Powerful Prayer for a Miracle in a difficult situation - Free AI Voice Generator

Powerful Prayer for a Miracle in a difficult situation

hello friends my name is walston as we
say this prayer think about a time when
god has performed a miracle in your life
before believe that god can do it again
jesus is the same yesterday today and
forever with strong belief in our hearts
let us now pray in the name of the
father and of the son and of the holy
spirit amen prayer to resolve a
My prayer for a Miracle in a difficult situation
difficult situation
lord jesus
are the good shepherd
you are the only one i trust
you know when my mind is troubled
and you know when i am sad
you know the sorrow in my heart
you know the anguish and the tears i
have shed and the sleepless nights i
have endured
i ask you now to come to my aid because
i am helpless without you
sometimes i’m too scared
sometimes i’m too weak
i cannot do this on my own
i need you my lord
heavenly father
i humble myself before you
in this difficult situation
you are my refuge and my strength
my help in these times of trouble
hold my hand and do not let me fall
let your grace be upon me
during these times of anguish
even in my difficulties my trust is in
though i have fallen i still praise you
my lord
lord watch over me during this difficult
be my source of strength
let your peace fill my heart
do not let these circumstances shake my
faith in you let my trust be rooted in
i know that i will fight this battle and
come out victorious because you are the
one fighting for me
i am trusting god’s word which says
he will never leave me and he will
always go before me
i place this difficult situation in your
holy presence
at this moment please ask for everything
you need and believe in your heart that
you will receive it
write it in the comments section with
complete faith in god
mighty father
my strength comes from you
even though i am hurt
help me fully rest in your grace no
matter how difficult the situation is
give me the confidence to say
though i walk through the valley of
shadow of death
i shall not fear
for you are with me
your staff
and your god they comfort me
let my heart meditate on your word every
jesus christ my lord
i ask for your wisdom and help during
this difficult situation
wipe my tears away
i am burdened lord
hold my hand
i take your yoke upon me so that i may
learn from you
you are gentle and humble
in you i can find peace
my heart rests with you
you are my friend
please stand with me and save me
you have asked me to forgive others
times seven
i forgive all those who have caused this
difficulty in my life
i forgive those who have hated me and
wanted to see me fall
i forgive those who have spoken evil
against me
i forgive those who have worked towards
my downfall
i present them to you at your holy feet
may your mercy wash away their hatred
against me
i bless you for your holy presence in my
even in my financial difficulties i will
lift up my hands and praise you
nothing can separate me from your
infinite love
neither sickness nor pain
nor poverty nor hunger or any other
i will continue to praise and thank you
even through my difficulties
let the cry of my heart come to you
it seeks nothing but love and mercy from
you holy god
all my trust is in you during this
difficult time
i am confident that i will overcome
anything that comes against me
because you are with me every step of
the way
let my heart rest in knowing
that difficulties bring us closer to you
help me fully rely in your saving power
lead me through these difficult times
order my steps to do what i can
help me work hard with a humble heart
and a selfless spirit
my heavenly father
you are the hope for the hopeless
you are the consolation to those who
have lost hope
you are a warrior
who brings justice in unjust situations
you are the prince of peace for troubled
hearts you will bring me out of this
better than ever before
may i finally see the day when i smile
the day when my heart is joyful again
i believe you are already unlocking this
i receive your love and mercy with a
grateful heart
may your name be praised forever
i will now offer this short prayer to
resolve this difficult situation now we
will read three miracles of jesus
The miracles of Jesus and my prayer
and say a prayer asking our lord to
grant us a miracle just like he did for
others in the bible
as we go through these miracles
imagine yourself there with jesus
feeding the from john chapter
verse –
jesus replied
they do not need to go away
you give them something to eat
we have here only five loaves of bread
and two fish they answered
bring them here to me he said
and he directed the people to sit down
on the grass
taking the five loaves and the two fish
and looking up to heaven
he gave thanks
and broke the loaves
then he gave them to the disciples and
the disciples gave them to the people
they all ate and were satisfied
and the disciples picked up twelve
of broken pieces that were left over
the number of those who ate was about
beside women and children
let us pray
this is an abundant miracle
you gave food to the people who listen
to your word
i too have listened to your words from
the bible
i believe that you can come into my life
and solve my problems with your power
if i lack food
you can multiply bread in my life
if i lack money
you can strengthen my
finances if i am sick
you can make me healthy and whole again
thank you jesus
second miracle
healing the paralytic at bethesda
from john chapter verse to
one person was there who had not been
able to walk for years
jesus saw him lying there
he knew that the man had been in that
condition for a long time
so he asked him do you want to get well
the disabled man replied
i have no one to help me into the pool
when the angel stirs up the water
i try to get in but someone else always
goes down ahead of me
then jesus said to him
get up
pick up your mat and walk
the man was healed right away
he picked up his mat and walked
let us pray
lord you are the divine healer
you make the blind sea
the death here and the lame walk
just like you healed this paralytic man
i believe that you can heal me
whatever problem that i have in my life
that needs healing
you can heal it
you can heal my body my finances my
family and my life
and so i invite your healing miracle
into my life today
i praise you jesus
the third miracle
jesus walking on water in john verse

when evening came his disciples went
down to the lake
where they got into a boat and set off
across the lake for capernaum
by now it was dark and jesus had not yet
joined them
a strong wind was blowing and the waters
grew rough
when they had rowed about three or four
miles they saw jesus approaching the
walking on the water
and they were frightened
but he said to them it is i
don’t be afraid
then they were willing to take him into
the boat
and immediately the boat reached the
shore where they were heading
let us pray
lord i am amazed at all these miracles
you performed in the bible
you are truly the son of god
the winds the seas the mountains
bow down to you
absolutely nothing is impossible for you
my problems looked big to me before
but your miracles are much bigger
there is nothing that can last against
i have complete faith in your miracle
working power
with you by my side
i know
that everything will be all right
i trust in you
i bless your holy name
glory be to the god of all holy miracles
hallelujah praise the lord
blessed be his name forever and ever
remember to say this prayer for the next
seven days
share this prayer with someone who needs
a miracle
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thank you for watching and may god be
with you

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