BIG BREAKING✝️ God has sent this video to fulfill your wish Open it - Free AI Voice Generator

BIG BREAKING✝️ God has sent this video to fulfill your wish Open it

after the next minutes you will truly

feel the divine power so don’t cut them

short or skip them you’ll feel as like

God is watching over you and caring

about you after those minutes God has

a message for you

today have you ever stopped to consider

the things that God has done for you

that you aren’t even aware of could it

be that he healed you you before you

knew you were sick perhaps he stopped a

fictitious car crash that could have

claimed your life the number of times I

have felt God’s protection is beyond my

ability to count and I can only guess at

the number of times he has kept me safe

when I was unaware that I was in danger

even when you’re not aware of it he is

watching over you all the time time it’s

amazing how great our God is do you

think that God exists in that case enjoy


video as you walk with Jesus may your

trust in him to come as natural to you

as breathing to be reminded that you are

a creature of God look up at the sky say

hello to a child or help a stranger in

knee during the day you were made by God

specifically for this point in time as

you consider his kindness take a deep

breath in the certainty of his words and

let it out God’s best creation is you

present yourself with the courage

modesty and confident Delight of

today simply enter our men in the space

below to claim it almighty God we honor

and thank you for your magnificence and

grandure we submit to you the true king

of the cosmos we bow down in the glory

of your Holiness and

innocence we find rest in your gracious

presence here we find calm

tranquility and the right perspective on

everything that happens in life having

you in my life and picking up knowledge

from you is what makes it valuable your

generosity and Good Will Are Much

appreciated amen this is fantastic news

God you know what our thoughts are you

are aware of how easily change May

terrify us the good news is that you

haven’t let change dictate how we live

we now have a thanks to your

generosity you are precious Holy Spirit

spirit of God May the holy spirit’s

soothing presence ease our anxieties

whenever life presents a challenging

situation I hope that by regaining our

trust we can demonstrate our regard for

you however you my darling uphold

yourself in God’s love by prayer

meditation on God’s word and

strengthening your Most Holy Faith the

all powerful proclaims I am recording

all that ought to have been yours I’m

aware of what you feel to get I saw you

put in a lot of effort raise your kids

and make

sacrifices seeing your admiration for me

and your upbeat demeanor in spite of the

therapy’s lack of progress gives me hope

that answers are coming and that I will

return the years that you have lost lost

I am restoring all that was unjustly

taken from you and turning the tables on

the adversary never forget that I have

the last say I cherish you remain

persistent please click the yes button

if you agree here’s a prayer to get your

day started May Jesus’s attraction take

you from the chaos of the outside world

to tranquil water is where you can take

a moment to rest give your soul fresh

energy and heal all of your ailments I

pray that you would sense his hands on

your face and hear him speak healing

kindness and Truth over you hopefully

the awareness of his love will overcome

all other emotions you may be

experiencing is your ultimate goal your

ultimate Pride

indeed he is on your side every day

become more aware of his love in your

immediate vicinity he concurs with you

and us in your favor every one of your

needs has been

fullfill God bless you for the hours to

come simply type I have plenty to claim

it everything is coming back everything

you believe to be lost God will repair

replace and restore it’s simply job

experience as they say don’t give up or

curse this transitional season maintain

your faith and acknowledge that God has

a purpose for allowing these hardships

to enter your life God chose His plan

even in the midst of Sorrow he has to

kill some things in order to give fresh

life to others there will be opport

opportunities that are blocked or

redirected and some friendships that are

lost or changed recall God’s

faithfulness and Center your attention

upon Him blessings from God would never

be denied to his children all that our

faith needs to withstand his examination

to everything is coming back typ our man

to make sure God is prepared to provide

you New

Opportunities he thinks that by taking

this action he could open the door for

you to venture into unknown area

regardless of what the news reports

about the job market the economy or the

house market the words of God never

change those who seek him out will

receive rewards he doesn’t give a damn

about how he’ll fulfill your demands in

Paradise there there is no economic

downturn he is keeping an eye on you and

is opening doors for you that you are

unable to close if you allow him he can

bring the right people into your life

opportunities that present themselves

that you should not miss and resources

that will enable you to take your game

to the next level it’s critical that

others are aware of your well-being

you feel broken and forlorn because as

far as I can tell everything you have

ever seen with your eyes has been

failure still God wants you to realize

that there’s more than one

Viewpoint there’s more amazing side your

story some of your best chapters are

still ahead of you God is going to mend

your heart and end the agony you’ve been

through for so long he has a new chapter

of love and victory amid circumstances

that seem hopeless before for you you

survived that awful encounter and are

still a pright you were able to achieve

the most advancement you have ever made

kindly press yes to indicate your

agreement please subscribe to our

Channel if you believe in God

God is saying to you right now even in

the most trying times you persevered I

sometimes granted you the ability to

survive without you even realizing it

was me when things change for you many

deserted you and wrote you off

furthermore you not only survived the

hurricane but thrived in its wake you

are special I created you to shine not

to fit him I’m going to reward your

loyalty right now by taking you to

places you’ve never dreamed of in my

name accept this

blessing God is saying to you today I am

aware of how much pain you are going

through right now I am aware of your

financial hardships I am aware that you

are putting a lot of effort into

managing all the challenges life has

thrown at you God says lean on me I will

show you the way for I the way I have a

blessing that is Uniquely Yours don’t

give up even if you may occasionally

feel like giving up before it

comes in written format I am ready to

shine as an example of an

affirmation God will permanently close

some of the chapters in your life

fortunately none of the windows were

open God is going to close up the Red

Sea just like he did for the Israelites

so you will not be able to go back into

slavery you would have missed your fate

if you had then apprehended there

remember that every time God shuts a

door in your way he’s making room for


bigger I know you have a lot on your

mind right now including your family

your well-being the health of a loved

one your money and your work God is

saying to you

today the weight of the seams to Bey

World rests upon your shoulders you

experience isolation you are never alone

my darling Place everything you you

issues in prayer before me p a mail

assistance recovery and

assets I’ve got you covered so don’t

worry I have everything you need I’ll

open doors for you the sky is behind

you press the Amen key on your keyboard

if you’re

ready God is going to bestow upon you an

unfathomable amount of luck you’ve spent

much too much time here you’re being

carried to a greater level by the holy

spirit this is the moment when your life

will change the enemy has nothing more

for us to

do sometimes issues can appear

insurmountable making you feel like

you’ve run out of options to give up is

what you are telling yourself

constantly but don’t give up God has

simply placed this test of faith in

front of you to help you grow

spiritually and learn to trust him more

completely for the gifts he has in

store make the decision to put all of

your trust in the Lord and Center your

faith on what the father says rather

than what you observe or what other


say God is teaching you that Jesus is

more than sufficient to supply all of

your needs so you should look to and

rest in the promises found in God’s

word Lord even though I don’t understand

how you will get me through this I will

trust you because you can handle this

amen the UN universe is aware of the

truth so don’t waste your time worrying

about whether or not someone’s feelings


genuine put your attention on your

personal development for the time being

your blessings come from the universe in

a different order when your heart is in

the right place so focus on being

authentic and flashing your light as you

go through your

journey stay exact you will discover who

you are every day in the Winner’s

Circle please reply with a yes if you

concur understand that everything

happens for a reason and that no

experience is ever wasted since

everything in the universe is connected

and working toward your ultimate good

even if what you’re going through

doesn’t make sense to you at the moment

if you continue on your greatest path

believe in Divine timing and Order and

remain calm everything will be well one

might type out the statement I am gentle


myself it’s crucial particularly right

now to have faith in how your life is

going to work out because the universe

wants you to be happy where you are

before moving on in order to truly

appreciate the benefits in your life

acknowledge them and let go of your

expectations blessings multiply as you

count them and you never have to fear

that you’ll be thrust into an unsafe

circumstance all you have to do to be

crowned the real ruler is to type I am

Sovereign into your

keyboard you will have less to travel

back and forth on your Journey if you

follow the flow rather than trying to

force yourself along your good fortune

should come to you effortlessly just as

the sun rises and sets every day the

seasons change annually and the moon

affects the Sea’s

Tides keep going you seem to be in the

zone and the pace your keeping seems to

be exactly what your spirit needs right

now it’s time time to feel amazed

because your prayers are being answered

and your living circumstances have

improved to enable you to achieve your

goals all you have to do is Click yes to

accept it’s okay to be going through a

difficult time if you’re optimistic and

spiritual since these traits don’t

involve acting as though everything is

fine when it’s not heav having faith in

a superior Force maintaining an

optimistic attitude and bending on the

community to support you during this

procedure includes all of the difficult

moments speaking candidly and openly

about your issues will help you in the

long run as well as someone else who may

be experiencing similar

difficulties don’t bottle up your


still it will facilitate the ability of

people who have experienced a similar

circumstance to connect with you and


support keep your head up and remember

that you are a beautiful child of light

and that you will overcome this you can

also cry and that’s okay since God sees

hears and knows everything the time will


remember that you are surrounded by an

abundance of Love

generosity and positive energy and that

these things will return to you many

times over you will receive an equal

quantity of pure love for the tears you

shed and a magnificent blessing is on

its way to you dot as you heal from your

wounds spread your Celestial wings and

sort to New Heights you my dear spirit

will discover that your life has a

mystical Dimension to it simply press

the Amen key if you

concur but no matter what the future

brings those who have placed their trust

and Reliance in the Lord will be blessed

if you place your faith in God you can

be confident that he will see you

through your challenges he wants us to

trust him completely and not try to push

his timing because doing and doubt since

the Lord is my light and my rescue whom

should I fear remember that the Lord is

the one who illuminates your way and

reveals the innermost thoughts of your

heart Additionally you may depend on him

to be your deliver the one who will

thwart any scheme designed to harm you

you have nothing left to fear or worry

about when your hope is in the one who

arrived before everyone

else we feel silly for even complaining

when we realize that God has not left us

dot he is merely attempting to assist

you and in due course you will come to

understand that God’s plan was always

the best

one I want to to emphasize that you

should wait on the Lord and not get

irritated with God’s timing you should

also be strong and he will give you

courage but just as you wouldn’t to

order the surgeons doing your surgery to

rush through it so they can do it

correctly you should similarly that the

master surgeon of your life to carry out

his will for the best possible out

come if you’re ready to proceed simply

press the Y yes button God is asking you

to trust him blindly today because he

sees the broad picture and is able to

make sense of things in ways that are

beyond your

comprehension nothing is insurmountable

for our strong and magnificent God in

your life as long as you cling firmly to

his hand and and believe in his purpose

have faith that God’s purposes for your

life are being fulfilled and that that

bring you blessings and

inspiration God May occasionally find

himself in situations where we ask

important questions about our lives and

his role in them but he never answers

which way should we travel we ask him

when when things in your life need to

change and you’re constantly asking God

when will things change and when will he

open a door it could be very annoying to

hear him remain

silent God however wants us to get to a

place in our faith where we acknowledge

that he doesn’t speak for our benefit

but still decide to believe in him God

is aware that sometimes our desires are

so great that even if he were to grant

our requests we would still end up

screwing everything up and regretting it

later even though it may feel like God

is not answering your prayers know that

he has already heard them and is working

things out for the

best to get started right I’m optimistic

you may be certain of one thing too I

will always be by your side even when I

grow old remember today that the Lord is

not like man in trying times he will not

abandon you he will never leave you

instead he will either carry you or take

you by the hand remember that the Lord

your friend who sticks by you more than

a brother is merely a prayer away if you

you start to feel overwhelmed today

today keep in mind that God is working

for your good and that despite the bad

intentions of others he will reward you

with a crown of Beauty in exchange for

your ashes he will make up for all the

years of your life that have been

reduced to ashes your simple Act of

typing I embrace my power has great


you can be sure that God has heard your

prayer and understands your suffering

confusion annoyance anxiety worry loss

Brokenness and tears even if it stings

he can see your loyalty he wants to tell

you right now that for Every Teardrop

and every sleepless night he has a

blessing for you because you are

honoring him through the suffering you

are are promised Health wholeness

Deliverance Solutions and Grace by the

Lord Jesus Christ click the channel to

subscribe if you believe in God it’s

simple to let uncertainty fear and

concern to divert us when our issues

appear to outweigh the promise the

Delight of God’s promises and our inner

Serenity disappear before our eyes but

because God’s promises are sure to be

fulfilled today might be the day you

take back your

happiness click the yes button below if

you are prepared to share this video

with other

believers we would greatly appreciate it

if you could subscribe and activate Bell

notifications in order to support


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