God's Message Now: ITS NOT LUCK, ITS GOD | God Message Today | God's Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

God’s Message Now: ITS NOT LUCK, ITS GOD | God Message Today | God’s Message Today |

my beloved child my will nothing and no one can stop it if you’re going to move forward do it

with great enthusiasm and Faith I’ve told you many times that I love you I help you and I want to protect you

everything you have to do today do it with all your strength and if your strength fails you I’ll be by your side

to support you in your time of need don’t be afraid to open your mouth and

ask me for good things for everything you need to grow to give or to

share I’ve told you many times that I want to bless you and provide for you

everything that will help you live take refuge in my arms when you feel you can’t go on come to my feet and cry if

you’re tired of struggling many difficult and painful things are happening around you but through the

power power of my word and the grace of my love I will protect you and always

Comfort your heart don’t ignore this message stay here listen Until the End don’t let any

distractions fill your heart with complaint and frustration this is a test of your

patience I want to see if you can listen receive treasure and Faithfully obey

this holy word that I’m about to deposit in your soul when you wa wake up each

day come to listen to me I know you’re going through many trials and sometimes you don’t have the

energy to think but in this you must exert yourself and be

brave a word of faith can heal you encourage you lift you up and prosper

you immediately it’s possible it’s true decide today to believe with all

your heart that I can change you with my love my tenderness patience my Commandments and my

advice I can transform this time of tribulation into a new day of happiness

and blessing you are very important to me and to many people even though some

may be ungrateful and not appreciate your love I see your effort and I admire

your commitment to love without expecting anything in return I record in

my book everything you do for them I am with you and you also have a multitude of witnesses from Heaven and Earth

Warrior angels are ready to fight battles defeat enemies remove stones and

obstacles from your path there are people who love you and pray for you your name is mentioned in

my presence every day I gave my life so that you could receive salvation freedom and enjoy

peace in the midst of Affliction and happiness in the days to

come I will reveal R to you the power that my blood has to bring blessings to your

family I want to help you but I love to see your attitude and sincere desire to

move forward promise me that you will believe in my word make a commitment to come and

hear me every morning open your eyes wide pay close attention and little by

little you will notice new and good things around you the time has come for

you to know who I am and come into my presence with all your heart I love you

I’m giving you my hand believe it I will change your life I promise you that what

you asked for will come you have always believed me and you have known that all

your prayers in the name of Jesus will be answered I have to announce to you

New Times abundant Reigns Open Heavens and blessings in abundance that will

fill every corner of your life and your home you and your family will overflow

with peace and happiness all of this is possible for those who believe in me keep my word in their hearts and wait

for the blessing without giving up or turning back I only ask that you be aware that you need to remain firm and

patient a life takes months to be born a seed has to fall on fertile ground be

broken and transformed before germinating and growing your blessings

are also valuable and Powerful it takes time and effort for everything to align for your

good I know you understand me and I hope you won’t get discouraged you will keep

your Gaze on the horizon while you walk step by step and you will leave the

place where you are now don’t be afraid of change everything

is for your good I want you to be surrounded by people and resources that

help you grow if you walk with me no one can defeat you accuse you or judge you

because I will defend you today my child if with your spiritual eyes you could

see the Heavenly armies that stand beside you if you could see my Divine Light illuminating your path and how it

falls upon your enemies if you could perceive everything happening around you how Heaven and Earth move always in your

favor soon I will reveal to you in dreams magnificent things so that you

you may taste a piece of heaven on Earth I can move the entire universe for

your blessing that’s what I do when I see a sincere Faith Like Yours

completely surrendering to me just as you love me with all your mind and soul

I love your Brave faith and that’s why I respond to you every day I have a

different message for you each day but I remain the same each day will come with

its new challenges but my love will cover you and it will never change before you go about your daily

tasks I want to tell you that I love you but I want to hear it from your own

lips I want to hear you say it my beloved Jesus and I will respond I love

you too in this year I will bless you prosper you and remove all the sadness

and discouragement from your life I will heal you with my holy word from the

depression that oppress es your soul I will put thoughts of life in your mind

they will ignite like torches of fire those dreams that were once dormant

extinguished I have to change your way of thinking I have spoken to you for a

long time and you have not made some decisions I asked of you but don’t be

discouraged I can help you this is where I intervene in your life

supernaturally I will straighten your path and lift you up with my holy discipline I will force your steps onto

the right path remove the obstacles that hinder your growth and distance you from

Bad friendships I will open your eyes so you can see how they betray you those who

claim to love you I will uproot those relationships that poison your

soul from this day forward you will give me the first place you won’t need anyone to fill your

loneliness my grace is sufficient for you I will destroy your dependence on

those who mistreat you open your spiritual eyes so that you finally understand that you don’t need harmful

attachments to succeed you will move forward on your own with the strength and wisdom I will give you you have

chosen to cling to my feet despite your failures here you are and you won’t

leave you’re not like those who think there will never be an opportunity for them you want to keep fighting and I am

here to support you don’t be afraid leave the bad behind you don’t need any

negative habits this is a time of change of good

things and if new conflicts come into your life don’t be alarmed I will give

you the strength you will be prepared for all the blessings that come your way your family and you will be blessed

protected and deeply loved amen if you feel that this message can bring

comfort and inspiration to others I invite you to like and share this video with your friends and loved ones

together we can spread the message of Faith Love and Hope to those who may

need it most don’t be scared trust me and believe what I

say I promise to bless you greatly for your faith soon I know you’re going

through some tough times right now all the stuff happening around you is too

much right it’s making you stressed tired and worried it feels like

everything’s about to crash down leaving you feeling alone sad and without hope

but dear one I want to tell you something important I’ve got this you don’t need

to be scared because I’m right here with you and don’t worry I’m taking the lead

fighting for you making sure you’re safe remember I’m looking out for you even

when things seem really big and hard to handle like a giant you have to beat or a huge mountain you have to climb I

won’t leave you on your own I’m going to make you stronger and smarter so you can

get through any tough spot whether it’s about money feelings or your spirit just

put your faith and trust in me I’m bigger than any problem you might have I

want you to live peacefully confidently and hopefully let go of all your stress

weakness and fear believe that I’m helping you right now making you stronger and smarter and

you’ll be able to do everything you want to do for a life of prosperity and

blessing is what I the Lord have designed for you remember every promise I have made

to you for they are not just mere words but a testament to my unending

commitment hold on to these promises as guiding lights on your Earthly journey in these promises you will discover my

unwavering faithfulness they will not fade into Oblivion or get lost in life’s

chaos rather they will shine like stars in the night appearing at the exact

right moment revealing my divine plan a plan that surpasses all constraints of

time and space therefore do not be disheartened by the passage of time

nor lose heart if answers to your prayers seem delayed have faith in me for through

patience and belief you will witness the Fulfillment of each promise a reminder of my constant love and

faithfulness place your trust in me for I am with you every day fighting your

battles and leading you to the Triumph you deserve remain in my presence and no

harm shall overcome you your adversaries will retreat and you will be victorious

for with me you are more than a conqueror always remember in every

situation I am your Eternal source of strength your immediate Helper and your

Forever support I am your almighty God who blesses you abundantly and showers

you with unceasing Mercy my love for you is

boundless and nothing in the universe can diminish or change it thus when you walk through difficult and perilous

paths be assured that my love and strength are with you do not doubt my

child for I am always near in every step feel my loving Embrace for my infinite

love will energize you to achieve every aspiration and the deepest yearnings of your heart remember in every trial test

or challenge life brings my presence will fill you with bravery and be your

Everlasting support guiding you every step of the way to the Bountiful blessings I have planned for you just

believe in me even in the bleakest and darkest moments for I will be there in

every circumstance never forget that I am your Invincible God enveloping you in favor

showering you with endless blessings and mercies that overflow with peace joy and

contentment my dear child my love for you is Limitless and unchanging walk in

the assurance that all will be well for I am beside you holding your hand

guiding you towards a life filled with success Serenity and abundance Never

Surrender or turn back face this challenging moment with courage faith and

determination then all your uncertainty shall dissipate and the Darkness shall give

way to my eternal light which shall guide you on the path to Joy and the great and beautiful blessing blings I

have reserved for you soon you shall see your goals

flourish and you shall enjoy the fruits of your efforts receive what I tell you today

and believe it for it shall all come to pass keep moving forward with faith

until the end for with my right hand I uphold you and accompany you on your

journey my child do not be sad You Are Not Alone on this journey called life

I know that at times navigating this world can be challenging and perilous

but I want you to continue walking with your head held high do not succumb to

difficult moments nor be disheartened when it feels like everything is against you remember you are not alone I am by

your side my love and support shall never abandon you it is a promise I made

to you and I shall fulfill it not only in your life but also in the generations

to come so do not worry or despair when you

have to Traverse dry and arid deserts for I shall be there with you as an

oasis of love and a source of Living Water do not be frightened when you feel

lost for I shall be like a beacon in the darkness illuminating your path and

guiding you to your true destination I shall protect you from the schemes of the evil one serving as a

protective shield against life’s adversities I shall drive away the

ravenous wolf that seeks to take advantage of you ensuring your safety in

every step you take when you feel Weak and Powerless do not hesitate to seek my

assistance for my powerful arm shall always cover you in your times of dire

need know that I am your safe haven your strength and in me you will find the

power to conquer any challenge that blocks your way regardless of how distant you may

feel from me or the depth of the mistakes or sins that have shadowed your past my love for you is unwavering

Eternal and absolute nothing can overshadow my love for you not even your own

flaws my love is a Perpetual Wellspring of Hope and within it you will find the

courage to press forward come closer to me my cherished child seize this moment

and heed my call let not the negative voices whether from within or without

derail you from your destined path hold fast to my guidance leading you towards

truth and Enlightenment resist the Allure of Temptation and the negativity of this

world for I have in store for you great and precious blessings reserved in your

name even before your creation simply believe in my word and I

will shower you and your family with Abundant Blessings from the heavens nothing can restrain my mighty

hand for my promises are unshakable and true trust in them and I will reaffirm

my commitment to you once again know that I have a magnificent purpose for you and my blessings are

plentiful just have faith and you will witness my promises come to life in your

journey no matter the obstacles do not be disheartened in the

face of trials for they are merely steps on the path to your prosperous and triumphant Destiny my child trust in my

might and stray not from the path I have laid before you avoid succumbing to

harmful desires or yielding to temptations that you encounter remain steadfast in faith and

focus your Gaze on me your guide and shield I will assist you through life’s

turbulent seas and together we will triumph over every Tempest come to me my

child and I will provide solace in your struggles I will fill your heart with

joy and contentment ushering new blessings into your life I promise to

Grant you both spiritual and material Prosperity as long as you hold firm in

your faith and trust in my word never wander from my protection and love for

remarkable wonders await you ignore the deceitful Whispers of evil those voices

that aim to erode your faith and confidence do not be carried away by the

tide of this malevolent World instead listen to my voice of love and wisdom

which will lead you down the correct path reject pessimism and cling to my

word the source of life and Truth be assured that with every step

and decision you make I am right beside you caring for and guiding you proceed

with faith trusting in my promises for they will be realized in due time

remember your life is filled with untapped potential and blessings yet to be

uncovered have faith in me adhere to my teachings for you have a significant

role in this world and together we shall achieve it never forget that if you ever feel

weak you can can find strength in the certainty that my love and power support you no matter how challenging the path

may be with my assistance you can overcome any obstacle that arises You are not alone I am always

here for you offering love support and protection trust in me in my plan for

your life and in the Wonders that are yet to come press on with determination for in

your future there is Joy purpose and blessings that shall overflow your heart with

gratitude do not give up keep moving forward in faith Until the End Amen I am

with you I shall never leave you trust and you shall be blessed in ways beyond

your imagination fear not for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God who

strengthens you I will always help you always uphold you you with the right

hand of my righteousness behold all those who rise against you shall be

ashamed and confounded they shall be as nothing for I am your God who holds you by your

right hand and I say to you fear not for I will help

you when you pass through adversities I will resolve them if you walk through

Dark Places I will accompany you and if you are unwell

I will heal you for I am your heavenly physician I am the one who lifts you

from the pit of sorrow and crowns you with favors and mercies always remember my child that I

shall never leave you nor forsake you I will be your faithful companion your

comforter and your constant guide understand that I dwell in your heart through the Holy Spirit and no

matter what happens I will always be close close to you I will not abandon you even as you walk through the valley

of the shadow of death I will be with you simply trust in me I hold Sovereign

control over all things and nothing that happens to you is beyond my knowledge never forget that I always

desire the best for you even when scoffers seek to harm you entrust your life to me my child

entrust your path to me Surrender Your Heart before me and I will restore your

finances you shall recover all that you have lost and I will multiply it for you

you shall never be in want again for it is my desire to prosper you and make you

fruitful place all your trust in me and I shall bring joy to your heart I shall

bless your life and that of your family I shall bless your children and

your children’s children for remember there is no righteous one forsaken nor

his descendants begging bread I will fulfill the Covenant I have made with you my child no matter what is

happening in the world I will not let anything be lacking for you for you are my beloved child my most precious

treasure and my purpose for your life will always be to bless you and prosper you perhaps you may think that the

frequent errors you may have committed dim the love I hold for you you but you are

mistaken for I cherish you with a profound and eternal affection and

nothing you can do shall thwart my purpose in you do not hesitate any longer place

your trust in my power I shall bless you in such a manner that All Shall witness that I am the

Divine the Fountain of every blessing on this day my child allow the

light of my words to illuminate your understanding ushering Grace and prosperity into your life permit me to

shoulder your burdens and provide you rest allow me to orchestrate great

Endeavors in your life just as I promised when you first sought me remember that I am your Creator and

that I know all about you I know you perfectly well Discerning when you are

strong and when you falter I am privy to all your dreams and

deepest desires so do not fear here for I am here to Aid you I am your lord who

shall not forsake nor abandon you you are my child and the desire of my will

is to bestow blessings and prosperity upon you to fill your soul with joy and Delight to shower you with abundance and

goodness so you may understand that I am not a god of scarcity but one of

Plenty who fulfills his promises place your trust in me and allow me to manage

your life place your whole heart’s faith in me and refrain from relying solely on your

knowledge delve into my word cling to it day and night and I shall Grant you

everything even to the depths of your being for nothing shall hinder my

promises from coming to fruition in you I shall surround you with great blessings you and your family shall

overflow with joy and Elation for every tear you shed a blessing shall descend upon your life so

raise your gaze to the heavens and remember that you are my child you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus a

holy nation and royal priesthood I chose you before you were

formed in your mother’s womb I predestined you to be blessed and

also to be a source of love and kindness to others never forget that my love for

you surpasses your imagination I do not not care about your current condition I shall always be by

your side loving you ready to forgive and restore your life child walk with

the certainty that I shall always be with you I shall be your shield and protector in difficult times I shall be

your hope and Liberator in moments of distress in my hands no harm shall

befall you for my angels shall forever encamp around you safeguarding your soul

in complete peace therefore or trust in me until the end and you shall enjoy all

my abundant and beautiful blessings I love you my child and I am always by

your side I shall accomplish something Grand in your life for you have been

chosen to overcome and be blessed listen attentively to my voice

for today I speak to tell you not to despair or fear what lies ahead do not allow anxiety to invade

your heart nor let fear Cloud your your path for I am with you I walk with you

even amidst your struggles and trials I shall not forsake you I am here

to sustain and protect you as you navigate this

world do not let adversity conquer you nor allow the criticisms and murmur of

others to bring you down for I am with you in the midst of all your trials and

struggles I have witnessed your faith even in the face of the adversaries attacks I have seen how you have

remained steadfast and unwavering being a true testimony of my love and power

you have boldly shared my word with courage and determination and that fills me with pride and

joy regain your strength now my child and rise with

determination do not forget that at the end of the dark Valley of Shadows lies

the vast Garden of my promises in that place you shall find joy peace and

Abundant Blessings it is there where you shall see how blessings flow to you and to the

generations that shall follow always remember that I fulfill my promises and

I shall fulfill them in you that is why my child I ask you to strive and be

courageous be patient and trust in me completely for I am working in your your

favor my grace and mercy shall never leave you and my love for you is

boundless however to fully receive my blessings you must rid yourself of all doubts and remove any impure and

inappropriate thoughts from your mind that distance you from me discard them

and uproot them from your heart then you shall enjoy all the unique and special blessings that are the fruits of

righteousness and integrity do not surrender to difficulty ities for you

have been predestined to overcome from the beginning I designed

you with a Divine Purpose so you may live a blessed prosperous life filled with

victories do not fear the struggles tests or tribulations that may come for

I shall be by your side encouraging and strengthening you in every challenge remember that every difficulty

you face is merely another opportunity to rise and become stronger as you

strive and be courageous I shall complete the work I have begun in you I

shall pour out upon your life joy and Abundant Blessings leading you toward an

existence brimming with peace and prosperity never forget that you are

under my protective presence and my grace is unceasing no person or thing can take

away the blessings I have in store for you and your future Generations on this important day

I implore you my child do not give in do not Surrender Your Will to fule and

false Pursuits stand firm and maintain your courage for even amidst life storms

I am working wonders in your life together we will achieve incredible

things showcasing the Limitless nature of my love and power I am always working

for your good guiding you towards a life filled with joy and a achievements I urge you my child to

trust in my words and cling to my promises I will never abandon you until

I have accomplished all that I have pledged in moments of Doubt find solace in me in times of

Sorrow let my eternal love be your comfort I am ever present with open arms

of love I have remarkable and beautiful plans for you trust in me and you will

will see how light pierces through darkness and Hope Springs a new in your

heart rest in my grace walk boldly and stand Resolute for I am with you at

every turn in your journey believe that I will bring about magnificent things in your life every effort tear and prayer

of yours will be met with reward and fulfillment in my boundless love in the face of Storms and

challenges hold steadfast to your faith in me do not let circumstances deter

your Victory have faith in me and together we will navigate any Challenge and overcome

any hardship nothing and no one will be able to obstruct your

path remember I am the way the truth and the life as you journey through life’s

highs and lows I am by your side leading you to the destiny I have ordained for

you since creation you are my cherished child graced and favored you hold the power to make a

difference in the world your authentic witness of my love and truth can transform hearts and Kindle hope never

underestimate your ability to impact others for through you my love reaches

out into the world therefore my beloved child proceed with courage and trust in

me let my love surround you and guide you to the flourishing and successful future I have plan for you always

remember that you are my treasured possession and I am with you holding your hand and protecting your dreams

aspirations and desires with infinite love

amen God is saying to you today don’t worry about your financial

situation your life is in my hands and I assure you that you will overcome in Victory with your hands

full listen to me give me your attention let me fill you with the

Tranquility of my love don’t ignore me and continue with your life as if nothing happened keep listening for I

have something important to tell you your soul is suffering that’s the truth

many around you may not see it but you and I know it and that’s what matters I have a purpose for your life

for your family and for all the beings you love each one has a special place in my

heart and I have chosen them for greatness They will receive greater

blessings but I’m starting with you I’m igniting the light in your heart that

will illuminate their path you will be an example of what my power and my word can achieve in a

willing heart unashamed of me ready to rise against all obstacles and fight

without faltering you won’t allow anything harmful into your home no quarrels no

hatred No harsh words you won’t open your door to those who destroy families with false

Smiles you’re in a world of Affliction but trust me with all your

heart I have conquered the world and you will overcome your afflictions your

family will rise and their names will be known among nations their lives will be a testimony of Miracles love and

salvation I want to manifest my divine presence in your heart your home your

work and your dreams I want to help you organize your desires and set your

priorities straight don’t give material things more importance for they can be stolen or used against

you I protect you but you must make good decisions I open doors for you but you

must enter them with my word in your mind and your heart submerged in faith I want to bless you abundantly

take you to distant places but stay focused never lose sight of what’s most

important your relationship with me always put it first stay away from those

who demand that you deny me in exchange for their friendship your family even if

they’ve behaved badly even if their actions have brought shame to your home

they too have souls I want to save and you will be the instrument to show them Mercy forgiveness and patience

patience place your days in my hands bring your family in prayer and do not

lose hope keep praying for them keep crying for in my divine presence every

day is Holy and I always hear your prayers I will grant your requests

transform the hearts of those you love remove scarcity and fill them with love peace

Harmony and provision I desire loyalty p assistence and perseverance in prayer active faith

and much patience I want your heart to be free of violence no lies should

Escape those lips that praise me my power is real and it must manifest

in your life my word and my love are not just a game nor a mere

Pastime many deceive themselves thinking their grand offerings impress me yet

their behavior and tongues offend others if if you know them do not associate

with them do not follow their example keep your heart free from malicious thoughts do not point fingers

at anyone do not judge if you do not wish to be judged treat everyone with love and

patience as you wish to be treated I challenge you to obey these

Commandments you have just hear I will make miraculous and astonishing events happen immediately in your life life but

you must resist the attacks of your enemies through obedience to my Commandments allow my word to be written

in your soul and you will drive away your conflicts you will feel my Divine Touch

in your spirit and your body will receive health and youth your heart will open to a

supernatural World filled with visions and dreams and I will use you in a

special and Powerful way there is a purpose for you you are not a product of

chance I carry you in my arms and when you walk I guide your steps you are

entering a new season of Abundant Blessings do you believe in me

amen if you believe type amen Embrace each new day as it unfolds before you

Embrace not only the circumstances that surround you but also the state of your

own mortal vessel your sacred mission is to place absolute trust in me finding solace in my Divine

dominion and unwavering faithfulness there will be days when the

world’s demands and the Frailty of your Earthly body seem to tip the

balance days when it feels as if the weight of the world far exceeds your strength to Bear it in those trying

moments you face a critical choice to surrender in despair be or to place your

trust in me even if by chance you should mistakenly choose the former know that I

will never forsake you at any juncture you can turn to me and I shall help you

rise from the M of despondency I shall Infuse you with my strength Moment by Precious Moment

granting you all that you require for the day ahead have faith in me relying

on my empowering presence let not the Spectre of your inadequacy weigh upon your soul instead

embrace it as a conduit to my boundless sufficiency when your own resources seem

lacking your natural inclination is to fret and worry the most potent antidote

to this temptation is to openly acknowledge your insufficiencies and offer gratitude for

them this liberates you from the feudal pursuit of being your own Savior and

provider understand that in your weakness and imperfection you require a savior who is

omnipotent and Flawless a provider capable of meeting your every need access to my Limitless resources

comes through the fusion of quiet contemplation and Earnest action when you spend time in my solitary company

waiting upon my divine presence your connection with me deepens I labor on behalf of those who

patiently await me accomplishing that which you cannot achieve on your own however there is much that you can

do when you engage in your daily Endeavors drawing strength from the Wellspring that I Supply I am glorified

and you dear Soul are abundantly blessed in those moments when you find

yourself overwhelmed by your own insufficiency turn to me without

hesitation I shall lovingly meet you in the depths of your need know this my beloved your life can

remain a Haven of goodness even when the world seems to spiral into chaos you yearn to grasp the Reigns of

your existence but I tell you this is not the path I have laid out for

you I desire for you to learn the art of Serenity in my sovereignty to accept

each day as a precious gift from my hand regardless of its

contents understand that you are are not held accountable for the matters beyond your control embrace the limitations of

your finite existence and continue to turn toward me cease your ceaseless

striving and acknowledge my Divinity the radiance of my countenance shining upon

you has the power to infuse joy into even the bleakest of days allow me to

lead you step by step through the intricacies of this day as my faithful

follower you walk in the midst of Relentless spiritual battles even the most mundane of your daily routines may

bring forth minor skirmishes in the spiritual realm therefore remain

Vigilant as you Journey beside me through the Labyrinth of Life employ The Shield of Faith to

extinguish the fiery arrows launched by the malevolent one recognize and dismiss

the deceitful lies of the Demonic forces that assail you day and

night rest dear child in the truth of your identity as my cherished Offspring

in whom I Delight amen type amen if you


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