I am Ever by Your Side |God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message - Free AI Voice Generator

I am Ever by Your Side |God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child I am meticulously crafting a feast of blessings for you

even as your adversaries look on in the eyes of all Nations you will be lifted

High heed my gentle urging Embrace Faith adhere to the path of obedience and arm

yourself with patience cast aside your concerns for the tomorrow for I urge you once more

your mission is to persist to heed my guidance and to place all matters into

my Caring Hands for I am your devoted father and your almighty God each day I

bestow upon you as a precious gift not to be shadowed by fretfulness when doubt Creeps in and you

falter in trust turning instead to worry it pains my loving heart drawing Shadows

over your spirit and body I comprehend your weariness and moments of uncertainty when you feel

your calm unravel remember I’m ever by your side not to pass judgment but to

offer the warmth of companionship I’m here your most faithful healer ready to soothe every

ache and to heal the wounds inflicted upon your body and soul those sharp pains and the deep emotional scars that

feel like venomous blades in your moments of distress know that I am here to answer you when danger

looms trust that I am your Shield your needs are not unnoticed for my help is

ever present my unwavering support is yours now and for all generations in

your family I seek your faith your genuine heart your steadfast obedience and your

Relentless pursuit of my presence fear not for I walk beside you cherished

one hear this clearly take a moment step away from the hustle and turn off the

lights distract yourself yourself from the world’s clamor now is the time to listen to truly hear my word that comes

from the Divine spoken by me rooted in truth and written in a sacrifice sealed

by the spirit this word is meant to purify to heal and is tailored For You

especially when Shadows of past Sorrows seek to disturb your peace embrace the comfort and guidance

of my Eternal Word because it is not occupations or achievements that bring happiness nor

does tranquility come when a dream is achieved the rivers of your mind flowing

with anxiety only calm in the presence of your God your heavenly

father I care deeply about what you yearn for and if you dedicate your full

attention and reverence to me if you shut out the glaring distractions that

blind you if you step away from the chaos that muddles your thoughts and if you trust in my assurances Revel in my

affection and lay down your burdens upon me with Simplicity and Faith then I your

God the beginning and the end urge you close your

eyes in the moment you disregard the world’s clamor your heart will be a light and swiftly your life will

transform fear will no longer claim you for you’ll embrace the truth of my constant presence embrace the calm and

peace I offer turn away from worldly glare feel my presence accept my peace

experience life a new attune your ears to my voice external Darkness will not

equate to Solitude for you for a perennial light of Truth glows within

you I cherish you trust in this love I hold you dear

and I vow never to forsake you absolutely never this is my solemn

promise you felt disheartened acted out of Despair made choices you regretted

and expressed words that didn’t reflect your heart overwhelmed by emotions

you’ve ear repeatedly you believed you were estranged from me yet I never left your

side you sought solace in fleeting affections were swayed by false emotions

and Trust Ed deceivers who ultimately left you bereft yet here I stand everpresent

unwavering even as some refute and deny my existence my love transcends all

logic and comprehension it remains unbreakable pure Eternal and flawless I

call out to you by day whisper in the Stillness of night visit you in dreams

and affirm my love incessantly you sense it in the rain touch hear it in the winds howl and

perceive it in the gentle breezes and the oceans murmurs I Proclaim my love for you today you’ll grasp this reality

I’m everpresent and I’ll affirm it endlessly each day silencing the

deceitful voices I love you eternally tell me if you want me to keep telling you every

morning right here while your ears Feast on these words your spirit fills with my

presence immerses itself in the crystal clear waters that cleanse your soul do

you want a true hug come now I want to embrace you and sincerely show you my

unwavering commitment to keep loving you despite everything I know you need me

your feelings and your need cannot be hidden from me with me you will achieve

everything without me your soul will dim I hear you and I respond I want to help

you out of scarcity to overcome illness do you understand now tell me do you

believe me I love you I love you pay close attention the problems weighing

you down will not end if you flee from them you must face them you are strong

your struggle is one of life or death stand up if you were truly cowardly and

weak at heart I would not be speaking to you and as you hear my words in your heart you know that I’m confirming

everything I have told you before you are my brave-hearted child a warrior spirit with a strength

of steel with the fire of determination you have everything you

need to defeat whatever comes against you I have told you many times and I

will continue to do so nothing and no one can overcome you

the enemy will use his tricks daily to confuse you and make you believe that I have abandoned you when things do not go

well in every moment from the dawn’s early light to the evening’s gentle

close I am with you in times of happiness and in periods of Sorrow

through moments of doubt and instances of defeat I am there holding you closer than ever aiming to show you that my

love is far greater than anything you can imagine I speak to you seek you and

remain steadfastly by your side ensuring you always maintain your belief steering

clear of doubt and fear especially when the World shows its harshness and

inflicts pain take a moment to reflect and find peace in your trials for I have

overcome this world and blessed you with the mightiest tools my love your hope

and your faith in my enduring love all Anchored In Hope enriching your soul and

mind wield your faith as a shield against the enemy’s onslaughts a time will come when your

current troubles will become Distant Memories and you will joyously see how

you’ve navigated through many challenges and received blessings you once thought were

unreachable you’ll realize the depth of my grace the breadth of my mercy and my

unconditional love for you despite your imperfections my desire is to elevate

you inspire you rejuvenate you and shower you with blessings so profound

that you’ll never question the authenticity of my love for you again

look forward with vibrant faith move with Assurance through the deceits you might

encounter avoid distractions dismiss trivial concerns that hold no lasting

significance and focus on seeking me continue to believe passionately engage

deeply in prayer immerse in my teachings and make my love a

Cornerstone in your home and life anticipate a significant blessing on the

horizon Trust In This Promise for it will come to pass I saw the sadness in your eyes and

knew you needed my strength to carry on remember I am your father not in some

far off place but right here beside you always available though you might

momentarily forget Reach Out your hand to me now stand up for I wish

to walk with you through the corridors of your mind what frightens you what has

drained your will to live why do you consider forsaking your destined path

yes life can be harsh as a child your eyes sparkled with Wonder expecting joy and Beauty from the

world your sincere smiles were freely given trusting in Friendship only to be

dimmed by deceit and betrayal crushing your spirit and zest for

life but trust in my words I see you I understand your struggles as intimately

as I know the vast Cosmos and call each Star by name I’m intimately aware of

every burden you bear every pain you’ve endured and even your slightest

discomfort we share a language of the heart and I know precisely what will bring you comfort take my hand

let us journey together I want to reveal to you A Realm where you are deeply loved adorned in Royal garments where

your name is held in high esteem respected and celebrated in this place

your spirit is constantly nourished and strengthened day and night here you are your true self a

beloved offspring of the Divine crafted in the very image of your creator do not

forget this if you stum Umble again within the most precious space of the entire universe you have your own place

reserved solely for you yes here deep within my heart where you are protected

where you as my beloved child can come to converse with me even if you feel

unworthy do not be deceived by lies with my blood I redeemed your life and I

reiterate from here no one can remove you even if the entire universe were to

shake nothing can wrench you away in my heart you will always remain

the same my precious beloved child in the midst of your worries rest

assured that I am cradling your concerns in my Caring Hands ready to bring resolutions place your wholehearted

trust in me for it is I who speak directly to your

heart daily hand over the Journey of your life into my capable presence with

all your might trust in my guidance I promise to lead you to what is truly

good nourishing your spirit and drawing you ever closer to me fear not for

nothing can tear you away from My Embrace stop trying to overcome challenges by your own Power Pause for a

moment after hearing my voice and release every worry into my care place

the weight of your troubles at my feet and know with certainty that you will not be overcome or brought to shame I am

here to respond to all your pleas my only request is that you protect your

heart ignore the voices of those who wish you to stumble and do not let them plant seeds of Doubt within you distance

yourself from those who desire to see you sad from those who claim you lack

worth for you have believed in me and you know your value to me because you

are immensely precious and I love you I myself have come to remind you of

the greatness of my love and all I desire to do for you you will overcome your conflicts you will be liberated and

blessed I have mercy upon you I will heal your wounds alleviate the pain in

your bones each day I will carry away your sorrows and fill you with holy joy and

happiness I will dry the tears from your eyes once again again a beautiful smile

will Grace your lips with your mouth you will sing and Proclaim how much you love

me those who look down on you will soon witness the undeniable truth that it is

my loving hand that has safeguarded you let your voice rise and declare with all

the conviction in your heart the Lord stands with me strong and formidable thus those who wish me harm

will falter but before you Proclaim this ask yourself do you truly place your trust in me

voice it out pen it down engage in a heartfelt dialogue with

me listen intently and your faith will guide you to a place of Serenity and peace within

your soul remember I’m ever present

especially when you feel your journey is stalled when Triumph seems Elusive and

when Time Marches on yet nothing seems to evolve in your life I’m right there

beside you gently urging you to notice and embrace my guidance and words in this

realization you’ll discover that all things contribute to your good and no effort is

feudal you needn’t wait for turbulent times to seek me I am equally present in

your moments of quietude if you find yourself feeling stuck I implore you to pause and Savor a moment of calm when

you’ve exhausted all avenues sought an answers and solutions everywhere and

still can’t find the purpose or reasoning in your trials know that I am steadfastly by your

side I promise to illuminate your path but I ask for your patience and for you

to cease searching in places devoid of Truth avoid confiding in just anyone or

fabricating explanations release your mind and the burdens you bear when confusion Reigns

and Clarity seems distant I understand your frustration and sense of being a drift when Shadows of

worry Cloud your vision leaving you uncertain of the right steps to take

trust in the promise I have given you in the assurance that I love

you why do you continue to worry I watch over you you are not dependent on your

emotions nor can you be enslaved by fears I did not give you a spirit of

cowardice but of power love and self-control to overcome all opposition

so you do not rely on your feelings even when you do not sense or see

me your beautiful faith is your Guiding Light and my holy spirit is the divine

wind that carries you to a better place where you will find Freedom and

blessing my dear child your feelings are beautiful your dreams are lovely your

heart is tender but bring your whole being to me and rest in my

will from now on there will be no doubt in your mind and you will feel immense

security you will always believe and I am with you for all eternity I will never abandon you in

moments of sadness lift your gaze to the sky there is no need to hide your tears

I know all that hurts you in your heart I hold you in my hands do not be afraid

I here to lift you up to cleanse your sins and transform your life to give you the comfort and love

you need shed your tears while feeling my sincere embrace you know how much I

love you I want to Forever remove your pain everything you have endured has

been very difficult I know I hear you when you speak and even those words

unspoken accompanied by your tears fall into my hands I know what you are feeling

what you are going through you have been so belittled and you feel worthless listen carefully to what I’m

telling you my words are filled with affection to me you are infinitely

valuable and the greatest sacrifice ever made in the universe was for love of you

with my blood I washed away your faults and removed your regrets so you no longer have to suffer my cherished one

know this those who look down on you simply don’t see the radiant

truth I implore you to release any bitterness or sorrow to me let go of your anger and distress they do not

belong in the sanctuary of your heart it’s also time to embrace

forgiveness for yourself believe me I’ve already set you free from your past

errors allow the soothing waves of peace to wash over you entrust your burdens to

me I’ve wiped your slate clean you’re liberated from those chains I adore you

deeply my precious child my desire is for you to step into a life brimming

with triumphs hence I gently urge you awaken today with a renewed Spirit I’m

gifting you the awareness to recognize the abundance of blessings surrounding

you the more you perceive the more you’ll uncover the wealth of gratitude

within you your gratitude echoed go as Divine Harmony in the heavens your

devotion opens the floodgates of blessings bringing forth Prosperity

wellness and boundless Joy take my hand you know how much I love you I am here

do not say I cannot do not say I have nothing do not say I am not because I am

the one who can who has and who is look ahead face your enemy without fear my

child for I am with you I provide for you I satisfy you you only need to

listen to me obey and walk steadfastly toward the goal do not look down lift

your gaze I hold you by my hand nothing can touch you I am your friend the one

who never fails you who never lies to you who never changes his mind who

accepts you as you are who who Smiles alongside you when you make faces in the

mirror who feels pain when you are hurt who rejoices in your achievements who

helps you succeed who lifts you up when you fail and who extends a hand to you

when you need it most I am Jesus I am your lord here I am

I am your friend do not be afraid do not lose heart do not give the satisfaction

to those who mock you by seeing you defeated do it for yourself for your

loved ones but above all do it thinking about how much I loved you that I also

walked a path of pain to a cruel cross for you for love for forgiveness for

your freedom for your healing for your salvation remember in the midst of Life

storms I am steadfastly beside you we will navigate these turbulent times your

your hand in mine facing every hardship together commit to perseverance for I assure you I will never leave your side

offering the strength and encouragement you need to press on find peace in my

presence embrace the confidence I bestow and let my Solace Infuse your spirit I

grant you wisdom for discernment courage to face the unknown and joy to lighten

your journey look ahead your aspirations and heartfelt

desires Are Not Mere Daydreams they are the seeds I have tenderly planted Within

You cast aside every shred of doubt and fear even when resources dwindle and the

path ahead seems riddled with Injustice and obstacles remember you’re not

treading this path alone hear my words in this world challenges are inevitable

but hold fast to my promise I have triumphed over the world I will Infuse your valiant heart with fervor joy and

the Sweet Taste of Victory let not your heart be troubled for this too shall

pass believe in Divine Justice for I Am The Sovereign God above all with me by

your side no force can Prevail against you those who wish to harm you will be

ashamed your dignity will be restored those who fabricated slander

against you will eat the fruit of their own lies the verdict has been given those who

sought to rob you have been declared guilty and will henceforth be prisoners of their own

schemes everything you have asked for you will reclaim good things are coming for you I

am your Advocate your Defender the judge of your enemies I am your father your

friend I am patient and gentle with you that is why I come today so you may feel

very secure that I indeed listen to you your destiny is in my hands and no one

else’s I will make you flourish even in Barren land in that place where everyone

complains of scarcity and need in the place where others decide to abandon their hopes but you dear one of my heart

in this very place you will be strengthen a your dreams will be rade and you will rise to

certain success all that was done to destroy you

I will transform to better you what seems like a great trial today will be a

great testimony tomorrow A great miracle is on its way

your prayers have been answered what I want to give you is much better than what you will ask of me have faith I

will surprise you with great things trust in me even when you cannot see

clearly your destiny beloved no depth is too profound

for my reach to retrieve you though it may seem I’m quiet trust

that I’m everpresent steadfastly holding you up steering you towards Victory your

adversary already vanquished my timing aligns perfectly with your needs grasp the opportunities

I lay before you now is your moment to shine when I urge you to move embrace

the step when I summon you to stand do so with courage I Proclaim your Triumph

affirming your Victory listen closely to my words let them resonate and heal and

leave yesterday’s missteps behind the past is just that past I’ve reshaped

your essence transformed at the core you are renewed your tomorrows rest securely

within my grasp In My Embrace you will find shelter and defense therefore I

implore you once more cast aside fear no force in all creation can defeat you

your Victory isn’t by your might or intellect it’s granted through the potency of My Sacrifice speak now affirm

your faith in me I am mending your spirit fortifying your patience infusing

you with a peace that transcends understanding embedding my eternal

promises in your thoughts Envision the splendor Purity and joy in the Blessed future I

am preparing for you I also cleanse the windows of your soul so your vision is

clear with no impediments to hinder your gaze I want you to learn to see the

wonderful things I want to do in your life and from now on do everything with enthusiasm strength and great

courage if one day you wake up sad remember these words take a step of

Faith rise up and as you you walk Joy will descend upon you giving you the joy

you need to live Miracles still exist if you can believe you know that nothing is

impossible for one who trusts in my power even if sometimes you don’t feel me or see me you know I won’t fail you

you will not be ashamed I will always be with you and when you think you can’t go on with my mighty hand I will lift you

up you will grow you will strengthen start with Miracles that seem

small and gradually you will enter the supernatural realm you will walk on

waves stop storms with the words that come from your mouth make fire fall from

the sky and all obstacles hindering your progress will be burned you will see with your own eyes

the Heavenly armies guarding around you Beloved the time you’ve longed for is

here embrace your strength and step forward with the Valor of a true warrior

You are not alone for I I your Almighty father am by your side lifting you up

casting away every ounce of fear from your heart it’s time to deepen your knowledge

to fortify your spirit let your faith Blossom and thrive on the nourishment of

my words align your thoughts with mine your love for your family shines

brightly your faith is the beacon that guides you thus there is an abundance

you can achieve for them and yourself anticipate my blessings as they are part of your journey toward renewal and

healing the anguish you felt will dissolve into my embracing love fear

will lose its grip and in its place peace and comfort will Nestle in your

heart mending every wound each day as you come to me your

mours will be filled with an Ever growing sense of peace love warm

Warth gentleness and calm I’m here ever present eager to infuse your life with

joy remember this truth deep within your being I your lord am mightier than any

challenge or sorrow you face cast aside fear Embrace bravery and

confront every challenge with a Fearless Heart I am aware that you are undergoing trials that seem exceedingly arduous for

you I have heard your seet please and you have conveyed to me that you are

weary that you are losing interest and the desire to live however I implore you to listen to

me attentively as I earnestly urge you to make a decision that will greatly transform your life resolve decisively

to seek me to believe in me and to stand firm in your

choices choose to follow and obey me it is not arduous for you nor will it be a

burden I assure assure you the outcome of your obedience will be peace and the

fruit of your faith will be patience and serenity if you cling to my word if you

put into practice my Commandments no one will be able to shame you you will witness how your enemies

scatter and flee when they see how I have protected you they will no longer

speak ill of you slander you or spread lies about you for my presence will be

with you shielding you from deceit both day and night therefore I urge you to dispel all doubts from your mind and

focus on following my Commandments for my word will be your strength bringing healing to your soul and body turn to

God in times of stress nervousness and fear my power is sufficient and my love

for you surpasses all in this new phase of your life you will be liberated from

the tormenting emotions that have plagued you and there will be nothing to drag you into depression it brings me

immense joy to see your life filled with peace and happiness I rejoice when you are happy

and whenever I see you sad I diligently seek ways to make you smile I’m not a Stern father who

Delights in your distress I’m filled with compassion I’ve not forsaken you

despite what some might suggest you find yourself in challenging times surrounding by those who question your

faith and envy the happiness you possess be cautious in your journey and

selective in whom you trust there are those who might lure you with false promises of peace and wealth misleading

you into Shadows with their cunning words persuading you to believe you

don’t need me or to forge your own path without my guidance our bond is

unbreakable even as you walk through the darkest valleys I am beside you but if

you choose a path away from me you might lose sight of the promises I’ve made dismiss my love and feel you no longer

require my words or safeguarding yet I will never cease to call out to you I will always reach out

touching your heart laying my hand upon your shoulder lovingly steering you back towards my path I wish for you never to

wander far from me but should you stray I know you’ll yearn for my presence

in the Realms of Shadows true and pure love is absent you hear my voice today

because I am here to caution you deceivers will approach attempting to entice you with their eloquence stay

close to me do not Drift Away In My Embrace you have everything

you need free from turmoil alarms deceit betrayal and harm with me you discover

true joy and life without me there’s only grief and

isolation I have rescued and chosen you because my greatest wish is for you to

flourish believe in my plan for you and you will not only Prosper but become a

Beacon of Hope and a role model within your family and Community every petition you lay before

me in prayer is acknowledged recorded and I assure you my responses are always

crafted with your utmost good in mind exceeding your requests and

Imagination walk with me and discover new zest for life I will Empower you and

lead you to Triumph though adversaries may approach

you will stand Fearless embrace the blessings I am granting you now know

that my love envelops you and hear my voice speaking directly to you just

pause for a moment allow yourself to be immersed in my message I urge you to to

continually listen for my voice I wish to infuse your Mourns with joy to lift

the burdens of yesterday from your shoulders to mend the inner bruises time has inflicted to clear away the

lingering pain and to endow you with a refreshed Spirit unblemished by past

Sorrows or resentments gone will be the nights of restlessness ruminating over past wounds

or injustices suffered I want you to always feel deep ly Loved At the

beginning of each day to sense my guidance in this new opportunity I am

giving you today is a day of joy of Triumph a day to overcome any adversity

and emerge Victorious fill yourself with courage for I have saved you cleansed your

spirit before me and forgiven all your sins I desire for you to grasp a truth that

eludes many when when I forgive your sins they are truly forgotten so release

yourself from the chains of regret and sorrow over past mistakes that I’ve already

pardoned it might seem unfathomable from a human perspective but your task is

simple believe with all your heart banishing every sliver of doubt your

future and Triumph are intertwined with my plan for you but you must not cling

to your past self yes sins carry their consequences but I’m here to empower you to rise above

and claim victory recall my Assurance all things collaborate for the

benefit of those who Adore Me therefore clasp my hand lean on my promises stand

tall and proceed with Newfound Vigor and hope glorious prospects await you yet to

embrace them you must acknowledge that in the realm of blessings there’s no SP

space for despair complaints skepticism or wavering Faith your trust Delights me

it brings joy to my heart envelops you in my presence and imbus you with my

spirit continue to believe and trust in me watch as my promises materialize in

your life remember I cherish you deeply


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