Hamas & the End Times (Is Jesus About to Return?!) - Free AI Voice Generator

Hamas & the End Times (Is Jesus About to Return?!)

This one’s gonna be different. Um, I’ve been preaching for years and uh, I’ve never had a week, uh,
of preparation quite like this one. Um, my wife drove me here ’cause I’m a bit disoriented and, uh,
God’s been revealing things to me in a deep and profound way. Um, all week,
uh, a constant flow of new revelation. Things I’ve never, um, put together or considered or really read anywhere. Uh,
including just moments ago, I got another scripture from Joel that I’ll share with you in the sermon and
there’ll probably be a lot of, um, prophetic revelation during the course of the sermon. Um, and so, uh,
we’re gonna pray in a moment and I believe this may be the most significant and timely sermon I preach. Sometimes I teach, sometimes I preach. Today I,
by the grace of God, will prophesy and talk about, uh, the times in which we live in light of the word of God. And uh,
and if I, uh, if I can make it through, that’d be great for those who may see this on video at a service I was hoping to
preach all four. I don’t think emotion, I can do this for times, but I’m gonna try, um, two things and then we’ll pray. Um,
we’re gonna talk about, uh, the second coming of Jesus, the resurrection of the dead, the kingdom of God, the last days and the end times. And some of you,
you’re gonna have a lot of questions, so lemme give you a, a free gift if you want it. Um, it’s a chapter from a systematic theology that I co-authored called Doctrine.
We’ll send it to you on the Kingdom of God. It’ll answer your questions about what does it mean that Jesus is returning and
is there a heaven and is there a hell and is there a resurrection? And a lot of questions get answered. Number three, and then I will pray,
uh, if you’re a man, I’d invite you to join us for Real Men this week. We’ve got, uh, some special guests, one of which is, uh, Chad Wolf.
He was the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security during the Trump Administa administration.
He will be joining us and as we’re looking at open borders in Ukraine and Israel, I want to interview him about our open border and, uh,
what that means for us as a nation and as a state. And so this is a big week.
Um, let me pray and then we’ll get to work. Father God, I pray against the enemy of servants, their works and effects, Lord God. Uh,
this has been an incredible week for many of us. Perhaps most of us. We haven’t really felt this sort of disorientation since nine .
Um, Lord God, we live in a world where some would say that people are basically good and then
evil arises and it’s undeniable and it’s too late because they didn’t prepare for it. Lord God, I pray for this sermon. Uh,
I pray against the spirit of Hamas. I pray for the Holy Spirit. I pray for an anointing on this word and me as your son and your servant.
I pray for an anointing on our time together and the distribution of this word to the nations, God,
I pray it would reach millions in Jesus’ name and that would help your people make sense of what is going on in this world in light of your word.
And so help us Holy Spirit so that we might have eyes to see, and ears to hear and hearts to love Jesus and whose name we pray. Amen. Amen.
So let me begin, uh, with a storyline of the Bible and we will find our way to First Thessalonians.
Uh, but let me begin with a storyline of the Bible. In Genesis , there is a man named Abram. He comes from a pagan father and family.
It tells us in the book of Joshua, and God chooses him and pursues him, predestines him, elects him, calls him and saves him and says,
you need to leave your father and mother as an act of faith to a land that I will show you that land is very significant,
that land is still in contention. Some , years later, God then honors his obedience of faith as he leaves his father and
mother and he is souring. And then in Genesis chapter , God appears to him again this God that he has just met and reveals to him
something that theologians will call the Abrahamic covenant. And God makes a series of promises to him.
And this is an unconditional covenant, meaning God will create the covenant and he will cause it to be kept.
It’s an unbreakable covenant because it is secured by the promise of God. The Abrahamic covenant in Genesis echoed throughout scripture,
it has uh, three aspects, land, lineage, and Lord land it promises a piece of real estate to the descendants of
Abraham. We now know that as the promised land lineage, that through Abraham would come a sun and through that sun would come a nation.
We now know them as the Jews or the Israelis. And that in that land, through those people, the land,
the lineage would come the Lord that ultimately all of this was to prophetically pave the way for the coming of Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of Jewish
prophecy and also to come as the fulfillment of the entirety of the Jewish system. In that moment that God spoke, that covenant,
there began a spiritual war that continues to this day. Every time God is creating, Satan is counterfeiting.
Every time Satan is breaking, it’s because God is building. And so the demonic satanic war in history is over the
land. Who’s gonna take the land? The lineage, will they be destroyed?
And who is the Lord? That being said, as you move forward to
um, the rest of the Bible, it talks a lot about this Abrahamic covenant and the land, the promised land,
the Old Testament speaks of the promised land about times. The New Testament, about times.
This land is crucial to political history and prophetic history. In Genesis ,
Abram and his wife Sarah, um, they struggled to believe the promises of God. God told them, you’re going to have a son and he will bring you a lineage and through him will
come the Lord a blessing to the nations of the earth through the seed, singular and individual named Jesus Christ of Abraham.
Sarah and Abraham waited many years and they were incapable of having a child because they were both elderly and she was bearing losing
faith. Sarah devised a scheme whereby Abraham would take a second wife
surrogate and have a son with that woman. Therefore, Abraham, he listened to his wife, he shouldn’t have,
sometimes you should listen to your wife, but not when she brings another woman home.
So now Abraham has his wife, Sarah, he takes a second wife. Hagar, she is an Egyptian unbeliever And she has a son.
His name is Ishmael. Ishmael.
Here’s what it says In Genesis , God is prophesying the future of Ishmael and his descendants.
He Shall be a wild donkey of a man, his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him.
He will be an unres and untamable man.
He goes on to have sons, just like the tribes of Israel.
Eventually what happens is that God fulfills his prophetic promise to Sarah
and she too has a son named Isaac. Now you have Abraham,
two wives, two sons, one covenant who gets the land,
Who Will be the blessed lineage, and from which side of the family will come the Lord.
This leads to great conflict between the wives and the sons.
And inevitably what happens is that God chooses Isaac, the son of Sarah, and God rejects Ishmael,
the son of Hagar, to fulfill and to receive the full promises of the Abrahamic covenant.
In Genesis , something very curious happens and that is that
God tells Abraham to sacrifice his only son, the son of the promise,
the son who was born of a miracle, and the firstborn son all prophesying
the coming of Jesus Christ, the son of God. At this time, Isaac is a grown man and his father is quite elderly
and Isaac is told to carry wood on his back to a place
where he would willingly lay himself down as a sacrifice to his father.
All of this is prefiguring prophesying, foreshadowing the coming of Jesus, the son of God who would carry the wood of the cross on his back and willingly
lay down his life to be put to death by his own father.
His heavenly Father. Isaac lays his body down in surrender,
Abraham takes the knife and is prepared to slaughter his son. Uh, the Holy Spirit reminds me in Hebrews it says that he believed that if necessary
God would raise his son from the dead. The resurrection, however, was not to be for that son, but the son of God,
God then stops him. An angel does perhaps the angel of the Lord, which may have been the Lord Jesus Christ pre incarnate and says,
do not sacrifice your son. You’ve been tested. Pass the test. You have faith in God. You’re willing to give your first and best and on the mountain of the Lord.
It will be provided later. The temple was built in that same region and later Jesus Christ,
the son of God came to that same region. He came as the greater Isaac. He carried the wood on his back,
he laid down his life and he was put to death as the sacrifice for the sins of the world. years later,
a man named Muhammad was visited by a demon.
He said he received a revelation from an angel, it was a demon. Um, Galatians tells us that even if an angel from heaven should appear,
if they present a gospel other than the one that is presented by the Apostle Paul, then they are to be a curse. That that is a demonic counterfeit spirit.
Everything God creates Satan counterfeits. Sir
Muhammad is visited by a demon. He calls it an angel, but it’s a fallen angel and it’s a demon.
And the angel demon says that he needs to begin prophesying and present to the world a new religion.
The essence of Islam that comes from Muhammad is that the Hebrew scriptures are wrong,
that God chose Hagar, not Sarah. And the son of promise for the Abrahamic covenant is Ishmael, not Isaac.
He actually takes the story of Genesis and he says that it was
Ishmael who went with Abraham and it was Ishmael who was the firstborn son of the promise.
And it was Ishmael who laid down his life for his father. Islam takes all of the storyline of the Bible and it twists it
so that Sarah is rejected, Hagar is accepted, Isaac is rejected, and Ishmael is accepted.
And then they will say that as a result the Abrahamic covenant belongs to the descendants not of Isaac. And those are the Jewish people,
but to the descendants of Ishmael, those are the Arabs and the Palestinians.
And they would say that is our land and it should be our lineage and we worship our Lord, not Jesus, but Allah.
There has constantly been a war for these three things. Who owns the land?
Which lineage is the inheritance of the covenant and who ultimately
is the Lord? You need to know that this is a profound spiritual battle that continues until
the Lord Jesus Christ returns. This is not just political, this is biblical and deeply profoundly spiritual.
Um, today, uh, Christianity is represented by the cross and Islam
is represented by the crescent. On the top of churches is the cross, and we are worshiping the God of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob. His name is Jesus Christ. On top of mosques, there is not a cross, there is a crescent.
And this is what we find is going to be our moon tonight. This is what the world will see in the sky.
We are looking at the ring of fire, lunar eclipse that is descending on the earth today.
As there is war in the Middle East, the sign in the heavens is the crescent on fire.
Now what we witnessed a week ago today was Hamas invading and attacking Israel.
Hamas are Palestinians, descendants of Ishma
Israel are Jews, descendants of Isaac.
This battle has been occurring for , years, roughly back to the days of Abraham.
And the attack was land cair. It occurred on a Saturday morning,
which in Israel is the Sabbath day. People are sleeping, their technology is off.
As a result, they are more vulnerable. In addition, they were finishing a week long Jewish holiday
and it was a time off of work and it was one of the most joyous weeks on the Hebrew calendar.
This would be like Thanksgiving or Christmas for those of us who were in the states. You’re traveling to see family,
your technology is off, you’re resting and enjoying.
And then there was a terrorist attack. And as we are watching the news,
you will see grown men doing the most damnable, despicable and demonic evil to civilians, to women,
to children and the elderly. And they are shouting
Allah Akbar. Some will translate that as God is great.
Perhaps a better translation of that Arabic phrase is our God is greater.
This is a declaration that the demon and demons working through these people
consider themselves to be greater than Jesus Christ, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Ephesians six says that our war is not just against flesh and blood, but powers, principalities and spirits.
Practically what this means is when you see conflict in the seen realm, there is far greater conflict in the unseen realm.
And when you hear our God is greater, that is a declaration of spiritual warfare from a demon against Jesus Christ,
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
We know that roughly Israelis have died so far.
There will be more uncovered and discovered including hostages that have been taken
by comparison in Pearl Harbor, about Americans died on nine ,
roughly Americans died to understand
the, the trauma in Israel right now, consider this, that they are a nation of merely . million people.
The United States of America is a nation of roughly million people. If you were to just do the math,
this would be the equivalent of , people dying on nine , not
and hostages being taken and held
and some of their brutality live streamed on the internet or sent via their cell phone of the victim to their mothers and fathers to
increase trauma and torment.
Benjamin Knock Netanyahu is declared this to be a war. For the first time in years, the nation of Israel is at war.
Last time that the nation of Israel was at war was the Yom Kippur war in .
This is exactly years plus one day from the Yom Kippur war. And what’s interesting is the Yom Kippur war was started during a Jewish holiday
and this, uh, terrorist attack was during a Jewish holiday. Uh, this is not coincidence.
There are two reasons I believe that this is happening. Number one, um, they know that people,
civilians will be more vulnerable during a holiday season. And number two, they are trying to create a torment and terror through a negative anniversary.
If, if attacks happen on your holidays, they become negative anniversaries and you no longer stop to honor and to thank
your God. Instead, you are triggered and traumatized by the memory of what happened on that holiday
because it then becomes an non-holiday, an unholy day.
So where we find ourselves now is the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. And again,
the Palestinians are the descendants of Ishmael
And the Jews are the descendants of Isaac. And what we now see on the news is very profoundly and deeply troubling
for all of us who have the heart of God. And what we are seeing is airstrikes into the Gaza Strip.
We’re seeing airstrikes on civilian buildings and targets. We, um, also know that about million people live in the Gaza Strip.
It is by landmass, perhaps the third most, uh, populated, uh, densely populated area on the earth. Uh,
these are human beings now that God knows and loves. God loves both sides of the conflict and they both need Jesus.
Only % of Jews and only % of Palestinians are Christians
until Jesus is Lord of them. Both. They cannot be reconciled and there will be no peace.
So the answer to all of this is ultimately that everyone bends their knee of Jesus and he rules over them rather than trying to rule over one another.
But right now there are million in Gaza. No water, no electricity, no internet. Um, the,
the Israeli army is preparing for ground invasion. This is going to get very bloody and this will not be resolved quickly.
Most likely This is a just war. Um, I won’t get into the details of just war,
but this is a just war because this was a terrorist attack, not a military attack on civilians, not an army.
Therefore corresponding strike of force is a just war. Israel is justified in this war. They are justified.
And what the Hamas terrorist group has done is created something that counselors will call a double bind.
A double bind is you can lose or you can lose. Now if Israel doesn’t strike back,
they lose because Hamas, this terrorist organization of Palestinians who are descendants of Ishmael,
they will just continue to plot against Israel and attack. In addition, it will encourage other bad actors to do the same.
However, if they do respond as they are with airstrikes, the problem is they’re having to attack civilian targets.
This is leading to global protests. France had to literally call a curfew and shut down their country because
they’ve let so many Muslims into the country. There’s picketing and protesting and rioting. There were , on the streets.
Uh, the news reported in and around London protesting for Hamas.
In addition, in universities from Arizona State University to Harvard, we are seeing students rise up who are pro-Palestinian and pro Hamas.
Um, and what they’re calling out is the fact that civilians are being targeted.
Let me, um, let me explain to you why this is a double bind. The way that Hamas is working in the Gaza Strip,
they know that they cannot win a war with Israel. And so they hide. They have munitions and operations in schools,
hospitals, mosques. They have built underground bunkers under schools,
hospitals and mosques. They’re hiding munitions in schools, hospitals, and mosques. Therefore, if you’re going to send an airstrike,
they have created a human shield of civilians and if you don’t attack them, then they will destroy you. If you do attack them,
then the whole world will cry. Injustice, injustice.
And so this is, um, this is Gaza. Let me explain to you what’s happening.
So Gaza is surrounded by Israel. On the right is a fortified secured wall.
The Palestinians in Gaza cannot escape. There’s only one entrance to the north and one entrance to the south.
It’s like your home with a front and back door. You can enter and exit through Israel in the north or Egypt in the south.
Right now Israel has told the civilians, flee, we are going to bomb.
We are going to take out those strategic terrorist targets. The problem is, number one,
Hamas is blocking people from traveling to the southern part of the nation.
In addition, they are encouraging them to remain and become
Martyrs. Lemme just verbal process this for you a moment. Uh, Islam is primarily a religion of death.
The the greatest honor is to die as a martyr. If you die as a martyr, you get virgins in heaven.
You’re celebrated like a rock star in your culture and your family gets a generous inheritance. It’s a religion that glorifies death.
And so when they’re making the call to die for the cause, they’re just being true to their culture of death. In addition,
Egypt and the south has closed their border. There’s nowhere for these people to go. Now,
for those of us that have the heart of God, we know that there are terrorists there and there are also some innocent
civilians including a handful of Christians and they can’t leave and they’re in a difficult position.
And so when the international community starts to cry out and the progressive liberals start to cry out that this is injustice in civilians, great,
then Egypt needs to open their border and Hamas needs to open the roads.
And those who are part of the problem need to become part of the solution. ’cause this is a justified war,
taking out strategic targets for terrorist enemies. And when you put women and children in harm’s way, you were evil and demonic.
Lemme talk about Hamas. This, um, this was a prophetic revelation this week that I
I I, I just stopped and I felt the presence of God in a profound and deep way
and I felt very disoriented. Um,
Hamas is a Palestinian acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement.
It is also an Arabic word that means zeal,
Hamas, all of the headlines. Now Hamas, Hamas is also a Hebrew word in the Bible.
It appears here in Genesis six in the days of Noah.
Now the earth was corrupting God’s sight and the earth was filled with violence.
Hamas, Hamas is the Hebrew word for violent evil.
And that word filled is sometimes translated, including in Jeremiah, if memory serves me correct as possessed,
the whole world was possessed by the spirit of Hamas. It’s demonic possession globally.
Demonic possession is the counterfeit of being filled with a spirit.
Hamas is a spirit. Hamas is a demonic spirit of violence that is antichrist
and it is intentionally, um, motivated to attack and destroy the Abrahamic covenant,
take the land and the lineage and redefine who the Lord is.
I’m telling you that Hamas is a demonic spirit that has been at work
since the days of Noah. What did God do to everyone who had the spirit of Hamas? In the days of Noah,
he flooded the earth and destroyed them. The spirit of Hamas that possessed all people,
Caused them to be destroyed. And the only people who survived and lived were not filled with the Hamas
spirit, but the Holy Spirit,
Hamas is a word that is used to refer to. And all of this is in my notes,
the Chaldeans in the Babylonians in Jeremiah , the she mites in judges and the Egyptians in Joel three .
Not only were people filled with the spirit of Hamas in the days of Noah, also they were filled with the spirit of Hamas in the Kal Dian empire,
the Babylonian empire, the Chaite Empire, and the Egyptian empire.
The point is this, people come and go, but the demons remain the same. The spirit of Hamas is always working in and through nation’s,
governments and peoples to bring about possession of the land, ending of the lineage and destruction of the plan of the Lord.
Um, Hamas is a demonic and powerful warrior spirit.
And when you see Hamas being celebrated globally, know that that is worship and it is spiritual warfare.
Now back to the story, Sarah Hagar,
Isaac Ishmael conflict in the home. Abraham is the father of two sons and there’s only one covenant,
which son will inherit the promise of the covenant. There’s conflict between the wives, conflict between the sons.
Sarah decides to kick Hagar out of the house. Are you ready?
Genesis . Sarah said to Abraham, may the wrong
Hamas Done to me be on you. You I gave my servant Hagar to your embrace.
And when she saw that she had conceived Ishmael, she looked at me with contempt.
May the Lord judge between you and me. Now Sarah invited Hagar into the home
and it was her idea for her husband to marry this Egyptian woman. And when Hagar moved into the home,
Sarah told her husband, we need to cast out. You know what you do with the demon?
You cast it out. Sarah went to her husband and said, we need to cast out that woman because she has brought Hamas into our home.
The spirit of Hamas came with Hagar. It’s a demonic spirit.
The Hamas spirit that was in the days of Noah came into Abraham’s house with Hagar.
And the conflict was between the Holy Spirit and the Hamas spirit. Therefore,
Abraham had to choose between the Hama spirit and the Holy Spirit In his household. He chose the Holy Spirit and his wife Sarah,
and their son Isaac, and he cast out like a demon, Hagar and the Hamas spirit along with her son Ishmael,
are you following me? Yes. Okay. This is very deep revelation
And the Bible doesn’t just tell us what happened, but what always happens. And we don’t just look at the Bible,
we look through the Bible to make sense of the world in which we live.
Um, the battle in Abraham’s home is the battle in Abraham’s
homeland today. The Hama spirit versus the Holy Spirit and they cannot coexist
in. Let me, um, let me give you another revelation that I got on the drive here.
Um, how many of you were just horrified beyond belief to see what they were doing to
children and infants this week? Yes.
Genesis , Isaac was weaned again. The Jews descend from Isaac.
Ishmael was mocking and perhaps threatening him. The Palestinians are descendants of Ishmael. In Genesis ,
Sarah finally had Hagar cast out because
the older brother, the wild donkey of a man was abusing his little brother
at that point, Isaac is around two, Ishmael is around .
This is a grown year old young man who is a wild donkey of a man that is mocking and perhaps threatening the
wellbeing of a two year old half-brother.
Is there any scenario where a, an abusive, perhaps even dangerous year old son has a fair fight
with a two year old half-brother? No, because see, Ishmael comes with the spirit of Hamas and the spirit of Hamas has no
regard for children. In addition, do you remember next book of the Bible, Exodus
Pharaoh the king? He decrees that there would be infanticide and the murder
of the Hebrew Jewish boys who were the descendants of Abraham through Isaac. Um,
this was the scripture the Lord gave me as I was coming downstairs for the sermon in Joel chapter three, verse .
The Lord says that he destroyed Egypt because
they attacked children and did Hamas,
The same Hamas spirit that took the lives of innocent children in the Egyptian empire is at work right
now in Israel in the Gaza Strip.
This is profoundly spiritual. It is deeply prophetic and it will not be solved by
political solutions. I pray for political peace, pray for the peace of Israel. I pray for the wellbeing of the Palestinians.
I pray for revival on both sides of the fight that they would come to know the Lord Jesus. But at the end of the day,
make no mistake when you see the descendants of Ishmael doing
violence to children, it is the spirit of Hamas that lived in Ishmael and existed in Egypt.
Let me explain the difference between Islamic and Christian eschatology.
Escha is the study of last things. It’s what happens in the end.
Islamic eschatology is this, that Islam will eventually rule the entire
earth. Every nation
Islam has no separation of church and state.
They rule through the Quran and Sharia law. And it is not a religion of proposition.
Christianity is a religion of proposition. Will you repent of your sin and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
It is not a religion of proposition. It is a religion of imposition. Converter die. It’s jihad. Holy war.
So they believe that Islam will rule the world. And and let me say,
there are nations that are Islamic and they are ruled by the Quran. There’s actually right now in Detroit,
an entire neighborhood that is ruled by the Quran and Sharia law. And the police won’t even go into wherever Islam gets a foothold.
It becomes a stronghold. That’s why they have to shut down the streets in France. They’re like, well,
our laws say you can’t behave this way. Like we, we don’t regard your laws.
We’re not, we’re not honoring your nation. We don’t believe in your religion. We don’t even tolerate it. We want to dominate it. Eradicate it.
And their eschatology is that Islam will take over the globe. This is why they keep having children moving into nations and having lots of
children while Westerners, um, castrate their children and abort their babies.
See, they have the long view of things. If we can just get people into the future, we can rule the future.
And the goal ultimately is twofold. That when they bring complete and total domination of the world,
they will rule with an iron fist. It’ll bring about a piece that will then allow a king to rise
up and rule the world as his kingdom, their king.
This is the antichrist. We’ll get into this when we get into the next book of the Bible and second
Thessalonians, this may be the man of lawlessness. It’s a counterfeit. Jesus said,
that’s my planet and I’m coming to be the king and bring shalom peace.
And then suddenly there is this counterfeit that comes into being and that is that there would be another king and another kingdom.
Here’s what the senior Hamas official Mahmud al Zahar says. Here’s what he says they are doing. We need to stop and pray.
Somebody just passed out. Let’s just pray for them and then I’ll continue. Father God,
we pray for healing. For whatever just happened in the back of the room. We pray against the spirit of Hamas.
We pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit. Lord God, somebody came here to hear the word of God and they just passed out.
I don’t know what’s going on. I pray for medical help. I pray for their healing in Jesus’ name.
And if this be any spirit but the Holy Spirit, we say the Lord rebuke you in Jesus’ name.
This is the sermon we put on the internet. This is the sermon that goes out to nations. This is the sermon that this week when I just verbal process what I was going to
say, a million people watch the clip. I I know you wanted to come to church, but it feels like we’ve come for battle.
Here’s what the senior Hamas, official m Zahar says. We believe in what our prophet Mohammad said, Allah,
that is the name of their demon. God drew the ends of the world to one another for my sake. And I have seen its eastern and western ends.
The dominion of my nation would reach those ends that have been drawn near me. The entire million square kilometers of planet Earth shall come under a
system where there is no injustice, no oppression, no Zionism, no Israel, no nation of Israel,
no treacherous Christianity and no killings and crimes like those being committed against the Palestinians
and against the Arabs and all the Arab countries and Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and other countries.
The one thing I do agree with them is this. This is a war between good and evil. This is not left versus right.
This is good versus evil and they’re on the wrong side of the fight.
This brings me to First Thessalonians five. That was my introduction. Now we’re gonna get into First Thessalonians,
The Christian eschatology or vision of the end, end times and last days is that Jesus Christ is coming as king of kings and Lord
of lords, that he will judge his enemies and he will establish a kingdom that never ends.
This brings us to one Thessalonians five, and let me say this as well. I, I picked my sermons about a year in advance.
I lay out my preaching calendar and I, I felt like God wanted me to do Jude on apostasy.
And then First Thessalonians gearing up for healthy joyful church leading to the second coming.
And we find ourselves prophetically at exactly this text this week.
Um, the day of the Lord. That’s the theme. That’s the second coming of Jesus will come like a thief in the night.
This week, the world saw what that looked like. No one expected or anticipated the attack and the invasion.
It just was sudden like a thief in the night. Well people are saying there is peace and security. What was interesting this week, uh,
Hamas had been meeting with Israeli officials talking about peace and wanting to live together in peace. And so that they,
they thought that it was coming a period of peace and security and it was all a deception. Then sudden destruction, that’s what was experienced a week ago,
will come upon them as labor pains. That’s the pregnant phrase, no pun intended,
labor pains. Jesus says this in Matthew , that as we get nearer to the last days,
the end times the second coming of Jesus Christ, there will be greater frequency and intensity of birth pains until eternity
is birthed at the coming of Christ will come upon a pregnant woman and they will not escape. God is not destined us for wrath.
You need to know this wrath is coming but not for the children of God
But to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
So where is history going? It’s going to the second coming of Jesus.
And what this means is it’ll be the end of the world, but for us it’s the beginning.
For those who don’t know Jesus is coming will be the worst day for us. It’ll be the best day
That You and I need to know friends. Jesus Christ is over all of this.
And even though the Israeli and US intelligence was unaware, God was not, God was fully aware.
That’s why the Bible has prophecy. It has , prophecies, of which have been fulfill, uh, of which rather have been fulfilled.
remain to be fulfilled around the second coming of Jesus. And what we’re getting here is prophecy about the second coming of Jesus.
God knows exactly what’s going to happen. God knows rules and reveals the future.
And what he tells us is that ultimately the Lord Jesus is the only hope for planet earth.
So our hope is in Jesus one Thessalonians four beginning in verse .
But we do not want you to be uninformed right now. The entire planet is uninformed. People are watching the news, they’re fearful,
they’re anxious, they’re worried, and they’re uncertain because they’re uninformed.
The word of God and prophecy tells us how to interpret what is going on in our world. And it is birth pains
And it is preparing for the coming of Christ about those who are asleep that you may not grieve as others who do not have hope.
When we lose someone who loves the Lord, we grieve, but we don’t grieve as people who don’t know Jesus,
we know that we’re gonna see them again. There will be a resurrection and a family reunion for since we believe that
Jesus died. This is the heart of the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus is God. He lived without sin, he died and rose again. Amen.
That’s our hope. So even as we see people die, the worst thing is not to die. The worst thing is to die without knowing Jesus Christ.
Even so through Jesus Christ, God will bring with him those that have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord. Okay?
This is the word of the Lord. The word of the Lord will come to pass.
That we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord will not proceed. Those who have fallen asleep for the Lord himself will descend.
This is prophecy from heaven with a cry of command, with a voice of an archangel.
And with the sound of the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first. All the saints then we who are alive, who are left,
will be caught together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. This is my favorite line. Every time I read it,
I literally feel like weeping. We Will always be with the Lord.
The Bible says in one Corinthians that when Jesus returns, we’re gonna see him face to face.
And the Bible says that with nail scarred hands, he’s gonna wipe every tear from our eyes
and we’ll always be with the Lord. I just wanna be with Jesus. I don’t wanna worry about everything.
I just wanna trust the one who rules over everything. Let him deal with everything. So he says this,
therefore encourage one another with these words, the burst pains, the last days, the conflicts, the wars,
the second coming of Jesus for the church. It should encourage us, don’t let the news discourage you.
You are the children of God. You have prophetic promises that await you. These are birth pains that lead to the last days, that lead to the last hour,
that lead to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Encourage one another and that is to pour courage into you. We want to tell people about Jesus because until he returns,
we have this great honor. And once he returns, that opportunity for salvation has passed.
So there are two major events in world history according to the scriptures and prophecy, the first coming of Jesus and the second coming of Jesus,
the first time he came in humility the second time he’s coming in glory. And so they have questions. What will happen when Jesus returns?
The first question is, what about those believers who died before Jesus returned? How many of you,
there’s somebody you know or love and they belong to Jesus but they’ve died, they passed away. Your question is, okay, what happens to them? Well,
he answers, he says they’re asleep. The Bible uses different language for believers who die versus unbelievers who
die. Um, unbelievers who die, it’s it’s death for believers who die.
It’s asleep and it is that their body goes into the ground, but their soul goes to be with the Lord.
It’s a bit like their body is sleeping while their soul is living.
Two Corinthians five, eight, Paul says it this way, we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. So you’re,
you’re a person in two parts, a body and a soul. The deepest part of you is not your body, it’s your soul because your body can cease to exist and your soul still
exists. In addition, Paul says in Philippians one, two through through ,
to live as Christ to die is gain to depart and be with Christ
is far better. We’ve had a few dear saints pass away in recent weeks. We’ve had a few funerals
and this is the hope of the believer and we do grieve. He says, but we don’t grieve as those who have no hope because we have the hope of the
second coming and the bodily resurrection of the children of God.
And he says that when Jesus returns the dead in Christ will rise first that their soul and their body will be reunited and they will be raised
into perfect eternal life, never to die again.
You’re gonna see loved ones. There’s gonna be a family reunion that never ends. I would go so far as to say that I have great confidence because of the
fatherhood of God, that even the abortions and miscarriages could end up in eternal reconciled
families and relationships. There’s great hope for the children of God. The next question is,
what happens to believers who are alive when Jesus returns? And he says that, uh,
we would meet him in the air and this was all promised and prophesied in Acts chapter one. Jesus died. Jesus rose.
Jesus appeared to crowds upwards of at a time over the course of days
and then he ascended. Um, and there were two angels in white who were there as the disciples were looking
up and they said He will return as he is gone. He will, he is now ascending. He will be descending.
So the angels told the believers to wait
for the descending of Jesus. And this is the prophecy that is given here in one Thessalonians that he will
descend from heaven. That’s the quote. And it says that he will come with an archangel. Lemme explain this.
Archangel is a military term for a senior warrior.
When Jesus returns, he will come not in humility but in glory not to
die, but to slaughter enemies of the king and the kingdom and the children of God.
Um, revelation says that Jesus will return as a rider on a white
horse and that the host of heaven will come with him. This is, this is
this is Jesus coming with an angelic army. There is no air force that you have ever seen.
There is no top gun pilot who would even engage this aerial assault.
And archangel is only used of one angel. Michael, there’s only two named angels in the Bible, Gabriel and Michael and Jude.
Verse nine, it talks about quote the archangel Michael. So it seems like Jesus is returning with an archangel that’s a military official
that will have the heavenly host following him to make war on the earth.
And then here it says that we will be caught up with him in the air. And this is the primary text in the Bible for something called the rapture
that comes from the Latin phrase to snatch or dece.
And so what some would say is just as Jesus ascended,
we will ascend when he descends that we will meet him in the air.
Um, there’s a lot of debate about this. Um, there are many opinions and it’s an open-handed issue,
but for those who believe in the rapture, this is perhaps the strongest scripture that would say that we will be caught
with him in the air at his second coming. So then it leads to a few questions. Um, are we living in the end times?
That’s the question I’ll share with you A pew research study that came out before the invasion and attack on Israel. I’m sure the numbers would be higher.
Um, but this is of non-Christians and Christians alike. Um, next slide please.
Are we living in the end times? This is in the US % of all adults, % of all Christians and % of Protestant Christians,
that’s our team say yes. Will Jesus Christ return to earth with a second coming? % of all adults,
which is insane ’cause most don’t believe in Jesus, but they think he’s coming back. You think they would, right? Lemme just,
but this just hit me like I know it’s been a little heavy. Let’s just have a a breathable moment, shall we? Is Jesus coming back? Yes.
Is he sending people to hell? Yes. Do you believe in him? No. If I might point out the obvious, that is not a great plan.
% of professing Christians and % of Protestant Christians are team. Last one. Will Jesus return during your lifetime?
% of all adults, % of Protestant Christians and % of adults say,
I’m not sure. Um, let me go to a deeper level of prophetic revelation.
What are some of the birth pains that come before Jesus comes
right? Um, I won’t read it all, but if you want to read it for yourself, Ezekiel and
talks about a final war.
And let me set it up and then let me show it to you. It talks about that there will be this constant attack from the nation’s
surrounding Israel to take the land, to destroy the lineage and to oppose the Lord.
It is a , year thus far war on the Abrahamic covenant.
And so as you read Ezekiel and history, and the Bible tells us that Israel has been invaded and attacked over
and over and over throughout their history. The existence of the nation of Israel and the sustaining of the nation of
Israel to me is proof positive that there is a God. Because apart from supernatural explanation,
these people don’t have that land and they don’t keep it. So what it says in Ezekiel is you read it,
it can seem a little complicated. Let me articulate it in the simplest form it’ll name all of these nations
surrounding Israel, Gog, mego, these various nations. You just need to know that in the ancient world, um,
these were the countries surrounding Israel. Imagine if, uh,
today we said, uh, you know, we were getting invaded by Canada and Mexico. It was like, well, I know where those are.
Now imagine in a few thousand years there was another government in that region of Canada and another government in that region of Mexico.
That’s exactly what Ezekiel and are saying. They’re saying in our day, these are the nations. Now we know where their boundaries are.
And what we hear in Ezekiel and is that there would be an invasion from the north, an invasion from the South,
that there would be a coordinated effort for three things, take the land and the lineage oppose the Lord. Um,
revelation also calls this the battle of Armageddon. And so if you look at these ancient nations, um,
see the arrow on the left is Israel, Right? I mean if, if you’re my age, you’re squinting, you can’t see it.
And so in the north, Goggin, mago is Russia. That’s the land. Some don’t know this. % of Russians are Muslims.
Persia is Iran. Iran I believe is the puppet master for everything that is transpiring in the
Middle East. We know that Iran trained and equipped Hamas as beginning them
a hundred million dollars a year. We also know that they have equipped and trained Hezbollah in the north,
which is now firing over the border, and they are more sophisticated than Hamas.
So Iran is waging a proxy war through Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north.
In addition, Gomer and Togar Ma that are listed in Ezekiel and ,
that’s Turkey, which is a Muslim country. So Iran is fully Muslim,
Turkey, fully Muslim, parts of Russia, Muslim in the south it’ll talk about Libya and that is, uh,
Islamic, Ethiopia, which is Muslim and possibly parts of Sudan and Central Africa.
Um, the question is, are we entering into the Ezekiel war?
We don’t know. We don’t know. What we do know is that if we see Iran enter the war,
that Turkey and Russia will go with them. Behind them will be North Korea and China.
And if there is an attack from the South, now what you are looking at is World War III and the war to end all wars.
Is it going to happen? I don’t know. Israel’s been attacked and invaded so many times and we’ve not gotten there yet.
Even in the days of the Thessalonians, they were asking, are we there? And here we are a few thousand years later saying,
not yet lots of birth pains, but we’ve not birthed eternity with a second coming of Jesus yet
I believe that the spirit of Hamas will be working through all of these nations to do the same thing that it did in the days of Noah.
The same things that it did in the days of Ishmael, the same things that it did in the days of the Egyptian empire.
And that is to take the land and try and end the lineage and stop the will of the Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
If you read Ezekiel and , there is tremendous hope at the end of Ezekiel .
And it basically says that this is the one war in the history of the world that Israel would lose. They would lose the land,
they would be eradicated as a people and um, and the will of the Lord would be thwarted.
And so that’s when the Lord returns that Jesus comes down to win the war that Israel would otherwise
lose. Because ultimately
I just thought of this, um, the land belongs to Jesus. He’s the seed of Abraham. It’s what Galatians says.
Genesis , if memory serves me correct, says the land belongs to the seed of Abraham. Galatians says, it’s singular,
not plural, speaking to Jesus Christ. The land belongs to Jesus. He’s coming back for his land. In addition, the lineage,
these people are descendants of Abraham and Jesus is Jewish.
He’s Hebrew and he’s coming as the Lord to fulfill the Abrahamic covenant.
And it says that what will happen is there’ll be a restoration of the land. There’ll be then a revival among the Jewish people.
It says that the spirit of God will be poured out on the nation of Israel, that there will be massive revival.
Paul says this same thing in his letter to the Romans. So where is history going? Birth pains until a global conflict that literally would
cause the Abrahamic covenant to finally be thwarted and ended by the spirit of
Hamas. And then Jesus returns Every great movie,
every Marvel movie is just a rip off of the story of Jesus. The planet is in peril.
It’s a dark day, it’s the last hour. And some superhero from the outside comes to rescue us. His name is Jesus.
I’m still going. Um, let me give you, uh,
the return of Jesus to win the battle of Armageddon. The Ezekiel and War is described in Revelation ,
six as the battle of Armageddon. Let me read this to you from Zechariah , one through four. This,
this should just melt your soul with joy and hope.
This should cause you to just thank God for Jesus Christ. Behold, a day is coming.
Lemme say this, friends, a day is coming. I believe we believe the word of the Lord.
A day is coming for the Lord. That’s the Lord Jesus Christ, the the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle. This is, I believe the Ezekiel and war.
And the city that is Jerusalem ultimately make no mistake, the goal is to get Jerusalem.
The city shall be taken and all the houses plundered and the women raped.
We had some of these birth pains this week. Half of the city shall go into exile.
Israel is losing the battle then the Lord,
then the Lord. Yeah. Then the Lord Jesus Christ returns. Amen.
Amen. I don’t know if you believe this, but I do.
Yes, I have banked everything on the second coming of Jesus Christ. Everything
years in the pulpit, my family deathbed with people who are dying and departed.
I believe in the Bible and I believe in Bible prophecy, and I believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ.
And I believe in the resurrection of the dead and I believe in the kingdom of God. And I believe it by faith until I see him by sight,
then the Lord will go out and fight. Yes, the battle belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord will go out and fight against those nations as though he fights on a day of battle. On that day, his feet shall stand on the mount of olives.
That’s exactly where he ascended from. That’s exactly where he descends to. That lies before Jerusalem on the east.
And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from east to West.
Islam will push for global control and jihad. They will want to bring peace through the sword and then they will rise up
the counterfeit Christ, the man of lawlessness, the antichrist, and they will conspire together to eradicate the Jewish people from the
face of the earth to take the land to end the lineage and to stop the Lord. And then the Lord descends and takes care of it all by himself.
And as soon as his feet hit the mount of olives, it splits in two. The archangel and the heavenly hosts come with him.
And our Lord Jesus Christ will rule, will reign, will judge,
will sentence, and will be the king of kings and the Lord of lords. And he will not just take back the promised land,
but every inch of land that was created by him and is under his lordship. Amen.
Let’s read the last section of scripture. Encourage one another with these words.
The world looks. I just feel inclined to say this. It’s getting worse.
He’s getting closer. First Thessalonians five. Now concerning the times and seasons,
this is where everyone goes. When? When In the fullness of time, the times and seasoned brothers,
you have no need to have anything written to you for yourselves or fully were that the day of the Lord,
that’s the second coming of Jesus Christ will come like a thief in the night completely unexpected. While people are saying there’s peace and security,
finally things are good, then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant
woman and they will not escape but you. This is you encourage one another with these words, but you are not in darkness,
brothers for that day to surprise you like a thief for you or all children of light, Children of the day.
We are not of the night or of the darkness. So then let us not sleep as others do. Let us keep awake and be sober for those who sleep. Sleep at night,
those who get drunk, drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober and so minded, having put on the breastplate of faith,
I trust Jesus. I’m waiting for Jesus and love. We’re gonna love each other because we are the children of God.
And for the helmet and for a helmet, the hope of salvation,
you need to continue to hope that you are not destined for wrath. You are destined for salvation through Jesus Christ.
For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for
us. Whether we are awake or asleep, we might live with him. Therefore, such good news.
Encourage one another and build one another up. Just as you are doing.
I’m gonna bring the band up. We’re gonna, we’re gonna worship. There’s war out there, but there’s worship in here,
and we worship the one who ultimately wins the war. That is the hope of the believer as we get ready to worship what he says.
When Jesus returns, there will be believers and unbelievers, unbelievers in darkness, and believers in light. We see what’s going on.
We know what’s going on. It’s not darkness, it’s light. We see it plainly and clearly. We’re not asleep, we’re awake. We’re not drunk.
We’re sober and sober minded. We don’t think that there is peace and security. We know that these are labor pains.
We know that we are not destined for wrath because we have salvation awaiting us through Jesus Christ before we worship. I’ll pray in just a moment.
We’re close. I don’t know how close, but Revelation one, seven says, behold he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him.
We live in the first time in human history where every eye can see him when he returns. Yes,
we have technology that allows us to see right now what we are seeing. We’re seeing what’s going on in the Middle East. It’s birth pains,
it’s foreshadowing. When Jesus returns, every eye will see him. The entire planet will watch him descend on the clouds,
rule in rain forever and ever. We’re close. I don’t know how close,
but we’re close. We’ve closer than they were in the days of the Thessalonians.
And prophecy can now be fulfilled and every eye can see him. He’s coming.
I pray and we’ll worship Lord Jesus. We believe that you are king of kings and Lord of lords.
Lord Jesus, I thank you for Philippians where it says that every knee will bow
and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ
is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Lord Jesus,
we believe that you are coming. We believe that the Scriptures are true.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is at war with a Hama spirit.
We believe that we are destined for salvation and not wrath. We believe that we should encourage one another and live with hope.
We believe that we know the end and we come to worship the one who wins the war. And Lord Jesus, we say amen. We look forward to your coming.
We can’t wait to see you. We can’t wait to see you until forever.
Be with the Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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