God Says: You Will Cry Later If You Ignore Me | God Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: You Will Cry Later If You Ignore Me | God Message Today

I will personally say to you my beloved

daughter my beloved Son you were

faithful in little I am sending you a

great blessing one day I will place a

crown upon your head with my own hands I

have the power to change times and

Seasons to transform Hearts I am putting

everything in its place so that you may

enjoy my blessings and your suffering

will be left behind I stand at the door

calling open it I want to dwell in your

home and I want your family to be filled

with my wondrous peace you are on the

verge of receiving the blessing you’ve

been waiting for and that is why the

enemy has come with all his Fury to try

to pull you away from my side if things

are not going as you expected do not be

angry or give up I understand your

feelings look at me face me and together

we will make things right do not

distance yourself from me do not doubt

my existence never underestimate my love

for you your way of thinking has moved

me to tears yes I truly love you and I

never want you to stray from me you are

my child how could I not love you in

your darkest moments when you felt lost

and in despair it was not you who came

to me first I came to you embracing you

with tenderness I cleansed your soul

forgave your shortcomings comforted you

healed you and lifted you up you were

born a new listen to me now for in this

moment you will understand that that my

promise is

unwavering no one can snatch you from my

hand my love is eternal if you are

filled with doubts it is because you

have believed in someone else’s words

but let us cast aside those doubts now

come into my arms it warms my heart to

see you running towards me life is

filled with challenges and doubts may

persist but they are like birds circling

above your head if you’re not careful

they will enter build nests in your mind

fill your thoughts with confusion and

disconnect you from my love causing you

to forget the Beautiful Moments we’ve

shared do not let those thoughts in

reject the ideas of Despair that the

enemy wants to plant in you let me

remove those doubts from your mind you

will emerge from the sadness you feel

now I am etching my name upon your heart

so that you will never forget or doubt

that all my love belongs to you I don’t

want to take you away from your dreams

or make you forget your aspirations I

only ask that you place me first in

everything entrust your ways to me and

see how I bless you all that you do I

have blessed you greatly before and I

will bless you even more Embrace these

words as truth my love for you is

indestructible Eternal unbreakable

faithful and true it is yours and no one

can take it from you Let My Words become

one with your thoughts and bring you

peace now speak with your own lips my

God I love you I Surrender my life and

my loyalty to you and I will love you

with all my strength for

eternity better days are coming

beautiful days are on the horizon I am

prepared for the greatest blessing I

will not fill my thoughts with

complaints but with hope I will not

allow thoughts of defeat to enter my

mind I will embrace your promise of a

brighter future future I have waited in

patience for so long and now the moment

of my solution is near the dawn of my

answer is upon me I am about to

experience Liberation I will see that

enduring in silence without complaint

while waiting for the grace of my

sovereign God was worth it I trust in

your faithfulness and your boundless

love I will change for my own good I

will find strength to control my temper

and keep my emotions steady I will be

transformed I will not return to the

past I will seek out those who encourage

and uplift me I will know you in a new

and real way I will understand that your

love for me is greater than I was told I

will know that you are not angry with me

I will remember your promises and feel

your guidance I will walk on blessed and

righteous paths enemies will be kept at

Bay hypocritical and deceitful tongues

will not harm me I am protected from

those who speak ill of me at night I

will sleep in safety a thousand may fall

at my side , at my right hand but I

will remain in peace full of life and

health in return I give you my faith my

heart my loyalty I Surrender myself

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