congratulations my dear child God is telling you right now you have the chance to win a life-changing Lottery

prize within the next hours like this video I’m about to wow you this week

with boundless Health money and success a miraculous sum of money is about to

land in your bank account if you believe this to be real in God’s eyes this will change the course of your life be sure

to watch this video because much as sugar attracts ants your fingers will lure large sums of money you will see

the riches float into your lives and more importantly you and your family will enjoy years of happiness and

affluence God is with you God will remain with you and God will always be with you remember these three things

till the end of time if you want to receive unexpected miracles from God while you’re sad or crying you’re now

drawing money easily and are well on your way to becoming very wealthy no amount of force can mold you in response

to Jesus’s appeal your health wealth mind and family will flourish the blessings of God will envelop you and

your loved ones providing a life brimming with plenty your health relationships and finances will be

restored swiftly by God suddenly you’ll have enough money to take care of all

your expenses and maybe even do a little extra for your grandkids and children

imagine a life filled with genuine love plenty of money and perfect Health while

you watch this film it will bring you immense delight and satisfaction Optimal Health love and

financial success may be yours in the next Days assuming you stick around to

see this movie I guarantee you that wealth will pour into your life effortlessly and endlessly no matter how

difficult things become now I will never stop saying that God has blessed me that I am wealthy and that I have his wish

the next even days will be filled with wonderful surprises significant advancements or even better advantages a

surprising change of events is on the horizon for your project finances health and relationships this coming weekend

God says to be ready for major Miracles because he plans to elevate you to levels no one in your family has ever

achieved keep in mind that from God’s perspective nothing is impossible in

he can make it seem like like there may not be a way as you embark on this

glorious season the Lord will shower you with blessings heal you lead you provide

for you and protect you from harm expect to win every single thing you try before

the end of the month overcome every single obstacle and Achieve Triumph

after Victory an exceptional gift from above is in root to you you are about to

enter a wonderful phase of your life and the frost frustrating situation you are now experiencing will soon End come and

join me in my prayers please Lord take my confession that you are the Christ

the son of God and you’re atoning death on the cross seriously all your pain

into joy and your failures into successes are part of the Divine transformation taking place in your life

right now your financial status will transform from poor to rich things made

of fabric are transient therefore hold on to them nothing lasts forever including money

homes cars and jobs but God’s love and wisdom do these days speak with

conviction everything good that is happening to me including love healing and prosperity is due to me everything

is possible in my opinion because of God’s mercy during that time you will

experience a return to your previous level of contentment and financial success you will continue to reap

blessings both large and little as long as you give God a steady stream of them

I avoid acting in a self-centered Manner and I am sorry for my transgressions with all my heart I

surrender to you and beg for your pardon Lord I ask that you rescue me from my sins and Lead me into a life that brings

you Joy Jesus warns that once your adversary has taken everything from you

God will restore it and you will laugh and feel love again you put your faith

in me therefore you must have faith in God’s promise your way of life is something I can use to compliment you a

message from the Lord comes to you I am able to save you and protect you bye my

dear during this time of their uncertainty pray this to the Lord during

my assault you advised me to stay still when someone hurts me you told me to

fight back you help me learn forgiveness and now whenever people look at me they

think of you it is with an attitude of deep appreciation and thankfulness that I

stand before you today your kind eyes that keep an eye on me are a constant reminder of how much I’m appreciated if

you happen to be sick I swear that whatever is causing it is cursed and I assert that you were cured at Jesus’s

command by the power of the Holy Spirit regardless of your circumstances always

find joy in the Lord put your confidence in the Lord and begin to sing praises to Him because of his kindness perpetually

Tranquility may be yours according to the Bible if you ask for anything in

prayer and believe that you have received it then it will be yours however it is impossible to please God

without faith as all who seek Him must believe that he exists and rewards those

who seek him with all their heart sometimes all we can do is pray put everything in God’s hands and then

simply Let It Be it is precisely when we we are down to our last resources that

God starts doing Miracles God comforts you when you’re sad and cries with you

even as he dries your tears even when you’re in a broken State he repairs you

I will protect you from danger you need not fear I will send my angels to protect you wherever you go so nothing

bad will happen to you embrace the path that leads to God while you go to your heart’s business in the midst of your

confusion and loneliness make a pact with God if you surrender your life to

God he will provide for you in every way Lord when I’m lonely and sorrowful say

this even though I’m weak and vulnerable God is my strength and joy I am

empowered by God is the essential difference between God and humans not clear to you while humans gain neglect

and accumulate God forgives and offers more like a person who builds their house on SOL Solid Rock everyone who

listens to my teachings and follows them is intelligent according to what Jesus said once I am the gate indeed those who

are accessible via me will be housed they will have freedom of movement and will find suitable pastures there will

be a peaceful and enjoyable conclusion to that difficult circumstance a never-ending sense of Tranquility is

about to replace all of your stress worry and annoyance help me to realize

Lord that you are not far away that you pay attention when I pray that you care

that you will stand by my side and that you love me the power to conquer any

lifestyle issue is already inside you since it is God’s capacity we need to

Get Up Stand Up and Proclaim our Triumph via God’s word have no fear I am on your

side rest assured I am your God with my righteous suitable hand I can strengthen

you Aid you and support you in no time at all you will be recounting a

one-of-a-kind story a complete restoration Triumph you will be accompanied by Fitness riches Prosperity

love happiness tranquility and immense joy as you go into deep Waters and face

rivers of difficulty you can get out of any Jam if you put your trust in the

Lord ignore human logic make him famous in whatever you do and then you’ll find

a way to go right away all the while you have endured waited

wept and prayed things are going to start looking up for you in a hurry even

though you will be tested by persecution the next thing God performs for you is so big that it will help your Offspring

in the long run the fires won’t kill you yet they won’t engulf you either then

let us approach God’s throne of grace with confidence so that we too may receive compassion and find Grace to

help us when we are in need toddler you are going to get some unforeseen Financial blessings in the next days

and they will change the way your family lives forever your ideal homes debts will be paid off and you’ll be able to

support your family in ways that were previously impossible if you think about

rewarding me for all you’ve had from me I’ll show you even more blessings and unlock doors to miracles in your life no

doubt about it my darling baby even though it’s the middle of the night your call has worked a miracle for me

blessings Prosperity Health joy and contentment are all things that God will

shower upon you obtain miraculous signs from God by watching this video all the

way to the conclusion with the help of your loved ones you will transform any negative situation in your life and

restore Health to anything that needs it more benefits a better budget and better

health for you and your loved ones are my hopes for the year in ways you could never have

imagined I shall transport human resources and prices your debts and

payments will be attended to By Angels and your family will be protected from

danger while you rest this night an Unstoppable torrent of Miracles is

washing into your lives improving you on all levels psychologically

physiologically spiritually emotionally and financially if you ask God for a

miracle he will answer your prayers and put an end to your existential anxieties

surprising benefits love and plenty will flood your life at an Unstoppable rate

and you will see a remarkable change in your professional life financial situation physical health and personal

relationships very soon if you’re lucky enough to win the lotto you may finally

put an end to all of your hardships and start living the life of your dreams there is nothing I can’t fix no loss I

can’t compensate for no opponent I can Vanquish and no roadblock I can remove

from your way you and your loved ones may experience a plethora of blessings in February

God has told me today that I’m almost prepared to lead you from a place of crushing defeat to a place of

exceeding plenty luck magic pleasure and a lock are all becoming part of your

story please know that I’m praying that this week opens doors of blessing for you furthermore I hope that the Lord

answers your prayers and gives you strength to face and Conquer everything that you are facing in the morning you

will have the opportunity to make a wise decision and reap many benefits in these

days God has chosen to gift you with a new chapter filled with abundant Delight

significant accomplishments and noticeable benefits if you surrender your life to God he will raise you and

your loved ones to a better life mend whatever broken hearts you may have and transform any tragedy into a

Triumph on the path to permanently altering your life I will bestow upon

you and your loved ones an abundance of blessings at some point this weekend you

are loved and cherished by me my darling I am now publicly proclaiming my Readiness to receive an abundance of

Love health and prosperity as well as my deservingness of God’s mercy you are

about to experience the most incredible abundance that you have ever imagined your health money and success will soar

to new heights an opportunity for which you have been praying for quite some time is about to be unveiled by God as

you enter a season of Joy love and financial abundance the next seven days

will be fantastic the awful things that have been making you cry for a long time

will all go away before the weekend comes Good Fortune happiness love and

illumination await you stand firm be courageous and never let fear or despair

overcome you the Lord your God is on your side and he will never leave you or fail you provide your opponent with food

to eat and water to drink if he is hungry or thirsty if you accomplish this

you may get a recompense from the Lord in the form of eating the scorching coals that are on his head no matter how

tired disheartened or angry you are you must not give up in a manner that will

change your life forever I am about to open doors of Wonder for you but those

who put their trust in the Lord will be full of energy again they will soar on the wings of an eagle able to run and

not grow tired able to walk and not faint may your life be filled with love

joy and prosperity and may your relationships grow stronger with the days that go

by there is a peaceful and fulfilling ending to the troubling situation you are

experiencing financial assistance blessings that change lives and miraculous events are all from God even

though you may feel weak exhausted and vulnerable remember that God is your source of strength at all times declares

the Lord miracles happen every day and God can transform your life circumstances in an instant therefore

pray constantly until things change it is possible to be be saved if you boldly

declare Jesus as your lord and believe in your heart that God resurrected him from the dead God has a wonderful plan

for your life so be religious and think positively about the future everything

in your life is falling into place Like A Clockwork puzzle your spiritual emotional physical mental and Financial

Health are all on the rise the Lord promises to be your Shield avenging your

defeats and a refuge Refuge from tempests you are filled with his pleasure and Tranquility with the Lord’s

help your destiny is already set in motion Express gratitude for the advantages he has already provided for

your way of life he will show you the way to Triumph and it will be breathtaking think about who you are and

trust that God has a purpose for your life when you face difficulties remember that there is generally a reason behind

them think about his timing he is aware of your best interests never allow

yourself to be consumed by negative ideas instead have a fantastic mentality

always keep in mind that God is bigger than any issue you may encounter think of all your prayers answered everything

you asked for you will get a question is like a wave in the ocean it is thrown

and driven about by the wind so when you pray you must believe and no longer

question recognize that God has a purpose for your life and take his promises at face value his love for you

has no bounds and is eternal he will never leave you or abandon you so you

may take comfort in that as the new week starts may you find true happiness and success in life by keeping your faith

strong and your heart open one day you’ll be in a position where you have

so much money that you won’t even need to borrow or fight for it if you give

your life to God he will let you store up riches in heaven and pour out blessings on Earth as the burden of the

things that have saddened you for so long dissipates you will be free to Revel in the light-heartedness love and

prosperity that have flooded your life turn to prayer when you are troubled or

unsure it’s crucial to commune with God often not only when we want something

praying may be a powerful tool for bringing Clarity Serenity and Direction praying helps us get closer to God find

Solace when we’re hurting and shows us that God is always always there for us when we need him I have dispatched

guardian angels to your property to ward off bad spirits and your adversaries my little child she is in your chamber by

your side keeping an eye on you shielding you from harm and leading you into a life of Plenty love wealth and

physical health are just a few areas that could flourish in the following week for you because of your trust in

God you have been brought to this place and I will continue to to bless you your

spiritual and material well-being are integral parts of God’s purpose for your life in a miraculous change of events

your career finances health and relationships will all

improve before you turn in for the night remind yourself that a Heavenly intervention is imminent and that a

magnificent restoration is on its way this will bring you complete recovery

from any illness or debt that you may have been carrying in order to get a miracle from God and prepare yourself

for a life of Plenty watch this video all the way to the end over the following days you will experience

advantages from on high that will go beyond your greatest expectations God has vowed to be your

constant companion avenging your sins and providing for your every need if God

is involved everything is conceivable Jesus himself said as much you are God’s

little child and he longs to to shower you with benefits so that he might continually change your life he wants to

make you happy forever heal your scars and give you all you want remind

yourself to put your trust in Christ Jesus who stands as a mediator between God and people as you get ready for your

journey recognize him in whatever you do and accept him as the truth with all your being because God’s love for you is

so great he has sent his angels to pay your bills and obligations and protect

your family from danger as you Journey towards a better future he is by your

side every step of the way Miracles and breakthroughs that will change your life forever will happen before the end of

this week there may be no obstacles when you present your acceptance to him as

factual you will have more than enough to support your Offspring and grandkids when the money you have spent is

multiplied by always keep in mind that the riches of God are Limitless

it has no end I can show you the way to a better life and the road to it right

now as you give yourself over to me I may mend your broken heart and make a

Triumph out of your failures let us pray together for God’s blessings to fall heavily on your life Heavenly Father for

I am your strength when you are weak your Solace when you are lonely and your pleasure when you are sad we humbly seek

Your Divine Direction and protection as we embark on this this season of Plenty

we accept your promises and believe that you will reward us abundantly because you have a Divine Purpose for our lives

and we ask that your angels watch over us while we follow that purpose on behalf of your son Jesus Christ we beg

you to do all things possibilities for benefits abound in the coming months

upbeat news everything in the cosmos is working to your advantage and your

heavenly companions are keeping a watchful eye on you debt will be a thing of the past and you

may look forward to Financial Security you’ll have more than enough to stay travel and follow your aspirations

without any problems no one can stand a chance against you since Christ has already vanquished your

adversary put your faith in God’s word and ask him to help you accept what you’ve lost and he will convert the

things that can’t be traded if you follow his guidance you will be able to see the promising future future he plans

for you before it ever begins God cannot approach someone unless he has Faith

according to the Bible before we can ask God for anything we need to believe that

he exists and that he rewards those who seek him with all their heart doubt is

like being tossed about by the wind so we must establish our faith as God’s

love and beauty pour forth into your life your problems and challenges will fade into the past Jesus Christ claimed

to be both the resurrection and the life and that whoever put their faith in him would live forever we may continue to

live eternally with him even after our physical bodies perish furthermore Jesus

said that we may overcome obstacles and do things that seem impossible if our faith is as modest as a mustard seed

people were skeptical of Jesus since they had never laid eyes on him however

those who put their faith in Jesus even though though they did not see him were rewarded by him he assured us that he

would console Us in the same way a mother consoles her baby you will never

leave our side providing the Solace and serenity we need as Christians the

resurrected Jesus Christ according to our faith will return to Earth at some

point to reunite us with God for all eternity the Vitality of God’s spirit

rather than human knowledge is the foundation of our faith a significant shift in your way of life is about to

occur possibilities are being bestowed upon you as your money develops and the

universe is aligning with your desires you will have the ability to assist others around you adding to a world that

is even more abundant a wave of high quality energy might wash over you and improve every

aspect of your life your connections with others will become stronger and more fulfilling

in ways you could never have imagined your career will sore you will feel better physically and mentally and your

energy levels will Skyrocket the opportunities that present themselves to you may Astound you and you will be

prepared to gratefully and Faithfully take them before the abundance that is coming your way surpasses your wildest

dreams seeing miracles happen to you may deepen your trust in a higher power

believe in the promises given to you and know that you have plenty of support along the way in times of need may the

Lord also hear your supplications and protect you from harm God is your

everything and he will keep you and bless you abundantly you say it loud and clear by praying we show our gratitude

to God who is kind and wise and who has helped us in many ways all the doors he has opened for us and kept us safe are

gifts from him and we are grateful please God to show our confidence in God

we must also admit when we have sinned and when we have put our hope in things other than God we start each day with an

attitude of thankfulness knowing that God loves us and is able to help us no matter what additionally this is a month

of Fresh Starts and revitalized ambition Thanksgiving is a time to count our

blessings and Express gratitude for the wonderful things in our lives your opponent plans to get you into serious

financial difficulties and has other harmful intentions against you so the next day is going to be really important

for you keep in mind however that I am the deity of Plenty and provision and

that I can make anything happen that you choose my little one with God’s protection you will not be bothered by

evil or by diseases that approach your tent it is possible that nothing can

harm you you are entering a season full of joy love and plenty of money so the

next days may be fantastic for you you will be filthy Wealthy by the end of

this year you crave water therefore money is pouring on you constantly and

it’s just going to get better every day please watch this movie to the end and I

will grant you good health Heavenly protection and financial success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams you could have some

breakthroughs this week enjoy breakthroughs in every area that’s been holding you back whether it’s your

health your money your relationship ships or anything else furthermore you

might be presented with fantastic chances good fortune and miraculous

occurrences throughout the week money success love and pleasure are all flooding into your life at the moment as

you can see in this video with Jesus’s call your health wealth and family will

flourish love has the power to bring you immense Joy financially and physically

you will be blessed Beyond Your Wildest expectations and you will be able to pay all of your expenses in full and on time all thanks

to God’s grace you are being addressed by God today there will soon be an end to your pain and suffering I have the

power to unlock the Heavenly doors and pour forth boundless Gifts of Love plenty health and opportunity are you

all set you will be showered with favor wisdom and Grace from on high it will

fall on you like rain I have the ability to provide individuals with fund and resources that you would never have

thought were possible I am capable of doing miraculous Deeds while you rest this night you will experience a

transformation from sorrow to Joy from difficulties into blessings and from

scarcity to plenty you will experience the Breakthrough for which you have been hoping as well as unforeseen benefits an

abundance of affection and success in every facet of your life with this way

of life you will have everything you could possibly desire and more carry on my footsteps I’m on the

cusp of entering my most glorious season ever those who put their faith in me will be protected and I can save those

who love me I can help them out and be there for them when they need me the most after they’ve called On Me Jesus

promised that anyone who put their faith in him would receive eternal life and his favor stop trying so hard and start

trusting God he wants you to agree with him more thoroughly not strive more this has the

potential to change everything within you when we pray or think about something God May accomplish it in a big

way unexpected benefits are on their way to you according to the energy that operates inside us you can go from

barely scraping by to having more than enough cash on hand doors will be

miraculously opened by God if you want to open out to the right people and and Smash down the barriers in your life

this week might be jam-packed with breakthroughs spoken back prayers and accurate information this week you will

experience a great deal of pain yet it is a sign from God possibilities

advantages connections ideas healing and the Supernatural are more favorable to

you success and advancement will be yours and your families to reap the

promises given to you will be f fulfilled and the bands that have held you back will be unfastened by God with

his help you’ll be set up for a whole new way of living as he moves around in the middle of the storm you should stay

close by his side before the conclusion of this month God will bestow upon you a

major blessing that will change your life forever pretend that this week will bring forth some remarkable and

surprising events the possibility of physical healing the restoration of broken relation relationships and the

mailing of admission letters and testing materials is real put your faith in God

to help you claim and achieve it in the stronghold of Jesus may God keep an eye on hidden things and expose foes who

masquerade as friends if you’re experiencing emotional distress while seeing this please know that God is

immediately comforting you through it he wants you to know that he is Paving the path for you right now which is why he

has brought you to this message your broken relation relationships will mend new possibilities will present

themselves and your physical health will improve thanks to him your breakthrough

is on the way so hold on to your faith everything that is weighing you down is

being removed by God he is guiding you away from suffering strife and scarcity

and toward healing tranquility and plenty whether it’s a leap ahead your ideal career or a life companion there’s

something fantastic waiting for you in Beyond Your Wildest imagination because

the Bible says that the loyal love of the Lord never ceases that his mercies

are Everlasting that his faithfulness is unmatched and that his mercies are new every morning today I invite you to join

me in this prayer I shall be showered with the affection healing and plenty

that are rightfully mine when I pray in Jesus name my whole family may become well and I will see Miracles fulfilled

Lord I believe that this week will bring about the right kind of knowledge the answers to my prayers and breakthroughs

because you are with me a God who is endless is a refuge and in his

Everlasting Arms you will find ever increasing desire and miracles before

you can slay your foes he will drive them out countless blessings will be yours if you remain faithful to God God

has answered all your prayers so you will no longer weep over problems God

always fights my my battles and Promises me Victory no matter how bad things become no matter what you may be certain

that God is with you and will be there for you no matter what keep in mind three things when you’re feeling

completely let down instead of worrying turn to prayer praise God for what he

has done for you and your loved ones and tell him what you need keep your strength and bravery because the same

God who created the universe in six days and then slept has the power to give you strength and power to overcome any

obstacle God May intervene in a big way this coming week breaking news and

life-changing discoveries the central relationship you can have is with Jesus Christ even the

most shattered hearts and personal traumas may be soothed by his boundless Vitality if you can accept him for who

he really is in terms of love and style you will find joy and contentment that

are Beyond description you must you must remember that when God decides to bless you everything will happen according to

your will regardless of how many others attempt to save you as you give thanks

to God for your heart count your blessings and remain receptive to the many blessings he has already bestowed

upon you by God’s grace you will begin to receive more funds experience the

growing joy as you embrace the excellent plans that God has for your life whether

they include a prosperous marriage a monument or a winning lottery ticket

any negative situation may be turned around with a breakthrough it is possible to shower blessings on all

people and to cure all wounds with my help you can become in better shape have

stronger relationships and live more affordably if you are seeking happiness

I will provide it to you come to me if you are sick and tired of being confused despondent and despairing now is the

time for you to recover from from all the hardships you’ve endured I will return all that the adversary has taken

from you God has trusted you and he will continue to trust you think about him

and maybe his promises may come true in your life I am sending my angels to pay your bills and settle your obligations

so that you and your family will be safe from harm as God says these days I will

be by your side through thick and thin you are not in this alone no matter who

is against you as long as I am on your side it does not matter because you are my kid I will always be by your side on

top of that I’m letting go of everything and everything that is depressing you I’m rescuing you from suffering conflict

and an absence of healing with plenty of ease saying this now is crucial for God

being an apostate has taught me what it’s like I remember a time when we weren’t courting my life was miserable

and I had no goals or plans my life took a dramatic turn when I encountered Jesus

as a Christian you will enter a new era of abundant joy and contentment and you

will have the opportunity to experience my love in a more profound and meaningful way I’m far from alone with

you I am always with you and the Holy Spirit will live inside of you you have a guide a comforter and an assistant in

the Holy Spirit dear little one I am here to protect you by covering you with

my feathers and providing iding a safe haven under my wings I am willing to

protect you from any danger with my unwavering loyalty if you really believe in me I will be your rock through life

storms and always be by your side I adore you dearly you are my precious

little one you should always be aware that your words have power Christians are said to be fighting the devil and

his armies with the gospel they preach the power to transform your circumstances and the world around you

is in God’s word therefore speak it with confidence and boldness knowing that it

can destroy strongholds and claim Triumph in jesus’ name I hope that you

may find strength to converse with Jesus in prayer when you are sad or depressed

he knows exactly how you feel and he listens all the time he will console you

and support you so my children and my heavenly father let us pray together in

Jesus’s name this new week is in my prayers I come to you today with an

overflowing heart of gratitude for everything that you do for me and the caring eyes that keep an eye on me in

keeping with your majesty and wealth I beg that your mystical power meet all my wants I Proclaim that this week has the

potential to bring forth abundant and advantageous developments the grace

compassion and love that you have shown me are much appreciated I am on board

with your vision for my life and can’t wait to see your next move in the near future I will do something fantastic for

your life and I want you to know it never again will you have to settle for

less than what you really want I will unleash the Heaven’s Gates and pour out all my anticipation and prayer for your

breakthrough and it will be greater and more magnificent than you could have ever dreamed if you continue to put your

faith in me and pray I will provide a way when it seems there is none

a lot of you are going through tough times right now and I get that according

to Jesus you will be concerned about your budget your health and your

relationships I want you to know that I’m here for you whenever you feel overwhelmed by worry or suffering as

your companion for tranquility I am also your physician I can give you Serenity

that is beyond description When you pray to me I can bless you beyond measure and

I can cure your body Mind and Spirit I can alleviate your sadness and calm your

anxiety no matter what you’re going through I will be by your side the moment you mention my name a fresh and

fruitful phase of your life is about to begin you have overcome the most difficult obstacles and are now on the

path to Greatness you have made me proud my little one you’ve been really courageous and electrifying during this

ordeal I have been by your side through thick and th and you have put your trust in me you must now consider your future

I’m looking forward to seeing what you do this week on my behalf because I have wonderful things planned for you it is

my sincere desire that you prioritize my needs above anything else while you’re

at it I can make your Journeys magical and full of delight believe me when I say I can show you the way even if you

may not have any desire at all know that you can always count on my support if

you hold my hand and I can guide you stay still and know that I am God in the

aggregate something will be done you are in my prayers and I will bless you the

light of my countenance is upon you and I am kind to you I look down on you with compassion and offer you my serenity let

me be the source of power and opulence for you you can trust me I will alleviate all of your worries anxieties

shortages and pain I can bring my blessings of Tranquility love plenty and

prosperity into your life consideration of me is all you want this has to be

spoken aloud believe in me and I will lead you to your proper place in heaven

the Heavenly Nation to him be the glory forever and ever so my darling trust me

and know that I can do more than you can fathom I am prepared to shower my blessings upon you now that your season

of Plenty has arrived if you stroll into religion you might expect to see miracle mirales in your life beloved I am at

your side even in the depths of Despair you know that I am at your side leading you toward the light I am the one who

has bestowed so many blessings on you therefore you must find my path you

should cherish every moment of your lifestyle since it is a precious gift if you are ever lost or confused you may

always look to me for direction and understanding I will never lead you astray in the months to come along your

spiritual journey you will experience several gifts in the realm of Love listen closely because these are gifts

from me that have been given to you with love and purpose hold on to them dearly

for they have the power to bring you great joy and prosperity and don’t fret About Money Matters I’m here to provide

for you I will show you the way to riches and success if you trust in me I

am always keeping an eye on you so have trust in your heart know that I’m always by your side through good times and bad

do not lose heart in the face of adversity I will show you the way to righteousness and Grace if you believe

in me you must also know that while Physicians lawyers and soldiers May provide you with temporary relief only I

can give you life forever I am the one who can show you the way to Eternal joy and contentment and you’re always

looking for me pray for my guidance and protection as well as for my children you can count on me to be there at all

times ready to listen and take your call embrace me tightly and I will shield you

from any danger that comes your way always remember that I am watching over you and directing your steps I am the

allseeing daddy I know your thoughts your desires and your spirit yes I am

aware that life may be tough and that you may feel lost or all alone at times

nevertheless remember that I’m always by your side and that I will never leave you or abandon you so when you you are

going through tough times don’t be afraid to seek my help I will listen to your scream if you pray to me for the

location of your hidden presence I assure you that I will publicly compensate you for your

mysterious pursuit of me I like it when the people I’ve blessed succeed and flourish but it annoys me when they stop

thinking about me and start taking credit for what they’ve accomplished remember that I am the source of your

power wisdom and opportunity for Success thus while you experience Joy

remember to thank me and recognize my role in your life stay close to me so I

may continue to bless you and point you toward your destiny my precious children

it is imperative that you show kindness to those who oppose you even if they loathe you if you want a good life this

is much more important than what may seem difficult your opponents will be convinced and turn to me when you show

love to them while you roast them with fire furthermore you become an effective testimony for me and demonstrate the man

or woman of Christ when you love your adversaries just naming me Lord or

showing up to church regularly isn’t enough you know you should also Grant the wish of my heavenly father what does

my father require it’s much more important to love God with all you have and to love your neighbor as yourself

living a life of Love Makes You pleasing to me and welcome to my country yet a

life of Pride avarice and selfishness keeps you apart from me and prevents you

from entering my state I want to encourage you today my beloved children

even though you will face difficulties disappointments and failures know that I

love you God God encourages his followers to remember that he is the one who heals redeems and blesses even if

they may have mourned and wondered why things happen the way they do whatever you’re going through I can turn it into

Joy dancing or beauty in order for your adversaries to see that I am your God

and that you are my beloved children I will do it boldly while they are watching stay near me find me in your

hidden places love your adversaries help my dad out and take my word for it that

we can repair and bless your history your deepest aspirations are going to be

realized the next day since it will be a watershed moment in your life

I am prepared to bless your life with pure blessings and open doors to Miracles after hearing your prayers keep

in mind the gift gratitude and compensation expressing appreciation

draws additional blessings into your life just like a magnet by the end of

this month you should be ready for a remarkable recovery that will help you overcome sickness and debt and get back

on your feet numerous improvements enhan enhancements and Bounds await you in the

future it was handed to God your health relationships and bank account are all

prepared to be restored by your body if you and your loved ones make it to the very end of this film my darling we will

be showered with eternal Health joy prosperity and Tranquility you are about to be ushered

into the modern era by a squeaky door and you know what when you let God be

your strength no amount of human interference can shut it down down in this life you may expect an abundance of

Joy a lower price point health and a bath of love and Marvels is God’s plan

something you believe in you are entering a season of successive blessings and Marvels according to the

Lord Beautiful Moments Joy wonderful people and benefits like never before

May compete with one another in the next week in addition I pray that the Lord

will bless you keep you and be merciful to you another possibility is that he

may turn his face toward you offering you his Serenity your troubles will soon

be swept away by God who will also transform your failures into triumphs the blessings of God are going to pour

forth in your life so you may put an end to the days of worry and sadness just

for the night pretend that the miracle you’ve been hoping for May Come True and

take away all your worries I will find a solution ution that will rely on healing

restoration and strength to pour into your lives even when it all seems

unattainable I am the one who shines in the darkest places said Jesus we have

the light that leads to existence and those who follow me will never walk in darkness you can still see him a season

of unending success and groundbreaking developments is ahead though I walk through the valley of the shadow of

death I can fear no evil for you are with me this is a powerful statement

that individuals who listen to Jesus’s teachings and follow are like clever folks who build their dwellings On Solid

Rock I’m quite fond of you and my favor is upon you it is already in your

possession more than that you are a Victor and I am preparing for something

extraordinary that will alter the course of my life this week you are about to witness a massive Miracle God is

reclaiming in our physical selves wiping off our debts mending broken relationships and freeing us from

addiction dear life I’m here to bless you and mend any broken parts of you

strengthen whatever is weak alleviate whatever is sick and bring back whatever

love and serenity may have faded away let us join in prayer oh God I

promise I won’t stress out and that I’ll put my care into finding the best solution for you I trust that you will

never let me down and that all the promises you have made to me will be fulfilled reward me with your presence

Lord I am seeking your guidance as I navigate challenging circumstances at

work I am your God and my kid has Great Hopes for me everything you have wished

for physical health financial success romantic love and emotional stability is

on the verge of coming true Lord I believe that your timing is accurate I

have no desire to go to undeveloped or unprepared regions it is for my benefit and your honor that I believe in the

path you have planned for me born into poor circumstances Jesus came to Earth

as a message from God teaching us about love and forgiveness and showing us the way to everlasting life the Crux of his

message was simple you will be saved if you boldly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God

resurrect resurrected him from the dead in Christ Jesus your wish for us is to enjoy ourselves to pray without ceasing

and to give thanks in all situations God you have the power to swiftly alter my way of life please

don’t think I’ll give up you provide me with a miracle just when I think it’s finished everyone who wants a miracle

right now has my prayers when all signs point to chaos it is up to you to

accomplish the seemingly impossible find a way God claims that his electrifying

might turns chaos into a message these days turn a losing affidavit trial into

a winning case for the plaintiff success Tranquility healing and material

Prosperity are mine for the taking in relation to your life this is my last

word and I will not let your enemies hurt you in due season the Lord will

open the heavens and send reain to your land nourishing your labor life isn’t

always is going to be the same but you may find joy in the victories you’ve already achieved we have faith that we

will not be destroyed by them because he will guide us and give us victory at

this very moment plenty of appropriate affection is on its way to you during

our time of desperation we learn of miraculous events that alter the course of Our Lives irrevocably according to

the Bible there is no limit to God’s mercies and his love will the Lord be ni

to you and bless you even as he shows his face to the world aside from that I

pray that the Lord blesses you and gives you peace in response to Jesus’s command

let us ask that his will be done in our lives so that all we put in our hands will succeed I am grateful that you have

loved me through the good times and the bad you are entirely and wonderfully wonderful Lord and it is a privilege to

have you as my God I am grateful that you made me and and that you loved me enough to send Jesus to die so that I

may have my sins forgiven your love and grace are Limitless all poor help us to

remember your boundless advantages daily the grace of God is breaking Cycles in your life a new era of Liberty plenty

and plenty is upon you under the lofty canopy of God’s feathers you’ll find

Refuge under his Mighty Wings you will be protected from harm by his unwavering loyalty which will give you the

fortitude to overcome any challenge you may be certain that the plots of the adversary will be defeated the anguish

will diminish the tears will dry and a path to remarkable change may be revealed when the might of God’s angels

is by your side dear Lord I humbly surrender all my anxieties tensions and

concerns to you this year I ask that you guide me and keep me safe in the name of

Jesus Christ the Lord says protect me me from those who would do me harm and

remove every obstacle in my way then we say Amen my darling whatever your

adversary had in store for you would be of no consequence I am the deity of Plenty and my intentions for your life

are excellent I wish you good fortune and plenty and I will give you the strength and wisdom to overcome whatever

obstacles you face Jesus is all you need he will satisfy your hunger quench your

thirst and give you everything you need for a happy and wealthy life when you

bring your worries anxieties stress and pains to God he will replace them with

his love restoration peace and benefits keeping in mind that your

father was overjoyed to gift you the kingdom your small flock should no longer be terrified if you hold on to

your faith I can use my advantages and backtracking miracles to defeat you you

will get an abundance of rewards beyond your wild wildest dreams if you remain confident and Obey God’s commands there

are a lot of things going through your head but please know that you are not alone God will provide the help healing

and resources you need if you bring your problems to him in prayer a greater and

loftier plan than everything you have ever faced is in God’s hands for your life everything you’ve gone through has

been almost compensated for by your strength and determination in an effort to show shock

your adversaries and wow you you will soon see improvements and breakthroughs in every area of your lives you will

overcome obstacles and turn problems into positives hold on you pricey tot

despite the current ugliness I will bring out something spectacular every possible Pathway to your demise will be

eliminated by God you will see clearly now how to proceed if you’ve been hoping

for a certain existence process or relationship this is is a sign that it’s on its way the Lord can open doors you

can no longer discount his capacity to make immediate changes in your life restoring and exchanging advantages

are the functions of alternate Hearts before the month is over I

prophesy that you will see Miracles that seem like they were performed by God

join me in saying this God will answer my prayers and fulfill my expectations

in a most miraculous way because I respect him I shall be pursued and surpassed by his

advantages if I am in the right place at the right moment people will do all they can to be faithful to me as God tells

you a cloud of blessings has encircled me I’m about to remove a path from your

life that will bring you down to your knees again angang has responded to your request for transportation from your

home to a fantastic area this is well outside of your imagination the celestial IAL creatures adorned with

their graceful wings and Charming grins have chosen you for an extraordinary Journey perhaps they will gently lift

you up and take you to a wonderful joyful place my darling a miraculous

event is on its way to you and it will Astound you with its fullness your concerns and anguish may be turned into

calm and your trials into opportunities faith and thankfulness will bring you health money and success

now is the moment to experience life to the fullest in every way financially

emotionally and professionally as if it were pouring rain Miracles are flooding

your life and you will experience an incredible upliftment from your current state of profound sadness if you watch

this video all the way to the end you could just attract a lot of luck and

prosperity there is a new season of Freedom wealth and plenty about to begin

in your life as God br breaks every evil cycle are you all set Grace restoration

and everlasting peace are the ways by which every worry dread stress and pain

might be removed you and your loved ones may experience a narrative of Joy

recovery and material Prosperity this year making it the most extraordinary year to date this week you might see a

complete elimination of your debts a complete settlement of your payments and an improvement in your price range

revolutions are about to happen Divine blessings and unexpected surprises

infinite good fortune and fulfilling relationships will come your way before the month is out your life will be

filled to the brim with God’s desire as you experience Financial breakthroughs and unending victories your debts and

payments could be resolved and your family could be shielded from harm by your guardian angels your financial

situation is about to improve dramatically a plethora of excellent blessings might

descend upon you during the next days you will be showered with abundant good health happiness and prosperity as a

result of miraculous breakthroughs that will Astound you similar to the way water flows in a river money will come

to you in the midst of broken hearts and broken bones this week may be filled with extraordinary Miracles But

ultimately Good Will triumph over evil in God’s eyes even a large crowd can be

a power ful message the peace and plenty that Jesus came to offer are yours for

the taking he transformed a check into a sworn statement a trial into a Triumph

and a victim into a Victor in Jesus’s invitation to be the sector’s light God

promises peace and an abundance of God’s favor if you follow me you will live a

life without darkness in the name of Jesus Christ I command and Proclaim that

God’s favor is upon you and your family if you have nothing else but God you can

live a life of Plenty from this point onward and shame and misery May Fade Into the background unexpected Miracles

are about to change your life for the better realize that the Lord will provide for your every need as a

Shepherd his unfaltering love and kindness will follow you around like a shadow and you will be welcome to stay

at his house whenever your soul needs Solace if you’re looking for someone to lean on take a walk with God as you find

yourself disoriented and alone turn to him keep in mind that God is never far

away the Lord is saying to you today that he will be there regularly ready to

fight your battles and bring calm to every typhoon that you face your days

are going to be filled with boundless joy and Tranquility you are about to experience the abundance restoration and

love that you truly deserve right now Miracles will happen at the the exact

moment you need them and your entire family is prepared to experience

restoration if you put your faith in Jesus Christ God will help you grow

again so that you can make the greatest comeback of your life help from Angels is coming your way a monetary windfall

is on its way to you and your prayers are being heard please join me in prayer

as I express my gratitude for being freed from the burden of past offenses let go of the past

and make room for the new things you are bringing into my life this year guilt and blame all in the name of Jesus I

appreciate you being there for me through all the ups and downs of life thank you for being my God your

greatness Perfection and kindness are blessings you and your loved ones will reap abundant benefits as your situation

begins to turn around there is a remedy for every wound and failures prepare the way for Extraordinary triumphs remember

that God is with with you providing comfort and strength even in the midst of your disappointment and tears get

ready for a miraculous event with the help of angels Illuminating the most

advantageous paths to success according to God I pray that you will be happy

forever please come to me if you ever feel lost or unhappy because I care

about you I’m here to ensure that your life is filled with joy and happiness

there is no need to be anxious the difficult time stimes are almost over even if you feel far from God the

universe is sending you Good Vibes and miracles to brighten your path calm down

trust that he is all-encompassing and that his will for your life is greater than your own ensuring that even the

most unexpected turns will lead to A better ending instead of getting stuck

worrying a blessing that is unique to you is about to emerge the upcoming

week’s worship is full of good news prayers answered and breakthroughs as

God transforms our sorrow into Joy our struggles into blessings and our losses into unbelievable Miracles this year’s

Miracles and desires hold the potential to take us to new heights in life whenever you feel discouraged tired or

unsure remember that God is already working to make every bad thing into a bad dream say that this is going to be

the year that you are the healthiest and most active version of yourself God is

going to do things that you can’t imagine doing bringing you a plethora of Joy health and wealth your troubling

situation is about to reach a peaceful and fulfilling resolution after you have

endured prayers tears and persistence save up for some cash Miracles and

life-altering benefits bring about breakthroughs and plenty God will make a

complete uturn and restore all that is broken in your life by the end of the year a Financial Boon is on its way to

you now that your healing process has begun true Health Tranquility love and

favor are among the many blessings that are about to pour out on you prepare to be astounded by the abundance that is

about to come your way whether it’s a medical record or anything else it says I get how tough it is for you remember

that God will not abandon you no matter how bad things get financially or how many people try to stop you send healing

and Supplies by bring bringing your concerns to him in prayer God the author of your faith is watching over you and

will continue to provide assistance and deliverance whenever you ask for it

everything in the cosmos is moving in Perfect Harmony to make your wildest dreams a reality and a sea change is

about to occur in your life revamp the obvious in every part and get ready for

a miraculous event to take place in your home the following day as God immediately steps into your life doors

that seemed impenetrable will miraculously open and healings and miracles will manifest a gentle

restoration from God’s Heavenly power will permeate your entire home and you will receive unexpected messages and

calls offering financial aid and support in the next day or two I the deity of

Plenty wish you success in all that you do get ready for some unexpected

Financial booms you will see Miracles unfold in your life if you believe my assurances the year is a technology

for brand new beginnings for mayor Morales and it also signifies a period of recovery change and benefits get

ready for triple advantages this week with clean starts off developing and unparalleled chances pay heed to what I

say infinitely blessed are you because I am the god of multiplication unfettered by

circumstances problems or setbacks you are entering a time of blessings and wonders this is the time of year when

blessings abound including endless Serenity and generous budgets the

enemy’s schemes are already being dismantled by my angels in this conflict you have allies I’ll make sure you’re

safe create a life where you may be a benefit to others while enjoying boundless Health money and happiness

according to what the Lord has spoken the months of December and January are full with benefits and

opportunity everything you could ever want a job money a car and love is bestowed

to your family your prayers have been heard and the old methods of doing things are coming to an end so that new

life-altering advantages may enter your assets will grow resulting in improved

health and stronger Financial ties money problems are still there all the money

I’ve gotten so far has been very appreciated and I would gladly accept more more money will come into my bank

account than I can ever ever imagine to put my money worries to rest I’m going to materialize $ million this week the

one who repairs heals and redeems is me God if you are in pain whether it be

physically mentally or spiritually I will heal you it is possible to restore

every broken heart and cure every wounded WB if you need my help I may be

able to provide it to you in the next several months your financial expectations will be surpassed by the

the growth of Love soul and spirituality remember that the God who

created everything the Alpha and the Omega will rescue you if you Proclaim

Jesus as Lord with your lips and believe in your heart that God resurrected him from the dead knowledge expertise and

data all originate with me I have genuine intentions for you and I want

the best for you whoever believes in my son will have everlasting life since I sent him now now is the time for you to

recuperate God will return all that the devil has stolen including Joy wealth

and a permanent Mission now that Christ has crucified me with him it is not I

Who Remain but Christ who lives within me living in the present moment I am

anchored by my trust in the Son of God who loved me and sacrificed himself for

me get ready for a week with plenty of advantages that will bring you greater Grins and Financial breakthroughs by

taking a bath think of a world where Health employment business relationships

and finances all improve an extraordinary occurrence is about to dispel all concerns Jesus implores you

to lay down your life’s burdens follow him and replace your dread of the future

with faith in what the Day brings your health riches and love are almost enough

to get significant benefits and catch your opponents off guard there is there is no need to worry about restoration

breakthroughs or Miracles this is your second Revival God

says today as we enter December despite all you’ve been through I’m here to help

you fix your substantial Financial advantages which are about to make you obviously affluent your health your

relationships and your finances will all be revived by my hands as the deity of

restoration and atonement I beg you to believe it is true of me I am about to bestow upon you a life that is brimming

with health joy and contentment you may put your trust in their assurances I am

the deity of motion and I make up for every mistake restore every loss and

Conquer every difficulty I can mend your broken heart and restore your financial

stability recognize that I am by your side leading you towards your most

exceptional season in the event that you encounter financial difficulties you will prosper and Thrive as a God of

Justice however because improvements Miracles and blessings are on their way put your confidence in me and I will

fight your battles the evil will no longer triumph over the upright get ready for relationships physical

objectives and healing and recuperation as wonders multiply your joy will reach a boiling point if you

put yourself in a good environment I will bestow upon you a greater life transforming your failures into triumphs

God is actively transforming your failures into triumphs I assure you you are not alone by your side the Lord will

always be there he says it is possible to Prevail in the face of adversity by

fighting your battles his joy and contentment may fill your life to the brim you must take immediate action

since the chamber is inhabited by Celestial beings and you have been chosen to receive their abundant

benefits as you go toward an abundant loving and delightful life anointed by

the powerful God walk into the light that guides you into a wonderful path

the Lord says with each step these days I’m freeing you from the shackles of poverty deprivation and disease that

impede your growth your sorrowful tears will transform into joyful ones your

pain will be eased and your trials will be turned into triumphs you are in for a

fantastic December I can tell Divine Healing and optimal physical health will

be bestowed upon you like never before when the hand of God flows in your life

I am an expert at doing the seemingly impossible because I am the deity of Miracles when you put your trust in me a

Cascade of miraculous events will occur in your life in Peril I’m a safe haven a

source of strength and a constant source of assistance God the universe’s Creator

can do things that you never thought possible nothing is impossible as long as you have unfaltering trust in me I

have already tripled your benefits this week your bank’s stability is about to grow with money that exceeds your

wildest dreams no matter how difficult things become for you whether physically

financially or emotionally you should expect a First Rate miracle to happen for your life I can never leave you my

darling and you should know that I am always at your side there is a barrier between you and the house you want the

job you need the connections you want and the financial success you want

believe it to be real in light of my impeccable timing and abundant Supply I

provide Liberation from addictions debt and our bodies as well as from relationships that are in disarray join

us for a remarkable weekend jam-packed with gamechanging advancements during this period I can

ease your suffering restore what you’ve lost and provide you with plenty of financial resources

get ready for an era of unprecedented plenty and wealth in ways that were

previously inconceivable you will see benefits pouring into your life may the amount of money in your bank account

grow at an exponential rate you may also need to pay all of your bills far before

their due if you’re playing past your wildest goals write this period of

success and the financial Independence that has come your way into your plans

your pain will be transformed into Joy by God you are seeing the immediate fulfillment of your prayers as they have

been shared with him incredible shifts could occur in the year I announc that now is the time for

Fresh Starts breakthroughs and miracles before the month ends you will be given

an opportunity to enjoy life by God according to God blessings are on their

way your financial situation will improve you may get restoration and

miracles will happen at the exact moment you need them you have no idea how much

God is improving your life in December you will begin a new season when

blessings and miraculous events become a part of your daily routine you may leap for Joy say this prayer now father it’s

great to see you I’m grateful for your steadfast affection and manner toward me

your unwavering Loyalty means the world to me you’re showering me with benefits

in line with your substantial wealth and Grandeur in the call of Jesus the costly God even while I fall short of backlash

these days I choose to rise up and have confidence please eliminate all signs of

anxiety and Dread give those who are struggling a boost by using their strength this will show them that you

are still there bring to mind the verse from Philippians six pray and tell God

what you want instead of letting yourself be traumatized by what whatever it is always remember to thank him for

the blessings he has already given you God is greater than anything you might face this weekend no matter how bad

things become his strength is more important to you than your own if you’re feeling overwhelmed remember that God

can hold all your worries in his arms going from a renter to a homeowner an

employee to an employer a borrower to A lender in pain to motivated and

overbooked to ignored are all all experiences you’ll go through chances are good that this next weekend will be

jam-packed with useful data advantages raises and possibilities there will soon

be restoration New Beginnings breakthroughs success optimism answers

healing love God’s Will and productivity keep in mind that although

suffering is fleeting Joy is Everlasting I have a fantastic maybe life-altering

present in store for you every time you feel like letting your guard down there may be an abundance of Joy love and

purpose in your heart in the near future you will be filled with joy and fortunate enough to gain insightful

knowledge whatever happens the remainder of this week I say it can be fantastic

the hope that God will provide you with health and prosperity is far more encouraging no matter where you go I

will be there to protect you until I’ve kept every promise I made to you I will remain by your side the unmatched might

and vigor of the King of Kings and the Lord of lords are the reasons why God directs authority over all

introductions your clinical paperwork is in my possession and I’m aware of the nation in which you are financially

situated I know how important your aspirations are to you and I also know how competitive they can be please hear

me out on this I will not be able to assist you this week you’ll see improvements in your health career

business connections and finances God is ready to do great things in your life it will become quite clear

why Christ said we would inherit the Kingdom if we honor God as king and acknowledge that we are his offspring

which will confirm What God Says to you for every error God’s grace is sufficient when you fail you must

recover every setback gives way to a fresh start and every defeat gives way to an incredible return a life of Plenty

joy and success is calling your name and the time has come for a positive approach your lives are enriched by the

wealth impacts which open up Limitless possibilities for you with little to no work on your part your coronary heart is

always open and waiting to welcome me when I knock on its door the door will be opened without care because I am a

kind and loving God I would rather play an integral role in your daily routine

and show you the Rope at every turn as you open your arms to me I may fill you

with my joy vitality and serenity I will put your worries to rest by replacing

them with a Tranquility that no amount of knowledge can match get ready to be blown away by God’s incredible blessings

this week stay connected with him and follow his guidance consistently and

you’ll experience an abundance of advantages like never before no matter how difficult life gets you can trust in

God because he is greater than anything you could ever imagine without ceasing

he is working to your benefit let us pray together father while you Slumber I

appreciate how you always push me to overcome obstacles and reach New Heights

in facing my challenges I ask that you please lend me your support I am certain

that with your help I will be able to triumph over any challenge that we face today

please grant me your favor and safety please protect our children while they are away at University protect us when

we’re driving on public roadways I wish you healing and New Opportunities via the advantages our path is paved with

Innovations and advances this is a Heavenly summons answer it my love your

father’s love will shine a light on you no matter what and you will be able to overcome any Challenge and fulfill your

reason with Grace and electricity just as your magnificent God has given you Heavenly knowledge and protection I

will ensure that everyone who seeks it has the health and fitness they need if you believe what God says no ailment is

too difficult for me to cure my little kid something remarkable is about to happen to you in the next month I can

change your story so that you have a future filled with joy healing and success and I can fix your health

relationships and money I want you to know that I’m like a

top-notch doctor who can cure you entirely even if you’re going through tough times with your physical or mental

health even as a precious newborn I may transmit Your vitality Serenity of mind

and enthusiasm so that you can have a full and meaningful life the portals of

Heaven are going to be opened so that you may be showered with Benefits I am

the god who attends to all your aspirations mind that I am now not only available to you in good times but also

in bad in times of suffering whether physical emotional or spiritual you have

my support in times of difficulty I am here to provide Solace inspiration and

Direction realize that I am a deity who bestows Grace rather than punishment my

purpose has changed from judging or condemning you to offering you love and forgiveness I sent my only son Jesus

Christ to die on the cross for your sins so that you too can have eternal life

everything terrible that has caused you to weep in the past will eventually go your pain and suffering will be replaced

with my love and benefits and you will be able to experience an abundance of pleasure love and laughter furthermore

may my words of Solace Tranquility recovery and healing bring you hope and

consolation please in the year say this loud ly I will be blessed by God

provide for me guard me and heal me my beloved I am the one who created the

universe and everything in it including the stars planets oceans mountains and

skies I am always right here right with you directing reassuring and protecting

you I adore you no matter what extraordinary things happen to you just remember how wonderful you are to me

cash is coming your way without you putting in any effort or or fighting for it money is Flowing freely into your

life because you attracted preparation is key to receiving this gift and

enjoying all that it has to offer heal yourself I am here whether it’s physical

mental or spiritual he wants to help you release it he wants to bestow tranquility and opulence on you in an

attempt to improve your lives he is going to unlock doors I am the one who

in times of weakness gives you strength according to to Jesus I am the one who

restores Health when you are ill and restores love and peace when you believe they have been gone some surprises are

waiting for you from me The Liberation Prosperity correct health and healing

you sought have already been orchestrated by me your life is being transformed by the Lord today moving you

from a state of shortage to one of Plenty he is bringing pleasure to update your sorrows in this incredible season

you will witness many firsts and triumphs your presence is part of a unique design of mine this plan is

perfect in every way it will make you long for your destiny make you famous and a blessing to people around you draw

you nearer to me and bring honor to my name you may relax knowing that your

Fitness relationships and finances will be back to normal in no time to get the

results you need put your trust in me and know that I am working hard to get them keep the uplifting story of David

and Goliath in mind whenever you face difficult times since David knew the

amount of mine he did not need to know Goliath’s strength I am stronger than

everything you’re facing right now when I am around no problem becomes

insurmountable Embrace his benefits with an open heart and confidently go into

your magnificent future whenever you need someone to lean on I’m here I can

give you the strength you need need to overcome obstacles rather than allowing pain fear and difficult circumstances to

drag you down I have the ability to transform any negative situation into a

good one have faith in me because I have a wonderful plan for your life you’re

going to get First Rate benefits from God if you are determined you can turn adversity into opportunity uncertainty

into certainty and scarcity into plenty I declare that this we week has the potential to be filled with

extraordinary events live as if every day from Monday through Sunday is a miracle you should expect a considerable

Improvement in both your health and your financial status in the near future a

plethora of benefits and Marvels will be showered upon you so arm yourself

anxiety bewilderment and lack of sleep are symtoms that many of you are now

experiencing I am here to alleviate your anxiety by making making complex Concepts easy to comprehend and to put

an end to your nightly struggles with insomnia these days the Lord is changing your life he will swap out your sadness

for pleasure and your lack of resources for plenty get ready for a remarkable season full of triumphs breakthroughs

and miracles the heavens the Earth the sea the mountains the sun and the stars

are all creations of mine my dear little one amen you may count on my constant

presence to lead console and protect you never forget that you have a unique place in my heart and my affection for

you has no bounds many of you are now dealing with stress uncertainty and Nightmares your uncertainty will be

replaced with comprehension your restless nights with nonviolent sleep and your tension with readability I’m

here to help your paintings will keep getting better your profession and love life will be thriving again and the

skies will open up to bless your land with rain let us join together in prayer for our

dear and loving father your infinite mercy and kindness Are Much

appreciated please know how much I appreciate the time you’ve given me to share your love and bring joy to others

you paid the price for my crimes and for that I am eternally grateful I am

grateful that you gave me a new way of life in Christ Jesus father God I commit

myself fully to living a sinless life today and becoming an example of your grace thank you that I’m alive and that

I get to experience another day of your boundless love and mercy you and your

loved ones will be showered with success plenty and good health just believe in

my plan for your life and trust that I will never leave you that’s all you really desire extraordinary wonders

fascinating News Major advances or even advantages will abound in the next week

remember the parable of the lepers in the Bible after healing them Jesus recognized their faith and told them

stand up and cross yourself your religion has made you well this narrative is all about appreciation and

acknowledgement the story teaches us a valuable lesson being thankful brings

even greater benefits in this day and age keep in mind the four commands from above you will come out stronger than

before because God is in the healing process with you an essential quality is patience do not

try to hasten God’s plans the end product may be well worth the wait right now a huge Miracle is on route to you

God is actively resolving the situation in your life that is causing you stress no amount of resistance from the enemy

can derail God’s purposes for your life in spite of your best efforts God will

provide you with release health and breakthroughs beyond the realm of herbs

these Mar Marvels will take the form of the otherworldly I declare that God is prepared to do something miraculous in

your life taking you from the rear to the front your career will so to new

heights and God will restore your physical health mental Clarity and interpersonal connections even if your

opponents have questioned you God declares today that I am the one who bestows advancements and benefits upon

you and I have guaranteed you toddler that no one can take away the one you love someone close to you is planning to

hurt you by making false allegations and has a possible criminal issue I’m here

to Shield you from harm lead you in the right direction and keep an eye on you because I am envious of your financial

success I can see the jealousy and Malice in their eyes believe it or not I

know their schemes and will protect you and restore your health when they hurt you no need to be afraid I will make

sure the truth comes out and show shows you how innocent you are have everything you need for a fantastic next week your

extraordinary existence brimming with joy love and financial abundance is

about to begin believe me when I say that wealth will be poured into your life effortlessly pristine baby if you

want First Rate wonders discoveries and more advantages you should view the

whole film over the course of this extraordinary period you may expect to

achieve great achievement in everything that you do overcome many challenges and emerge Victorious if everything goes

according to plan you’ll be healthier than ever before Rich successful and

content by the year in spite of your current predicament God will bestow upon you a

plethora of blessings including good health plenty joy and contentment the

skepticism of your adversary may not go away I do not have any say over

promotions or perks if you win the lottery and decide to reconstruct your life that’s your destiny with my

incredible hand ushering and life-changing blessings your Fitness will get a hint rest assured as you rest

this night I may answer your prayers and ease your burdens just as David did when he trusted in my might to overcome

Goliath if you’re feeling down and out I’m here to help your pains and troubles

will be replaced with suitable health joy and Tranquility I provide joy that

lasts forever and turn night into day our Lord God Almighty leads the troops

of Heaven a complete recovery followed by a stunning recovery is approaching

which will alleviate the burden of death because God loves you he sent angels to

take care of your money problems when I’m alone I should say this out loud

when I need Solace God is there for me God is at the center of everything you

may may expect to make strides in your Fitness money and relationships this coming week I have the power to open the

Heavenly windows and pour forth the benefits of Love riches healing and New

Opportunities you should expect your bank account to overflow and all payments to be processed let us pray

that God’s blessings abound on you and your loved ones at this time have faith in God’s promises and know that good

things are coming your way like rain falling on you while you sleep plenty will come your way Miracles will be

performed by me transforming misery into joy and difficulties into opportunities

some unexpected Good Fortune is on the way which will alleviate your financial woes and clear the way for you my God is

with me according to the Lord this week will be jam-packed with significant developments answered prayers

breakthroughs Miracles and magnificent enormous changes get ready for absolute

Ely fantastic ratings in the areas of Health work relationships and finances

by the month’s conclusion I have crafted blessings for healing and prosperity

with the purpose of undeniably having a lasting influence on your lives I will

answer your prayers for a miracle that will change your life and put your worries to rest this evening to a

certain extent I agree with you that our challenges are insurmountable if you’re sick of feeling sad lost and hopeless

I can take up your cause if you seek my help I will replace your suffering with

the greatest possible well-being joy and Tranquility a life filled with joy and

the ability to transform night into day the soldiers of Heaven’s Lord God am I

imagine a miraculous recovery that brings about full recovery and alleviates the burden of debt while

you’re away from home God sends angels to handle your financial concerns because he loves you that much transmit

this word via mouth in the midst of seemingly endless chaos God is my refuge

all of it revolves around God give yourself to his will and believe that great things are about to happen this

week I will surpass your expectations by providing you with appropriate exercise safety and a financial Leap Forward

breakthroughs in Fitness Money themes and relationships love riches healing

and new chances May stream Out of Heaven via the windows I can open everything

you’ve ever dreamed of will be in your bank account and you’ll never be late with a payment again dear little one let

us join hands in prayer for God’s Abundant Blessings to flow into your life the benefits of God can come down

on you like rain as you rest this night his love compassion attentiveness and

desire will envelop you entirely if you ask me nicely I can do miracles to make

you happy again after you’ve been sad all of your problems will be turned into strengths and all of your scarcity will

be filled with plenty quick advantages are on their way to you you will see a

marked improvement in your financial status and you could even go from having a little money to having enough the

correct people will find you via God’s guidance and they will understand you and remove any obstacles to your life

maybe all of your prayers will be answered and the News will be correct this week progress wonders and favorable

God promises that soon there will be significant changes in your life including your health your relationships

at work and your financial situation by the month’s end I will be amazed at you

with healing blessings and financial abundance that will change your life for the better nothing can stand in the way

of your safety your time your ideas or your loved ones you You are not alone at

all I promise you in jesus’ name you will never be alone according to the Lord’s promise you have the power to

overcome challenges and bring Serenity to any storms that may arise in your life proudly proclaims these days I am

able to receive an abundance of Love healing and blessings rest for my whole

family and when we need them Miracles will happen amazing seemingly impossible

things are within my power to do Jesus is like bread that gives life if you

visit him you will never again be hungry or thirsty I can help you heal your pain

rebuild your relationships and give you abundance he may be the one person who can help you see through the worst

moments of your life go to him in your time of need and he will provide you with the Everlasting Serenity you want

keep in mind that I’m in the business of making a difference and making a name for myself from behind the curtain I

will transform your sorrow into joy and your scarcity into plenty have faith in

me through your challenging times as your loving father I am here to provide you with a secure Haven strength

Direction and love from your career and finances to your health and relationships you should be ready to

undergo tremendous changes would you want to accept this prayer working

together we can reap the rewards I’ve laid out for you the arrival of December is well appre appreciated at some point

this month please protect our loved ones and our own family please keep us safe and sound give us the health that we

need best wishes and unfaltering courage clear our hearts of any problems

anxieties pressure or uncertainties show us how to put our faith in you no matter how difficult the

situation you have answered our prayers and blessed us Lord we are grateful do

not attempt to skip this or else you will leave with some important blessings from me the next minutes have the

power to change your lives Christ Reigns as Lord I can accomplish The Impossible

because the Lord says so I can cure the sick and circulate the oceans and mountains personally I don’t find

anything too challenging within my energies there are Miracles I’m capable

of doing the seemingly impossible I can help you heal from your wounds mend your broken relationships and bring

Prosperity into your life you and your love ones will be showered with blessings as I turn your situation

around and offer healing to all the places you’re suffering think about me and I’ll show

you my love and power no matter how much you try to drown out my cries with prayers I will never turn a blind eye to

your anguish I am able to meet deadlines because I am perceptive and timely if

you want to experience extraordinary miracles in December and January you should watch this movie nonstop until

until you pass out while you unwind this evening prepare for the unexpected as I

shower you with Incredible benefits and Marvels my goal being to leave you speechless in the next days you may

get the answer to your prayers amazing advantages could flood Your Existence get ready to see doors opening you were

shocked by The Unbelievable benefits and miraculous cures that allowed you to escape I have decided to shower you with

an abundance of benefits so much so that your will overflow my love for you is

Everlasting it never ends never gives up and never runs out despite your

imperfections I genuinely appreciate you just the way you are this week is very

important for you my darling because you will experience a series of wins and gain advantages that will lead to a

series of Miracles get ready to be amazed by a revelation of wealth that

will take you beyond your wildest dreams your life lives are going to be transformed in the next hours by an

abundance of riches health and success that has no bounds you are about to

experience an incredible influx of joy in the shape of love prosperity and good

health the Lord your God will bless your food with water and wipe out sickness

from your midst if you adore him more blessings will come your way if you consistently thank him for them

according to God’s word today by the end of this month you may be entering a time of great blessings Supreme peace and

divine desire God will bless you with mostly selected opportunities medical

professionals May save your lives lawyers will defend your rights in court and soldiers will keep you safe if you

ask God he can give you a life that lasts forever and ever always keep in

mind that this month the power to change a victim into a conqueror a test into a

witness a crowd into a message and a trial into a Triumph belongs to the only God God

will shower you with an abundance of blessings including boundless Joy plentiful wealth and Superior physical

health maybe this is the last night you’ll ever have to worry weep or fret about anything if you publicly Proclaim

Jesus as Lord and really believe in your heart that God resurrected him from the

dead God will restore the opportunities and time you’ve lost and gift you with a

life full of Plenty excellent Health joy and happiness will be saved even now God

is pounding on your door if you let him into your life you’ll see improvements in every area you’re on the cusp of a

major turning point true love Financial Independence and Peak physical condition

are just around the corner you are transforming your weaknesses into strengths and your difficult

circumstances into gifts I have mapped out an excellent strategy for your life

one that ensures success recovery and freedom from suffering with this I Pray

for everyone who reads it additionally may you be protected from danger as your

trustworthy guide by the favor of the Lord who will encircle and defend you under his wings I’m committed to helping

you become healthy again strengthen your relationships and fix your finances have

faith in me because I am a god of Salvation and restoration and my existence is a riot of luxury my

heavenly gifts to you are perfect health boundless joy and constant contentment

have faith everything I say will come to pass it is my mission as a day of motion

to write wrongs and make amends you may assert your development with confidence

by overcoming obstacles and letting go of restrictions I recall the periods when I

felt disconnected from the divine a life beset by pain and devoid of any mention

of God became my reality everything however shifted when I met Jesus who

granted my dream and showed me the way to live I have already spoken restoration into your lives now you must

seize it for yourself whether you want physical mental or spiritual recovery

have faith in me because I am a master healer I can repair any wound you may have rest assured I am your God and

author committed to lovingly watching over you throughout your days in times of need my assistance and rescue may be

extended I will never leave you or abandon you our love will last forever

my son Jesus according to God vanquished the enemy , years ago onward to this

Glory where no enemy’s armies can stand a chance put your trust in Jesus and

stop worrying evil can’t control you put your trust in me and know that I will

carry your anxieties and responsibilities as you see the results of my Supernatural intervention in your

life you will be filled with immense Delight as love wealth and genuine Fitness pour upon you a miraculous

change will occur in your life in terms of your finances Health relationships

and activities prepare yourself for a life of Plenty as I The One and Only God

bring about the best United Nations for you your return will be in the year

your finances relationships and health will all be restored by me the

almighty may God also bless you if you are listening to my message may he take

away your suffering and replace it with good health joy and serenity if you

surrender your life to God he will reward you with a life of luxury he will cure all diseases and transform your

failures into triumphs join me in claiming right now that by God’s grace I

am able to receive love health and plenty I God Am The Giver of Plenty I

wish for you Prosperity good health and success maintain unfaltering trust and gratefully accept my blessings this year

your property may be safeguarded against injury infection and evil you are embraced by my love and protection and I

will never leave you I take it as a fact that the arrival of a new week will be

filled with joy I may exchange your lack of resources for plenty your struggle

for success and Beautiful Moments for your poverty all while providing you with remarkable individuals benefits and

fantastic consequences I beg you to watch this video Until the opportunities

to change your life run out debt relief and better Financial circumstances are

not empty promises I am the god who can do the seemingly impossible altering the

course of your life I swear to you that you will be safe Jesus’s call safeguards

your health time money and family what Jesus says if you’re sick and tired of

feeling lost sad and hopeless then come to me you are my baby and my love for

you has no bounds so I may bless your life the Lord is my shield say it again

with me he is my shield the one who will protect me from danger and my adversaries alike incorporating human

resources and financial assist into your life is my goal you will be able to help

your loved ones in ways that were previously impossible while still paying off the debt for the house of your

dreams with any luck will offer even greater benefits this weekend take

action to improve your health and financial situation and in December of make a dramatic and positive change

in your relationships Health finances and overall quality of life furthermore

May may you and your loved ones have a plethora of benefits opportunities and

wealth allow me to lead you away from the state of being overwhelmed and into a life that is brimming with goodness we

are now reworking your narrative to make it more realistic and full of Fortune as

you begin a season filled with joy love and financial success the following

days may be very breathtaking you will find Joy Gentle Love and an abundance of blessing

blessings when any negativity that is causing you to cry disappears before the

weekend blessings Miracles and financial assistance are on their way you have

everlasting Vitality in God in spite of your exhaustion I ask that you join me

in prayer this week to bring about changes that will improve your quality of life also may we both have an

increase in love happiness and wealth and may our bonds deepen as we spend more time together no pain will ever

befall me because of Jesus Christ and in the year God’s glory May shine

through my life God bless you abundantly this week and may he be your strength when you need it may you be showered

with many blessings from God let us pray together praising God for his love

forgiveness and the chance for a fresh start as he transforms our need into plenty our hardships into testimony and

our uncertain cty into Clarity you and your loved ones may experience healing

growth prosperity and miracles during the whole year the impact of your prayers has been

profound and unexpected in the near future there will be miraculous events that provide

healing restore broken relationships and open new avenues of prosperity God feels

your pain sees your tears listens to your please and may even come to your help and enter a time of boundless love

and plenty right now beginning with the sky and ending with blessings God has

Grand plans for your future Jesus Christ Son of God we praise you because of your

unending mercy Grace and love I appreciate you placing me on excessive

and helping me through the unknown make me a good Steward in response to Christ’s invitation please God I assure

you that I will Rectify an error and compensate for any damages eliminate any obstacles in your way and Vanquish all

your adversaries the month of February may also offer you and your loved ones a

plethora of benefits opportunities and prosperity from shattered to bursting

with optimism I am here to help you a story of Good Fortune Miracles and

happiness is taking shape in your head this week I ask God to open doors for

blessings in your lives can you imagine if the Lord heard your prayer prayers and gave you the strength to overcome

what you’re facing tomorrow is a day of great blessings and Heavenly favor so

enjoy yourself now in this new chapter of your life God has decided to provide

you with Incredible benefits Limitless joy and a deep feeling of accomplishment

you and your loved ones will be blessed with a better life when you surrender yourself to God he can mend any broken

heart and transform any obstacle into a remark able Triumph sometime this coming weekend I

can try to swap your lives for eternity by showering you and your loved ones with plenty of rewards I adore you very

much you are my precious toddler in my current state of mind I making it known

that I am worthy of God’s favor and that I am prepared to receive an abundance of Love healing and prosperity prepare to

be astounded by making the most of the boundless riches that are about to descend upon you you will achieve

unprecedented levels of riches Fitness and success a long sort door is about to

be opened by God a time of Joy love and financial abundance may be upon you in

the following Days everything horrible that has been dragging you down for a long time will suddenly go you will find

Joy gentleness love and rewards before the weekend is even close keep your

strength and courage and never let fear or despair overcome you the Lord your

God is on your side and he will never leave you or fail you give your opponent food to eat and water to drink if he is

hungry or thirsty the Lord will repay you for this even if it means eating coals on his head keep going even when

you’re tired disheartened or Furious I’m going to reveal the portals to Miracles

that will allow you to completely revamp your way of life but those who put their trust in the Lord will be strengthened

they will so like eagles run and not grow weary walk and not faint your life

may be filled with love joy and wealth and your relationships May grow stronger

with each passing day money life-altering benefits and miracles are

on their way to you if you believe what God says today about the terrible situation you’re going through leading

to a tranquil and enjoyable Choice even when you’re exhausted weak and tired

remember that God is your constant source of power God works miracles daily

and can quickly improve your life circumstances so pray continuously until it does the Bold proclamation of Jesus

as Lord and the firm conviction that God resurrected him from the dead are two conditions that may save you God has a

wonderful plan for your life so hold on to your faith and have faith that it will be

fulfilled everything that has perished as a result of your lifestyle is being revived by God in the name of Jesus

Christ your plans relationships Health finances and happiness are being

reinvigorated one must keep in mind in his daily life that God blesses those who seek him with all their heart hence

religion is crucial to pleasing God your Fitness levels may be enhanced and the

worries and weights that you formly carried can be dispelled by an abundance that is beyond your wildest dreams you

will be surrounded by the kind hand of God and his life-changing blessings when

it seems like there’s no way out I’ll provide a way for you being patient and

trusting in God’s plan is never a waste of time I get that you could be dealing with some tough issues in your personal

life including money health and relationships pay attention here I am

capable of doing anything and I will never let anything horrible happen to you my ability to open doors that no one

else can shut is what you put your faith in your cries and prayers have been heard and seen by me the moment has come

to reap enormous rewards and Marvels God had a purpose for your lives before you ever planned anything and sometimes your

plans fail so that God’s purpose might Triumph even when things seem hopeless

remember that better times are on the horizon and that you are entering a season of satisfaction when everything

will work out according to plan just just as the winter melts away to make room for spring remember that God showers his

favors on you a new every day you shouldn’t let a poor day get you down

instead take heart in the fact that each day brings fresh opportunities for rewards let us join together in prayer

asking God to heal our illnesses restore our health bless us with joy and peace

protect us from harm both apparent and invisible and foil any wicked plot against our lives

something out of the ordinary will come your way the next day allowing you to leave your problems and disappointments

in the dust and embrace an abundance of joy and blessings like you’ve never

experienced before in preparation for this weekend brace yourself to

experience a miraculous Improvement in your work money health and relationships

please God to confirm God promises that in the year he will restore provide

protect and guide your lives in his Divine wisdom an incredible display of God’s riches is on the way and you

should brace yourself to be amazed and grateful forever your God the almighty

is standing by your side ready to fight your battles and bring you Triumph you

and your loved ones will be blessed with a better life as you give yourself over to God in addition to relieving your

pain he will also transform your failures into triumphs I hope that God blesses you

abundantly spiritually and financially if you watch this movie all the way to the finish and that he also heals your

health your finances and your relationships I pray that the Lord hears

your supplications in times of need and that the god of Jacob keeps you safe you

may anticipate a deluge of good fortune in the following hours including Joy

true love financial success and Optimal Health you and your loved ones will

experience immense happiness right now as a result of these benefits nothing in

the Holy Bible says that everything will work out perfectly at the perfect moment so trust God and do your best no task is

insurmountable before the month comes to a close make yourself ready to be pleasantly surprised by the Plenty that

is on its way affluence health and success in all areas of your life will

be at your finger fer tips always remember to have faith and to be grateful for all that you have according

to what Jesus said he came into this world to be a light that would lead us out of the Shadows God wants us to

always seek him no matter how good or bad our lives are going we may expect

God to improve our lives and the lives of our families heal our wounds and make us stronger as we surrender ourselves to

him Jesus’s blood has the power to wipe out any negative words or ideas that

have spoken against you or worked against your destiny the Bible assures us that our love for God will never fade

or alter we may be certain that his love and forgiveness will never waver no

matter how many times we mess up we may approach him and enjoy these Bountiful benefits as we go through this trading

season if we love and follow him at this very moment God is changing your life

transforming your sufferings into joy and leading you to success and plenty

you may draw strength from God even when you feel exhausted let us pray together oh God

that you will guide my heart and protect my intellect this week your ideal relationships Health finances and

happiness are being revived by Jesus’s call bringing each dead problem back to

life in your lives an incredible change is going to occur in your life if you remain faithful and in harmony with God

if this is what you want the Lord promises to remove seemingly insurmountable problems and shower you

with abundant benefits that will teach you gratitude at all times you are leaving the realm of burden to enter the

realm of Plenty where Good Fortune Miracles and Joy are abundant despite

your inability to cross I can must the strength to do so I can find something

enjoyable to do while you’re down and out there will be times when I appear to have no choice but to find a solution

everything in your life including your mind bank account and emotions may undergo a radical transformation in only

months keep in mind that trade is inevitable in life and that we must

welcome it with an open mind and a kind Spirit knowing that God is with you

always could be a consolation while you are going through tough situations regardless of how bad things

become you can rest certain that he will never abandon you and will be there to

help you through them you are seeing an unprecedented influx of miraculous

events your financial emotional spiritual physical and mental health are

all improving the Lord promises to fight your battles and soothe your storms

because he is with you constantly his pleasure and serenity permeate your way of living the Lord already has your

future written please accept my utmost gratitude for the blessings he has already showered upon you he will gu

guide you down a beautiful path and you could even come out on top have faith in God’s purpose for your life and accept

yourself just as you are when you face adversity remember that there is generally a reason behind it have faith

in his timing since he understands your high standards do not let the pessimistic thoughts take over instead

maintain an optimistic Outlook keep in mind that no matter how bad things become God is greater believe that you

have already had had your prayers answered and they will be yours be that as it may uncertainty is like a wave in

the ocean it waves and swirls about but when you ask in prayer you must think

and no longer doubt believe that what God has spoken will happen and follow his plan for your life his love for you

has no bounds and will last forever you might find solace in the fact that he

will never leave you or abandon you if you keep your faith strong and your heart open you have a good chance of

finding fulfillment and prosperity in life you can find yourself in a situation where you never have to borrow

or fight again and your hand is always full of money as the new week begins

when you give your will up to God he will open the floodgates of heaven and help you amass riches on Earth you won’t

have to carry the burden of the painful memories that have dragged you down for so long with time they will pass and be

replaced by Joy advantages love and laughter God says to pray when you are

troubled or doubtful we should not limit our conversations with God to times of Desire rather we should do it often if

we often Pray when we are confused or discouraged we may strengthen our bond with God and find solace in the

knowledge that he is with us no matter what prayer is a powerful instrument

that can provide us with Direction Clarity and serenity I have sent guardian angels to your home

to Ward against bad spirits in your adversaries my dear little one there is no one else but her in your chamber she

is there to watch over you protect you and show you the way to a prosperous life love wealth and good health are

just a few areas that could flourish in the following week for you you have come

this far because of your trust in God and I will continue to bless you because of it your spiritual and financial

well-being are integral parts of God’s purpose for your life with God’s grace

your finances Health relationships and tasks will all take a miraculous turn

for the better as you go to sleep for the night take comfort in the knowledge

that divine intervention is at work bringing a miraculous recovery and a solid plan to overcome any disease or

debt that may be weighing you down in order to get a a miracle from God and

set yourself up for a life of Plenty you must pay close attention to this video

to the very end the next s days are going to be absolutely fantastic

jam-packed with benefits from up high in order to avoid difficulties and

guarantee your success God has promised to always be by your side any and all

things are possible with God as even Jesus himself said as his beloved child

you may be be certain that God intends to shower you with blessings that will transform your lives for the better as

you go on your trip he longs to make you happy forever heal your scars and

provide for your every need think about how much you trust in Christ Jesus who Bridges the gap between

God and people give him your full attention and wholeheartedly agree with him your love for God is enormous your

bills and payments will be attended to by his angels and your family will be protected from harm he will be by your

side the whole journey showing you the route to a better future you will experience life-changing breakthroughs

and miracles by the end of this week while you acknowledge his veracity your

demeanor is Unstoppable your investment will return to you tenfold leaving you

with more than enough to provide for your Offspring always remember that God’s wealth is Limitless I can show you

the way to a better life and an immediate solution according to the Lord

if you surrender to me I will mend your broken heart and turn your failures into

triumphs may God’s blessings flow freely into your life because I am your strength when you are weak your Solace

when you are lonely and your pleasure when you are sad dear heavenly father as

we embark on this season of Plenty we humbly seek Your Divine protection and guidance in order to fulfill your your

divine plan for our lives which you have promised we pray that your angels will watch over us and protect us we also

pray that you will reward us abundantly on behalf of your son Jesus Christ we

beg you to do all things blessings optimism and kindness will pour forth in

abundance in the months to come your heavenly companions are keeping a watchful eye on you while the cosmos

works against your will you won’t be burdened by your debts anymore and your budget will Thrive there is more than

enough time for you to stay travel and do what you want nothing can stand in

your way since Christ has already vanquished your adversary God will give you the strength to accept what you’ve

lost and the ability to change the things that are beyond your control When you pray with his help you may

anticipate the wonderful future he has in store for you God cannot be pleased or returned to until a person has Faith

according to the Bible before we can believe he exists and reward those who seek him with all their hearts we must

believe he exists when we pray we should have faith and not worry since worrying

is like being caught in a storm by announcing that he is the resurrection and the existence and that everyone who

believes in him will have eternal life Jesus ensures that your previous troubles and issues will be a part of

the past as God’s love and beauty flow freely through your lives we may have

eternal life with him even if we physically die furthermore Jesus said

that even a little faith like a mustard seed may move mountains due to their

lack of firsthand experience several individuals questioned Jesus’s claims

faithful followers of Jesus however were rewarded even if they could not see him

he said he would console us as a mother would a child as Christians we may take

conse cons olation in knowing that you will always be with us providing the Serenity and comfort we

need Jesus Christ died was resurrected from the dead and will return to collect

his followers for eternal life with God the father now the Vitality of God’s spirit

rather than human understanding supports our faith


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