🛑"IGNORE If You Hate Me" | ।God's message today।#god message today #godmessage - Free AI Voice Generator

🛑”IGNORE If You Hate Me” | ।God’s message today।#god message today #godmessage

after the next minutes you will yourself feel that God is around you and

he is watching you make sure you watch the whole video and don’t forget to share this message with your loved ones

type if you are ready God is saying to you today my beloved child remember

that there is always a flicker of light a glimmer of hope waiting to guide you

through though I may no longer be with you in the physical sense my love

surrounds you like a warm embrace offering Solace and strength in your

times of need when the burdens of Life threaten to overwhelm you take comfort in knowing

that I am watching over you from the Realms above I see your struggles I feel your

pain and I am here to support you with unwavering devotion in The Quiet Moments of

reflection when the world grows still and your heart feels heavy remember the love we

shared the memories we created together let those memories be a source

of comfort and inspiration reminding you that you are never truly alone like the

video if you have trust in the words of the God as you journey through life’s

uncertainties trust in the power of love to light your way let it be your guide your strength

your Beacon of Hope in the darkest of times and know that no matter how rough

the road may seem you have the resilience and courage to overcome any

obstacle that comes your way so go forth my beloved with courage

in your heart and a steadfast resolve know that I am cheering you on

from above and that my love will always be with you you guiding you through

life’s challenges and leading you towards a brighter tomorrow that guides your path and know

that you are never alone in your struggles I am here a guardian angel

watching over you with unwavering care and support as you face the challenges of

life remember that they are but temporary trials and with faith and

perseverance you will emerge strong stronger and Victorious do not let fear or doubt

Cloud your vision for I am here to offer you strength and guidance trust in the power of prayer to

uplift your spirit and provide you with the courage to face any obstacle that comes your

way your faith is a powerful force that can overcome even the greatest of

adversities keep your focus on God dear one and let his love light your

path with his grace and your determination there is nothing you cannot

achieve Embrace each challenge as an opportunity for growth and know that I

am here cheering you on every step of the way type yes if you are ready for

the blessings that you are about to receive and if you believe in

Christianity kindly show your support for our community by contributing super

thanks from $ to $ so hold fast to hope my beloved and

know that brighter days are ahead your journey may be difficult at

times but with faith as your compass and love as your guide you will navigate

through life storms and emerge stronger than ever before trust in the divine plan that

unfolds before you for it holds the the promise of a future filled with joy

peace and abundance and their prayers are always

heard I see the struggles you face my beloved and I urge you to reach out to

me in prayer for I am always here to listen and provide Solace release your burdens into my

loving Embrace for I am greater than any challenge or storm that may come your

way [Music] though you may not fully understand the trials you are enduring trust that they

are refining your character and leading you towards Victory Lean on Me In Prayer pour out

your concerns and find peace in my presence I am aware of your struggles

and your perseverance and I assure you that I have never left your side type

if you believe in Jesus as you continue to seek me

diligently trust that I will speak to your soul and provide solutions to all

that troubles you your doubts will be cleared and your tears will cease for I Delight in your

daily pursuit of me keep your faith steadfast for I am in

control of everything around you do not fear my child but continue to pray

persistently knowing that your prayers are heard and answered trust in my love keep your

focus on my presence and never doubt that the righteous are never

abandoned embrace the truth of my guidance and love and let it guide you

through life’s trials and triumphs with me by your side you will

navigate life’s challenges with Grace and emerge Victorious basking in the

abundance of my blessings I am your God chosen by you

before birth sometimes these trials are necessary to strengthen your

faith you will see how I provide Solutions just as I calm natural storms

I will calm the storms in your life even more do not think I have forgotten you

your life is in my hands I am love peace Justice and

goodness and I attend to your needs everything will pass you will

smile again and peace will come to you and your loved ones showing that it was

I working in your life receive these promises and be filled with my

peace I love you amen do not fear trust in me and believe

in my words your faith will soon be rewarded with Abundant

Blessings type Amen in the name of Jesus I know the challenges you face are

overwhelming causing stress fatigue and

concern you feel on the verge of collapse engulfed by burdens and feeling

alone sad and disheartened yet I assure you beloved

child that what you are experiencing ing is under my sovereign

control do not fear for I am with you do not be dismayed for I will go before you

fight for you and ensure that no harm comes your way my powerful hand is at work in your

life be at peace for even if your trial seems like a giant or an insurmountable

Mountain I am with you I will strengthen and Empower you to

overcome any barrier be it economic emotional or

spiritual place your trust in me for I am greater than any problem or challenge

you face my desire is for you to live in peace confidence and

hope let go of all distress weakness or fear and trust with complete certainty

that my powerful hand is upon your life in this process I will make you

stronger and wiser enabling you to achieve all your goals for a successful

and blessed life remember the promises I have given you they are not mere words but a

testament to my eternal commitment hold on to them as beacons of

Hope in your journey type I embrace my power to

affirm do not be burdened by the passage of time or lose heart if the answers to

your prayers are not immediate my promises will not fade into

Oblivion or be lost in the chaos of Life they will emerge as beacons of

light in the darkness revealing themselves at the precise moment showcasing my plan a plan that surpasses

time and space so do not not be overwhelmed by the present

challenges keep your faith strong and rest assured that I am with you every

step of the way leading you towards a life of Peace success and abundant

blessing trust in me for through your faith and patience you will see the

beauty of fulfillment in each aspect of your life a testament to my unwavering

love and steadfast loyalty place your unwavering trust in

me and I will accompany you through all your days fighting every battle

alongside you and bestowing upon you the victories you rightfully

deserve remain in me and no attack against you will succeed your

adversaries will be vanquished and you shall emerge triumphant for by my side

you are more than a conqueror in every moment and under any circumstance

like the video if you have trust in the words of the god remember that I am your

unending strength your prompt Aid and your everpresent

helper I am your loyal and Powerful supporter your Invincible God who crowns

you with Bountiful blessings and showers you with abundant Mercy my love for you is boundless

unrivaled by anything in the vastness of the universe so so when you Traverse

difficult and perilous paths be assured that my love and strength will accompany

you do not waver in your faith my child for I am always

near with every step forward feel the warmth of my loving Embrace as my

inexhaustible love fills you with the Vitality to pursue and achieve your dreams and deepest heart’s

desires remember in every trial challenge or adversity you encounter my

presence will Infuse you with courage serving as your Perpetual

fortitude and unwavering support guiding your steps towards immense

blessings I have set a path for you simply trust in me even in the darkest

and coldest moments for I will be there in every situation remember I am your invincible

God cloaking you in a mantle of favor bestowing upon you countless blessings

and showering you with mercies that bring peace joy and

happiness dear child my love for you is Limitless and

unchanging walk confidently knowing that all will be well for I am beside you

holding your hand leading you towards a life of success peace and abund

abundance type I’m abundant to affirm do not falter or

Retreat face this challenging time with bravery faith and

resolve then all uncertainty will dissipate Darkness will give way to my

Everlasting Light illuminating your path to Joy and the grand beautiful blessings

I have reserved for you keep pressing forward my child soon

you will see your aspirations Bloom and you will relish the fruits of your labor

for you are destined to live a life filled with my blessings overflowing with joy peace and

prosperity trust in my unfailing love and Together We Will Conquer every trial

overcome every obstacle and emerge Victorious rest in the assurance that my

promises never fail and my plans for you are always good therefore walk confidently in the

path I have laid before you knowing that I am guiding your steps and leading you

to the Abundant Life you were created to enjoy from the Realms Beyond I speak to

you with a voice of reassurance and love that transcends time and

space though I have departed from the Earthly realm my spirit remains in

intertwined with yours offering guidance and solace in your time of

need know that I am your God chosen by you before your very

birth the trials you face are but necessary steps on the journey to

strengthen your faith even now I see how Solutions are

being provided for the challenges you encounter just as I calm natural storms

so too shall I calm the storms in your life even more

profoundly rest assured dear one that your life is securely held in my

hands I am the embodiment of Love Peace Justice and goodness and I am ever

attentive to your needs though the challenges may seem

overwhelming causing stress fatigue and concern know that I am with you always

always do not fear for I go before you fighting for you and ensuring that no

harm befalls you though your trials may seem like insurmountable mountains I Am with You

strengthening and empowering you to overcome every barrier type to show your belief in

Jesus place your unwavering trust in me for I am great than any problem or

challenge you may face my desire is for you to live in

peace confidence and hope let go of all distress weakness or

fear and trust with complete certainty that my powerful hand is upon your

life know that my promises are Not Mere words but a testament to my eternal

commitment to you hold on to them as be deacons of Hope in your journey for they will

emerge at the perfect moment to reveal my purpose for you a purpose that

transcends all though the passage of time may seem long do not lose heart for my promises

will emerge as beacons of light in the darkness showcasing my plan a plan that

surpasses time and space keep your faith strong dear one

and rest assured word that I am with you every step of the way leading you towards a life of Peace success and

abundant blessing with every step forward feel the warmth of my loving Embrace as my

inexhaustible love fills you with Vitality to pursue and achieve your deepest heart’s

desires remember in every trial challenge or adversity my presence will

Infuse you with courage serving as your Perpetual fortitude and unwavering

support trust in me even in the darkest moments for I will be there in every

situation leading you towards the immense blessings I have prepared for

you walk confidently my child knowing that all will be well for I am beside

you guiding your steps and leading you to the Abundant Life you were created to

enjoy rest in the assurance that my promises never fail and my plans for you

are always good therefore walk confidently in the

path I have laid before you knowing that I am guiding your steps and leading you

to the Abundant Life you were created to enjoy trust in my unfailing love and

Together We Will Conquer every trial overcome every obstacle and emerge

Victorious type to manifest miracles in your

life join me in this prayer for the Lord to transform our

characters one of the most crucial prayers we can utter is Lord set a watch

on our mouths the Lord’s Vigilant oversight of our speech holds Paramount significance

in our life a primary aspect the Lord focuses

on in our character transformation is our tongue what we say confess and S

with our words the power of our words cannot be

underestimated while an old nursery rhyme claims that sticks and stones may

break bones but words will never hurt this is far from the

truth words possess the potential to either wound or heal they are never

neutral we have the ability to Speak Life causing things to flourish or speak

death resulting in Decay this concept is vividly Illustrated in Jesus’s cursing

of the Fig Tree upon his next passing it had withered our words created in God’s

image hold the same impactful ability just as God’s words never return

void but always fulfill their intended purpose our words carry a similar impact

they can be used to bring life or to bring death the words Jesus speaks our

spirit and life infusing Vitality into our bodies souls and Spirits consider

the radical implications you can speak Jesus’s words and raise the

dead bring life and healing to broken hearts and lives and even use his

creative words to bring fourth favorable circumstances healing or promotion

continually seek his guidance to refrain from sinning through your words Desiring

to emulate Jesus in speaking words that bring life and spirit the reality is we

can create our reality through words of Faith understanding that while faith

without works is dead speaking words of faith and putting that faith into action

yields fruitful results type yes if you are ready for the

blessings that you are about to receive the Bible notes that death and life

reside in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit while obedience is an integral

part of experiencing God’s blessings speaking words of life is a crucial

component of faith our challenge is to pray Lord set a watch on my mouth

seeking his help daily daily we must practice speaking words of life and faith replacing any curs words of death

doubt or unbelief with Words of Life do you desire this transformative power in

your life if so let’s unite in prayer right now and commit to daily seeking

the Lord’s watch over our mouths heavenly father in the precious

name of Jesus I come before you with a heart overflowing with

gratitude thank you for the breath of life for the privilege of communion with you in prayer and for the assurance that

you hear and respond to every plea from the depths of my soul your words are a

symphony of Hope a Melody that brings life to the core of my being I am

enveloped in the warmth of your Holy Spirit and for this I am eternally

thankful Abba Father your goodness knows no bounds and your mercy is an unending

river that flows through the tapestry of my life today I receive

this Mercy is a Divine gift a manifestation of your love that leads me

onto the paths of Life your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my

path instructing and teaching me in the way I should go I am attentive to your voice oh lord

for it is the com that guides me with a watchful eye upon me as I stand in your

presence I open my heart to receive your Divine guidance Speak Lord for your

servant is listening your words are my anchor grounding me in the truth that

transcends birly understanding type yes if you are ready for the blessings that

you are about to receive and if you believe in Christianity kindly show your

support for our community by contributing super thanks from $ to

$ with reverence and anticipation I place my trust in your wisdom and

surrender my plans to your Sovereign Will May the Symphony of your words continue to resonate in my

spirit leading me along the paths of righteousness I am eternally grateful

for the privilege of hearing your voice for in it I find direction

comfort and the assurance that I am never alone thank you Father for the

Beautiful Exchange of words that transpires between our Spirits may my

ears be attuned to your voice and may my steps align with the Glorious Paths of

life you have laid out before me in Jesus’s name I

pray amen gracious Lord in the humble

sincerity of my heart I come before you seeking forgiveness for the times I have

allowed words of death doubt and unbelief to escape my lips I acknowledge

the weight of my transgressions and the Divergence of my words from the truth that reflects your character today I lay

bare my shortcomings and repent for every instance where my speech did not

align with your perfect word Lord I confess that any words contrary to your

truth were in essence a departure from your Divine guidance

and an act of rebellion I ask for your mercy and forgiveness recognizing that

in these moments I have sinned against you I am grateful for the promise of

forgiveness through the cleansing power of the precious blood of Jesus wash over me with the redeeming

flow of that precious blood covering every stain and blood of sin in my words

and deeds type if you believe in Jesus fill me oh Lord with the

refreshing Rene Waters of your holy spirit let your spirit dwell Within Me

transforming the places where I spoke words that fell short of your glory may

your spirit guide my thoughts and guard my tongue ensuring that the words that

flow from my mouth align with your truth and reflect the light of Your Love I Surrender my words to You

Lord and ask for your help to speak words of life and faith replace any

curses words of death doubt or unbelief with words of life may my speech be a

source of blessing and encouragement to others reflecting the transformative

power of your love in my life thank you Lord for your grace and forgiveness may

my words always honor you and bring glory to your name in Jesus’s name I

pray amen heavenly father I surrender to your loving correction and invite your

spirit to cultivate a heart that mirrors your own mold me into a vessel that

speaks life Faith and encouragement glorifying your name in every

utterance I receive your forgiveness with gratitude trusting in your faithfulness to cleanse me and Empower

me to walk in obedience in the name of Jesus I pray like the video if you have

trust in the words of the god heavenly father with a heart surrendered to your

grace I come before you with a fervent desire to align my speech with your

Divine Language by your mercy and empowerment I choose to Echo the words

of life that flow from your lips I purposefully decide to speak in a a

manner that reflects your spirit and imparts life to the circumstances around me Lord

I am captivated by the vision of creating a reality with my words that mirrors the Heavenly blueprint you

designed for me before the foundations of the world were laid I long to speak words of faith hope

and love constructing a life that resonates with the Melodies of Heaven by

your grace I commit to building the foundation of my existence upon the unshakable rock of your word spoken with

conviction and manifested in the fabric of My reality father I boldly declare my

intent to aggressively pursue a light that mirrors the divine order of your

kingdom May My Words Be A Creative Force bringing forth the blessings and

purposes you have ordained for my journey t Amen in the name of

Jesus as I speak in alignment with your will let my life become a living

testimony to your glory reflecting the beauty of Heaven on Earth grant me the

strength and wisdom to uphold this commitment daily leaning on your spirit for

guidance May every word uttered be a reflection of your truth and an instrument of transformation I Surrender

my speech my thoughts and my life in into your hands trusting that through

your grace I will speak words that shape a reality infused with the essence of

Heaven in Jesus’s name I pray heavenly father in the name of Jesus I humbly

approach your throne seeking your divine intervention over my speech I earnestly request that you by

your grace set a Vigilant watch over my mouth Lord I Surrender my my words to

You and ask that you fill my mouth with your Divine utterances let every word I

speak be in alignment with the Oracles of God reflecting your wisdom truth and

love father I recognize the potency of my tongue and I implore you to guide me

in using it solely for edification and encouragement may my speech be a

manifestation of your word a source of life and inspiration to those around me I willingly yield my

voice to be an instrument of your grace echoing the beauty of your character

moreover Lord I acknowledge my human Frailty and the propensity to speak

words that may not align with your perfect will in those moments I beseech you in

the name of Jesus to intervene If Ever I am tempted to release words that stray

from your truth let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth physically

immobilize my tongue if it is inclined to utter anything contrary to your word

I desire Lord to be a vessel of your light and a conduit of Your Love through

my speech I submit my tongue to your Authority asking for your Divine

governance over every word that proceeds from my mouth may

my speech be a reflection of your grace and may it glorify your name in Jesus

mighty name I pray heavenly father in this sacred moment of communion I humbly

seek your guidance and Grace I acknowledge that without your sustaining

Grace my journey towards a holy and sin-free life would be impossible it is

your Divine empowerment that allows me to navigate the complexities of daily living and for that I am profoundly

grateful as I embark on the Endeavor to hide your word in my heart I recognize

the profound significance of cultivating a deep reservoir of your truth I desire

to be saturated with your wisdom that it may shape my thoughts influence my words

and direct my actions grant me Lord the richness of

vocabulary to articulate your lifegiving words in every circumstance allowing

your transformative power to flow through me like a mighty River father I

place before you the sincere request to Quicken and awaken my conscience in moments where I may falter or

inadvertently speak words of death I trust your Holy Spirit to alert me

immediately strengthen my resolve to renounce those words turning away from

any darkness that may seek entry into my heart teach me oh Lord to replace those

moments with your truth allowing your light to dispel any Shadows may my

speech be a reflection of your grace and may it glorify your name in Jesus mighty

name I pray amen heavenly father I implore you

to set a watch on my mouth not merely as a form of self-discipline but as a

Divine orchestration For Your Glory May every word that is escapes my lips be a

testament to your majesty a reflection of your love and an expression of

ceaseless praise use me father as a creative force on this Earth a vessel

through which Heaven’s beauty is released into the world thank you ABA

father for your unwavering love boundless Grace and

transformative power in the mighty and precious name of Jesus I I

pray amen Almighty and gracious father as I come into your divine presence I am

profoundly aware of the significance of my words in shaping the tapestry of my

life and the lives of those around me I approach your throne with humility

recognizing that the tongue holds the power of life and death in light of this

I earnestly implore you Lord to set a watch on my mouth in the Urban Flow of

daily interactions I am mindful of the delicate nature of communication my

heart’s desire is to be a conduit of Your Love Grace and wisdom in every

conversation I acknowledge that left to my own devices my words may fall short

of glorifying you thus I UST the governance of my speech to your unfailing wisdom oh

Lord Lord stand as a sentinel over my words allowing only that which aligns with

your truth and love to pass through cloak me with your spirit that I may speak with kindness compassion and the

discernment that comes only from Walking In step with you may the essence of my

conversations mirror your character becoming a testimony to your boundless

Grace grant me Heavenly Father the discernment to recognize when my words

may deviate from your perfect will in those moments let your Holy

Spirit gently guide me back to the path of righteousness I Surrender my impulses

my desires for self-expression and my inclination towards haste to your

refining hand as I make this Earnest request I am acutely aware of my

dependency on your grace I lean into your mercy understanding that in my weakness your

strength is made perfect uphold me dear Lord when the Journey of refining my

speech becomes challenging Let Your Grace be the anchor that steadies my

resolve May the words that flow from my mouth be seasoned with Grace carrying

the fragrance of your love and the wisdom of your word use my speech as an instrument of

your peace a vessel of your healing na a proclamation of your Eternal truth I

Surrender my words my thoughts and my intentions to the sovereignty of your

Divine Authority set a watch on my mouth oh Lord that every syllable may be a

fragrant offering before you in the mighty and matchless name of

Jesus I pray amen type amen if you believe in

God if you’re all set type type yes take care of yourself type I claim it if you

receive this declaration type yes if you’re ready and share this video with

five people who trust God comment Jesus is Lord to support our Channel please

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if you believe this like this video And subscribe to the channel Channel if

you believe in God type I really love you God and if you believe in

Christianity kindly show your support for our community by contributing super

thanks from $ to $ God bless you my child type


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