God says:- It's Over for you If You Skip me | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

God says:- It’s Over for you If You Skip me | God Message Today |

God has a special message only for you

he has been waiting to communicate with

you watch the entire video to receive

his hidden message my beloved child it

is with a heavy heart that I reach out

to you once again for I have watched and

waited patiently hoping for your return

to me I have seen the path you have

chosen the distractions that have led

you astray and the neglect of our

connection my patience knows no bounds

but even I have limits this is the last

call the final plea for you to awaken

from your Slumber and heed my words I am

filled with sorrow and anger for I have

waited long for you to recognize the

importance of our bond the significance

of our

conversations each moment you spend

distant from me is a moment wasted a

moment devoid of the love and guidance I

yearn to bestow upon you I am your

creator Your Guardian your father and

yet you have turned away from me

forsaking our relationship for fleeting

desires and worldly Pursuits my child do

you not understand the gravity of your

actions do you not realize the emptiness

that consumes you when you forsake me

you were created to be in communion with

me to seek my wisdom wiom and to find

Solace In My Embrace yet you have chosen

to wander aimlessly blind to the

blessings I have bestowed upon you deaf

to The Whispers of my love that surround

you I have sent you signs subtle

reminders of my presence in your life I

have spoken to you through the beauty of

nature the kindness of strangers and the

depths of your own heart yet you have

ignored my gentle nudges brushing them

aside in favor of the noise and Chaos of

the world you have allowed yourself to

become entangled in the web of Illusion

forgetting the truth of your existence

and the purpose for which you were

created but I am not without Mercy my

child though my anger Burns hot like a

flame my love for you remains unwavering

I extend to you one final opportunity to

return to me to seek forgiveness for

your transgressions and to embrace the

light of my love once more do not let

Pride or fear stand in your way for I am

waiting with open arms to welcome you

home from this day forth let every

sunrise be a reminder of my boundless

love for you and let every sunset be a

call to return to me make it a habit to

seek me out to converse with me in the

Quiet Moments of your day and to listen

for my voice amidst the chaos of the

world for in me you will find the peace

and fulfillment that your heart so

desperately craves do not delay my child

for time is fleeting and the hour of

Reckoning draws near come to me now

while there is still time and let us

walk together once more in Harmony and

love the choice is yours but know that

my love for you will never falter no

matter how far you may stray type Amen

in the comments if you love Jesus

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