God's Amazing Promise for Your Future | Gods message today | God blessings message | God Message Now - Free AI Voice Generator

God’s Amazing Promise for Your Future | Gods message today | God blessings message | God Message Now

my beloved child I want you to know that

your past does not define your

future it might feel like your world is

crumbling but you’ve put your trust in

me and I am here for you you’ve sought

refuge in my loving Embrace and in my

presence You’ll Always Find

security fill your heart with peace and

joy for you dwell beneath the shelter of

your almighty

God believe in the power of my blood to

cleanse and forgive you hold on to this

truth with all your

heart open your eyes wide for I am about

to perform a mighty and a inspiring

miracle in your life you profess your

love for me and believe in my power now

believe that I have truly forgiven

you don’t blame yourself or continue

punishing yourself for your past sins

I’ve cast them into the abyss never to

return I hate seeing you torment

yourself over things things that belong

to the past my blood has purified you

your heart is renewed and your mind is

refreshed now fill yourself with my holy

word and let your words be filled with

life and encouragement meditate on my

promises and Commandments daily and

don’t wander back into the shadows of

Despair you’re not lost anymore your

fate is not left to chance you’re in my

hands under the shelter of my wings

even when the world attacks you I will

protect you from its

assaults your mind is strong and it will

grow even stronger as you fill it with

the words I’m speaking to you distance

yourself from those who wound you with

hurtful words and attitudes making your


heavy I don’t want you to return to

friendships and places that lead you

astray I don’t want your spirit to grow

cold I have a future of life peace and

blessings for you free from sorrow and

depression if you make me the king of

your heart place me first in your life

and remain steadfast in the word I give

you you will experience Freedom

prosperity and

blessings listen closely to my wishes

for you keep these words in your heart I

wrap my arms around you and watch over

you always I am by your side when the

bird becomes too much to bear remember

these words well when sadness comes

think of me and don’t dwell on

loneliness I am with you that is the

truth speak my name embrace me in your

heart and don’t weep

anymore don’t water the memories of

sorrow with your tears don’t let the

dark moments take root in your soul

don’t entertain thoughts or lies that

seek to steal your peace and destroy you

Remember My Sacrifice on the painful

cross I paid for your sins with my

powerful blood recall my glorious

Resurrection for I have come to

resurrect your dreams transform your

life Grant you eternal life and

strengthen your

heart you’ve endured many hardships but

you haven’t given up and here you stand

Rising once

more you are my child you carry my power

within you

today you shall continue on the path to

your blessing and nothing and no one

shall hinder

you as you progress I will pour wisdom

into you open paths and remove obstacles

many good things you thought were lost

will return to you the key to Freedom

Prosperity peace and the blessings you

seek is to truly believe in what I’m


you don’t be discouraged or fear

problems or enemies is trying to defeat

you now you know my thoughts you’ve

heard my desire to bless and help you

now it’s up to you to obey me to do as I

say trust me seek me rise up and walk

for your Victory is certain you are my

child I will bless you and I can and

will fulfill my

promises trust me and take my hand

during this time of

tribulation let threats and problems not

steal your peace and confidence I have

always been with you I have never

abandoned you and I will not abandon You

In This Storm my plans are better than

yours my thoughts are Eternal and will

lead you to a destination of peace and

prosperity even when things seem

difficult if you look at them with Faith

and Hope you will see that they are not

insurmountable seek me in the morning

throughout the day and before you sleep

at night

bow your knees before me for I Delight

in hearing your

prayers though you may not see it now

the heavens tremble when your lips open

in Praise when you act with faith and

ask me to watch over your family protect

them from diseases and pandemics and

shield them from

harm listen to my response I say it

again though the whole world may forsake

you I will never abandon you even if all

those who claim to love you fail you I

love you more than they do and I will

never fail you your family your future

and your health are in my hands cherish

value and protect them don’t take your

blessings for granted don’t

underestimate them if you are faithful

in small matters if you cherish what I

have given you in times of need my word

promises that your blessings will

multiply and I will give you even

greater things things of Eternal

value I feel compassion for you when I

see you suffering I am moved by your

sincere heart as I’ve said before I will

bless you because I want to tell me now

that you will receive my blessing and

cherish it with

love remember in your sad moments I hold

you in the palm of my hand I cover you

with my holy mantle I love you with all

my heart my child you love me I chose

you before your birth gave you a strong

heart that has withstood so much

disrespect once again you shall be brave

you shall emerge from the situation

unscathed I give you my peace you shall

not falter this is how it has always

been and always will be you are one of

those who Triumph not one who loses one

who does not flee or shrink back I will

provide you with the strength and

resources you need to conquer the

wonderful land that lies ahead of

you you have asked me many times to

bless and prosper you and now before

your eyes a great opportunity

awaits don’t lose heart if you can’t yet

grasp the full extent of this marvelous

blessing clear your mind refine your

heart and as I always say return to my

word there lies the foundation and

source of all the wisdom you need at

this time I am with you do not hesitate

walk firmly do not fear problems or

enemies who seek to defeat you with lies

deception and

schemes you know my thoughts you’ve

heard my desire to bless and help you

now it’s up to you to obey me to do as I

say trust me seek me rise and walk for

your Victory is certain you are my child

I will bless you and I can and will

fulfill my

promises trust me and give me your hand

during this time of

tribulation let threats and problems not

steal your peace and confidence I have

always been with you I have never

abandoned you and I will not abandon You

In This

Storm my plans are better than yours my

thoughts are Eternal and will lead you

to a destination of peace and

Prosperity even when things seem

difficult if you look at them with Faith

and Hope you will see that they are not

insurmountable seek me in the morning

throughout the day and before you sleep

at night bow your knees before me for I

Delight in hearing your

prayers though you may not see it now

the heavens tremble when your lips open

in Praise when you act with faith and

ask me to watch over your family protect

them from diseases and pandemics and

Shield them from

harm listen to my response I say it

again though the whole world may forsake

you I will never abandon

you even if all those who claim to love

you fail you I love you more than they

do and I will never fail you your family

your future and your health are in my

hands cherish value and protect

them don’t take your blessings for

granted don’t underestimate them

them if you are faithful in small

matters if you cherish what I have given

you in times of need my word promises

that your blessings will multiply and I

will give you even greater things of


value I feel compassion for you when I

see you suffering I am moved by your

sincere heart as I’ve said before I will

bless you because I want

to tell me now that you will receive my

blessing and cherish it with love love

remember in your sad moments I hold you

in the palm of my hand I cover you with

my holy

mantle I love you with all my heart my

child you love me I chose you before

your birth gave you a strong heart that

has withstood so much

disrespect once again you shall be brave

you shall emerge from the situation

unscathed I give you my peace you shall

not falter

this is how it has always been and

always will be you are one of those who

Triumph not one who

loses one who does not flee or shrink

back I will provide you with the

strength and resources you need to

conquer the wonderful land that lies

ahead of you you have asked me many

times to bless and prosper you and now

before your eyes a great opportunity

awaits don’t lose heart if you can’t yet

grasp the full extent of this marvelous

blessing clear your mind refine your

heart and as I always say return to my

word there lies the foundation and

source of all the wisdom you need at

this time I am with you do not hesitate

walk firmly do not fear problems or

enemies who seek to defeat you with lies

deception and schemes I want you to know

that you are never alone

I hear your prayers and I feel the

sincerity of your heart keep praying

never stop let your tears flow freely

they are a testament to your faith and

love your children the precious Souls

you cherish must witness your

devotion they need to understand that a

mother of Faith kneels daily before me

pouring out her heart and

soul remind them always that I love them

deeply that I am real and that I beh

hold a Divine and perfect plan for each

of them express your love to your


tirelessly don’t be disheartened if they

seem indifferent at times but never hide

your tears from them let them see that

their actions weigh heavily on your

heart it’s all part of the journey

believe in me and trust that each of

your children has a unique path to walk

they will make mistakes but your prayers

will shield them from the enemy’s lies

and accusations show them your

unwavering love don’t be afraid to

correct them when they Heir but always

keep your arms open free of

judgment they must know that you accept

them that your love is unwavering and

that your prayers are a constant

intercession for their

lives declare that your motherly prayers

are potent and

effective the day you witness the fruits

of your vigil and effort your heart will

overflow with with joy trust me for I am

with your children and I am with you I

love you your mistakes are not the end

they do not Define your life your dreams

your talents or your potential they do

not Mark the end of my plans for you if

you have stumbled here is what you must

do seek forgiveness for your errors tune

out the lies and accusations of the

enemy rise up shake off the dust spread

your wings and fearlessly

soar you are cleansed by my powerful

blood to the world failure may seem

final but for my children failure is a

valuable lesson a path they should not


again remember the past is behind you

forget what lingers there lift your eyes

and focus ahead for I am entrusting you

with a wonderful Mission I am calling

you I will extend my hand placing upon

your head the crown of the highest

calling for those unashamed to share

these words and follow me fear not when

facing enemy forces for no harm shall

befall you I will shield you in all your

battles walk confidently on any path I

send you let my promises dwell in your

heart nurture your faith through my

Commandments I want you to be strong and

courageous do not fear do not be

discouraged with my mighty hand I shall


you recognize your strength even in

moments of

weakness even when you feel you are

falling I will not allow you to be


defeated I want you to understand how

much you matter to me I want you to Live

to Rise and to Triumph in things of

Eternal value lost blessings will return

to your life forgiveness and family

Harmony will reign you will find

security in your yourself free from

shame you have heard me declare my love

for you many times and I reiterate it

now to assure your

heart I love you your restoration has

already been decreed and

approved I am the one shaping your

future I have shown you Mercy I have

forgiven your

sins no one has the right to accuse

discriminate despise or trample upon you

I have given you my love and my grace

now you are worthy of the blessings I

long to bestow upon you do not devalue

yourself or Cast Away the worth I have

bestowed upon you do not look in the

mirror with disdain or

rejection it Grieves me to see you pay

more heed to lying tongues and the words

of people than to my love and affection

as your heavenly father receive these

words and believe them wholeheartedly

I desire to see you succeed that’s why I

created you I chose you lifted you up

and placed you in this precise time and

place your Victory is not determined by

Bad News global circumstances or the

negativity around

you nothing can thwart the blessings

already decreed and sent from heaven but

you must make a Resolute

decision will you believe me disput the

pessim is M of others will you read and

trust my word or will you lend more ear

to the enemy’s voices seeking to confuse

you they desire to confound you to

hinder your happiness and to see you

defeated I’ve said it before they want

to destroy you you cannot afford to

grant them the opportunity to shatter


life I want you to feel loved protected


encouraged you must live enveloped in my

peace love and

faith fill yourself with faith now

always live with the confidence that a

future of Triumph and blessing awaits

you you follow me you love me you

believe in me tell me now in your own

words that no matter what transpires you

will steadfastly hold on to your faith

you are in my hands embraced in my

protection do not fear those who rise

against you you you will see them with

me though troubles May surround you I

will deliver you those who encircle you

and seek your downfall I will intervene

I will Aid you in just a few days you

will turn and your enemies will be no

more many are angered because they

cannot conquer you they fail to realize

that your most faithful Defender is

right by your side your God your savior

trust and believe nothing is impossible

believe and act I am with you act and

Advance know that I have increased your

faith I’ve granted you the power to walk

on water and Conquer All malevolent

forces you can fight and Triumph because

you do not fight alone you have grown

courageous you are no longer fearful

leave behind fears and

anxieties raise your sword and continue

the battle prepare for the blessing that

approaches you shall conquer the land

before you in every anointed situation I

will provide the answer and the way out

you will heal and uplift many

hearts your family will be blessed peace

and Harmony shall fill your home you

will sense a change my presence will

rign in your house and all the forces

that once troubled you will flee and

never return seek me and you you will

find rest for your soul in me in my

promises in my word your trust must be

in me for I am your God your rock your

health your strength your

salvation take my hand and you will

never stumble I am your protector your

lord your

healer declare to me now with all your

might that you believe in me and hold on

to your faith with all your heart I love

you I have been I am and I will always

be with you on this day when life grows

turbulent stand still when it calms act

when you feel that negative forces have

entered your life without explanation it

is better to remain still trusting in my

love and surrendering your Affairs into


hands I will guide you with my gentle

voice a radiant beacon in the midst of


storm my light will pierce the cold

Darkness growing brighter until Clarity

Dawns in your spirit and you understand

so much more believe it for it will come

to pass the solution the way out of your

problems will be revealed by my Holy

Spirit he will fill your soul granting

you rest freeing you from anxieties and

nervousness even in the most challenging

circumstances so you can walk with your

head held high free from sorrow and

condemnation for past

mistakes to grasp the victory I have

secured for you let my presence fill

your heart trust me no matter what you

see hear or feel cling to my love and my

promises I speak to you with the purpose

of preparing you for the supernatural

Destiny I have ordained for you entrust

your future to me surrender your doubts

live life fully as I

command when I ask something of you it’s

because I want to help you all I request

is your unwavering belief and trust in

me I am your God strong and true my love

for you is genuine my affection is pure


sincere no one loves you as I do no one

Watches Over You day and night as I do

no one cares for you as I do I have

never rejected you never abandoned you I

don’t want you to continue feeling

unworthy to believe that your purpose is

to daily blame and punish yourself for

sins and mistake

us I have already forgiven in my word

hear me cast your sins into the depths

of the sea I no longer remember them you

must believe me there is no need to dive

back into the murky Waters of

condemnation searching for memories and

emotions that I have

erased do not Grant the enemy the the

opportunity to remind you of sins I have

already forgiven you need not suffer

daily for the same

transgressions focus on the future and

the days to come leave the past behind

and never return to it I give you the

strength to overcome challenges and

after the difficult times great

blessings will

follow beautiful opportunities will

return to

you your thoughts must be anchored in

what I your God think of you not in the

opinions of the world those who hate you

accuse you and attack you declaring that

you are undeserving of my blessings

favor or

Grace but you will respond that I have

poured Grace and forgiveness into you I

am your

Defender March forward with

determination for I will deliver you

from all who seek to harm you open your

heart to me now except what I am telling

you read my word with reverence treasure

My Sacrifice my shed blood never revisit

past sins fix your Gaze on the future do

not be distracted by vain things I have

countless good and wondrous plans for

you I desire your Eternal

loyalty seek me and obey me in all

things I know you will I know you love

me amen


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