God Says: Can You Give Me Your 2 Minutes Today? | God Message Today | Today Message | - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: Can You Give Me Your 2 Minutes Today? | God Message Today | Today Message |

my beloved

child as you place your trust in me your

trials are akin to a woman enduring the

Pains of childbirth her suffering is

very real and at times she may wonder

how much more she can

bear however through this grueling trial

emerges a wondrous Miracle a newborn

life as you labor through your Earthly

struggles keep your eyes fixed on the

promised reward boundless joy in heaven

even now you can grow more aware of my

presence where there is fullness of joy

I reside within you I am everything you

could ever need in a savior God and I am

alive within your very being I fill you

with Radiant Life and boundless love my

desire is for my life within you to

overflow and touch the lives of others

as you interact with them invite me to

live and love through you when you

collaborate with me in this way my light

will radiate from your countenance and

my love will Grace your words you are

complete in me everything essential for

your salvation and spiritual growth is

found in me through my divine power you

possess all that is required to endure

in the eternal life I have granted you I

also Grant you intimate knowledge of me

I invite you to open your heart and

share with me at the deepest levels your

struggles and your Delights alike find

find your rest in my finished work upon

the cross and rejoice in the security

you have in me experience profound Soul

satisfaction through knowing me your

loving Savior and eternal friend do not

fret over the prosperity of the wicked

or their evil schemes in this age of

instant communication you have access to

a wealth of information and news news

that can easily overwhelm you not only

do you hear about Wicked people and

their malevolent plots but you also

witness the graphic details these images

leave a powerful imprint on your mind a

steady diet of such Darkness can breed

anxiety and fear I urge you to pray

about global events and seek peace where

you can nonetheless it is vital to

discern what you can change and what is

beyond your control worrying about

matters outside your sphere of influence

will deplete your energy and discourage

you instead of dwelling on these dist

ing matters Endeavor to fix your

thoughts upon me I am with you and I am

for you find your Delight in me remember

that I am a God of Justice and I see all

in due time I will Rectify all wrongs so

be still in my presence place your trust

in me with a steadfast heart while

patiently awaiting my

intervention carry forth this practice

of gazing upon me even in moments of

strength and confidence for it is during

these times that you are most

susceptible to veering off

course instead of presuming knowledge of

your next step train yourself to seek my

counsel bear in mind that my thoughts

and ways transcend yours as the heavens

are higher than the earth let this

knowledge draw you into worship for I am

the high and exalted one the inhabitant

of Eternity the one who Stoops to assist

you my dear child I hope these words

touch your heart deeply and remind you

of the boundless love and grace I have

for you know that you are cherished

protected and never alone I Am With You

Always offering you my unfailing love

and guidance rejoice in my presence find

strength in my promises and Trust in my

perfect Plan for Your Life share this

video with your contacts if you love

me and also subscribe to the God Message Today

channel to stay connected

with my voice

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