God Says➤ This Is My Last Attempt To Talk To You | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says➤ This Is My Last Attempt To Talk To You | God Message Today |

my beloved I am with you ready to rescue

you when needed when doubt assails you

grasp my hand tightly you have my

support fear nothing my grace and favor

are with you your Triumph is part of my

divine plan March forward as a

Victorious Warrior for you are not weak

you are strong I shall raise you up as

an example for your family and friends

showing them that conquering problems

needs sickness and the most cruel aders

Aries is possible prepare for a time of

Happiness when those you love will

recognize that you are a blessing to

them I have bestowed my grace upon you

and poured my anointing upon you I have

placed you as a leader of a generation

and I will work through you to perform

great Miracles witnessed by many guard

your heart against pride and vanity and

treat others with love and humility I

desire to manifest my love to the world

through you it is time for my purpose

for your life to be fulfilled I love you

and you are blessed and shall be greatly

blessed your unshakable faith has led

you to the right path you are doing well

and this is how I want to see you keep

your eyes fixed on my Commandments and

let my word always fill your being you

have undergone a transformation changing

your course with all your might so that

a divine wind May guide your sails your

change of heart and desire for

transformation have led me to bless you

supernaturally these words you hear

signify life this is my way of showing

you my love and taking your hand so you

may Triumph in all your battles I am

blessing you with wisdom increasing your

Prudence changing your character and

gifting you with great patience my

armies in heaven watch over you even if

you can’t always see them they protect

you from many trials when you feel worn

out and I will open your eyes to the

supernatural so you can see my Warrior

Angels fighting Fierce battles for you I

have protected you from accidents that

would have killed you from illnesses

from criminals and from the enemy of

your soul when it tried to eat you my

love for you will never change no matter

what happens you will always be safe and

loved by me people please don’t get

upset or scared when problems come up

you once told me you trusted me and

promised not to respond to mean things

people say I love you and want want you

to know that no matter what people say

or do it can’t hurt you where I put you

is at the very top of the levels of

faith and wisdom do not let arguments

slander disagreements or fights take

away your peace of mind they want to

know how you feel so they can trick you

and hurt the people around you so I beg

you to accept my peace find quiet places

to be and speak my word out loud or in

your head because the power of my

promises will break the chains that hold

you back let go of your stress and worry

and I will free you believe what you’re

hearing but don’t lose your cool when

bad news Comes Your Way face it with

strength and a straight head you can be

sure that I am with you because I spoke

to your soul do not believe Those Who

attack you when they say that no one is

protecting you their words may hurt you

be careful not to let lies and slander

enter your mind and heart I will give

you the strength to beat these enemies

and if you fall I will always listen to

your Broken Heart with compassion keep

this in mind you will find happiness and

many blessings if you stay away from

error and those bad-hearted friends you

can choose who you want to believe I’ve

asked you this question a lot because I

know you are human but now you

understand that I am God you have faith

and I have power sometimes you may feel

weak but I’m always here to help you I

have kept your family safe from

dangerous situations and will continue

to do so but I beg you and your family

to look for me trust my word and accept

my holy promises tell them that I know

everything about their lives and have a

special plan that needs to come true if

they think they’ve lost something like a

thing a friend a job or their own plans

falling apart tell them not to be sad or

grieve tell them over and over

everything happens for a reason our

beloved God is in charge and even things

that seem bad will work out for the best

in the end find me every day and be

thankful no matter what good or bad and

believe this amazing Miracles will

happen when your hearts are full of

Praise please tell them what I want you

to say and reassure them that everything

will be okay I’m always planning things

behind the scenes so that they work out

well for you I am moving mountains for

you even when you can’t see it don’t

give up my child keep going with faith

and determination remember that you are

never alone through good times and bad

there is always someone by your side to

cheer you on and help you feel better if

you need help just lean on me I’ll get

you through it we will be able to get

through any problem and win in the end

hold on to what I’ve promised my sweet

child and know that my love will never

fail you you can handle anything that

comes your way with me by your side

trust yourself trust my power and trust

that the best is yet to come stay strong

in your faith my beloved because I am

leading you to a future full of Hope and

blessings that can’t be measured let go

of the things that are making your heart

heavy and trust that I will take care of

you I am the god of Plenty and you will

never be without let go of your hands

and take what I’ve prepared for you

don’t put limits on your hopes or doubt

my ability to bless you greatly my love

has no limits and I I want to give you

everything good in the world take a deep

breath in and let the sweet scent of my

Holy Spirit wash over you time will fly

by as you enjoy it take in even more of

the love and gifts I want to give you

you have this beautiful love and I beg

you never to turn it down do not work

hard to earn the love of people who say

they love you but hurt and disappoint

you don’t try to please people who don’t

know what love is really about yet

please know that I love you and will

always love you I promise that my

promise to you will last forever my

plans will always come true accepting my

Love Changes Everything it starts a new

life full of Happiness unwavering love

and no more

disappointments not only is my love good

it’s also wonderful kind and most of all

it’s yours accept it it was my choice to

die on a cross and I rose from the dead

on the third day so that you can also

rise and have a full life right now you

might not fully understand it but I can

do a lot more than you can want or

understand I’m going to touch your heart

and show you what’s inside it you’ll

have a strong conviction that will help

you make decisions that will change your

life now is the time to do something

about the supernatural power that lives

in your life people shouldn’t think less

of you because of your age or your past

people who don’t believe in you will be

amazed at the fruits you bear because

they will see that my spirit has been

working in you everyone can have this

beautiful and holy love the world only

gives limited love that is often

conditional and wants something in

return in the end it can lead to lying

betrayal pain and being alone I do not

want you to have to go through such pain

instead I’m here to hold you in my

loving arms and heal your wounds let go

of your sadness it will go away I really

love you and I want you to tell me you

love me too your time is coming and the

good things I have planned for you can’t

be stopped by a closed door say it out

loud confirm it in your mind and write

it down say that you believe in me and

are ready to accept this word of comfort

and encouragement from Heaven don’t give

up if one door shuts on you another

beautiful door is about to open and

bring something even better know that

there is a battle going on in the

Heavenly realms for your life and your

faith there are many enemies both seen

and unseen who want to stop your growth

they attack you from the outside and

hurt you from the inside even if they

stay hidden I will put people on your

path who have Divine knowledge to help

you get through these problems put

yourself down and listen to what they

say give yourself time to to pray to me

and I will show you even more you will

win this battle all the problems you are

facing will fall apart in front of you I

could deliver you right away but I want

you to know how important your faith

skills and gifts are it’s not possible

to win by yourself if you take my word

back and give up your faith the enemy

will try to trap you and drag you into

the depths of Despair I do think you

have a lot of potential though you will

do great things and bless many people

your family will grow in wisdom and

humility and do well in every area of

life but we need to go on this trip

together put out your hand to me because

you’re ready to reach a spiritual level

where Fates are decided and lives are

changed today is going to be full of

wonderful and beautiful things for you

the groundwork for your future and the

future of your family is being laid

right now by people who are older than

you let them get to know me and serve me

each of them has their own gifts skills

job and a desire to learn and get ready

you should be brave enough to dream

about things that are beyond what you

can see imagine or even believe right

now it’s not meant for you and your

family to be spiritually poor

emotionally confused or in debt take

what I say to heart and learn to dream I

will make your faith stronger and give

you the tools you need to receive and

handle the good things that are coming

your way

you should never feel hopeless I’m here

to help you even before you say a word

because I’m always listening to your

cries share this video with your

contacts if you love me and also

subscribe to the Jesus affirmations

channel to stay connected with my voice

4 thoughts on “God Says➤ This Is My Last Attempt To Talk To You | God Message Today |”

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  2. You know God who iam what iam. What you think about me that’s what iam for you but remember my “one and ONLY one request a holly—————-

  3. I loveyou in all ways. I believe what you tell me I’m waiting for you dear lord. I don’t know what kind of clothes to bring help me lord give me knowledge to say what I need to say amen ????


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