God Says ➨ Don't Skip If You Need My Heaven | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says ➨ Don’t Skip If You Need My Heaven | God Message Today |

beloved child I come to you with a heart

full of love and a desire to connect

with you in this moment I see the

longing in your soul for more success

strength and prosperity and I want you

to know that I am here to bestow these

blessings upon you I want to

congratulate you for taking firm steps

and approaching me with faith today your

trust in me warms my heart and I want

you to understand that I have watched

over you in every moment of your life I

have protected you from illnesses and

dangers you may not even be aware of if

you hold fast to my word you will see

open doors and provision raining down

from the windows of Heaven open your

heart to Faith not only this month but

in all the months to come for I will

always be with you do not stray onto

Paths of Disobedience and do not let

foolish ideas take root in your mind you

stand here today not just because of my

love but because of your unwavering

Faith your belief in my promises has

brought you under the protective shadow

of my grace open your eyes as well and

come to me daily to hear my message in

this month I will reveal the special

purpose I have for you you are valuable

to me to my work to your family to your

children and to your friends your heart

carries a special Mission but do not

rush into projects without my guidance

do not let your emotions dictate your

steps consult me before making decisions

for I want to bless you in my way do not

covet the blessings of others or copy

their actions I have prepared unique

gifts for you treasures and talents

waiting to be uncovered these blessings

are on their way but you must remain

steadfast in my word and presence to

receive what is rightfully yours do not

waste your days comparing yourself to

others take your place and your dreams

will will come true your desires will be

fulfilled and your leadership will

prosper I will ignite a dcer within you

to live to fight and to work prepare

yourself to conure the land I have set

before you but go into conest with my

word in your heart do not take a single

step without consulting me for all that

is your part you will achieve with

strength and bravery no matter where you

are treat people with Grace and be an

example of love and simplicity do not

chase the fleeting Fame of this world

for it leads to emptiness do not boast

about your possessions to seek temporary

Applause for true satisfaction comes

from me alone their souls may be filled

with loneliness and deceit but yours

will be filled with my Everlasting Love

if I bestow great blessings upon you do

not flaunt them in the open where envy

and danger lurk do not risk your family

for the sake of false Applause do not

invent titles for yourself guard your

heart for this is my solemn warning to

you you may choose to ignore me or

dismiss my message but know this my word

will be fulfilled it is planted in your

soul and will not return empty soon it

will Sprout and your life will change

listen to my soothing voice as it speaks

directly to your soul lay your burdens

upon me share your troubles and with

every word of your prayer I will grant

you the strength and solutions for every

problem I don’t want to see your soul

consumed by fear have faith kneel in

prayer and your petition will rise like

doves reaching the throne in heaven if

doubts ever whisper that your howls are

in vain that I have forsaken you that no

one is listening don’t believe them how

could I abandon you when I’ve given you

my promise never to leave your side even

if the whole world were to forsake you I

will always be here watching over you

and meeting your needs as your family

departs and your friends reject you and

it feels like everyone you love has

forgotten you I will remain as I always

have I am attentive to your needs while

you read these words may a sense of

Peace wash over you banishing loneliness

my love surrounds you caressing your

soul with Grace know that you are valued

more than you can imagine your

unwavering faith and your enduring

efforts have not gone unnoticed I see

how you strive each day how you bear

your birth burdens and how you put the

needs of others before your own even

when they fail to acknowledge your

sacrifices you will find Solace if you

come to me now resting Your Head Upon My

Shoulder breathe deeply regain your

strength and understand that even when

everyone else fails or abandons you you

will find love peace strength and refuge

in me it is because I love you care for

you and will continue to strengthen you

during moments of sorrow with me you can

achieve anything but apart from me your

flame will Flicker and fade I hear you

and I respond I desire to help you

escape from scarcity to overcome illness

and to continue showering you with my

love and Confirmation throughout the day

in your dreams and right here as your

heart feasts on my words your spirit

will dive into the crystal clear waters

that cleanse your soul each morning when

you awaken my glory surrounds you Rouses

you clothes you and equips you for the

battles ahead it Embraces you tenderly

fills you with faith and assurance and

fills your mind with holy words that

will strengthen you on your journey

today I can grant you a miracle tell me

now that you believe and let me see a

powerful smile upon your face your eyes

brimming with faith your demeanor filled

with courage and strength rise my

champion ion for your blessing is here

in my hands the ultimate solution to all

your problems you know that I love you

have always loved you and still do deep

within your heart understand that you

are dearly loved this is your home your

Sanctuary where you can find protection

and peace where you can rest at night

allowing your dreams to take you to the

supernatural realm tonight you shall

dream of standing beside a crystalline

River and with your eyes you will look

upon on me I shall extend my arms and

you will walk Barefoot upon the

miraculous Waters that will carry away

all your pain anger and frustration when

you wake in the morning you shall feel

different filled with strength and you

will realize that every heavy burden has

been lifted from your shoulders this is

one of the rewards for those who

ReDiscover their faith acknowledge their

mistakes and return to their belief you

need not seek out others who speak F

words to you for I am here here is my

life-giving word and it is good receive

it in your heart and you shall be filled

with my Holy Spirit I am your life and

your blessing the ultimate solution your

heart truly needs speak it think it

write it with all your faith believe

this is the inheritance I want to give

you in this lifetime I implore you to

believe in me with unwavering faith and

accept the strength that’s ready for you

to embrace the healing heing and

transformative anointing of my Holy

Spirit are right at your fingertips you

no longer have to walk in the shadow of

pain and you should never think that you

deserve the consequences of your past

mistakes yes the world is filled with

Affliction but it’s a defeated world you

are a child of the almighty God and he

has promised you this trust in me

believe in me with every step you take

and you will conquer not only this world

but also its affli itions I see you

spending countless hours in tears

sometimes not even understanding why let

me reveal the source of your suffering

it’s a deep longing to have me close a

yearning of your spirit for my presence

your whole being knows that apart from

me you can do nothing share this video

with your contacts if you love me and

also subscribe to the Jesus affirmations

channel to stay connected with my voice

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