God Says ➨ Your Final Farewell on April 7th Don't Ignore | God Message Today | God Tells - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says ➨ Your Final Farewell on April 7th Don’t Ignore | God Message Today | God Tells

God’s special message is only for you

don’t make the mistake of leaving it God

wants to solve all your problems in the

last seconds God will answer all your

questions so watch the full video my

beloved child I come to you today with a

message that strikes at the very heart

of my teachings and the essence of the

Gospel a message of

forgiveness forgive as the Lord forgave

you these words are not mere suggestions

or recommend

ations they are a profound truth and a

direct command from your Savior and

Lord forgiveness is the Cornerstone of

the Christian faith for it is Through My

Sacrifice on the cross that you have

been forgiven of your sins and

reconciled to the father in The Ultimate

Act of love and mercy I took upon myself

the sin of the world suffering the

punishment that you

deserved so that you might be made

righteous in the sight of God my child

consider the weight of your

transgressions the depth of your

Rebellion against a holy and perfect God

you were born in sin destined for

Eternal separation from your

creator yet in my infinite grace and

compassion I chose to Bear the full

Wrath of God’s judgment upon myself

enduring the agony of the Cross so that

you might be set

free as I hung on that rugged cross my

body broken and my blood poured out I

looked upon you and all of humanity

with eyes of unfathomable love and

forgiveness father forgive them for they

know not what they do I cried out

extending mercy and pardon to those who

had condemned me to death in that moment

the veil was torn and the way was made

for you to approach the throne of grace


boldness the debt of your sin was paid

in full and you were restored to a right

relationship with the father my child

pause the video and click the Subscribe

button to join me this is the

Forgiveness that I have freely given to

you a forgiveness that cost me

everything yet which I gladly offered

for your sake my child if I the sinless

Son of God was willing to forgive those

who crucified

me how much more should you a forgiven

sinner be willing to forgive those who

have wronged you if I the Lord of all

creation could extend mercy and pardon

to my

executioners how can you withhold

forgiveness from those who have

trespassed against

you forgiveness is not optional for the

Christian it is a command a sacred

obligation and a reflection of the very

character of

God be kind to one another

tender-hearted forgiving one

another as God in Christ forgave

you the scriptures declare just as you

have been forgiven so you must forgive

others I understand that the act of

forgiveness is not easy especially when

the wounds inflicted upon you are deep

and the pain is raw the enemy will

whisper lies urging you to cling to

bitterness resentment and the desire for

vengeance but I say to you resist these

Temptations for they are paths that lead

only to spiritual darkness and the

destruction of your soul unforgiveness

is a poison that corrupts the heart and

binds you in Chains of anger hatred and

resentment it separates you from the

love of God and hinders the flow of my

spirit in your life when you refuse to

forgive you not only harm the one who

wronged you but also

yourself allowing the offense to fester


grow casting a shadow over your joy and

peace true

forgiveness the Forgiveness that I call

you to

embrace is not merely a feeling or an

emotion it is a deliberate

Choice a Act of the

will and a reflection of the

transformative work of my spirit within

you it is a decision to release the

offender from the debt they owe you to

let go of the desire for retaliation and

to entrust Justice and Vengeance to me

the righteous judge forgiveness does not

mean minimizing or excusing the offense

committed against you type Amen in the

comments and don’t forget to share this

message with up to three people so that

God can help you it does not require you

to remain in an abusive or harmful

situation rather forgiveness is a matter

of the heart a choice to extend grace

and mercy even when it is undeserved

because you have been shown such

immeasurable grace and mercy

yourself my child I know the pain and

anguish that comes from being wronged by

others I have walked this Earth and

experienced the depths of human

suffering and betrayal I have been

mocked scorned and rejected by those I

came to save yet in the midst of it all

I chose forgiveness not for the sake of

those who persecuted me but for your

sake and mine when you forgive you are

walking in my

footsteps reflecting the very nature of

the one who forgave you you are

releasing the burden of bitterness and

resentment allowing the healing balm of

my love and grace to flow into the

deepest wounds of your heart forgiveness

is not a sign of weakness it is a

demonstration of

strength a manifestation of the power of

my spirit at work within you it is a

radical Act of obedience that sets you

free from the chains of anger and hatred

enabling you to experience the fullness

of my peace and joy as you choose to

forgive you will find that the weight of

your burdens becomes lighter and the

Darkness of your pain begins to

dissipate forgiveness is the pathway to


the road to healing and the bridge that

leads to Restoration and

reconciliation but forgiveness is not

only for your own

sake it is also a powerful witness to

the world of the transformative power of

the Gospel when you extend forgiveness

to those who have wronged you you are

reflecting the very heart of God and

demonstrating the reality of my love in

a tangible way the world will take

notice when you forgive the unforgivable

when you extend Grace to those who have

shown you none and when you respond to

hatred and violence with love and mercy

in doing so you will become a living

testimony of the power of the Cross if

you want God’s grace to be a constant in

your life a steady guiding force then

please consider supporting our ministry

by clicking the thanks button your

support means more than you can imagine

a Beacon of Hope in a world shrouded in

darkness and despair my child

as you journey through this life there

will be many opportunities to

forgive opportunities to lay down your

pride release the offenses committed

against you and walk in the freedom of

forgiveness it may be a seemingly small

slight or a deep gaping

wound either way I call you to forgive

just as I have forgiven you forgiveness

is not a one-time event but a continual

process a way of life that requires

intentionality and a constant renewal of

your mind each day you must choose to

put on the Garment of forgiveness laying

aside the temptation to hold grudges or

Harbor resentment and when the weight of

unforgiveness threatens to overwhelm you

turn to me in prayer surrender your hurt

your anger and your desire for vengeance

at the foot of the

cross allow me to heal the wounds of

your heart and to fill you with the

strength and Grace to forgive as I have



remember my child that forgiveness is

not merely a suggestion or a good

idea it is a command from your lord and

savior it is the very essence of the

Gospel the embodiment of My Sacrifice on

the cross feel free to share this video

with up to three people if you feel the

need for God’s

presence as you forgive you are walking

in the footsteps of your Redeemer

reflecting the radiant love and mercy

that I have so freely bestowed upon you

so go forth my beloved child and forgive

as the Lord forgave you let the power of

forgiveness transform your life heal

your wounds and set you free from the

chains of bitterness and resentment in

doing so you will experience the

fullness of my peace and joy and you

will become a living testimony of the

transformative power of the Gospel amen

my my child click on the join button to

join us as a cherished member of our


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