My Promise To YOU | Gods message today | God blessings message | Jesus TALK - Free AI Voice Generator

My Promise To YOU | Gods message today | God blessings message | Jesus TALK

Jesus my beloved child I speak to you from the depths of my heart because you are dear to me listen to these words

with your entire being for they are meant for you alone I ask for just a moment of your precious attention to

hear my voice above all distractions what I wish to share with you is of Greater importance than anything else

that occupies your thoughts stay with me a little longer and open your heart let me take away the pain that burdens your

soul and banish the melancholic thoughts that haunt your mind I hold you close

offering you Serenity and peace like no other come trust me with your heart

allow yourself to be loved I am a keeper of promises and my words hold a profound

purpose I am here to lift your spirits to bring a smile to your face every morning as you seek me know that I love

you truly and deeply I want you to not only know it and believe it but to feel

this Sacred Love within you so you can find happiness once more I have never left your side and I will never forget

you this is an unshakable truth you are secure in my hands sheltered and

protected place your trust in me completely my arms are forever open to you I listen attentively to your cries

and prayers as you welcome each new day open your eyes take a deep breath and

feel my Inc compassing presence I Delight in your morning greetings filled with confidence and

trust you know that I am here to listen to answer every benevolent request you

bring to me it warms my heart when you pray for your family for it holds great

significance do not let your focus drift to trivial matters when life’s tribulations leave you feeling lost seek

solace in me find a way when you feel overwhelmed and surrounded by conflict I am Your solution I do not want anxiety

to enslave you or baseless fears to consume you you’ve placed your trust in me

because you know I will not let you down hold on to my word treasure it within your soul keep it close to your heart

and remember the wondrous things I have done for you in the past I rescued you from adversaries saved you from the

clutches of death extended my hand and delivered you from Peril even in the most dire moments when all seemed lost I

returned with my powerful word performing Miracles Beyond imagination there are still Many Wonders I can work

for you have confidence in me let me continue to assist you I desire to protect you day and night do not allow

despair to take root in your soul for I love you deeply I want you to receive my peace and find lasting

happiness I see your tears and hear your cries prayers for the well-being of

those you hold dear often you kneel and intercede for others yet you rarely ask

for anything for yourself your attitude of worship and gratitude is deeply

cherished when you come before me focus on praise and thanksgiving for all your

blessings I take Delight in your reverent spirit so even when you don’t explicitly make requests know that I

will bestow upon you blessings greater and more marvelous than you can fathom I want your faith to remain

unwavering I will fulfill every promise I make to you when obstacles try to block your path do

not be disheartened I hold your destiny in my hands you will reach your goals

you will release the dreams within your heart nothing and no one can steal your blessing but your faith loyalty and

sincerity are crucial seek me every morning and as you open your eyes let

gratitude and praise be the first words on your lips do not let negativity

overshadow the light that brightens your days I want you to embrace the opportunities I bring into your life I

will grant you the supernatural ability to see beyond and understand the plans and thoughts of goodness I have for you

I know recent days have brought you pain and at times confusion May Cloud your thoughts but I tell you now no harm will

befall you you will not be put to shame you will conquer the enemies that surround you and emerge Victorious

against every threat it’s time for you to recognize your Worth to see yourself as the Beloved child of the almighty God

no one can Prevail against you no one can stand in your way you are already

triumphant over all challenges acknowledge your Victory do not dwell on defeat I will move mountains and you

will rise with unwavering Faith your prayers will be filled with conviction

and the assurance that I will answer you will walk with determination and

strength in your heart there is no room for discouragement and sadness anymore I

understand that Family Matters can bring you distress and hurt sometimes you need moments of recovery

rest and prayer taking a moment of silence Solitude and communion with my

holy spirit is soothing for your soul you were not created to live in tears sorrow error or failure you may suffer

and weep but I continue to love you you may think you can’t carry on but I come to lift you up you will not live

defeated your heart is beautiful and pure do not keep it in the darkness step

into the light let your face radiate with joy and people will cry out my name

Jesus with joy in their hearts you are my beloved child imagine secondly speak

with me through prayer let your words flow from the depths of your soul expressing your hopes fears and

gratitude I am not distant I am here ready to listen when you pray open your

heart and I will fill it with peace speak to me honestly for I know your thoughts before you utter them thirdly

embrace my teachings and apply them in your life my words are a guide a lamp to your feet and a light to your path let

the principles of Love kindness and forgiveness be the foundation of your actions as you live according to my

teachings you will find joy and fulfillment remember my beloved child your journey is not solitary I Am With

You Always guiding protecting and loving you trust in my plan for your life for

it is filled with purpose and blessing ings beyond your imagination your faith and love bring joy to my heart and I am

eager to perform miracles in your life do you believe and do you love me upon

receiving your response I will perform a great miracle in you here are three things you must do today to calm your

soul and banish anxiety listen carefully and let these words resonate in your

soul throughout the day bringing you peace firstly give me your heart completely and sincerely without

reservations or fear my purpose is to Grant you eternal life and happiness I

have never intended to inflict punishments or trials upon you for your pain my plans for you are prosperity and

blessings an Abundant Life filled with love and care Surrender Your Heart To Me kneeling

before my Throne willing to do my will to nourish your spirit with my word and

to trust me wholeheartedly doubts may come and go and challenges may arise but my written

word will be the anchor of your faith providing the strength to persevere yet if you choose to offer me your heart

only partially or when it suits you your faith will lack a solid foundation your

life will be tossed about by the waves When Storms Come and your thoughts and emotions will run a muck I do not want

this for you I ask that you give me your heart and maintain unwavering loyalty and Faith decide now Surrender Your Life

life for eternity and each passing day will not be one less but truly one more

because you will be with me forever experiencing the incredible wonders of the universe everything will be more

beautiful and better than you can imagine who receive your words will be stirred and touched do not be concerned

with immediate results for the seeds you plant today will blossom in due time your role is to be a messenger of Love

and Hope imagine you will receive countless blessings enjoy a harmonious

family and face all challenges together my blessings will reach you and those

who seek to harm you will flee the reward for those who follow me is eternal Victory which has already been

secured your part is to give me your heart faith and loyalty I ask you to do

this today secondly raise your hands if you can or close your eyes and dedicate some time and silence to offer heartfelt

gratitude compile a list of your blessings both current and expected as well as those received in the past

include even the seemingly small things that give you strength and purpose Express gratitude sincerely and

completely even if you believe you have no blessings give thanks for your ability to give thanks this act of

Thanksgiving will bring healing to your soul removing the blindfold that obscures your vision The Horizon will

open revealing the many blessings that have already reached you and surrounded you sustaining your life and providing

reasons to continue and fight they give you the strength to rise each morning and persevere challenges and struggles

may be present but if you look closely you will see the wisdom and growth gained through each experience and how

your faith has blossomed now Express gratitude to me let me hear your voice and your sincere words give thanks for

life for the air you breathe for your family for your current circumstances

even if they are not as you wish them to be give thanks soon I will provide guidance

on your path I will reveal new maps and correct routes to help you reach your destination but for now be thankful here

and now be thankful even when your soul weeps be grateful when you are joyful be

grateful when your heart aches give thanks for the challenges the failures the bitter trials look at yourself in

the mirror and thank yourself your attitude of gratitude is powerful today

you will begin to witness miracles and significant changes in your life because of it lastly share these words with

others many around you may appear content their souls carry suffering and

they Teeter on the edge of Despair they may struggle to find a true reason to live go and reveal this miracle of love

that is happening in your heart share the happiness that fills you and the goodness my presence can bring to their

lives as you share love I will envelop you with peace Harmony prosperity and

blessings free from anxiety or debt your actions may be met with laughter but the

hearts of those who receive your words will be stirred and touched do not be concerned with immediate results for the

seeds you plant today will blossom in due time your role is to be a messenger

of Love and Hope with my love and transform your life into a testament of my grace and

mercy those who hear you will ache for they are in need of what you have found

they need to know they are loved and cherished spread this message of hope and

love understand that I heard the prayer you whispered before falling asleep last night tears dampened your pillow as you

pleaded for courage strength peace and Assurance to face the challenges of life

look at you now as you awaken to a new day filled with determination and strength you are no longer weak or

disheartened you have the courage to face any Gant that crosses your path where there was fear you now passes

Faith where there was uncertainty you now passes resolve yesterday your legs

trembled at the thought of adversity but today you stand steadfast ready to conquer any obstacle rise and move

forward for I have placed within your spirit a fervent desire to Triumph trust

in my power for I brought you here because Beyond guiding your steps I have

equipped you with the strength to confront and overcome any challenge while the hurdles may be great remember

that nothing surpasses my power I brought you here and I will remain by your side in all your struggles battles

and Wars you are more than a conqueror through my love and strength every adversary that arises does so to be

vanquished I have instilled in you the resolve and determination required to overcome any conflict whatever your

aspirations may be whatever obstacles lie ahead you will prosper in all your

endeavors I will bless you open doors and resolve the difficulties that weigh on you I will touch the hearts of people

friends family judges authorities so they regard you with

favor and act in your favor do not fear what others may do to you as long as you

trust in me and act with Integrity no one can stand against you or your

family remember that I am with you every day until the end my word possesses the

power to heal the supernatural Force that flows from my words is sufficient to give you life and lift you up you may

feel unworthy for me to enter your life but I assure you your faith and humble attitude have captured my attention I

desire to enter not only your life but your heart as well there I will inscribe words of

healing and break the chains that bind you with a gentle touch of my hand your pain fears anxieties and troubles will

flee for even the heavens heed my voice I speak to you with Clarity because I

desire to witness your happiness inner peace and the Assurance of a bright

future when you spend time with me you offer me the opportunity to embrace you

with my love and transform your life into a testament of my grace and mercy this is the inheritance I long to

bestow upon you believe in me wholeheartedly and accept it your strength is prepared and waiting for you

to lean on it to be clothed in my love and to be transformed by the healing and

transformative Touch of my Holy Spirit now stand up and move forward equipped

with the power of my Holy Spirit when you encounter challenges no one will be

able to overcome you you are not weak you are strong you possess my love and

unwavering Faith always remember this for those who believe all things are

possible I love you and you will be all right trust in me my timing is perfect as I

prepare to bless you I am arranging circumstances so that when the time comes you will receive those blessings

effortlessly I grant you patience and peace use them wisely do not react

impulsively to situations fueled by emotion do not rush ahead or make significant decisions without consulting

me I do not wish for you to become ens snared or embroiled in misunderstandings do not strike deals

with false friends I confirm through this message that I will indeed assist you please be patient avoid accumulating

debt you have had your share of it I do not want you to encumber your future

soon your life will be illuminated and you will experience my grace and kindness I will shatter chains and

bondages enabling you to live a life of Freedom independent of anyone else

together we will chart A New Path for you to follow this is is our secret something shared only between you and me

for a Time keep your plans and projects close to your heart do not reveal our

intentions for there are many envious and Indiscreet individuals around you

they will ridicule you as they have in the past and attempt to dissuade you by recounting your past

failures but that era is over your heart has been transformed and now you depend on me you

will flourish in all that you Undertake and as I previously mentioned you will be blessed doors will open and the

challenges that weigh on you will be resolved I will break chains and bondages delivering peace prosperity

without the burden of anxiety or debt do not be swayed by the actions of others

as long as you trust in me and act with Integrity no one can oppose you or your family know that I am with you every day

the weight of disappointments and unmet expectations burdened your soul leading to thoughts of worthlessness and despair

but let me remind you my child that I am here to lift that burden from your shoulders you are not definite by the

pain of your past or the mistakes you’ve made your worth is not determined by the

betrayals you faced I see the goodness within you the resilience that refuses to be extinguished you long for a

connection with me and I am here ready to embrace you your suffering is a deep

yearning to return to the source of unconditional love and acceptance life may feel like it’s slipping away but in

me you will find enduring peace and happiness your loved ones may seem

distant but I stand beside you offering the spring of blessings that will quench your soul and remove all sorrow your

faith has borne fruit and my word is enough to heal today I have entered your home blessing and protecting your family

I will bless you even more than you can imagine as I sense a hint of sadness in

you today I see your downcast face you need strength to continue your journey

with enthusiasm come with confidence there’s no need to go through your days without motivation or hope after all I

am your father and I do not reside in a distant place where you cannot reach my affection I am here by your side where I

have always been through you sometimes forget give me your hand and now rezy

let us walk together along the pathways of your thoughts tell me what you

fear why do you no longer wish to live why do you want to discard your destiny

it’s true the world can be cruel when you were a child your eyes were curious full of hope for the best in life you

offered your pure smile and friendship to those you called friends but lies and betrayals later annihilated your hope

extinguished your laughter and shattered your desire to live your love love darkened and you stopped believing in

the goodness of others let us confront these fears together I am here to guide you to

restore your hope and to renew your sense of purpose You are not alone and

you are deeply loved trust in me and Let The Healing begin continue trusting and

believing in me understand that I know you as well as I know the sky just as I

call each Star by its name I know every burden in your life every wound even

your smallest pain we speak the same language and I know exactly what will comfort you give me your hand and as we

walk I want to tell you about a place where you are deeply loved where you wear Royal garments and your name is

known appreciated and admired in that place a loving gaze rests upon you every

minute of your life day and night like a hungry little bird your soul is nourished there you are who you truly

are the child of the almighty created in the the image and likeness of the creator of the universe do not forget

even if you stumble in the most beautiful place in the entire universe you have your own place just for you

from here nothing and no one will ever remove you that place is deep within my

heart where you are protected you have every right as my child to come and talk

to me every morning even if you feel unworthy do not be deceived by lies with

my blood I have bought your life scratch away your past with it once more I

repeat from here no one will ever pull you out nothing will ever remove you and

no one will ever separate you from my heart you will always be the same to me

my little one my beloved child you have not been defeated you keep fighting and you remain alive because you chose to

believe in what I promised you that fills you with Divine and Supernatural strength strength that nothing can

overcome nothing can defeat you remember these words well and keep resisting the Relentless attacks of the enemy trying

to make you abandon all your dreams but it won’t succeed you belong to me I

protect you with my mighty hand and I defend you with my shining sword your

Victory will always be in my word look at yourself in the mirror of my powerful

promises and be sure that for me you are greatly esteemed and

valued the greatest battle is against your own emotions which sometimes confusedly lead you to think and feel

things that are not true be careful not to be guided by your feelings do not think that you are defeated by the

problems you see and do not be filled with fear over bad news or situations

that seem negative for I always have control over your life I transform all things for the good of those I love and

you are among the trusted and beloved chosen ones with my my blood I have washed you and with my spirit I have

filled you I’ve given you the power to be victorious in all things hold on to me with your sincere heart take refuge

in my love always and in this moment as you receive my word be assured that even

your own mistakes will be turned to your benefit you will suffer no more your family will be well as the days go by

you will continue to see progress toward those dreams you have longed for at some point you may feel tired that’s normal

when problems are so dark that they blind your eyes and you can’t see where you’re going perhaps you feel defeated

but this is not true I lead you by the hand even in the

darkness do not fear my child your father who loves you will never abandon

you tell me now that you believe in me and that in my arms you feel safe I am the only holy and Supernatural remedy

for all your ills I am your God your healer the one who opens doors and clears your path I am your provider your

protector and in my hands I hold your life and your future your family and you are covered by the mantle of my love and

today you are feeling my presence in a real and Powerful way you’ve been waiting for me to speak to you and

you’ve come with a humble and grateful heart ready to listen receive these words and treasure them let them fill

your mind and cast out all that attention that caused you suffering before today you walk with confidence

and even if you can’t see me with your natural eyes you can feel me believe in me trust in the Miracles and wonders I

can perform in your life and your family’s life give me your hand and let me guide you patiently and gently along

the path of love where my will Reigns the storms quiet down and the Seas calm

when they hear my voice you walk under a protective mantle and your peace and security are so great that the noises of

the night no longer frighten you do not let the confusion of this world make you lose your way never let go of my hand or

divert your attention each day is a precious opportunity to keep fighting and the

problems Falls discouragements and complaints of the past are gone remove them from your mind you don’t have to

carry a burden that makes it impossible to renew your way of thinking start with your words don’t hurt yourself with what

you say don’t defeat your own land foolish words can destroy innocent lives

Tire families and plunge many into depression let wise sayings come from

your lips words for growth and edification don’t let the enemy convince you that you can’t change that your

future is filled with defeat and problems and that your destiny lies in depression and Oblivion for with me

there are no impossibilities hold on to this truth whatever happens do not forget that your

life your future your character your finan es your marital situation your

family conflicts however difficult they may seem I can change them and if you

ask me I can start today I’m not saying it will be easy I’m giving you my

promise that you have my help my support and my power I love you and I want you

to be well always the miracle you need I want to and can make it happen believe

me believe me walking with a cross on my my back had a purpose suffering the cruelest fee I knew that one day you

would be born and go through a path of lashes and Scorn you have endured so much suffering caused by people but

today I will remove all discouragement and frustration from your heart I already suffered and gave my life and

Rose for you so you could have the opportunity for an abundant free and happy life but believe my word so that

your mind can undergo a true transformation and a river of clean thoughts flows where there was once only

confusion where there was sorrow there will be Joy where there was depression there will be

a strong desire to live love and forgive yourself I have long since forgotten

your mistes give me your heart my child let your eyes look at my ways you will

keep fighting and sewing in this world where you are a pilgrim but my blessing is your destiny I want your feet to walk

on the path of my love I ask you again and very seriously this time to give me

your heart today and I will fill you with joy remove those afflictions that have saddened your face and give you the

strength to overcome the things that have been attacking you since your childhood you know what I mean you know

what it is I have loved you as you are but I chose you to have Victory to conquer to guide others on their path to

their Destiny so that many can see how my will is done in someone like you with a simple heart maybe it’s difficult for

you to accept so much spiritual richness what I give you is not empty

wealth accept it humbly and be filled with courage because I will bring many changes around you I am your life give

me the chance to show you that I can change you completely so much so that many won’t recognize you they will

Marvel at the tenacity the strength and the happiness they see in you accept my

invitation give me your heart today I begin a powerful transformation in you

your family and you will be surrounded by Harmony peace and blessings I will rescue you from the storm with victory

in hand I love you and at this very moment right where you are I want you to

feel it your heart is filling with this beautiful and profound emotion which fills you with joy and banishes your

sadness feel as the weight on your shoulders lifts and there’s a lightness

in your step a newfound strength to carry on stand up now you cannot give up

now that you’re on the verge of of Triumph even when the storms rage and the winds shake you under my wings I

protect you and my hand guards you I also know what pain is I know what it

feels like for those you trusted to abandon you when enemies pierce your soul with the nails of hatred and tear

your back with the whips of compassionless I know what it’s like to love unto death and give your heart even

when met with disdain I understand you I know exactly what you’re feeling I want

you to know that you do matter that when your tears flow like a spring and your soul is filled with sadness and anxiety

I won’t judge you for your moments of weakness I want you to understand that only I can help you when danger looms

remove thoughts of death and defeat from your mind when danger approaches the darkness is gone and now you can walk

confidently today I have renewed your joy increased your faith written

Promises of trust in your heart given you a new vision a new longing built on my word don’t waste your time trying to

convince those who come to discourage you they won’t accept your perspective they will mock you again you don’t need

those mockers to move forward on your path you are heading for victory they are headed for defeat they’ve already

chosen their Destiny if you’re attacked by loneliness if you feel you need

someone else’s support remember that you have me but trust and be patient for I will soon send the right person you

matter to me I care for you value you protect love and in a few more days

you’ll have victory in your hand I’m never late I always arrive on time when you truly need me at the best moment the

weight is hard and you’ve been thinking so much about what might happen it’s tearing you apart on the

inside that’s why I want you to give me all that weight you carry on your back living in distress over the future is

not the life I have for you you also can’t look lower your gaze or get distracted by your worries and thoughts

I have said that I will perform the miracle you ask of me that I will open doors that I am always with you and I do

not lie the days are mine I am the creator of the nights I see that

sometimes you can’t sleep tossing and turning your mind racing over things that I already hold in my hands when

anxiety strikes resist when it screams in your ears speak to it and tell it

aloud that there is no fear in your heart because you have decided to trust in your best friend in your God and Lord

you will see for yourself how fear flees and your soul is free from so much fear you can enjoy my Peace at Last live your

life fully and be happy I am promising you that in the midst of your struggles

I will remind you with my Serene voice that my hand is upon your shoulder and that against all attacks I will will

give you the strength you need to resist tell me that you believe me and obey me

if I’ve convinced you to return to my word fill yourself with my promises and believe in me in those difficult moments

you will encounter on your journey you haven’t fought so hard to give up now

you must keep going I’m speaking to you today to fill you with faith courage and

strength to learn to wait for me even when it seems your strength is failing from waiting too long stay calm talk to

your heart and tell it that there’s nothing to fear the control of your life

your dreams your destiny is in the hands of your loving father The Winds of the world want you to forget those moments

when I always helped you but I command those winds and storms to stop right now

I love you I will never fail you and I won’t be late I’m here ready to give you

my hand and rescue you answer me with your heart who loves you more than I do

your trials have been difficult I see your struggles your efforts and your

desperation do not forget that you have been very brave throughout your life

think of the situations that seem had impossible to resolve and yet you since

the day you surrendered control of your life into my hands you have not lost a single battle so rest your heart and

continue to trust I know that sometimes it can be difficult just to rest and not lose

faith especially when everything seems to be going wrong and conflicts come knocking

at your door trying to consume you entirely but in those moments my child cover your ears to the voices of the

enemy do not accept the threats of fear and insecurity keep walking and Trust in

my promises you were deeply loved by me and before you were even born I already

had something great in store for your life never will I abandon a defenseless child I’ve been taking care of your life

in a very special way I am looking after every detail every second I am always present do not let sadness take up more

space fill your heart with joy and keep walking with the eyes of Faith because Victory is certain and what I have

prepared for you is greater than you can imagine I love you [Music]


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