πŸ‘‘ God message for me today | Believe in My Might God is saying to you today |God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

πŸ‘‘ God message for me today | Believe in My Might God is saying to you today |God Message Today |

my child I am the radiant light that

shines brilliantly to banish the

darkness surrounding you I am the light

of the world and I am both beside you

and within you guiding each step you

take in this World though Darkness May

envelop you and it may find a dwelling

within your heart remember that I have

conquered the world I offer you a choice

you can dwell on hurtful and wrong

things or you can fix your gaze upon me

the triumphant Overcomer walk with me

along the path of peace I understand the

numerous distractions that tug at your

Consciousness and the weight of real

responsibilities that fill your life yet

I am train training you to turn your

thoughts to me more and more finding

solace in my presence during tough times

and rejoicing in my love during the good

times you may not achieve Perfection but

little by little you can make progress

as you fix your attention on me I will

push back the darkness with my

Invincible light this is how you walk in

the way of Peace this is how I transform

your Darkness into light always remember

you belong to me

I have chosen you calling you out of

Darkness into my Marvelous Light this

connection with me serves as the Firm

Foundation of your life in a world of

constant change you need not feel cut

off or a drift for you are never alone

you are mine before the world’s creation

I chose you to be a permanent member of

my royal family once you walked in

spiritual Darkness but when you trusted

me as your savior I personally Ally

brought you into my light your testimony

now proclaims my praises and it is both

a delightful privilege and a sacred

responsibility I have entrusted you with

the task of sharing my a inspiring

qualities with others to fulfill this

calling delve deep into the riches of my

word and Delight in me the joy of my

presence will radiate from your face as

you share my love with others my heart

and soul overflow with gratitude for

your devotion and belief your life holds

immense purpose and I cherish you beyond

measure place your trust in my promises

and hope will Spring Eternal within you

remember I am the light that transforms

your Darkness into light guiding you

toward Everlasting Joy your faith in me

serves as a Beacon of Hope to the world

and through you others shall find the

path to Salvation in the Embrace of my

love find peace and strength my beloved

child my Divine Light will never fade

leading you through every challenge

trust in my plan for you and together we

shall overcome all adversity your life

my child is a testament to my grace and

power with a heart full of gratitude I

bless you with my Endless Love walk

confidently knowing that I am always by

your side and let my light shine through

you Illuminating the world with Hope and

Faith amen


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