Gods Message Now➨ Engage With Me, Dear Child | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

Gods Message Now➨ Engage With Me, Dear Child | God Message Today |

pause for a moment my dear child and give me your full attention I have

something very important to share with you the challenges you face are almost over the blessing you’ve been longing

for is about to unfold right before your eyes your time of reward is nearly

here remember none of my children are ever left behind whenever you call out

to me with true faith and a sincere heart I am always listening our bond is

strong you’ve held on to your faith through thick and thin even when times got tough and you felt weak tempted to

turn back but you didn’t give in to those Temptations instead you chose to keep

moving forward on my path showing patience and determination every step of the

way I’ve been with you all along helping you get this far now you’re about to enter a place of

Peace where you and your loved ones will find all that you need and a happiness that’s new and refreshing you’ll be

equipped with a fresh perspective new goals and a Divine eagerness to keep going and

succeed I’m here to support you and your family in letting go of any harmful habits or negative thoughts that weigh

you down together we’ll remove all spiritual chains harmful thoughts and any feelings

of bitterness or anger that linger if you immerse yourselves in the Living Waters of my Holy Spirit your lives

shall be supernaturally transformed even your adversaries and kin shall Marvel at your

metamorphosis they shall draw near intrigued and inquire what have you done what

transpires why do you radiate such Felicity having undergone such profound

change therefore I reaffirm that your struggles anxieties are not Perpetual

you shall not contend with the same trials indefinitely you have entrusted me with your heart and embraced my word

and Commandments with innocence faith and sincerity acknowledging me as your

Celestial father who loves you thus I am delivering you and your entire household

your unwavering Faith pleases me greatly you are learning the virtue of patience

to await my perfect will and to place complete trust in me you do not demand

signs for you understand that my word alone suffices for your healing it

gladdens me when you believe my Earnest desire to bless you today marks the day of your

salvation the dawn of your Liberation tell me will you now rise and

take the necessary steps to seek me and never stray from my love and presence each morning I have visited to

up lift your soul imparting the courage and strength you require to face the day

I have spoken of my love incessantly and gradually you have realized the immense worth you and your family hold in my

eyes in recent months you have demonstrated immense faith and unwavering Fidelity yet you acknowledge

a persistent need within you despite the strength I have bestowed the work I

undertake in your life cannot be completed in a day nor can it reach fruition if your family is

excluded I know sometimes your children might seem to ignore what you’ve taught them about me they may seem uninterested

and reluctant to engage this disinterest saddens me deeply because I miss their faith and

their joyful Expressions I fondly remember when they were little full of songs and Praises

for me which brought me immense happiness yet I have a plan for them and

I want to remind you how crucial you are in this plan I ask you to reach out to

them with love avoiding judgment yelling or punishing their errors be careful as harsh words can

cause lasting scars follow my example I am gentle and humble at heart even when

it’s hard let go of your irritation and anger talk to them patiently and with

love for they are part of you born from your essence guide them towards me so

they can hear my teachings every day at first you might not see instant changes

don’t give up or lose hope keep praying without stopping because the

breakthrough will come they will change their ways seek me again and your whole

family will be filled with happiness my promises are sure and my words come to

pass the blessings you’ve been praying for are on their way trust in my

faithfulness I’ve listened to your prayers seen your hopeful gaze and your unwavering

faith I appreciate your thankfulness in a world full of complaints thus I assure

you the blessing you’ve been waiting for is coming truly it will soon be yours

removing any worry or fear you trusted in my word from the first moment you cried out to me in your need what you

long for will soon be realized many get discouraged wanting quick answers to their prayers

but they should realize I love to answer them however I need to work on their

lives first I aim to refine their character teach them wisdom and prepare

everything so the blessing they receive won’t become a burden sometimes you ask for what you

need but I always plan to give you much more considering both your and your

family’s future I seek your blessing to bring not sorrow or tension but only peace and joy

I’ve forged a covenant with you inscribing my Commandments upon your heart and mind I pardon your

transgressions no longer holding them in memory I remind your soul that in my

presence lies Solace and upon my altar resides healing and boundless strength for those who

possess faith and can patiently await the Fulfillment of my

promise remove from your heart bitter complaints cast away from your mind all

doubts and scoffing pay no heed to the tongues that mock your faith should

weariness ever beset you and anxiety return simply call upon me and I will

grant you perseverance to endure I shall bestow upon you the gift

of patience ensuring your emotions remain unruffled you shall receive wisdom to

govern your tongue that foolish Words which offend my heart may never Escape your lips I shower Abundant Blessings

upon your life with love and tenderness akin to a nurturing parent caring for their

young I ask only for your gratitude never presumptuous demands born of pride

and arrogance many in this world show me disrespect yet I patiently await them

with love they may raise their voices against me but they play with dangerous

fire woe unto those who oppose even the least of my followers I know you may feel frustrated

when things don’t go as planned but such is life you pray I answer you strive

conflicts arise envious adversaries suddenly appear to challenge you

obstacles seem insurmountable and it appears my response is delayed yet I

shall open your spiritual eyes revealing that the situation is not as dire as

perceived your blessing awaits but you must press forward without looking back

casting aside all that paralyzes you if you desire blessings you must endure

trials I seek to witness bravery in your heart and observe your reaction when

expectations are unmet will you continue to await with joy in your heart and

without complaint or will bitterness consume you wasting your time and efforts as others

do I desire strength from you wholehearted love and unwavering commitment even in times of waiting I

long to see the spirit of Steel I have instilled within you a character more precious than diamonds I seek

loyalty you shall not betray me or sell your convictions for mere

coins dishonest Deeds theft and lies to expedite resolution only lead to True

victories in the spiritual realm your desired blessing shall materialize through faith resist Doubt’s freezing

grip and ignore the counsil of fools seek not the opinions of the

unbelieving mockers insteed hold these words dearly in your heart I am faithful

and I ask for your loyalty and return return here each morning envelop

yourself in these strengthening words of faith and peace fear not for I love you your

blessing is on the brink of arrival speak these words aloud write them with

your hand beloved God I await you with all my heart I entrust myself to your

loving care you’ve never abandoned me no harm shall befall me pay heed for you

shall emerge from this trial your current sorrow shall cease I shower upon

you Torrance of Joy amidst life storms I cradle you in my arms ready to wipe away

your tears release the pent up emotions within I am

listening remember this day for I have loved you with eternal love providing

the strength to rise from the depths of Despair and fill your heart with joy you

shall find happiness amidst the darkest clouds of conflict if you believe in me

and allow my word to guide your path though your enemies May predict defeat

my word comforts you assuring victory fear not falter not for I Am with You

strengthening your heart easing your anxiety healing your emotions and imbuing you with peace and Supernatural

strength rise with courage for you are truly strong wise and

intelligent I Infuse you with spiritual Vigor to witness Miracles and wonders

you must advance to witness crumbling walls and broken chains you must

persevere keep keep praying keep believing keep fighting keep persisting for I grant you unyielding strength and

faith yet should you falter should things not unfold as planned I shall

always be there to lift you up my grace and mercy are Eternal place no limits

upon my love or forgiveness for I chose you I selected you from your mother’s womb I know all the trials and

tribulations you shall face I know that you love me believe in me and will seek

me without hesitation you will not falter in the face of negativity or the threats and falsehoods of the adversary

you will not be intimidated for if you believe that I love you and feel with certainty that I am genuine then trust

also that a great blessing awaits you there is an eternal truth to which you must cling I do not change nor do I

deceive I remain constant and if I have told you a thousand times that I love

you it is because it is true despite any situation you may face I will never

cease to love you for many it is difficult to comprehend they prefer to

avert their gaze and focus on lies many will give up when encountering obstacles

along their path but you will not you will not surrender Retreat pause or

regress you will not forsake your faith or my promises Day by day you will hold

fast your life means so much to me and just as I have helped you before I will

continue to assist you today and every day showing you how much I love you in Myriad ways you will have no doubt that

I am always by your side Watching Over You defending you attentive to your

needs and mindful of your words and prayers I command my ministering angels

to fulfill your requests I Delight in your active faith in your coming to me

with your desires if you need anything many have told you not to seek me solely for that

reason but I tell you to seek me with all your heart I will take care of the rest there will come a moment when you

understand that even before you speak I know your needs very well it is not in

vain when you ask me for something I rejoice when I hear the beat of your

faith you know well that I love you and will respond to you but what pleases me

most about you is that you do not feel frustrated when my response does not arrive promptly I appreciate your

patience now you know how to wait trusting that I will give you what is true and beneficial for your

life be encouraged I am covering you with great strength the times of sadness

will pass and happiness will return to your life and home you can serve me by

sharing this word helping this blessing reach many Souls today I bless you for

your pure and simple heart because of your faith great and beautiful things

are coming into your life I await you here come tomorrow and tell me

everything you feel and desire bring your plans to my throne for I tell you

truly that I will bless you greatly walk in faith do not doubt seek me at dawn

and as the sun rises and fills you with the light of the day my glory will shine

upon you dispelling the darkness your heart will be filled with

my truth your soul will be flooded with strength in your mind there will be no

room for sadness I want you to recommit to praying to seeking me to giving me

time to setting aside distractions and to surrendering your thoughts and decisions to me you are facing serious

problems and difficult situations there are moments when you do not know what to do that’s why I repeat

it to you affirm it command it and ask it of you walk in

faith everything is possible for those who believe in me for those who know that I am real and truly exist for those

who have decided to trust in me with all their might despite all the problems they encounter along the way those who

know that I love them and cling to me even when the enemy attacks them and shouts that I have abandoned them

because I want to see them suffer they know that my love is eternal and unbreakable I have always kept them

always protected them walk in faith my child I’m here to make your journey smoother to look out

for you but I need you to truly have faith in me I am your very essence your

future your strength and your protector walk by faith trusting in the

Miracles that are yet invisible to your eyes even if your faith feels small it’s

exactly what I ask for and all you need to keep receiving wonderful blessings

keep Faith hold on to my promises come hear my words each day let go of your

wrongdoings and entrust your life to me I see your belief in me and I I know

you’ll keep moving forward with faith out of the blue when you least expect it your heart will fill with

joy dreams you thought were long dead will spring back to life those hopes you

tucked away thinking they were lost to despair will awaken once

again your life will be enriched with faith a new you considered giving up

felt like you were at your last breath your troubles seemed endless making you

wish to give up on life itself yet here I stand before you

offering my love presenting you with numerous gifts immense happiness and

even bigger blessings get your mind and heart ready for I tell you now people

you thought were gone will reenter your life your faith has grown now it’s time

to Aid those arriving shattered be prepared for when the doors swing open

and the locks snap the chain blocking your blessings will be shattered all

becomes possible when you believe in my words for nothing is beyond my

reach my dear child get ready for what’s coming is beyond anything you’ve ever dreamed of the chance to rebuild family

connections is closer than you think forgiveness and healing are knocking at your door waiting for you to let them

in those who’ve hurt you in the past will come back into your life show them forgiveness and give them a second

chance chance don’t hold back your love I promise to give you not just a better

job but also true wealth in every sense I’ll send people your way who will see

your worth and reward your hard work and skill always stick to the truth avoid

spreading rumors and speaking badly about others ignore those who try to cause

trouble with their gossip and lies watch out for those who want to steal the good things meant for

you I’ve been talking to you for a while now it’s time to climb higher to

understand my teachings better and to trust me completely don’t put your faith in money alone and don’t let bitterness

take over when you face Financial struggles or job loss entrust me with

your faith and surrender your heart to me the moment has come to Embark upon a

journey of Supernatural living professor your love for me believe in me and

witness how I shall touch your life and that of your family with my love and power I love you my child and I desire

to enter your Abode to orchestrate a profound miracle I stand at the threshold

beckoning will you permit me entry to enact something new marvelous and mighty

in your life I have observed your situation and I shall not permit scarcity to invade

your household or afflict your family I shall shower your home with blessings for years to come you have remained

faithful devoted in prayer and fasting prioritizing me in all your endeavors

and thoughts thus the time draws near to reap the fruits of your labor I shall

fill your home with abundance Joy courage and well-being rest assured in

my promises for I shall fulfill them prepare for a significant change and do

not cling to the patterns of the past characterized by worry and despondency with my blessings comes

wisdom power and the ability to make sound decisions to Steward what I bestow

upon you so that it may multiply in your hands becoming a blessing unto others be

grateful and Trust for I am affecting a transformation in your life I am

preparing you for a season of abundant opportunities awaits you have sown seeds

of faith in your heart for a long time enduring numerous trials and tribulations yet never doubting my power

never doubting my presence by your side therefore you have emerged Victorious

for you believed in me and thus I aided you my grace and mercy have been poured

out upon you and now with my mighty hand I shall cause these seeds you have

planted to flourish abundantly in your your life and in the lives of those around

you the time approaches to reap the rewards of your faithfulness what I

shall bring to your home is infinitely greater than you imagine you deserve the best and even

more your faith is invaluable and your humble demeanor will carry you

far prepare yourself for I shall open new doors introduce you to New Horizons

and bring abundance to your home I love you fear not for your life is in

my hands disregard the negative reports and do not entertain the insults hurled

by tongues seeking to harm you do not believe all that is said for

adversaries seek to instill fear to control your life your destiny and your

heart steering you away from the divine plan designed for you seeking to deprive

you of the blessings bestowed upon you many Envy the blessings you have

received and seek to benefit from that which rightfully Belongs to You

therefore when faced with insults and slander cling to my love and my word

seek my presence and spend time with me so you may unburden yourself I do not want your faith and

love for me to weaken due to these attacks I am transforming everything

around you relieving you of burdens and and uprooting the feelings that hindered

you you are a new creation liberated from depression loneliness hatred and

envy your spirit has been reborn into a new life filled with faith optimism

strength and joy even your enemies shall be astonished by your transformation

frustrated because they can no longer confuse or assail you they will see that

you chose to cling to my word over their Infamous insults the things that once wounded you

have vanished and the worries that tested your faith are no more open your

eyes to a new day of peace and happiness embrace it and believe even if you

cannot yet see it with your natural eyes for you can already feel it know that

you are not the same I am showering you with my Supernatural presence embracing

you with all my love and affection you are not weak you are strong you are not

a failure you are victorious you are not defeated you have risen by my power and

now you are a conqueror tell me with all your heart that you believe in me I come

to remind you that you are not alone yesterday you wept for those

sudden troubles that arose things did not unfold favorably you were betrayed

and forsaken by those individuals whom you believed loved you they turned their backs when you needed them most you are

sorrowful and I empathize but I am here to convey that your tears your weeping

have reached the heavens even my sacred Throne where your destiny is determined

where all ailments are healed where your problems are resolved and where I can console you in your distress You are not

alone I have not forsaken you though those individuals in whom you placed

your trust have distanced themselves I remain by your side Loving You increasingly each day it will always be

so you must live assured that I am willing to listen to you and that

through the power of my blood you can directly access my Celestial throne here

with me you can bring your petitions and I am prepared to listen to you with patience and love like a good

friend I do not ask you to cease weeping it is better to release your emotions to

pour out from your soul all that pains you so that I may fill you with my peace

but there is something I must caution you about after your tears Joy will

follow your happiness will be profound because the time has come to bless you

you are ready you can now appreciate what I offer you all the trials you have

endured have been preparing you for this long awaited moment it is time for the

windows of Heaven to open and shower upon you immense blessings in the midst of Silence may you feel my peace and

know that even if people depart I am with you to embrace and console your soul you are growing you are becoming

stronger each day you are becoming more acquainted with me you are seeking my

face and my word which signifies your loyalty wisdom and

intelligence When You Close Your Eyes today and reflect on my words you will feel my love embracing and healing you

you now understand that you are not alone my presence fills your soul with joy clearing your path so that all may

turn out well I will open the doors to that wondrous blessing for you but listen to me until the end do not

interrupt with your doubts let me speak you have fought so hard and your

struggle is not in vain the reward for your faith and suffering is near I know

well all that you have endured and I know your your heart you seek neither rewards nor false riches fame or

popularity your struggle is genuine you only seek the necessary provision to

support your family to overcome debts and to Aid those you love but I desire to bless you that is

my will I’m going to throw open the gates of heaven and shower you with real

blessings until you’re brimming with everything you need finally free from any chains that bind you basking in

peace if you trust in me here’s what I ask of you stand up with resolve and

keep pushing forward take breaks as needed but always get back up the next day give it your all be brave and

embrace each day with all the zest your heart can hold move forward cheerfully

without complaints or sorrow even when things don’t go as planned or when there are those who wish to bring you down

stay true to the path keep your spirit High even on tough days

when you encounter those who oppose you greet them with a smile treat them with patience and kindness if they’re thirsty

offer them water if they need help lend a hand when you can but be smart about it use your

wisdom don’t expose your vulnerabilities or personal details to them nor give

them ammunition to betray or harm you extend your love yet stand firm in your

integrity and everything I’ve taught you avoid the company of those with ill

intentions keep your plans close to your chest refrain from engaging in or

spreading gossip your adversaries will grow weary seeing that they cannot divert you from your

course I’ll handle them according to our plan’s timing you will continue

advancing with faith courage and effort until I decide at that moment

you will understand many things you will stand before a massive door behind which

you will find marvelous blessings tell me that you believe in me and make this

commitment to come into my presence daily and begin this plan right now my dear child you are very

brave rise with faith because you will Triumph you have already given me thanks

today for another day of life what are you waiting for it costs nothing to open

your lips and express your gratitude in your own words I know your needs well before you

voice them just trust come with me and spend a time of Tranquility seek a moment of silence and

contemplate all the things for which you can be thankful on this day your life your family your health the air you

breathe the food on your table the roof over your head my Supernatural protection around your home my warrior

Angels who camp and stand guard watching over your dreams ready to enter battle

there are so many reasons for you to feel blessed you have countless beautiful reasons to cling to life you

must think daily of them so that your mind is filled with good thoughts so that your eyes are always open seeing my

goodness in your paths feeling secure knowing that I hold your destiny in my

hand I reside in a grateful heart that recognizes its need for me and seeks me

with Faith and Hope because it knows it is greatly blessed sometimes I see you worried

about the things that happen but that is normal do not worry excessively you feel

the weight of your responsibility it is your desire for everything to turn out well for there to

be provision in your home health in your family and for nothing and no one to

come and snatch away the peace and stability you need but there are also

dark days when your gratitude slips away and the enemy comes with Whispers

blowing dirty thoughts into your mind turning your concern into fear surrounding you with lies transforming

fear into dread anguish and despair I’m here watching and waiting

for you to raise your hands high and declare the words that will scatter your

foes I am thankful for my life for my family for my health and for everything

I am and possess your genuine faith and a Heart full of thanks are like armor keeping

you vibrant and resilient during tough times as you navigate Through the flames of challenges know that I’ll be there

with you by your side as you wake up eager to hear the first words of gratitude that you

whisper trust in my timing and plans for you many things are being arranged in

your favor both in the spiritual and physical Realms I’ve decreed that you shall receive plenty be freed from debt

gain Divine wisdom and enjoy blessings that I’ve tailor made for you and your

loved ones you weren’t made by accident I cherished you even before your journey

began and have laid out numerous wonders for your path the greatest gift I offer

is my undying love I’ve loved you from afar and my love only grew stronger when

you found your way back to me if you think that I get angry and distance

myself from you when you sometimes fail you are mistaken your mistakes do not scare me I

will not discard you for your sins you always come back repentant speaking to

me with truth I know you love me Others May put on a facade of

perfection and Holiness coming into my presence to accuse those who are not like them but you are not like them

your spirit is peaceful your attitude kind your thoughts are

noble when you fall you will rise with confidence and faith never allow any

mortal to point fingers at you no one in this world has the right to do so if you maintain this attitude of

Faith coming to my presence every day with humility of heart eager to listen

and learn I will respond to your efforts with blessings Galore I I know you are

not interested in material things you only seek blessings and protection for your family that I will give you and

much more I will prepare you so that when the doors open do not be afraid to

enter right now while you listen Supernatural Miracles are happening new

people are coming into your life opportunities like never before situations that may seem like problems

but with your faith and patience we’ll turn into bless blessings bringing peace to your home providing

abundantly the main and most beautiful thing is already yours my sincere love

tell me you believe me have faith and rest in my arms I have control over your life do not fear I am protecting you

watching over you every moment every day when you wake up I want you to feel my

presence do not be distracted by other things in these first minutes of your day come and listen to my word my spirit

speaks to you I am telling you that I have everything under control You Must

Believe Me fear not adversity because with me by

your side nothing and no one can harm you many of the problems that worry you

today will be resolved faster than you expect at the right time all the answers

you seek will come to you for while you pray I am tracing your path writing your

story nothing escapes my wisdom and will those blessings you desire I am opening

that door through which you have prayed in your deepest prayers I am increasing your faith I am

here to lift you up and guide you into a new life A New Beginning where

everything will be different do not worry about what people think of you lift your head and live your life with

faith and dignity envious people will always speak of the poison they carry in

their souls but only what I think of you should matter I think you are wonderful with a

pure and sincere heart embed my words in your mind and when people attack you

come and take refuge in my love I was by your side during all the battles you faced every fall every

defeat every Victory and all your difficulties now is your moment to shine

to lift your life to Greater Heights leave the old struggles behind and step

into a new chapter of Victory and fresh Beginnings this is the time I change

your life starting a new narrative for you let me Lead You Down A New Path

filled with blessings and wisdom I offer you my love and peace to calm your soul

and mind are you ready to accept it I will open the skies to shower you with

blessings I will inscribe my words words in your heart to ensure your steps are

steady keeping you embraced in This Love That Forgives and overlooks your errors

you’re only human mistakes are part of your journey but remember I am a god of

forgiveness I welcome your heartfelt change and even from the lowest points I

will lift you up my blessings go far beyond Earthly riches the treasures I

hold for you surpass anything this world can offer if I vow to open the Heavens For You embrace my promise with faith

and declare I believe take my words to heart for I speak in Earnest my love for

you is not hidden the affection I feel for you is clear and true step outside look up at

the sky breathe in the air and feel the warmth of the sun’s

Embrace these are my gifts to you expressions of my love and presence

I have protected you time and again saving you from Peril when you wandered

in darkness and lost your way I was right there with you you entered this

year with Zeal and aspirations for goodness now as you face obstacles and

trials do not falter do not cease press forward your dreams will materialize and

they are precious to me I have assigned you a purpose to fulfill through through you I desire to

manifest my love and power each day I Infuse you with my Holy Spirit soon your

spiritual sensitivity will evolve you will perceive beyond the surface

understand people’s intentions and be endowed with wisdom beyond measure

supernaturally you’ll touch the hearts of many and offer Aid let your life be a

testament to my word through your example others will witness the impact Act of Faith and the

transformative power of belief in me open your hands to receive Abundant Blessings be diligent and accept them in

faith the heavens are unfolding in your favor but never stray from me declare

your love and faithfulness to the end let go of your worries surrender

everything to me I’ll alleviate your fears cover you with love and reveal the

Wonders I can accomplish in your life today marks a different day a day of

transformation in your surroundings in your family and in people’s attitudes toward you you’ll witness Smiles as

hearts are touched by my powerful presence residing within you I’m filling you with wisdom and a Readiness to

fulfill the desires of your heart I know how much you yearn for happiness

therefore trust me I’m attentive to your feelings and all that befalls you I aim

to protect you from harm to fortify your character to instill dignity to imbue

you with strength and to Shield you from humiliation adjust your attitude wear a

smile on your face come talk to me every day with trust in your heart knowing I’m

here to help you through everything celebrate the love I pour into your life with happiness and songs

when you sing praises to me I wrap you in my presence chasing away all worries

and filling you up with my Spirit even when times are hard keep smiling singing

and praying with your hands lifted high in love and devotion if anyone asks why you’re so

joyful tell them it’s because God Is by your side not everyone will understand

but don’t let that bother you my powerful forces are ready to support you as you let go humble yourself and open

your heart pushing aside anything that stands in the way of embracing my

forgiveness you’re longing for a fresh start and very soon you’ll see how I

cover you with my endless love [Music]

amen my dear child cease to pass judgment based solely on outward

appearances instead Endeavor to exercise discernment Guided by

righteousness I uttered these words within the sacred precincts of the Jerusalem Temple imparting the wisdom

that judgment may assume the mantle of virtue or vice my audience comprised those who had

evaluated me through a superficial lens scrutinizing the of the law while

neglecting the spirit within it their actions were misguided but let it be

known that not all judgments are malevolent I vehemently denounce shallow

self-righteous and hypocritical appraisals rather I implore my disciples to engage in righteous evaluations

rooted in the tenets of biblical truth in this era of Tolerance there

exists an overwhelming societal pressure to abstain from articulating moral

lineations The Dread of being branded as intolerant has effectively silenced many

who possess the discernment to distinguish right from wrong I beseech you to muster the

fortitude to convey truth with compassion as I guide you to do

so the most prudent preparation involves diligent study of the scriptures and

introspection coupled with an Earnest request for my spirit to channel Divine

love love through your words and Aion extal me for the invaluable Aid of

my abiding presence in all circumstances and at every juncture it is fitting to offer

this prayer thank you Jesus for your

unwavering presence with me here and now although you may not always perceive my

presence rest assured that I have made a solemn pledge a pledge that

suffices an integral facet of your Christian vocation is to Repose unwavering trust in my Perpetual

companionship with faith as your guide confide in me regarding your innermost

thoughts emotions challenges and joys believe steadfastly in my profound care

for you recognizing that I hearken to each of your petitions approach me with eager

expectation ever watchful for the Myriad ways I labor within you and through through you rejoice in the knowledge

that together you and I are capable of accomplishing far beyond your fondest

aspirations my omnipotent power thrives most brilliantly in your moments of

vulnerability offered up to serve my Divine purposes never forget that with me

nothing is beyond the realm of possibility thus refuse to be daunted by

formidable circumstances give praise for the Solace of my enduring

presence I am not only your brother but also your Confidant as the firstborn among a

multitude of siblings you are being molded into my likeness a privilege and

blessing of unfathomable magnitude while some are fortunate enough to possess a steadfast benevolent

Elder sibling you have an all powerful older brother who ceaselessly safeguards

your interest even the most devoted family member or friend cannot provide Perpetual

companionship but I on the other hand shall never forsake your side I am the friend who remains closer

to you than any sibling never should you take for granted my constant presence in

your life always bear in mind that your loyal friend also Reigns as the King of

Kings if you could catch a glimpse of me and all my resplendant Glory you would

understand why John upon witnessing me fell prostrate as if bereft of life I am

the Alpha and the Omega the living one who conquered death and endures for all

eternity I implore you to approach me with reverence for I am your savior

God remind yourself continually that the Magnificent gift of Salvation is

eternally yours and express your gratitude accordingly be mindful that your choices hold

profound significance beloved they constitute an integral

facet of my transformative work within you the majority of your choices

transpire in solitude within the inner sanctum of your heart and

mind however be cognizant of this fact I am Christ dwelling within you I

comprehend each thought before it materializes and every DEC ision before it is rendered your awareness that I am

privy to all transpiring within you can serve as a safeguard against

recklessness and self-centered living permit your yearning to gratify

me the one who intimately comprehends you to reshape both your thought processes and way of life you may have

presumed that many of your choices are inconsequential such is not the case a

seemingly minor virtuous Choice made today May set you on a trajectory toward

a momentous accomplishment conversely a seemingly trivial ill-considered Choice can Usher

in significant failures or losses in the days to come yet even as your choices carry

weighty consequences always remember that there is no condemnation for those

who belong to me I possess the capacity to behold all

your imperfections and blunders all all the while lavishing upon you a magnificent and unwavering

love invoke my spirit to assist you in embracing honesty and vulnerability in

my presence do not be ashamed of your neediness instead employ it as a conduit

for fostering a humble Reliance on me extend an invitation for me to execute

my Divine will in your life understand that you are the clay

and I am the Potter the Frailty you bring before me proves malleable in my hands serving as the raw material for my

creative purpose your deepest need manifests as a call to lean upon me to trust in me

unwaveringly and to exhibit profound confidence in my abilities acknowledging your inherent

weakness Fosters a dependence on me devoid of shame I am in the process of teaching

you to trust me with the entirety of your heart and mind a lifelong

Endeavor the most efficacious means of dispelling fear lies in cultivating

unwavering confidence in me your unyielding source of strength I redeem

you from the abyss of Despair adorning you with love and mercy I enrobe you in goodness and

through me your youth is continually renewed these Splendid gift gifts I

bestow upon you are a testament to my delight in you permeating the depths of

your soul while I perceive your transgressions and Imperfections my

Flawless Love Remains steadfast primarily I regard you as my

redeemed one graced with a crown of paradise and enveloped in Eternal Beauty

I implore you to allow your identity as my beloved to occupy the Forefront of

your consciousness often your thoughts tend to meander toward trivial matters

especially when your mind drifts into idle contemplation therefore I urge you to

remain Vigilant and unwavering in your prayers invite me into every facet of

your existence your thoughts emotions and choices engaging in communion with me

shall enable you to direct your focus away from inconsequential matters and

toward the splenor of Eternal Realties while you linger in my presence

I shall Infuse you with renewed vagor regardless of the passage of time you

shall remain Eternal youthful in my presence remember you are a child of

God one day you Shall Behold my countenance in its full Glory you shall

stand face to face with me in the realm of Eternal Splendor until that moment arrives I

shall continue to mold the disposition of your mind prompting you to Dawn the

mantle of your new self this transformation does not negate your

inherent Essence rather it enhances your uniess allowing you to fully embody the

individual I designed you to be from the moment you placed your trust in me as

your savior you became a cherished member of my royal family endowed with

the privilege of sharing ing in my inheritance however the path to sharing

in my glory necessitates that you also partake in my suffering when adversity befalls you

seek my presence amidst the trials beseech me to empower you to endure hardship in a manner befitting

the household of the king every trial you encounter serves as a crucible

refining you to become increasingly like me always bear in mind the ultimate

objective you shall one day gaze upon my face in righteousness experiencing

complete satisfaction thus says the one who meticulously crafted you in the womb and

who stands ready to extend Aid fear not I have maintained a steadfast presence

in your life since before your Inception because you belong to me

acquired through the purchase of my own precious blood you can confidently rely on my promise to accompany you

throughout your Earthly pilgrimage this is the key to triumphing over fear reposing unshakable trust in

my everpresent assistance the predicament arises when you fixate excessively on the future

attempting to Envision and manipulate events yet to unfold a preoccupation with the future

can rapidly devolve into an obsession with potential problems in the fertile soil of such

preoccupation the weeds of anxiety and fear readily take root when you discern that you have

succumbed to such preoccupations avert your gaze from your concerns and turn instead to the one who

lovingly dwells beside you rejoice in the knowledge that I shall remain by

your side as you progress through each stage of your journey lean heavily upon

my presence trusting me to sustain you not only today but throughout all the days of

your life I implore you to T in a state of gratitude this is a most delightful

dwelling a place illuminated by the radiance of my presence often you offer fervent prayers

until your desires are granted when I answer your petitions your response is one of Jubilation and

Thanksgiving however your inclination is to promptly shift your focus to the next

matter at hand I beseech you to linger for a while in a spirit of thankful

Joy rather than experiencing transient bursts of gratitude allow the current of

joy to flow continuously into your future train yourself to recollect the manifold

blessings I have bestowed upon you one way to achieve this is by sharing your

answered prayers with others a practice that bestows blessings upon both them

and you and pleases me greatly another method is to inscribe

these instances of answered prayer in a place where they may serve as a Perpetual

reminder continue to present your gratitude before me this gratitude Will

Bless You twofold by instilling Within You joyous Recollections of answered prayer and by affording you the

privilege of sharing in the exultant joy that radiates from my presence rest assured that I am

intimately acquainted with each of your tribulations I have meticulously

collected and preserved every tear you have shed in my bottle therefore do not shy away from tears or the adversities

that elicit them your trials are neither random nor devoid of

meaning I summon you to trust not only in me but also in my sovereign Authority

I comprehend the intricacies of my divine plan as my perspective transcends human

limitations unbounded by time and space my methods of operation in the

world frequently exceed your comprehension were it possible for you to view the world through my Divine

vantage point you would grasp the Perfection of my will and exalt in my

glory yet in your current state you perceive only a faint reflection and

thus you must learn to coexist with mystery I have collected your tears in

my bottle because you are exceedingly precious to me a day will Dawn when I shall wipe

away every tear from your eyes in that radient future there shall be no more

death mourning crying or pain rejoice in the prospect of this resplendant

Celestial destiny that awaits you it is only through my involvement

that any Endeavor truly prospers when your actions align with my Divine approval I draw near offering my

assistance and empowerment at times you may be acutely conscious of my enabling presence while

at other times you may perceive it less overtly nevertheless the more you turn

to me for guidance and Aid the more abundant are the blessings I bestow upon

you some of these blessings attain to your labors While others address matters

of the heart the awareness of my presence shall heighten your sense of security and

imbue you with boundless Joy I am instructing you to seek me

wherever you may find yourself in all circumstances there shall be moments

when you must peer through the veil of your circumstances to discern the radiant signs of my

presence picture yourself gazing through a soiled window at a resplendent

sun-kissed Garden should you fixate upon the grime obscuring your view you will

miss the breathtaking beauty that lies just beyond the glass as you can train

your eyes to perceive the garden Splendor beyond the window so too can you cultivate the ability to look past

your circumstances and envision my countenance shining upon

you Endeavor to discover me in every place

placing your trust in me constitutes the alternative to succumbing to despair or escaping into

Illusions amidst adversity it can be challenging to think

rationally yet during such trials it is of Paramount importance to make

judicious decisions it may often seem as though choices swirl about you awaiting

your grasp nevertheless one choice consistently proves effective and

appropriate the choice to place unwavering trust in me with all your heart and

mind should you find yourself teetering on the brink of Despair pause and

declare your trust in me speak it softly utter it aloud or Proclaim it with

fervor dedicate time to contemplate the Myriad reasons you possess for maintaining steadfast confidence in me

recollect and revel in my boundless unfailing love for you

if you have been employing denial as a means to numb your pain and evade the reality of your

circumstances expressing your trust in me shall draw you into communion with

Ultimate Reality myself confide in me beloved for I

possess omniscience I comprehend every facet of your circumstances and I shall extend my

guidance to you amen if you found this message inspiring and helpful we invite you to subscribe

to our channel for more uplifting content by clicking that subscribe button you’ll stay connected with our

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3 thoughts on “Gods Message Now➨ Engage With Me, Dear Child | God Message Today |”

  1. Its like you read my mind You appear to know a lot about this like you wrote the book in it or something I think that you could do with some pics to drive the message home a little bit but instead of that this is fantastic blog An excellent read I will certainly be back.

  2. My Dearest Father,

    I trust you with my life. I accept your authority. You are everything I need. Your words continue to comfort me.

    I understand you will have tough decisions to make and I accept that.


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