JESUS- "YOU MAY SKIP ME IF YOU'RE HAPPY WITH IT | God's Message Today #Jesus | Lord Helps Ep~1201 - Free AI Voice Generator

JESUS- “YOU MAY SKIP ME IF YOU’RE HAPPY WITH IT | God’s Message Today #Jesus | Lord Helps Ep~1201

my beloved
child it pains me when my messages go
unheard when you don’t spare even a few
minute each day in my presence or for
the words I sent to
therefore I lovingly ask you to please
set aside a few minutes day for
me in those moments of
Stillness you’ll find a connection with
me that will fill your heart and soul
with peace and
guidance these few minutes can be a
precious time when you read my words
meditate or simply sit in quiet
reflection it’s in these moments of
intimacy that you will sense my presence
profoundly I long to share my wisdom
love and reassurance with
you in your busy life with its many
distractions and
demands it’s easy to overlook the
nourishment that can only come from our
connection by dedicating a small portion
of your day
to a
relationship you are not only nurturing
your own soul but also strengthening her
bond my dear
child I have been by your side all
day it’s essential for you to know that
I’m your
protector always watching over
you even in situations you might not be
aware of
you are walking a path that I have
designed and I am eagerly waiting for
you at every
step leading you through challenging
times bring me immense
Joy I’m with you
constantly but all I ask is for your
focus to be on me rather than the
distractions of the world around you
when sadness surrounds you know that I’m
here to offer
Comfort gently wiping away your
tears I want you to feel my presence in
every aspect of your
life in moments of Joy I celebrate with
you in times of crimes I share in your
happiness and in those challenging
moments I and there to hold your hand
and push you
forward think of it as a daily
conversation I’m here to listen to your
thoughts to comfort you in times of need
and to offer guidance and Love by
choosing to be with me for a few minutes
each day you are telling me that a
relationship is more important to
you your faithfulness is greatly
appreciated and reciprocated
did so my beloved CH please spare a few
minutes daily for me and you will
witness the beautiful transformation of
your heart mind and
spirit type amen and receive blessings
of today

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