welcome to the sacred prayers Channel we have prepared this miraculous prayer especially for you so concentrate take a

deep breath and join us on this incredible spiritual journey with our Mighty God don’t forget to subscribe to

the channel and type the name of the person you want to dedicate the blessings of this powerful prayer to in the comments right down

[Music] here you are about to embark on a journey of healing and renewal through

the intercession of the Virgin Mary if you seek Rec y of health and

desire a prompt healing this prayer is the gateway to access The Graces of the

benevolent Virgin Mary prepare yourself to experience a

powerful prayer that will bring about the restoration of your health swiftly no matter your dilemma whether a

physical or emotional ailment this is the moment to achieve the Serenity and Recovery you so seek you are one step

away from recognizing the power of prayer and witnessing miracles in your

health prepare to welcome the blessing of the Virgin Mary for healing is

approaching rapidly subscribe to the channel if you are not already subscribed share in the

comments your plea for healing and renewal to the Virgin Mary and dedicate all your faith and heart to the power of

this prayer powerful prayer to the Virgin Mary for the healing and renewal of

Health in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit I approach you Virgin

Mary with a heart full of faith hope and reverence today I ask for your

assistance and divine intercession for I firmly believe that you are ready to listen to my please and guide me on the

path of healing and renewal of my health I believe that through this fervent prayer I will obtain the desired

healing Ing and it will manifest promptly Virgin Mary protector of the

sick and those seeking relief I know that your love and mercy for human suffering are

endless I place my trust in your intercession with God and in your ability to dispense The Graces of health

and renewal to all who seek them with a sincere heart with an open soul I

present before you my anguish for I recognize that you are my Defender and

spiritual guide on this journey of healing now I stand before you with

humility admitting our Frailty and vulnerability subject to diseases and

adversities however I trust that with your help Virgin Mary I will be able to

transcend these tribulations I believe in the possibility of healing and I affirm that

it will come swiftly to alleviate the weight of the pain I bear Virgin Mary at

this sacred moment I beseech you to look upon my life my health and the

misfortunes that torment me grant me the blessing of finding strength and courage

to face these challenges with determination inspire me to maintain

firm Faith alive hope and true reverence for I know that faith is the foundation

of my healing hope is the beacon that will guide me me and reverence is the connection that unites me to you Virgin

Mary in times of Affliction and discomfort when Health seems fleeting

and the path to Healing uncertain I implore your Graces and protection to

accompany me may I feel your presence beside me guiding me through the tangle

of illnesses clarifying my root and assuring me that healing is attainable

and will arise swiftly Virgin Mary Sublime intercessor I ask that your

charitable hands touch my being accelerating the recovery and renewal of

my health Enlighten the doctors and health professionals responsible for me so they

can be vehicles of Divine Healing grant them discernment skill and

compassion to assist me on this journey of recuperation may I be strengthened by

your presence Virgin Mary to face setbacks with courage and

resolution may I find Vigor to overcome the obstacles that emerge on my path

aware that healing will come quickly and that my faith will be honored Beyond bodily healing Virgin

Mary I also implore for Spiritual and emotional restoration may I achieve Peace of Mind

tranquility and balance so that my mind and spirit are in harmony

may I be able to forgive and let go of any grudges or grievances that may be

harming my health Virgin Mary grant me the grace to

understand the Divine Design behind my trials and pains may I learn and evolve from these

experiences becoming a more compassionate empathetic person and aware of the value of life and

well-being in this prayer Virgin Mary I renew my trust in your intercession and

in the power of prayer I believe that by raising my voice to the heavens with sincerity and

devotion I am establishing a sacred bond with the Divine I am convinced that my plea is

heard and healing will come without delay bringing with it the renewal of my

health in your name Virgin Mary I declare that health and relief are on

their way with Resolute faith faith I sustain My Hope for I know that the

commitment to renewal is imminent I thank you for heeding my prayers and for guiding my

path I promise to honor you spreading your devotion and sharing this powerful

prayer with others in need of healing and renewal I ask you o Virgin Mary to

extend your Healing Hands over me especially over the illness that afflicts me at this moment

may your purifying influence Guided by the Holy Spirit work a profound healing

in me both physical and spiritual if it is the Divine will allow

this healing to manifest physically through your direct intercession or through doctors and

treatments increase my faith in your power Lord and in the infinite love you

have for me strengthen my faith oh Lord which at times times falters in the face

of challenges I believe in your healing power my God and I humbly thank you for

all the Graces you are working in my heart and body right now Beyond Myself

Lord I wish to intercede for those sick individuals who have entrusted their prayers to me you know each case the

trials they face be merciful Lord and assist those

who suffer from dis diseases Blessed Virgin Mary I bless you

for having heeded my call and heard my prayer my soul through your Blessed

Hands was rescued from the Shadows oh faithful of the Lord let us

unite to exalt his glory and thank His holy name for only he is worthy of

Eternal praise and supreme power oh venerable Virgin Mary I humbly

come to you asking for help health for my body and wisdom to maintain a disciplined life worthy of your

help Lord in honor of you and as a sign of gratitude and praise I recognize that

you enrich my life always meeting my needs and blessing my efforts with success even in times of

difficulty I thank you oh Virgin Mary for your immense

kindness may my gratitude Lord be expressed not only in words words but

also in a life of Holiness inspired by your protection and love aware that you

correct those you love as a father educates his child I also thank you for

the moments when I felt your compassionate hand upon me teaching me valuable

lessons Lord I have learned so much from you my father Nothing Compares To Your

Love I thank you with all my heart I understand that your ways require

sacrifices but only those who follow them can enjoy their Joys Without

End bless me Virgin Mary so that I may walk in your light and wisdom

maintaining the discipline necessary to honor the life you have given me in this

moment of faith I implore your intercession Virgin Mary so that my

health may be strengthened and my path graced with prosperity wisdom and

Holiness may your protection and guidance be with me at every step of my life so that I may follow your teachings

and achieve the true happiness that emanates from Union with God Virgin Mary

saint of immense wisdom and devotion I thank you for receiving my prayers and

for guiding My Heart Lord in your immeasurable wisdom

you guide the course of the stars and the destiny of men I humbly ask that you Enlighten my mind and strengthen my

spirit May under the protection of the Virgin Mary my soul find shelter in the

storms and calm in the turbulencias of Life grant me Lord the serenity to

accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and

the wisdom to know the difference most holy mother Queen of

Heaven and Earth to you I entrust this day and all the days to come help me to

live each moment with awareness of your constant presence May the light of your grace

illuminate the shadows of my soul and the warmth of your love melt the ice of my

fears teach me to be a reflection of your goodness to spread peace where

there is Discord and to offer Comfort where pain rains at each Dawn May the remembrance

of your mercy renew my strength May each night find my heart a little

purer my faith a little firmer and My Hope a little brighter Virgin Mary Morning Star guide

me through the darkness and lead me to the promised light that is your son Jesus

Christ I beseech you Virgin Mary to intercede for me not only today but on

all the days of my existence May each breath of mine be an Act of Faith each step a movement of

Hope and each word a whisper of Charity may my living be an incessant

prayer a constant praise to the magnificence of God I also ask you oh

Mother of Divine love for my family and friends for those dear to me and for

those who have no one to pray for them extend your Celestial mantle over all of

us protecting us from evil and guiding us toward good good in every difficulty

may we feel the consoling Touch of your hand and hear the Sweet Melody of your encouraging

Voice May the trials of Life be to me like the morning dew that disappears at

Sunrise a temporary reminder of the night that always gives way

today through your intercession May each challenge transform into an opportunity

each tear into a smile and each fear into love Virgin Mary our Advocate with

your power plead for us Before the Throne of God look not upon our sins but

upon the faith of your church and grant us peace and unity according to your

will may your compassion pour out over the world bringing healing to the sick

Comfort to The Afflicted and hope to the desperate in every act of kindness may I

be an instrument of your will Will May my hands extend to give and never to

take my ears be attentive to listen and never to judge and my lips utter words

of blessing and never of curse in the Silence of prayer I find

the strength to face the noise of the world in the Solitude of my room I

discover the community with all the saints in the recollection of meditation

I find the path to the tumult of service and in total surrender to you Virgin

Mary I find complete Freedom as a child of God lastly I give thanks for everything

that was for everything that is and for everything that will be for joy and for

pain for success and for failure for health and for

sickness for in all things Lord your hand can be found by those who have eyes

to see and heart to understand with confidence I place my life in your hands

knowing that with the Virgin Mary is my mother and God is my father I will lack

nothing May the strength that emanates from your mercy Virgin Mary fill the

hearts of all who hear me with the courage to proclaim the truth of their own dignity now I ask everyone to repeat

these affirmations with me allowing the vibration of each word to strengthen our

faith and renew our hope repeat with conviction assured that the Virgin Mary

and all of Heaven hear us I am loved by God unconditionally and his grace renews

me every day I am worthy of healing and happiness and I open my heart to receive

the blessings being poured out upon me the Virgin Mary intercedes for me and I

trust that her protection covers and guides me in all my ways I am strong resilient and capable

of overcoming any adversity that presents itself to me I am a bearer of

peace and love and I choose to radiate these virtues to all around me I am a

miracle of creation and my life is a testimony of God’s love and power I am

in constant growth and evolution and each experience brings me closer to the

person I am destined to be I am deserving of respect and kindness and I

commit to treating myself and others with compassion and understanding I am a reflection of the

Divine Light and my existence is a glimmer of hope in this world I am open to the guidance of the

Virgin Mary and I allow her wisdom to lead me to truth and knowledge I have unwavering faith and

with every step I take I feel the firmness of the Sacred ground that supports me I am a spiritual Warrior and

each challenge I face is an opportunity to demonstrate the strength of my soul I

am surrounded by Celestial love and with every breath I feel the Embrace of God

and the Virgin Mary enveloping me I choose to see the beauty in all things

and recognize the blessings each day brings I am a living Testament to Mary

is compassion and love and my life is a song of gratitude and praise May these affirmations be like

seeds planted in the fertile soil of your hearts growing and blossoming into

robust trees of faith hope and love and may each word spoken resonate in heaven

as an echo of our devotion and our commitment to the life that has been granted to us repeat these affirmations

daily and allow them to become the foundation upon which you build your

life in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit I approach you

Virgin Mary with a heart full of faith hope and

reverence today I ask for your assistance and divine intercession for I

firmly believe that you are ready to listen to my please and guide me on the path of healing and renewal of my

health I believe that through this fervent prayer I will obtain the desired

healing and it will manifest promptly Virgin Mary protector of the

sick and those seeking relief I know that your love and mercy for human suffering are

endless I place my trust in your intercession with God and in your ability to dispense The Graces of health

and renewal to all who seek them with a sincere heart with an open soul I

present before you my my anguish for I recognize that you are my Defender and

spiritual guide on this journey of healing now I stand before you with

humility admitting our Frailty and vulnerability subject to diseases and

adversities however I trust that with your help Virgin Mary I will be able to

transcend these tribulations I believe in the possibility of healing and I affirm that

it will come swiftly to alleviate the weight of the pain I bear Virgin Mary at

this sacred moment I implore you to look upon my life my health and the

misfortunes that torment me grant me the blessing of finding strength and courage

to face these challenges with determination inspire me to maintain

firm Faith alive hope and true reverence for I know that faith is the Foundation

of my healing hope is the beacon that will guide me and reverence is the connection that unites me to you Virgin

Mary in times of Affliction and discomfort when Health seems fleeting

and the path to Healing uncertain I implore that your Graces and protection

accompany me may I feel your presence beside me guiding me through the Maze of

illnesses clarifying my path and assuring me that healing is attainable

and will arise swiftly Virgin Mary Sublime intercessor

I ask that your charitable hands touch my being accelerating the recovery and

renewal of my health illuminate the doctors and health professionals responsible for me so they

may be vessels of Divine Healing grant them discernment skill and

compassion to assist me in this journey of recuperation may I be strengthened by

your presence Virgin Mary to face setbacks with courage and

resolution may I find Vigor to overcome the obstacles that emerge in my path

aware that healing will come quickly and that my faith will be honored Beyond physical healing Virgin

Mary I also implore spiritual and emotional restoration may I achieve Peace of Mind

tranquility and balance so that my mind and spirit are in harmony may I be able to forgive and let

go of any grudges or grievances that may be harming my health Virgin Mary grant

me the grace to understand the Divine Design behind my trials and

pains may I learn and evolve from these experiences becoming a more

compassionate empathetic person aware of the value of life and

well-being in this prayer Virgin Mary I renew my confidence in your intercession

and in the power of prayer I believe that by raising my voice to the heavens with sincerity and

devotion I am establishing a sacred bond with the Divine I am convinced that my plea is

heard and healing will come without delay bringing with it the renewal of my

health in your name Virgin Mary I declare that health and Rel Le are on

their way with Resolute faith I sustain My Hope for I know that the commitment

to renewal is imminent I thank you for heeding my prayers and for guiding my path allow me

now to guide you through more affirmations of self-empowerment and I ask as you listen

to repeat each one after me feeling the Resonance of these truths in your being

like a prayer that rises to the the heavens and returns to us in the form of

blessings we will repeat together with the faith that the Virgin Mary assists

and strengthens us I am a vessel of Serenity overflowing with inner peace

that calms the storms around me I am Guided by Divine Light which illuminates

the paths I should follow and reveals solutions to my challenges I am deserving of great

achievements and C celebrate each step towards success with gratitude and joy I

have the power to create positive changes in my life and in the lives of those around me I am enveloped in armor

of faith and no evil can harm me for I am under the constant watch of

Heaven I am a child of the universe and the world’s abundance is available to me

I am an example of love and forgiveness extending a hand and to heal unite and

uplift those in need I possess a powerful voice that speaks truths and

spreads hope and my words are echoes of divine love I am a creator of my own

happiness and I choose Joy over sorrow light over Darkness at every

moment I have an unbreakable will and my determination leads me to overcome

obstacles that seem insurmountable I am a presence of Tranquility in a Restless world and my

calm inspires others to find peace I am a messenger of compassion and

my life is a channel through which God’s love flows to heal the world I am whole and complete and the

totality of my being is a reflection of divine Perfection I am blessed with a clear

mind and a pure heart and I see the Divine in every person and every

situation I am a being of infinite light radiant with the glory of God’s love and the

Virgin Mary may you feel the power of your faith multiplying the confidence in your

hearts firming and the hope in your souls shining with the promise of better days as you repeat these

affirmations May these words not just be sounds in the wind but the Mantra that

guides your steps on the path of Enlightenment and unconditional love

continue to utter these truths my dear brothers and sisters and know that each

affirmation is a step toward the full realization of your Divine potential with each word we strengthen

our connection to the Divine and reaffirm our place in the loving heart of the Virgin

Mary I promise to honor you spreading your devotion and sharing this powerful

prayer with others in need of healing and renewal I ask ask you oh Virgin Mary to

extend your Healing Hands over me especially over the illness that afflicts me at this

moment may your purifying influence Guided by the Holy Spirit work a deep

healing in me both physical and spiritual if it is the Divine will allow

this healing to also manifest physically through your direct intercession or

through doctors and treatments inre increase my faith in your power Lord and in the infinite love

you have for me strengthen my faith oh Lord which sometimes falters in the face

of challenges I believe in your healing power my God and I humbly thank you for

all the Graces you are now working in my heart and body Beyond Myself Lord I wish

to intercede for those sick individuals who have entrusted their prayers to me

you know each case the trials they face be merciful Lord and Aid those who

suffer from illnesses Blessed Virgin Mary I bless you for having heeded my call and heard

my prayer my soul through your Blessed Hands has been rescued from the

Shadows oh faithful of the Lord let us unite to exalt his glory and thank His

holy name for only he is worthy of Eternal praise and supreme power oh

venerable Virgin Mary I humbly come to you asking for health for my body and

wisdom to maintain a disciplined life worthy of your help Lord in honor of you and as a sign

of gratitude and praise I recognize that you enrich my life always meeting my

needs and blessing my efforts with success even in moments of difficulty I

thank you oh Virgin Mary for your immense kindness may my gratitude Lord not be

expressed only in words but also in a life of Holiness inspired by your

protection and love aware that you correct those you love as a father

educates his child I also thank you for the moments when I felt your compassionate hand upon me teaching me

valuable lessons Lord I have learned so much from you my

father Nothing Compares To Your Love I thank you with all my

heart I understand that your ways require sacrifices but only those who

follow them can enjoy their Joys Without End bless me Virgin Mary so that I may

walk in your light and wisdom remaining faithful to the discipline necessary to

honor the life you have given me in this moment of faith I implore your

intercession Virgin Mary so that my health may be strengthened and my path

graced with prosperity wisdom and Holiness may your protection and

guidance be with me at every step of my life so that I may follow your teachings

and achieve the true happiness that emanates from Union with God Virgin Mary

saint of immense wisdom and devotion I thank you for receiving my prayers and for guiding My

Heart Lord in your immeasurable wisdom you guide the course of the stars and

the destiny of men I humbly ask that you Enlighten my mind and strengthen my

spirit May under the protection of the Virgin Mary my soul finds shelter in the

storms and calm in the turbulencias of Life grant me Lord the serenity to

accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and

the wisdom to know the difference most holy mother Queen of

Heaven and Earth I entrust this day and all the days to come to you help me to

live each moment with awareness of your constant presence May the light of your grace

illuminate the shadows of my soul and the warmth of your love melt the ice of my

fears teach me to be a reflection of your goodness to spread peace where

there is Discord and to offer Comfort where pain reigns with Open Hearts and receptive

Souls let us continue our journey of self-affirmation and Faith each phrase we pronounce together

is an echo in the void a light in the darkness a truth that liberates us

repeat after me feeling the weight and truth of each word allowing them to intertwine in the tapestry of your life

with reinforcing The Weave of your existence with threads of Hope and courage I am a sanctuary of wisdom

learning from each experience and growing with each challenge I am the architect of my life

building with intention and love creating a future where Harmony

Reigns I am a force of nature unshakable in the face of adversity and resilient

in every fo I am a poem of God a song of divine love that resonates in harmony with the

Universe I am a beacon of optimism radiating light and positivity

dispelling the darkness of doubt and fear I am a miracle in progress each day

closer to realizing the full potential that God planned for me I am an act of

Living Faith walking confidently towards the dreams God swed in my heart I am a

Divine master Masterpiece constantly retouched by the Creator’s hand improving with each stroke of life I am

a hym of Thanksgiving my life a celebration of gratitude for the love and blessings received I am a link to

the Divine each act of kindness or prayer each gesture of compassion or

praise I am a vessel of healing overflowing with the balm of forgiveness

that alleviates pain and restores the soul [Music] I am a dancer in the dance of Life

moving to the rhythm of divine grace each step an expression of spiritual Joy

I am a whisper of Tranquility in a storm a word of peace that calms the Restless

Heart I am a spark of the Eternal Flame burning with passion and purpose

Illuminating the path for myself and others I am a fulfilled promise of God a

living testimony of the faithfulness and infinite power of divine love as you repeat these affirmations

let them be more than words let them be Declarations of intention vows of Faith commitments to

your truest self May each phrase be a step forward in your spiritual journey a seal of your

alliance with the Divine a recognition of the Endless Love that the Virgin Mary

has for each of us and now in silence let the echo of these affirmations

resonate within you touching every corner of your being infusing your life

with God’s love and light at each Dawn May the remembrance

of your mercy renew my strength May each night find my heart a

little purer my faith a little firmer and My Hope a little

brighter Virgin Mary Morning Star guide me through the darkness n and lead me to

the promised light that is your son Jesus Christ I beseech you Virgin Mary to

intercede for me not only today but on all the days of my existence May each breath of mine be an

Act of Faith each step a movement of Hope and each word a whisper of

Charity may my living be an incessant prayer a constant praise to the

magnificence of God I I also ask you oh Mother of Divine love for my family and

friends for those dear to me and for those who have no one to pray for them

extend your Celestial mantle over all of us protecting us from evil and guiding

us toward good in every difficulty may we feel the consoling Touch of your hand

and hear the Sweet Melody of your encouraging Voice May the trials of Life be to me

like the morning due that disappears at Sunrise a temporary reminder of the

night that always gives way to day through your intercession May each

challenge transform into an opportunity each tear into a smile and each fear

into love Virgin Mary our Advocate with your power plead for us Before the

Throne of God look not upon our sins but upon the faith of your church and Grant

us peace and unity according to your will may your compassion pour out over

the world bringing healing to the sick Comfort to The Afflicted and hope to the

desperate in every act of kindness may I be an instrument of your Will May my

hands extend to give and never to take my ears be attentive to listen and never

to judge and my lips utter words of blessing and never of curse in in the

Silence of prayer I find the strength to face the noise of the world in the Solitude of my room I

discover the community with all the saints in the recollection of meditation

I find the path to the tumult of service and in total surrender to you

Virgin Mary I find complete Freedom as a child of God lastly I give thanks for everything

that was for everything that is and for everything that will be for joy and for

pain for success and for failure for health and for

sickness for in all things Lord your hand can be found by those who have eyes

to see and hearts to understand with confidence I place my life in your hands

knowing that with the Virgin Mary is my mother and God is my father I will lack

nothing [Music]



amen [Music]

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