God says:- My Child Don't Hurt me by Ignoring Me | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

God says:- My Child Don’t Hurt me by Ignoring Me | God Message Today |

God has a special message only for you

he has been waiting to communicate with

you watch the entire video to receive

his hidden message my dearest child I

have watched over you with boundless

love since the moment of your creation I

have witnessed every joy every sorrow

and every Triumph yet I have also seen

the weight of expectations pressing down

upon your weary shoulders burdening you

with a sense of inadequacy and failure I

want you to know that my love for you

knows no bounds and it is not contingent

upon meeting any

expectations I am not a Taskmaster nor

do I Revel in your perceived failures my

love is unconditional unwavering and

eternal I understand the struggles you

face the fear of falling short and the

overwhelming pressure to measure up to

arbitrary standards set by Society

others and even yourself but let me

assure you my child that you do not need

to earn my love or approval you are

inherently worthy of Love simply because

you exist the expectations you feel are

not placed upon you by me but rather by

the flawed constructs of human society

they are limitations created by a world

that often fails to see the beauty and

uniqueness within each individual soul

you are not defined by your

accomplishments or failures but by the

love that flows through you and the

light that shines within your heart I

know that it can be difficult to see

Beyond The Cloud of expectations that

surrounds you but I implore you to look

Inward and recognize your inherent worth

you are a precious and irreplaceable

being deserving of love compassion and

forgiveness especially from yourself

when you feel overwhelmed by the weight


expectations remember that you do not

walk this journey alone I am always here

ready to offer my love guidance and

support Lean on Me in times of struggle

and I will carry you through the darkest

of nights into the light of a new day

release yourself from the shackles of

expectation and embrace the freedom of

Simply being you are enough just as you

are Flaws and All embrace your

imperfections as the unique Fingerprints

of your soul and know that they do not

diminish your worth in my eyes my dear

child let go of the need to constantly

strive for Perfection and instead

embrace the beauty of imperfection find

joy in the journey celebrate your

successes and learn from your mistakes

and always remember that you are loved

beyond measure just as you are type Amen

in the comments if you love Jesus

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