GOD SAID: [THIS IS OVER! YOU WILL BE ELIMINATED] God's Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator


this is what God is speaking to

you my dear

child you will be

eliminated enough is

enough hear these words as a promise

from the depth of my love for

you I see the troubles the crisis and

the storm

that have surrounded your life but fear

not for I am here with you ready to

rescue you from the grip of

adversity to eliminate you from the

places that are meant to harm


today I shall visit your home and alter


destiny your prayer filled with faith


sincerity has summoned me

here know

that I have come to eliminate you for I

possess the power and the will to be the

key that unlocks the door to miracles in


life the enemies that stand against you

will be no more I your love loving

Creator will eliminate every force that

seeks to harm

you trust in my unwavering strength and


love as the storms rage remember that I

am your

Refuge your shelter in times of

trouble place your worries upon me

and I will carry them

away your enemies May plot but their

schemes will crumble in the face of my


Embrace let go of fear for I have not

given you a spirit of fear but of power

love and a sound

mind your rescue is is at hand and your

enemies will witness the power of my

grace I know life has been tough for you

and your

family like crossing a difficult desert

where you feel lonely and hope seems to


up your soul is thirsty for love because

of all the hard things you have been


the path is rough and you cry out in

pain as you step on the scorching

Stones I understand how you feel but

believe that my hand is there to support

you even in this tough

time I’m here to protect you from the

things that hurt you

even when you don’t realize

it what you are going through is like a

process of

purification just like gold shines after

going through fire you will shine and be

purified from the negative things inside

you I am telling you this not to bring

you down but to encourage you to help

others who are

struggling let go of anger Pride fear

doubt and not having

faith don’t keep thinking about the

past because the joy you will experience

from now on will be much better

find things big or small that you’re

grateful for you in your

life keep a clear

conscience and hold on to the good

things you are valuable your family is

valuable and your future is more

important than money possessions or


don’t be afraid of losing things and

don’t beet about them what really

matters is your love for me look for me

with all your heart because I am your

provider and I will give you what you

need so my child stand firm in the

knowledge that I am at work in your

life you are cherished protected and

design for a future filled with

abundance of my


remember I loved you and I love you

still despite your

flaws I shall continue to bless you but

you need to affir your faith by

typing I am

blessed I love

you this is lordal Ministry and God has

called you here today to teach you that

life is

valuable don’t let the harsh words and

actions of

others Cloud your ability to see the

beautiful person you are on the

inside don’t give up on life just


recent events have been

challenging Embrace

acceptance alter what you can and accept

and embrace the

rest you are more than your feeles and

the wrongs done to you for the

future remember the words of

affirmation I am big

than what was greater than what is and

worthy of what will

be if your faith in God is

unshakable you may have undergone some

transformation whether the change

happened it did and there’s no turning



former emotional and mental strongholds

no longer have any impact on

you you have entered a different area a

new setting where your attitude has

altered and your whole soul has

sold your diligent inner labor is

beginning to manifest its miraculous

results don’t stress out if someone

doesn’t understand

you most individuals don’t even


themselves forget about what other

people may be thinking of you since

their thoughts almost never reflect on

you put aside consern about earning


approval have faith that those who can

see you

will today is a fresh start a time for

discoveries and fresh

thoughts life is full of possibilities


miracles your current actions or lack

thereof will have far-reaching

consequences in the

future it will be

decisive the conversations you have been

longing to have and the fleshes of

insight you haveit hoping to experience

may happen at any

moment approach the present with new

eyes stay rooted in the here and now

your strength Serenity and best vantage

point are

there don’t stress about the unknowns of


future if you are feeling afraid focus

on you fighting with your best self and

let the universe handle the rest

everything will be

okay this message is here to reassure

you that all will be well in the

end even if it doesn’t appear that way

now things are improving and

preparations are being made behind the

scenes to Aid you

your prayers have been answered and

everything has been put into

action breathe deeply relax and

surrender any worries to your highest

self discover peace inside the situation

will resolve

itself if you

agree type triple in the

comments remember remember everything

happens as God

intends so let’s move our hands together

in prayer and let’s give God the praise

and honor he

deserves let us begin

praying dear heavenly

father I come before you with humble

heart acknowledging the challenges and

difficulties that surround me me in the

midst of the trials and the scorching

stones on my path I seek your guidance


protection lot you know the desert I

traversing and you understand the

loneliness and the Longing For Your Love

within my

soul I thank you for your promise to

sustain me even in the midst of

suffering and the assurance that your

hand is there to protect me from the

enemies that harm

us as I go through this process of

purification akin to Gold passing

through fire I pray for strength and

resilience Help Me Shine and be purified

from any negativity Within

Me grant me the wisdom to let go of

anger pright fear doubt and anything

that hinders my spiritual

growth father I Surrender the past to

you and fix my eyes on the joy that lies

ahead in gratitude I seek the small and

great blessings in my life I relas any

fear of losing material positions and

trust that my True Value lies in my love


you may I walk with a clear con signs

embracing your virtues in my

heart I declare that I’m worth more my

family is worth

more and my future holds more

significance than Earthly Treasures I

put my trust in you as my provider

believing that you will supply all my

needs according to your riches and

glory in the name of Jesus I pray

amen if you believe in God subscribe to

our Channel and share this video with

seven other individuals who have faith


God God bless you


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