🔥GOD SAYS- "THEY WILL DISAPPEAR FROM YOUR LIFE" | God's Message Today #Prophecy | Lord Helps Ep~1204 - Free AI Voice Generator

🔥GOD SAYS- “THEY WILL DISAPPEAR FROM YOUR LIFE” | God’s Message Today #Prophecy | Lord Helps Ep~1204

if you hate Jesus you may skip it but if
you love Jesus truly please be only
minutes for him out of your precious
time holy spirit is
shouting and conveying a truly serious
message about some of the precious
things in your
life that are going to disappear very
soon the holy spirit is
saying some things in your life are
going to disappear
forever this list includes every single
relationships or your inner feelings for
something that might be looking Pleasant
to you right now but
ultimately causing you harm in the long
do you want to know what’s included in
list keep listening the words ahead
until the very end to get a clear
Insight of what is about to happen and
how it is going to affect your
life like this video before we go
ahead know that in love life we are
often met with desires dreams and
requests at times we ask and yet seems
as if the heavens remain
silent have you ever wondered why God in
his Divine wisdom doesn’t always grant
our every wish
that truth
is God’s way of answering our prayers
isn’t always a straightforward
yes God’s divine plan transcends our
understanding and he knows
that what we want might not be what’s
best for
us in the words of Jesus we find find a
Insight he spoke of how even Earthly
parents wouldn’t give their child
something harmful when
asked how much more than would our
heavenly father refrain from granting
requests that would bring us harm this
Revelation can challenge our faith it
has our patience when we believe that
what we ask for is far better than what
we have
received but it’s during these moments
of waiting of longing that we must
remember the depth of God’s love and
wisdom now imagine this you are a child
and you have asked for a
snake thinking it’s a wonderful p
yet but in his
wisdom God sees the danger you
cannot he gives you a safer more loving
path say a faithful
dog you may not understand at first but
over time you come to realize that God’s
answer was an act of love and protection
in much the same way God sometimes takes
away thing from our lives or he
them it could be possessions
relationships or even feelings that to
our eyes look good and
desirable but in His omn science he
knows they could ultimately harm us
it’s not easy to see why God’s answer is
no when we have been fervently praying
for a
yes we might question doubt or feel
disappointment but Faith tells us that
God’s love for his children is
unwavering he’s like a loving parent
who knows that giving you the snake you
asked for could hurt you so he gives you
a faithful companion
intin we may not always understand but
we can trust trust in the wisdom of a
father who knows the best path even when
we cannot see
it trust in the love of a God who knows
our hearts
better then we know ourselves so when
you pray and it seems your request
unanswered remember it’s not a sign of
Abandonment it’s a sign of love and
wisdom that only God In His Infinite
understanding can offer to you allow
your faith to weather the storms of
know that God’s know isn’t a
rejection it’s an invitation to trust in
his divine plan a plan that always seeks
the best for his beloved
children now you might have faced
movements when you have questioned God
for his actions in your
life that goes completely opposite of
what you had
expected you might have blamed him
several times for removing certain
relationships from your life or some
that might be too precious for
you but as the time
flies you
realized it was God’s plan to protect
you you and guide you toward your
best you may be among the people who
feel guilty for such kind of
mistakes you might be thinking about
getting one chance to go back to your
past to correct all the mistakes that
you have
done those mistakes might have made some
happiness in your life and those
mistakes might have made you stressed or
worried about your
life but let me tell you
something God can forgive every mistake
you have committed in the past when you
repent and
pray you receive his forgiveness do you
even know how many times God has
forgiven you without even letting you
know about it the number is beyond your
reach you see the mercy of the allmighty
flows like an Endless River washing away
our sins time and time
again often without us even realizing
it God’s forgiveness is immeasurable his
grace boundless and his love ever
lasting every time we stumble he there
to lift us up cleanse ourselves and
offer forgiveness as vast as the
ocean the countless times you were
spared from the consequences of your
actions the moments when Grace tapped in
to Shield you from her
all of these are silent reminders of
God’s boundless Mercy even when we are
unaware of our need for
forgiveness so praise God for his
love for his grace for his Mercy for
forgiving our sins for protecting us
from the
things people all
relationships that harm us in the long
run and pray within the sound of my
voice right
now Heavenly
Father we thank you lot for your
incredible love that knows no
bounds for your grace that sustains us
and for your endless mercy that renews
us each day
you are the source of all our
blessings and we lift our voices to
glorify your Holy
Name father we are so thankful for your
forgiveness you look upon us with
compassion and choose to forgive our
sins even when we fall short of your
your forgiveness is a Wellspring of Hope
Redemption and we are humbled by your
willingness to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness we also want to thank
you dear God for your Divine
protection you Shield us from the things
people or
relationships that let me lead us astray
or harm us in the long
run your guidance and watchful care are
our constant
Companions and we find soay in knowing
that you are our refuge and
Fortress Today l we bring our prayers
before you we ask for your continued
guidance and
Protection keep us on the path of
righteousness so that we may walk in
your light at
truth Shield us from harmful
influences and help us discern what is
in alignment with your
will in closing Lord we reaffirm our
gratitude and Devotion to
we stand in awe of your boundless love
and pray that we may reflect that love
in our
lives help us oh God to be instruments
of your peace messengers of your grace
and bearers of your forgiveness to a
world in
need we offer this prayer in the name of
your son Jesus Christ who taught us to
pray Our Father who art in
heaven Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom
come thy will be done on Earth as it is
heaven give us this day a daily bread
and forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against
us lead us not into temptation
but Deliver Us from Evil for thine is
the kingdom the power and the glory
forever and ever
amen I share this message with nine
people if you really need God’s
blessings in your life and don’t forget
to join our happy Christians Community
by subscribing to this channel God bless
everyone who does this

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