God Says ➨ Be Happy and Cherished My Child | God Message Today | God Tells - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says ➨ Be Happy and Cherished My Child | God Message Today | God Tells

God’s special message is only for you

don’t make the mistake of leaving it God

wants to solve all your problems in the

last seconds God will answer all your

questions my beloved child refrain from

casting judgment based solely on outward

appearances instead strive to wield

discernment Guided by

righteousness I spoke these words within

the hallowed Halls of the Jerusalem

Temple imparting wisdom that judgment

can either cloak itself in virtue or

viice the audience I addressed had

assessed me through a superficial lens

focusing on the letter of the law while

neglecting its Spirit though their

actions were misguided not all judgments

are malicious I adamantly reject shallow

self-righteous and hypocritical

appraisals rather I urge my followers to

conduct righteous evaluations rooted in

the principles of biblical truth in this

age of Tolerance there’s an overwhelming

societal pressure to to refrain from

articulating moral distinctions type

Amen in the comments and don’t forget to

share this message with up to three

people so that God can help you the fear

of being labeled intolerant has silenced

many who possess the discernment to

discern right from wrong I implore you

to summon the courage to convey truth

with compassion as I lead you in doing

so the wisest preparation involves

diligent study of scriptures

introspection and earnestly seeking my

spirit to infuse Divine love into your

words and deeds let us celebrate the

invaluable assistance of my constant

presence in all circumstances and at

every turn it is appropriate to offer

this prayer thank you Jesus for your

unwavering presence with me in this

moment though you may not always feel my

presence know that I have made a solemn

promise a promise that stands firm a

fundamental aspect of your Christian

calling is to place unwavering trust in

my eternal companionship

with faith as your Guiding Light confide

in me your deepest thoughts emotions

challenges and joys hold firmly to the

belief in my deep care for you knowing

that I listen to each of your petitions

approach me with eager

anticipation ever vigilant for the

Myriad ways I work within and through

you rejoice in the knowledge that

together we are capable of achieving

beyond your wildest

dreams my boundless hour shines

brightest in your moments of

vulnerability offered up to fulfill my


purposes remember with me all things are

possible therefore do not be intimidated

by daunting

circumstances offer praise for the

comfort of my enduring presence if you

want God’s grace always upon you then

please consider to support our ministry

by clicking thanks button because this

message took us a lot of efforts my dear


allow me to reveal to you a truth that

transcends mere siblinghood I am not

only your brother but also your

Confidant as the firstborn among a

multitude of siblings you are being

sculpted into my likeness a privilege

and blessing of unfathomable

magnitude while some may count

themselves fortunate to have steadfast

benevolent Elder

siblings you have something far greater

an all powerful older brother who

tirelessly safeguards your interest

even the most devoted family member or

friend cannot promise Perpetual

companionship but I on the other hand

pledge to never forsake your side I am

the friend who remains closer to you

than any sibling ever could if you

believe that God will help you please

subscribe to the channel never should

you take for granted my unwavering

presence in your life always remember

that your loyal friend also Reigns as

the King of

Kings if only you you could catch a

glimpse of me in all my resplendant

glory you would understand why John upon

witnessing me fell prostrate as if

bereft of life I am the Alpha and the

Omega the living one who conquered death

and endures for all eternity I implore

you to approach me with reverence for I

am your savior God continually remind

yourself of The Magnificent gift of

Salvation that is eternally yours and

express your gratitude accordingly be

mindful that your choices hold profound

significance beloved they constitute an

integral facet of my transformative work

within you the majority of your choices

transpire in solitude within the inner

sanctum of your heart and mind however

be cognizant of this fact I am Christ

dwelling within you I comprehend each

thought before it materializes and every

decision before it is rendered let your

awareness that I am privy to all that

transpires within you serve as a

safeguard against recklessness and

self-centered living allow your yearning

to gratify me the one who intimately

comprehends you to reshape both your

thought processes and way of life you

may have presumed that many of your

choices are

inconsequential such is not the case a

seemingly minor virtuous Choice made

today May set you on a trajectory toward

a momentous accomplishment conversely a

seemingly trivial ill-considered Choice

can usher in significant failures or Los

loses in the days to come yet even as

your choices carry weighty consequences

always remember that there is no

condemnation for those who belong to me

amen my child click on the join button

to join us as a cherished member of our


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