God Says: Don't Let The Devil Control You | God Message Today | God Message | - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: Don’t Let The Devil Control You | God Message Today | God Message |

my beloved child I shall guide you on

the path of wisdom and lead you along

the straightest roads wisdom my dear

friend can be defined as the art of

making sagacious choices grounded in

knowledge and life experiences it is of

Paramount importance to unravel the

truth and apply it particularly in the

realm of decision making you see I am

the way the truth and the life a guide

are excellent I am also the word

eternally in the presence of God and

indeed I am God the path to wisdom found

within the pages of the written word

provides guidance of the utmost efficacy

therefore devote yourself to the study

of my word and remain close to me as you

Traverse this world seek out and follow

the straightened Lanes I have prepared

for you mind you these Lanes may not

always be paved with ease but if you

walk in close proximity to me your

journey will be significantly less

cirous when you peer ahead you may

perceive perplexing twists and turns but

when you look back upon the path you’ve

traversed you will see that I have

walked with you every single step

shielding you from harm removing

obstacles and smoothing your way in the

midst of this restless and tumultuous

World Tranquility becomes increasingly

elusive it becomes imperative that you

contend for moments of Stillness and

Solace distractions assail you from

every direction as you attempt to sit in

quiet communion yet our intimate

connection is a treasure worth the fight

do not surrender set aside uninterrupted

moments to be in my presence focus on

and cherish scripture and take deep

breaths to unwind your weary Soul

remember I am Emanuel god with you rest

in my Serene company be still my beloved

and acknowledge that I am God the longer

you fix your gaze upon me the more you

will find Delight in my magnificent

splendors and place your trust in my

sovereign Authority even when the earth

trembles and the mountains crumble Into

the Heart of the sea I remain your

refuge in my presence you find

Transcendent stability as you

contemplate the vastness of my power and

Glory your perspective will shift and

your problems will indeed appear

diminutive in this world adversity is a

certainty but take courage for I have

already conquered the world

strive to become increasingly receptive

and responsive to my presence for I am

always actively engaged in your life

instead of endeavoring to bend my will

to your own desires relax and observe

the marvelous work I am already

undertaking live in a state of Readiness

eagerly anticipating my perfect timing

rest assured I am benevolent to those

who await me with hope and expectation

beseech me to unveil your eyes to the

abundance I have in store for you such

awareness equips you to live responsibly

ever ready to fulfill my will all too

often my followers fail to discern the

numerous blessings I bestow upon them

they become so preoccupied with pursuing

other Pursuits that they Overlook the

blessings unfolding before them or those

on the horizon they forget that I am the

Sovereign God and the orchestration of

events rests solely within my purview

trust me enough to allow me to lead you

my dear companion consider Life as a

Dance One partner leads and the other

follows any deviation from this order

results in confusion and awkwardness

therefore dance with me my beloved

Follow My Lead gracefully as I guide you

through the intricate steps of your

existence understand that I have the

best intentions for you they may at

times appear radically different from

your own hopes and expectations but rest

assured they are undeniably good I am

the light devoid of evener trace of dark

dark seek my light in all circumstances

for I am abundantly present in every

moment your task is to remain open to me

and to my ways this sometimes

necessitates surrendering your own plans

and dreams remember and wholeheartedly

believe that my way is Flawless

irrespective of the trials it may entail

I am a shield to all who take refuge in

me when you find yourself Afflicted or

filled with fear turn to me and declare

Lord I take refuge I’m may not Shield

you from all the trials you are meant to

face for you play a pivotal role in this

world however I protect you from far

more dangers and trials than you can

fathom so strive diligently to live out

the life I have assigned to you all

while exalting in your joyful dependence

upon me your soul shall find profound

satisfaction in this endeavor come to me

my beloved I extend a continuous

invitation for you to draw near find

solace in my presence and fix your

thoughts upon me relax and listen as my

love Whispers tenderly in your heart

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