CONGRATULATIONS II Today God Will Give You Whatever You Want | God' message - Free AI Voice Generator

CONGRATULATIONS II Today God Will Give You Whatever You Want | God’ message


says we don’t always understand God’s

methods his ways don’t always make sense

to us but we have to realize that God

sees the big

picture consider this possibility you

may be ready for what God has for you

but somebody else who is going to be

involved is not ready yet God has to do

a work in another person or another

situation before your prayer can be

answered according to God’s will for

your life

all the pieces have to come together for

it to be God’s perfect time and God says

I works in mysterious ways sometimes

you’re stuck and you don’t understand

why you beg me for answers and for

guidance you beg me for people and

things that you don’t need they’re

temporary you beg me for someone to love

you despite all of

flaws you’ve already found that

person no matter what you’ve done the

mistakes you’ve made the sins you’ve

committed the people you’ve hurt I

forgive you for

everything you don’t understand why and

you know you don’t deserve it but I does

it because I truly loves you you don’t

understand right now and you have

anxiety for what your future holds but I

already has it planned out for you it’s

up to you to have faith in my plan for

you you have to trust me type trust and

show your trust in God remember don’t

forget that waiting on God is beneficial

for your good

success sometimes we tend to get into

one of our moods because God is making

us wait longer than we want to but when

his plan is revealed and we see why he

had us waiting we then feel kind of

stupid for complaining in the first

place God has not forgotten you nor has

he forsaken you he’s just doing what’s

best for you and if you hang in there

you’ll see that God’s way was the best

way God is going to complete what he has

started in your

life sometimes it can seem as if God has

taken a break during a crucial period in

our lives leaving us to fight alone but

that’s never the case there will be

seasons in our lives where the work of

the Lord will be noticeable and there

will be other times when is not but one

thing’s for certain if God started

something he’s going to finish it


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