God Says: Heed My Voice Dear Child | God message Today | god message for you today | God Support - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: Heed My Voice Dear Child | God message Today | god message for you today | God Support

dearest child as we share this sacred moment I implore you to open your heart

wide to receive the profound truths that flow through these words they are not mere syllables but the Resonance of

Eternity woven with threads of boundless love allow them to permeate the depths

of your soul for you are poised on the threshold of extraordinary Destiny sculpted by the unwavering assurances I

offer know this you are not a drift in the currents of existence but purpose F

traversing towards a horizon Ablaze with triumphs yet to unfold my pledges are not fleeting wisps but enduring

guideposts destined to materialize in the tapestry of your life clasp this

truth tightly to your being as I stand vigil over your journey understand that

you are never alone in your trials each stride you take is under the gentle guidance of my hand leading you through

life’s intricate choreography when Shadows Loom and uncertainty clouds your path path let

these words be the guiding Stars casting light upon your way hold fast to your

faith beloved one let not the tempests of Life sway you nor the doubters murmur

weaken your resolve be Resolute for I Am by your side strengthening your spirit

and readying you for the realization of all that is Promised amidst the tumult of trials and

tribulations remember that my presence is your sanctuary Ary a Wellspring of boundless fortitude and

Tranquility therefore in the face of adversity do not succumb to

despair brush aside the scoffs of those who disregard my teachings remain steadfast in your faith

unyielding in the face of Temptation for even in the depths of Darkness you are not

abandoned I am there a constant companion nurturing and empowering your

soul my cherished child let not the turbulence of malevolence weigh upon

your heart or dim the light within you in moments when Shadows lengthen and challenges Loom large cling steadfastly

to Hope refusing to surrender to the grip of Despair or uncertainty allow neither fear to

entwine your spirit nor doubt to Cloud your vision for lo I am poised to unveil

Marvels in your journey I shall lead you to Vistas Beyond imagination infolding

you in my boundless Grace bestowing upon you my favor and ensuring that my

blessings accompany you on every path you Traverse I implore you do not Retreat

from my nurturing presence nor question the truth of my promises place your unwavering trust in

me for I have woven a tapestry of grand purpose for your life stand Resolute

emboldened by courage and fortitude Forge ahead with unyielding determination and unwavering faith in

your heart let not the shadows of past missteps overshadow your present or future endeavors allow no echo of

previous errors to impede your progress for the depths of my love for you remain unaltered by any misstep come

closer hearken to my voice resounding within you let the warmth of my proximity dispel all traces of fear and

uncertainty from your being my beloved embrace my assurances wholeheartedly for

ahead lies greatness and you must prepare yourself to receive the abundance that awaits therefore resist

the Allure of transient desires and the empty promises of this world remember

the fleeting pleasures of Earthly Pursuits lead only to disillusionment Despair and

ruination thus I beseech you my son my daughter draw near to me this day permit

me to unfold You In My Embrace to lighten your burden and Grant you Solace and reprieve

anticipate the unfolding of new and extraordinary blessings I am preparing to pour into your life you will advance

with unwavering Faith soaring like eagles unhindered for I will remain

steadfastly by your side anchor your trust firmly in me for I guarantee that

the transformative work I’ve initiated within you will reach completion I will shower you with an abundance of

blessings infusing your soul with comfort peace and Grace I will serve as your

Refuge filling your heart with unbridled joy and profound contentment all these Marvels I will

orchestrate within you your task is to believe with unwavering conviction allow

no doubts to erect barriers along the path to the blessings I have ordained for you stand firm and courageous

knowing that in the face of adversity I am intimately present infolding you in unwavering love

recognize that the journey towards my promises may lead through formidable trials yet in these tests it is

imperative to rely on me holding fast to the assurance that amidst every Triumph and tribulation I

am guiding you shaping your character for greater purposes fear not the obstacles that lie

ahead with steadfast trust and unyielding determination press forward towards the

future I have mapped out for you a future brimming with opportunities and blessings remember faith is the beacon

illuminating your path in The Darkest Hours the guiding force that dispels doubt when it threatens to obscure your

vision do not falter my beloved stride boldly forward secure in the knowledge

that my love for you knows no bounds even in the most trying times

when despair lurks nearby my presence will calm your fears and endow you with the strength to persevere resist the

words and criticism of those who seek to lead you astray for in me alone Lies True guidance and fulfillment my design

for you is steadfast Grand and Transcendent I will lead you to Realms

beyond your current understanding place your trust in me and allow my boundless

love and grace to infuse your journey with joy and Triumph remember the work I have

initiated within you will culminate in blessings beyond measure do not underestimate their imp

for each will unfold in its perfect time cling to Hope in your heart and courageously stride towards the

extraordinary Destiny awaiting you my beloved Son my cherished

daughter the words I impart to your heart now serve as an eternal Testament to my profound love and unwavering

dedication to you treasure this message deep within and witness the miraculous

ways my mighty hand reshapes Your Existence do not lose heart heart March

forward with unwavering faith for immense blessings await as your destined inheritance believe that as you navigate

life’s journey I am beside you at every step guiding you to Realms Beyond

imagination therefore hold fast to my love have faith in the promises I have

made and let my peace envelop your entire being through patience and steadfast

endurance you will witness the fruition of my Divine plans in your life life do not waver for my love and grace are ever

bestowed upon you persist in your prayers for I listen attentively my intentions towards you

overflow with kindness in the Assurance of Abundant Blessings today my beloved one I long to

unveil the full extent of the goodness I have reserved for you since your very creation you are a beautiful

manifestation of my love and grace everything in this world has been fashioned to support and fulfill your

needs therefore know that I am prepared to bestow upon you all that your heart

desires every prayer you have uttered will be answered no obstacle or challenge will hinder the blessings I’ve

ordained for your life for all my actions are purposeful if you believe that God will help you please subscribe

to the channel prepare yourself for what lies ahead is Not Mere happen stance but

a reflection of my profound desire and benevolence towards your life henceforth

your sorrows shall fade away and pain shall no longer Shadow your days today

Heralds a fresh Dawn wherein every pledge I have made to you will come to fruition your deepest longings will be

fulfilled and I will raise you to a state of abundance and Triumph positioning you in a place of honor

these forthcoming occurrences are not arbitrary they are the fruits of your steadfastness and commitment to my

teachings I understand there were moments when remaining faithful to my promises felt arduous

times when you felt a drift and disheartened yet just as the sun rises after the darkest of nights so too will

your future Radiance surpass the Shadows of the past your blessings will multiply manifold and your compassionate

Endeavors towards the less fortunate will not go unnoticed indeed none of your Deeds have been in vain my beloved

child be assured in your heart that Victory belongs to you you will accomplish your aspirations and see your

dreams materialized even amidst trials no obstacle shall thwart your path for I Am by your side

assisting you in all your endeavors my abundant blessings upon you are steadfast an eternal decree ordained

from the very moment of your Inception I will not only augment your material Prosperity but also Grace your

life with extended years each moment devoted to selfless service every act of

kindness rendered without expectation of reward particularly toward Wards the impoverished and needy shall yield

manifold returns understand that I am rejuvenating your spirit igniting a new

your Zeal for life and reigniting your passions I am reclaiming what was lost to the adversary in the world for all

spiritual gifts and blessings rightfully Belong To You therefore rise each day

with me at the Forefront of your endeavors commence your Mornings in communion with me venturing forth with

faith and determination to embrace the blessing things unfolding before you seize them resolutely for they are a

testament to your devotion and love for me March onward with unwavering confidence my child do not falter or

hesitate but stride forth with firm steps towards Triumph and abundance remember I am ever by your side cradling

You In My Embrace proceed on your journey undaunted casting away doubt and

fear for shame shall not befall you I will pave your path

clearing away adversaries who resent your blessings and success those who propagate falsehoods from which they

will not Retreat I will eradicate from your life those who have opposed you for in

opposing you they have also opposed the sanctity of the blood that redeemed them

their persistent refusal to repent of their wickedness places them in direct opposition to me therefore separate

yourself from these malevolent Souls distance yourself from those who sow Discord with their deceit

words they assail with their tongues and Scorn with their glances they fracture innocent bonds trample the righteous and

nurture the growth of malice cloaked in the guise of righteousness they disguise

their corruption as sound Doctrine resembling wolves and sheep’s clothing Retreat from their company for

they shall surely reap the consequences of their deeds you however must persevere on your

journey of faith remain anchored in my teachings attuned to my voice and obedient to my guidance

and you shall find peace if you seek to discern my voice within your soul turn to my written word

delve into its depths with faith and love engrave its truths upon your mind

cradle them within your heart with hope and embrace them fervently for they are

your compass to eternal life then your your heart will overflow with joy and

your spirit will soar empowered by faith and confidence to pursue your dreams for

within my words lie boundless blessings and the promise of everlasting life cherish this message in your heart my

child for I will fulfill every desire you have laid before me no obstacle or

challenge shall hinder the outpouring of my blessings upon your life for my love for you knows no bounds and it is my

fervent desire to bless and prosper you in in all things amidst the tempests and trials

cling resolutely to your faith in me let no circumstance hinder your ultimate

Triumph trust in my guidance and together we will confront and overcome every obstacle for nothing and no one

can stand against you remember I am the path the truth and the source of life as

you navigate life’s Peaks and valleys I will be by your side steering you

towards the destiny I have ordained for you since the beginning of time you are my beloved child and I have lavished

upon you grace and favor beyond measure in your hands lies the power to transform the world your authentic

demonstration of my love and truth has the potential to touch hearts and ignite hope in others never underestimate the

impact you can have for through you my love extends its reach to the ends of the Earth press onward dear one with

courage and unwavering confidence in me let my love envelop you and guide you towards the prosperous and Victorious

future I have prepared for you always remember you are my cherished treasure

and I will walk beside you clasping your hand and nurturing your dreams

aspirations and goals with boundless love I am on the verge of bestowing upon

you the long- awaited miracle open your hands and heart to receive it

I see the hardships you endure and recognize your profound need for a miracle cling steadfastly to your faith

do not lose heart for very soon you will witness the Fulfillment of your

prayers you have come to the right place for I am ready to Grant your desires through your unwavering faith it is

through the power of prayer that I will bestow upon you the miracle you seek I understand that you have long

been devoid of peace and Tranquility struggling to find restful sleep sleep and yearning for serenity as your joy

seems to wne but fear not for I am here your loving father ready to come to your

Aid I extend my hand to lift you from the troubles and confusion that weigh upon you I will alleviate the pain the

anguish and the worry that have filled you with anxiety today I place within your reach a

supernatural Miracle one that will bring forth

peace happiness health and Harmony within your family

today your body shall be healed your suffering shall cease for today I grant you healing and

blessings and outpouring of peace and prosperity in response to your fervent

prayers I implore you my son and I beckon you my daughter be to raise your

hands and accept this gift with unwavering Faith your time of suffering is at an end let your tears be dried

embrace the miracle you have sought from me it is time to rejoice and step into a new spiritual realm where true happiness

joy and pure love abound now is the moment to receive your

blessing to demonstrate that your faith was not in vain that you were right to believe and persevere in faith even in

the face of adversity you chose to trust and wait upon me despite the challenges and now

your fa faith shall be rewarded my dear son my precious daughter I want you to

feel my Embrace to know that you are securely held in my hands in my presence

you will always find a sanctuary of safety I will never let you go I am your

God your father your sustainer through the steadfast Faith you have

maintained I will supply all your needs open your hands and heart to

receive the blessings you have yearned for let me Infuse your soul and heart with a supernatural sense of peace and

joy I am here to fulfill every dream every longing within you so that in me

you may find true and Lasting happiness know that the journey ahead may appear daunting but fear not for I am with you

every step of the way I will never abandon you on your path place your trust in me and witness

how as you move forward you are embraced by the reality of this miracle which will fortify and deepen

your faith rejuvenate and Empower your spirit my cherished children the

unfolding Miracle serves as a tangible expression of my boundless love for you seize this moment to cultivate a heart

overflowing with gratitude and devotion let your soul ReSound with praise recognizing that every moment of

your existence is Guided by my loving hand disregard any discouragement and the words of those those who doubt

persist with unyielding and resilient Faith declaring your miracle and sharing it as a testament to your unwavering

trust in me through your testimony others will be inspired to find the faith they need to embrace my promises

Forge ahead with unshakable courage be not afraid for I Am by your side in

every stride you take remember the joy I impart is your source of strength above

all understand that through Christ Jesus you are more than conquerors so let a

smile Adorn your face for the moment you have long awaited is now unfolding before you let this season of Miracles

and blessings Mark the commencement of a life brimming with purpose overflowing with joy and crowned With Victory a

season where all your needs are met and your deepest desires are fulfilled trust

in me for within the unfolding of my will you will discover true Liberation

and hold ESS that only I can provide recognize that your life is part of a grander design and your existence

is intricately intertwined with my Divine intentions with each step you take you

move closer to a life abundant in Joy well-being and prosperity a life I have

envisioned for you since the dawn of time always remember that you are my son my daughter and your Worth to me is

immeasurable today embrace my promises and revel in the Miracle Within your grasp may my peace

surpassing all understanding fill your heart and illuminate every step of your journey know that in me you will

discover the strength to overcome any obstacle and the confidence to embrace a future brimming with hope and happiness

for you are my cherished child destined to lead a vibrant and prosperous life that reflects the Splendor of my

boundless Grace amen beloved child in this sacred moment I call upon you to

open your heart to my words for they Echo with eternal Truth and Love let

them permeate your very being for you stand on the precipice of greatness a

destiny shaped by my unwavering promises remember this you are not merely

wandering through life you are journeying toward a horizon teaming with extraordinary achievements my assurances

are not fleeting Shadows but steadfast beacons death to illuminate your path Embrace this truth with all your heart

as I keep watch over you understand that you are never alone in your struggles every step you take is Guided by my hand

leading you through the intricate dance of life in moments of Doubt when the

path seems obscured let my word serve as a lamp unto your feet Illuminating The

Way Forward stand steadfast in your faith dear one let not the storms of life

deter you you nor The Whispers of Skeptics sway your resolve remain firm for I Am with You

strengthening your spirit and preparing you for the Fulfillment of all I have promised in your journey through trials

and tribulations remember that my presence is a sanctuary an unwavering source of

strength and peace therefore in the face of life’s trials do not succumb to

despair disregard the scorn of those who do not honor my teachings remain steadfast in your faith unshaken

by the snares of the adversary even in the darkest valleys you are not abandoned my presence is your constant

companion nurturing and emboldening your spirit if you want God’s message to guide you further like the video and

share it as much as possible my dear child let not your heart be troubled or burdened by the

emergence of malevolence in times when Shadows Loom large and circumstances appear daunting

hold fast and do not yield to despair or uncertainty let fear find no foothold in your heart for

behold I am on the brink of orchestrating Wonders in your life guiding you to Realms beyond your

imagination I will envelop you in my grace showering you with my favor and my

blessings shall accompany you on every path you tread I implore you do not flee

from my loving presence or doubt the truth of my words place your trust in me

for I have conceived a magnificent purpose for your life stand firm be courageous and bold March forward with

unwavering belief in your heart do not allow the mistakes of your past to cast a shadow over your present

or future let not The Echoes of past missteps hinder your progress for no

past error can diminish the boundless love I hold for you come closer and heed

my voice with Keen attention let my proximity dispel all fear an uncertainty from your heart my

cherished child embrace my assurances today with unwavering trust for a head

lies greatness and you must prepare yourself to receive these Abundant Blessings therefore resist the Allure of

fleeting desires and the deceptive charm of this world recall that the pleasures of Earthly existence lead only to

emptiness Despair and ruin thus I

implore you my son my daughter draw near to me this day

allow me to unfold You In My Embrace to lighten your burdens and Grant you rest

anticipate the new and wondrous things I am poised to bring into your life move forward in faith soaring like eagles

unhindered for I will be ever presentent with you anchor your faith firmly in me

rest assured that the good work I have initiated within you will be brought to completion I will shower you with an

abundance of blessings let your soul be saturated with Comfort peace and Grace I

will be your Refuge filling your heart with unending joy and contentment all

these Marvels I will manifest within you you need only believe wholeheartedly do not allow doubt to erect barriers on the

path to the blessings I have ordained for you stand firm and Resolute knowing that when adversities arise I Stand By

Your Side enveloping you in unwavering love recognize that the journey to my

promises May Traverse through daunting challenges yet in these trials it is

imperative to place your trust in me clinging to the assurance that through every joy and sorrow I Am with You

sculpting your spirit for greater purposes do not be afraid of the challenges that lie ahead with trust and

unwavering determination step boldly into the future I have ordained for you a future

overflowing with opportunities and blessings remember Faith serves as your beacon in

The Darkest Hours illuminating your path when doubt threatens to Cloud your vision do not falter my child walk with

confidence knowing that my love for you knows no bounds even in the most trying

times when despair looms close my presence will calm your fears and Empower you to persevere reject the

words and criticisms of those who seek to lead you astray my my plan for you is

Resolute magnificent and Beyond Comprehension I will lead you to places

you never imagined place your trust in me and allow my love and grace to

transform your journey into one of joy and Triumph remember the work I have

initiated in you will culminate in blessings beyond measure do not underestimate their impact for each

blessing will unfold in its perfect time cling to Hope in your heart and boldly Advance toward the extraordinary destiny

Desy that awaits you my beloved Son my cherished daughter the words I impart to

your heart now serve as an eternal Testament of my boundless love and unwavering commitment to you treasure

this message deeply and you will witness the Magnificent ways in which my powerful hand shapes Your Existence do

not be discouraged continue to March forward with unwavering faith for immense blessings await you as your

destined inheritance believe that as you journey through life I am by your side at every

step guiding you towards Realms Beyond Your Wildest Dreams therefore my dear

child hold fast to my love trust in the promises I have made and allow my peace

to saturate your entire being through patience and persistent endurance you will witness the unfolding of my Divine

plans in your life do not waver for my love and grace are continuously bestowed

upon you persevere in your prayers for I’m attentive to your your every word my

thoughts toward you overflow with kindness and the Assurance of Abundant Blessings today my beloved one I long to

reveal the full extent of the goodness I have reserved for you since your creation you are a beautiful reflection

of my love and grace and everything in this world has been orchestrated to fulfill your

needs understand that I am prepared to grant you all that your heart desires every prayer you have uttered will be

answered no obstacle or challenge will hinder the blessings I have ordained for your life for all my actions are

purposeful prepare yourself for what is to come is not happen stance but a

manifestation of my deep desire and good will for your life from this moment onward your Sorrows will dissipate and

pain will no longer hold sway over your life today signifies A New Beginning

where every promise I have made to you will be fulfilled your longings will be met and I will Elevate you to a place of

prosperity and Victory positioning you in a position of prominence these occurrences are not

arbitrary they are the fruits of your unwavering faithfulness and commitment to my word I understand that there were

moments when staying true to my teachings seemed daunting times when you felt lost and a drift but just as the

dawn inevitably follows the darkest night so too will your future Brilliance overshadow the past your blessings will

multiply abundantly and your efforts to assist the less fortunate will not go unnoticed know that none of your Deeds

have been in vain my beloved child be assured in your heart that

Victory belongs to you you will accomplish your aspirations and fulfill your dreams even amidst trials no

obstacle will hinder your path for I am with you supporting you in all your

endeavors my boundless blessings are bestowed upon you a Divine decree ordained since your creation I will not

only increase your material wealth but also enrich your life with prolonged years every moment spent selflessly

serving others especially the needy will be returned to you manifold understand that I am

revitalizing your spirit reigniting your passion for life and restoring what was

lost to the enemy in this world all spiritual gifts and blessings rightfully Belong To

You therefore rise each day with me at the Forefront of your endeavors commune

with me each morning stepping forward with faith and determination to embrace the blessings

that await you hold on to them tightly for they are a reward for your unwavering devotion and love for me

March onward with unwavering confidence my child do not falter or hesitate but

proceed with assured steps toward Triumph and abundance remember I am always by your side

holding you in my hands continue your journey without despair casting aside

doubt and fear for you will not face shame I will clear your path of adversaries those who envy your

blessings and success and who spread falsehoods from which they will not turn away I will remove from your life those

who have opposed you for in opposing you they have opposed the sacred blood that redeemed them their refusal to repent of

their wrongdoing places them as adversaries to me separate yourself from these malevolent individuals distance

yourself from those who spread lies about their fellow beings they attack with words and demean with their looks

they tear apart innocent families crush the pure grain and nurture the growth of

weeds they disguise their corruption as righteousness masking it as sound

teaching they are like wolves in sheep’s clothing withdraw from their presence

for they will face the consequences of their actions however you must persevere on your

Journey of Faith remain rooted in my teachings listen to my voice and follow

my guidance and all will be well with you if you seek to hear my voice within

your soul turn to my written word open its Pages explore them with faith and love

imprint them in your mind hold them dearly in your heart with hope embrace them

fervently and follow them with devotion then your heart will be filled with joy

your spirit uplifted for they will fill you with the faith and confidence to achieve your

aspirations for within my teachings lie immense blessings and eternal life

cherish this message in your heart my child for I will grant you all that you

have envisioned all that you have asked of Me no obstacle or difficulty will hinder my blessings in your life for my

love for you is Limitless and it is my desire to bless and prosper you in every aspect a remarkable event is unfolding

in your life for you have been chosen to Triumph and receive Abundant Blessings listen closely to my voice for today I

speak directly to you assuring you not to lose hope or be dismayed by Future challenges do not allow anxiety to grip

your heart nor let fear obscure your path I am beside you I walk with you

even through trials and tribulations I will never forsake you I am here to uphold and shield you as you

navigate this world do not let hardships overwhelm you nor be burdened by the

judgments and Whispers of others for throughout your trials and tribulations I am by your side I have witnessed your

unwavering Faith even amidst the enemies assaults I have observed your steadfastness and resilience serving as

a testament to my love and power you have boldly proclaimed my word with courage and determination filling me

with great pride and joy now replenish your strength my child and rise with

renewed determination remember beyond the dark Valley of Shadows lies the expansive

Garden of my promises in that place you will find joy peace and an abundance of

blessings there you will witness the overflowing of blessings for you and for generations to come always hold fast to

the truth that I am a God who Faithfully keeps his promises and I will fulfill them in you

this is why my dear child I urge you to persevere and be courageous Embrace

patience and place your unwavering trust in me for I am working for your good my

grace and mercy will never depart from you and my love for you knows no bounds to fully embrace the blessings I have in

store for you you must rid yourself of all doubts and purify your mind of any impure or inappropriate thoughts that

may distance you from my presence cast them out and cleanse your heart

in doing so you will experience all the unique and exceptional blessings that come from living righteously and with

Integrity do not falter in the face of adversity for you are destined to

overcome from the outset I created you with a Divine Purpose to lead a life

filled with blessings prosperity and victory do not be

intimidated by the challenges struggles or hardships that you may face for I will be right there

with you offering encouragement and strength in every trial remember every hardship you face

is an opportunity to rise higher and grow stronger as you exert yourself and

remain Valiant I will bring to completion the work I began in you I will shower your life with joy and

Abundant Blessings leading you towards a life of peace and prosperity bear in mind that my presence

is your shield and my grace is Everlasting no force can take away the blessings I

have in store for you and for the generations to follow therefore my

beloved on this special day I implore you once again do not give up reject the

lure of meaningless and dishonorable Pursuits stand Resolute and keep your spirit strong and courageous for amidst

the storm I will perform wonders in your life I will work marvelously through you

showcasing that my love and power know no limits and I will continuously act in your

favor enabling you to achieve and live a life filled with happiness and success please my beloved child hold

tightly to my words and my promises be assured I will never leave you until all that I have promised you is fulfilled in

moments of Doubt find solace in me in times of Sorrow let my eternal love be

your comfort I am always by your side with arms of Love ready to embrace you

I have magnificent and extraordinary plans for you trust in me and you will witness how light pierces through

Darkness how hope is rekindled in your heart rest in my grace walk in bravery

and rise with renewed strength for the journey ahead is one of Triumph and victory as you navigate the intricate

Pathways of Life remember that my love for you knows no bounds it is a love

that surpasses understanding A Love That Will car car you through the darkest of nights and the fiercest of storms

therefore do not be dismayed by the challenges that lie ahead for I Am With You

Always guiding you with wisdom and Grace open your heart to receive the abundance

of blessings I have prepared for you let go of any doubts or fears that may hinder your progress and embrace the

promise of a bright and prosperous future know that I am working tirelessly on your behalf orchestrating every

detail to Ure your success and well-being trust in my timing for I know

what is best for you have faith that every trial you face is a stepping stone to Greater blessings and every setback

is an opportunity for growth and transformation remain steadfast in your Devotion to me and you will reap the

rewards of a life lived in alignment with my Divine will above all my beloved

child remember that you are deeply loved and cherished by me your worth is

immeasurable and your potential is Limitless as you Journey forward may you

always walk in the light of my love knowing that I am with you every step of the way type Amen in the comments and

don’t forget to share this message with up to three people so that God can help you

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