🔥JESUS SAYS- "PLEASE SPARE 1 MINUTE FOR ME | God's Message For Me Today #Prophecy Lord Helps Ep~1205 - Free AI Voice Generator

🔥JESUS SAYS- “PLEASE SPARE 1 MINUTE FOR ME | God’s Message For Me Today #Prophecy Lord Helps Ep~1205

my beloved
children when I call upon
you there often arises a desire to
postpone to wait for what you believe to
be a more convenient
season many of you wait seeking a time
when the path seems smoother and less
challenging but let me share a Divine
truth with you
to fulfill my purpose you must tap out
of your comfort zone and embrace new
responsibilities I have pastored upon
each of you unique gifts and
talents not as Idle
atonements but as tools for bearing good
fruit when you choose not to use these
endowments you are neglecting your role
and responsible stewards of my
blessings I ask that you become
Fearless bearers of
responsibility unafraid of
change realize dear ones that it is in
times of
adversity that your character is
molded and your strength is
fortified if you merely off for the path
of least
resistance you will forever remain
feeble and
ineffective the moment for Action is
you now I understand that stepping out
in faith can be
daunting fear often takes root and
uncertainty looms large
yet remember my
promises have I not assured you that I
will be with you
always and that I have given you a
spirit of fear but of power love and a
mind I challenge you to trust my
unfilling love and boundless
wisdom the time to move forward to
embrace the responsibilities and chances
that come with answering my call is
now waiting for a more convenient reason
is a tactic of the enemy to keep you
stagnant as your heavenly father I
implore you to act with courage and
conviction for I will guide your steps
and Empower you with my spirit
to not underestimate the remarkable
transformation that can unfold when you
step into the Realms of
responsibility and change with faith in
heart Embrace this truth my beloved ones
the journey may be challenging but the
destination is a place of immeasurable
growth just as the sea must break
through the soil to reach the
sunlight you must break through your
comfort zone to reach the extraordinary
purpose I have set before
you trust me and step boldly into this
new season for your faith and obedience
will lead to un imagination able
faithfulness be assured that you do not
walk this path
alone I’m with you every step of the way
rejoicing in your courage and guiding
you with unfailing
love the moment for Action is now and I
eagerly await the Glorious result of
obedience with love your Heavenly Father

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