivate a spirit of gratitude in all that you do and you will find joy in the simplest of

Pleasures give thanks for the blessings that surround you and you will discover that your cup over flows with abundance

resilience is the strength that rises from adversity the ability to bounce back from life’s challenges though you

may face trials and tribulations do not lose heart draw upon the Wellspring of

resilience within you and you will find the courage to persevere through even the darkest of times self-care is the

foundation of a healthy mind body and spirit take time to nourish your soul with rest relaxation and Rejuvenation

nurture your body with nutritious food exercise and adequate sleep care for

your mind through meditation mindfulness and positive affirmations discernment is

the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood wisdom and Folly seek discernment in all that you do and you

will navigate life’s challenges with Clarity and insight trust in my guidance

and I will lead you on Paths of righteousness patience is the Fruit of the Spirit The Virtue that enables you

to endure with Grace and fortitude be patient in waiting for my timing for I

know what is best for you trust in my faithfulness and you will find that all things unfold according to my perfect

plan friendship is a precious gift a reflection of my love for you cherish

the friends who walk alongside you on your journey supporting you through life’s ups and downs be a loyal and

faithful friend in return and you will find that your friendships bring joy and fulfillment beyond measure type if

you receive your blessings forgiveness is the pathway to healing and Reconciliation the key that unlocks the

chains of bitterness and resentment let go of past hurts and Grievances and forgive those who have wronged you in

extending Grace to others you will find that you are set free from the burdens of unforgiveness intuition is the

whisper of my spirit within you guiding you on Paths of righteousness Trust In the Still Small Voice that speaks to

your heart and you will find wisdom beyond your own understanding follow your intuition and you will will walk in

the light of my truth Joy is the fruit of a grateful heart the Wellspring of Life overflowing within you choose joy

in every circumstance knowing that I am with you always rejoice in the goodness of my love and let your heart be filled

with gladness courage is the strength that rises from within enabling you to face life’s challenges with boldness and

determination do not be afraid for I am with you draw upon the courage within

you and you will overcome every obstacle that stands in your way authenticity is the courage to be true to yourself to

embrace your uniqueness and individuality do not conform to the expectations of others but follow the

path that I have set before you live authentically and you will shine as a beacon of light in a world filled with

Darkness empathy is the ability to understand and share in the feelings of others to walk in their shoes and see

the world through their eyes open your heart to the suffering of others and let your empathy be a source of comfort and

healing in extending compassion to others you will reflect my love to the world kindness is the language of love

the expression of my heart within you be kind to one another tender-hearted forgiving one another as I have forgiven

you let your words be filled with kindness your actions with compassion and your heart with empathy wisdom is

The Treasure of the soul the light that illuminates the path of righteousness seek wisdom in all that you do and you

will find success and fulfillment ask of me and I will give generously without

reproach trust in my guidance and you will walk in the paths of righteousness gratitude is the attitude of the heart

the key that unlocks the fullness of Life cultivate a spirit of gratitude in all that you do and you will find joy in

the simplest of Pleasures give thanks for the blessings that surround you and you will discover that your cup

overflows with abundance resilience is the strength that rises from adversity the ability to bounce back from life’s

challenges though you may face trials and tribulations do not lose heart draw

upon the Wellspring of resilience within you and you will find the courage to persevere through even the darkest of

times self-c carer is the foundation of a healthy mind body and spirit take time

to nourish your soul with rest relaxation and Rejuvenation nurture your body with nutritious food exercise and

adequate sleep care for your mind through meditation mindfulness and positive affirmations discernment is the

ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood wisdom and Folly seek discernment in all that you do and you

will navigate life’s challenges with Clarity and insight trust in my guidance

and I will lead you on Paths of righteousness patience is the Fruit of the Spirit The Virtue that enables you

to endure with Grace and fortitude be patient in waiting for my timing for I

know what is best for you trust in my faithfulness and you will find that all things unfold according to my perfect

plan friendship is a precious gift a reflection of my love for you cherish the friends who walk alongside you on

your journey supporting you through life’s ups and downs be a loyal and faithful friend in return and you will

find that your friendships bring joy and fulfillment beyond measure my beloved

child as you journey through life remember that you are never alone I Am With You Always guiding you protecting

you and showering you with my boundless love trust in me Le on me and draw strength from the Wellspring of my grace

within you may these words resonate in your heart guiding you toward a life filled with purpose joy and fulfillment

Embrace each day with gratitude kindness and compassion knowing that you are a beloved child of mine infinitely

cherished and deeply loved as you walk in faith may you shine brightly as a beacon of light in a world that often

feels dark and uncertain let your life be a testament to my love and grace Illuminating the path for others to find

their way back to me and remember my child that no matter where your journey may lead my love will always be your

constant companion leading you home to me with all my love your heavenly father

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