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God Says: Stop Scrolling And Watch This Now | God Message Today | God Message Now

and we know that in all things God works

for the good of those who love him who

have been called according to his

purpose Romans

dear beloved

congregation today let us dwell upon the

profound words of Romans which state

and we know that in all things God works

for the good of those who love him who

have been called according to his

purpose this single verse encapsulates a

truth that is both comforting and

challenging the pro that God’s hand is

at work in every aspect of Our Lives as

Believers we often find ourselves

grappling with the complexities of life

we encounter trials hardships and

uncertainties that can shake our faith

and test our resolve yet amidst the

chaos and confusion we are called to

remember that God is Sovereign he is not

a distant Observer but an active

participant in our lives working all

things for our ultimate good it’s

important to note that this verse

doesn’t promise a life free from

adversity or pain rather it assures us

that even in the midst of our trials God

is present orchestrating events

according to his divine plan he is able

to take even the most difficult

circumstances and use them for our

benefit consider the story of Joseph in

the Book of Genesis he faced betrayal

slavery and imprisonment yet through it

all God was with him ultimately using

his suffering to to bring about a

greater purpose Joseph himself

acknowledged this truth when he said to

his brothers you intended to harm me but

God intended it for good to accomplish

what is now being done the saving of

many lives Genesis

in our own lives we may not always

understand why certain things happen we

may question God’s plan and wonder how

he could possibly bring good out of our

pain but we are called to trust to have

faith that God is at work behind the

scenes weaving together the tapestry of

our lives in ways that we cannot

comprehend it’s easy to trust God when

everything is going well but true faith

is tested in the midst of adversity it’s

in those moments of darkness and despair

that we must cling to the promise of


we must remind ourselves that God

is faithful and his love for us never

wavers but how do we apply this truth to

our daily lives how how do we maintain

our trust in God when the storms of life

are raging around us the key lies in

cultivating a deep and intimate

relationship with him when we spend time

in prayer and study his word we are

reminded of his faithfulness and his

promises we are reminded that he is with

us always guiding us and sustaining us

through every trial furthermore we must

surrender our own desires and Ambitions

to God’s will this requires humility and

Trust trust as we acknowledge that his

ways are higher than our ways and his

thoughts are higher than our thoughts


when we align our will with his we

can rest assured that he will lead us

down the path of righteousness even when

it is difficult to see the way ahead in

conclusion let us take heart in the

promise of Romans

let us trust in God’s plan for our

lives knowing that he is working all

things for our good may we be

strengthened in our faith and may we

rest in the knowledge that we serve a

God who is faithful and true

amen like if you believe in


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