πŸ›‘ God Says Today |If you skip be ready to go to hell | god message for you today - Free AI Voice Generator

πŸ›‘ God Says Today |If you skip be ready to go to hell | god message for you today

God says my beloved children something

you really want is coming

I recognize what you need tomorrow

morning I’m going to drop you a miracle

many excellent things are at the Manor

you will always be blessed through me so

watch this video till the end to witness

the miracle in your life

God’s message spoken by Jesus on the

Mount of Olives serves as an eternal

reminder of the challenges and trials

that Humanity May face

as the disciples inquired about the

signs of his coming and the end of the

age Jesus warned them against deception

and false Messiahs who would mislead


he foretold of wars famines and

earthquakes urging his followers not to

be alarmed for these are just the

beginning of a greater process

Jesus revealed that persecution and

hatred would befall those who believed

in him leading to betrayal and animosity

among people

he cautioned about the rise of false

prophets spreading confusion and

lawlessness which could cause the love

in people’s hearts to grow cold

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yet amidst these tumultuous times Jesus

offered a ray of Hope emphasizing the

importance of endurance

those who remain steadfast in faith love

and righteousness Until the End would

find Salvation

furthermore he shared a divine plan

stating that the gospel of his kingdom

would be preached to All Nations

the testimony of this message would

reach the farthest corners of the world

heralding the imminent End of the Age

today these ancient words continue to

resonate guiding us through the

complexities of Life they Inspire us to

stay true to our convictions spread love

and truth and endure through life’s

trials with unwavering faith

may we heed this Timeless message

sharing the gospel’s testimony and

embracing the hope it offers to whole


God declares type yes if you want to

experience my peace but love your

enemies do good and lend hoping for

nothing in return and your peace will be

permanent and you’ll be sons of the most

high for he is kind to the unthankful

and evil Luke

God is saying if they don’t appreciate

you as you are keep moving forward

they weren’t meant to be in your life

remember you’re a masterpiece just as

God Made You keep shining while you wait

for your circumstances to improve the

words you speak hold great significance

even if you don’t see immediate evidence

continue speaking my word keep in mind

that life and death are in the power of

the tongue Speak Life

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community here are five things the Lord

wishes you to recognize and recollect

this Monday one you’re about to enter a

powerful new chapter your prayers will

be answered and your blessings will be

expanded to overthinking will kill your

peace pray trust and leave it in God’s


three you’re going to make it it may

look dark right now but God is going to

bring you out four God already has a

plan to pull you out of that situation

you are in don’t you dare quit before

your miracle

. Everything You Touch This Week will

yield positive results you are stepping

into your exceptional days type yes if

you’ve received this or believe it

approaching the Throne of our gracious

god with boldness we shall receive his

mercy and find Grace to help us when we

need it most Hebrews . my loving

child I as a compassionate God have

heard your heartfelt prayer for the

protection of those serving in the Navy

and as First Responders

your concern for their well-being

touches my Divine heart and I want you

to recognize that I am ever watchful

over them

I acknowledge the sacrifices made by

these courageous Souls who dedicate

their lives to shielding others they

exemplify courage selflessness and Valor

and I promise to lend my Divine

proaction to keep them from harm

as they embark on their Noble missions I

surround them with a shield of love and

guidance guiding them through difficult

times and assisting their efforts to

keep others safe in their Darkest Hours

recognize that I am their unwavering

source of strength and hope type Amen in

the comments and be blessed today

when they’re weary I provide them Solace

and when they face challenges I provide

them courage their selfless acts do not

go unnoticed and I am proud of each and

every one of them my child you can also

play a part in supporting these Heroes

offer your thoughts prayers and

gratitude for even the smallest gestures

hold on to the faith for the promise of

transformation and restoration is Within

Reach Jesus proclaims my beloved child

prepare yourselves for Extraordinary

benefits that will manifest in your life

I am going to shower down compassion

over every member of your whole family

in a manner similar to establishing the

doorways of paradise with complete trust

in the Lord prepare for a significant

monetary surprise during August which

will grant you resources for outstanding

Wellness pleasure and fulfillment

if you’re prepared then write .

the almighty God declares that your next

days shall be impressive as you enter

a time of optimism affection and

boundless wealth

your love being spirituality and money

circumstances will all see amazing

changes if you watch the entire video

so all you need to do is show your

thanks to me for everything that I offer

and you’ll see life-altering surprises

happen in your own life

I possess the ability to transform your

sorrow into Joy your vulnerability into

courage and your anguish into Delight

type thank you God

my beautiful child proceed to say

prayers to our loving Divine Lord

I appreciate how you love me when you

created me and also when you brought our

Lord to sacrifice himself for mine in

order to atone for all my sins I

appreciate your kindness kindly protect

all my family acquaintances colleagues

and riches

Grace compassion and good will your

concern for us is unfathomable I now

pray for your Mercies in all facets of

my being forgive my body thoughts and

soul bless my Partnerships aspirations

and desires bless my heart mind and

fortune in eternity dearest father I

offer you my whole being consideration

and will as I dedicate my entire

existence to yourself

I put my faith in you cherish you and

respect you because you’re my father my

god of Salvation and my creator

if you practice Christianity kindly

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gratitude donation of up to eleven


I have faith in you with everything I am

and everything I have

I am constantly supporting myself and my

loved ones through the Lord I am

protected fortunate and empowered speak

it out loud in you could get a

large sum of assets soon before the

month is through from unknown sources

and it is unlikely to be caused by your

own doing rather through God who has

proven gracious to you additionally in

the year your loved ones and

yourself will go through cleansing and

beneficial developments you can expect

remarkable gains in your career wealth

wellness and personal life if you

believe in me for everything you have

greetings and wonders

keep in mind that it is I Who I Am

capable of miraculous events and will

reward you by doing excellent things

which will restore your health mend your

familial bonds and provide you access to

new chances

prepare yourself for a lot of excellent

stuff I’ll be giving you over the next

hours if you are prepared write

. Lord declares how he and achieves

astounding Feats that render impossible

things achievable I have the power to

turn your misery into joy and offer you

Faith once you’ve lost every possibility

say one more time alongside me Lord

Jesus you are my refuge and I

desperately want you to transform mine

please also transform everyone in my


everyone in my family is going to be

cured tonight and wonders will occur

when I need it then presently I will get

devotion recovery and nice things that I


dearest children I intend to bestow you

with innumerable gifts that will make

you happier and bring you a greater

amount of success this year

you may anticipate having greater wealth

wonderful wellness and endless

fulfillment and genuinely caring in the


keep conscious that I am the source of

your prosperity and advancements thus I

can’t break my word to you maintain your

belief in God and I will flood upon you

wonderful things one after the other

but constantly keep in mind that I truly

am a kind and forgiving God that will

constantly surround you everyone is my

cherished infants and I can assure you

that if we stay in prayer and declare my

Covenant surprising events will happen

in your lifetime

if you believe write God’s right .

God asks you to remain in mind three

points first believe that they will lead

you throughout this trying period and

mend whatever is damaged recognize that

the Lord is currently at activity

throughout your daily Affairs he will

transform every bad circumstance into an

opportunity to bless yourself and your

relatives and provide Comfort to your

suffering God bless you my child like

the video so that it can reach more

people who are seeking my blessings

subscribe the channel to claim all your

wishes type amen

see you soon my child

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