God Says: This Is Serious, Don't Skip Me Today | Jesus Affirmations | God's message today - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: This Is Serious, Don’t Skip Me Today | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

God says my child when you stumble and
fall remember that I am there to help
you rise again your mistakes do not
define you they are opportunities for
growth and learning embrace the lessons
they offer and move forward with a heart
full of forgiveness and Grace beloved
child as you navigate the intricacies of
life keep your faith burning bright
trust in my plans for you even when they
diverge from your own my ways are higher
than your ways and my thoughts are
higher than your thoughts when you
surrender your desires to me I can bring
about blessings beyond your imagination
type Amen in the comments if you believe
when fear grips your heart and
uncertainty plows your thoughts I want
you to know that I am the rock you can
cling to I am your refuge and your
strength with me you are safe from the
storms that may rage around you when
life’s winds threaten to knock you off
your feet hold on to me and I will
anchor you together we will weather the
storms and you will emerge stronger and
more resilient beloved child I see the
dreams you hold in your heart the
aspirations that light up your eyes know
that I am the source of your dreams and
I want to see them come to fruition your
potential is Limitless for I have placed
within you the seeds of greatness
nurture those seeds with faith and
perseverance and watch them grow into
beautiful realities remember my love for
you is boundless and unwavering you are
never alone in this journey I am the
constant Presence by your side guiding
you with love and wisdom I listen to
your every prayer your every whisper and
I hold your hopes and fears in my heart
you are cherished beyond measure and I
am invested in your happiness and
your heart be a vessel of love
compassion and kindness share your light
with others for in doing so you spread
my love throughout the world your
actions no matter how small can have a
ripple effect of positive change be the
hands and feet of my love and watch as
your life becomes a beautiful reflection
of my grace type Amen in the comments
and get blessed today


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