Healing Sleep Prayers - God Will Make You Whole Again - Free AI Voice Generator

Healing Sleep Prayers – God Will Make You Whole Again

healing tonight Jesus

healing tonight Jesus Jesus

great physician our comforter

our healer we pray for physical healing Lord

[Music] spiritual healing mental healing Lord

emotional healing relational healing

Lord Heal our bodies heal our minds

we have big faiths in our big God

Lord as we sleep as we sleep in your presence tonight

once you heal bodies I believe there’s a special anointing

for physical healing that you are releasing into the Earth right now Jesus

regenerative power

holy spirit Power resurrection power

healing from heaven where there is no pain

no darkness no disease no sickness

no sorrow no suffering no Brokenness

Lord send healing from heaven to our bodies

tonight Lord as we sleep

even As We Lay in our beds right now

send your angel of healing

send your presence that heals

speak your word that heals

breathe your breath that heals


thank you Jesus

thank you Jesus

we have full faith in your healing power heal blind eyes tonight God

heal broken legs Jesus heal skin issues Lord

heal gut issues Jesus

Lord Heal wrists and hands he’ll feet and ankles and knees

foreign back issues

spines herniated discs all disc issues

all spinal injuries Lord shoulder problems kidney problems liver

problems stomach problems brain problems heart problems all of our organs and

Bones every system that you put into our bodies Lord with your perfect original

design Lord bring our bodies back into an alignment with your original design

in Jesus name as we sleep As We Lay as

we rest Lord refresh our bodies

refresh our minds may we wake up tomorrow morning with an explosion of

Joy because you have healed our bodies

no longer would it be hope deferred that makes the heart sick but instead would

it be a longing fulfilled that is a tree of life

Lord Jesus immerse us in your healing pool tonight

dip us in your cleansing stream tonight breathe your healing breath let it blow

through the garden of our lives in Jesus name and

G Jeremiah .

says Heal Me O Lord and I shall be healed

save me and I shall be saved

for you are my praise

first Peter verse . says he himself bore our sins in his

body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to

righteousness by his wounds you have been healed

yes Lord you have one healing for us

exact that healing in this moment manifest that healing right now Lord in

Jesus name Jeremiah verse .

behold I will bring it health and healing

and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security

thank you Jesus Isaiah verse .

but he was wounded for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities

upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with his stripes we

are healed thank you Jesus for the peace You’ve Won

for us thank you Jesus for the Salvation you

have brought us into for the fellowship you have won for us

once again to have fellowship with God again

thank you for your healing that you won for us with every whip with

every Scourge with every Spit with every punch with every kick

with every hit of the cat of nine tails and the whips with every pounding of each nail with

every breath with every moment Lord you have won healing for us you died for

our healing physical spiritual now and eternal

Lord Jesus with your resurrection power you raised from the dead and raised us

from the dead there was so much power exacted in that

place that so many people were even raised from the dead scripture says

hundreds were walking around town that word Once Dead you resurrected in the

same moment Lord your power released into our world is incredible and nothing

can stop you nothing is impossible for you Jesus

you’ve even put regenerative power into certain things in the world like the

lizard when it loses its tail it can regenerate its own tail back again

you placed that power within them Lord release your regenerative power

your healing power from heaven right now over everyone’s body that is listening

to this video as they sleep Lord may they pray out loud over their

friends and family over strangers that they meet tomorrow would you catapult

healing would you Ripple healing would you fold healing one after another would

you multiply healing exponentially in the Earth would this be

a time would this be a season where we always look back and see that you

started a mighty tidal wave of physical healing in the earth that we all banded

together with great faith in the one true king Jesus who can heal who does

heal who is our healing Lord we look to you God

as we sleep bring healing this night in

Jesus name by your Holy Name Lord

thank you Father thank you Father

Psalm verse . he heals the Brokenhearted and binds up

their wounds Lord Heal all the broken hearts right

now in Jesus name protect every weak and vulnerable person

man woman and child in Jesus name

victory leader [Music] healing

Lord we lift our eyes to you you are where our help comes from

specifically we pray for anyone who has trauma

trauma in the mind trauma in the heart trauma in the body

trauma in the brain Lord wherever it started we pray that in

one instant with one blink of your eye with one gaze into your eyes

healing from all past and present trauma

healing from every fear of the future that it wanted to bring in our lives

healing Jesus


Psalm verse . the Lord sustains him on his sick bed

and his illness you restore him to full health

yes Jesus we stand in the Gap with arms Linked In

the Spirit right now even As We Lay Lord we join our faith together across

the Earth asking for restoration to full health

in Jesus name there is no other name

but in Jesus name restoration to full health

yes Lord

psalm . through four

bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits

who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your diseases

who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and


Jesus Jesus

James . –

is anyone among you suffering let him pray

is anyone cheerful let him sing praise

is anyone among you sick let him call for the Elders of the church and let

them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of

the Lord and the prayer of faith will save the

one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up

and if he has committed sins he will be forgiven

thank you Jesus Lord bring healing prayer

anoint them with your oil in the name of Jesus

thank you Lord James .

therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another

that you may be healed the prayer of a righteous person has

great power as it is working

thank you Lord renew our faith in the praying power

you’ve given us renew our faith in you

restore to us the joy of our salvation

may we return to doing the things we did at first with our first love

Jesus Jesus


third John verse . beloved

I pray that all may go well with you

and that you may be in good health as it goes well with your soul

Proverbs . a joyful heart is good medicine

but a crushed Spirit dries up the bones Lord we pray for joyful Hearts where

there used to be crushed spirits where there used to be dried out bones

we pray that the bones would come to life

thank you Jesus trade the spirit and the man the Heart

of Stone for the heart of Flesh soften hard hearts in Jesus name

Jeremiah . verse . for I will restore Health to you

and your wounds I will heal declares the Lord

because they have called you an outcast

yes Lord physical health physical wounds healed and any emotional

or mental or social wounds from people calling

others outcasts or other harmful words anything that was spoken of death or

anything that was neglected to be spoken of Life Lord we pray healing

restoration of Health Jesus name


Matthew verse . and he called to him his twelve

disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to

heal every disease and every affliction [Music]

yes Lord we walk in that Authority right now and we just say that the only Spirit

allowed in and around us and our families and friends is the holy spirit

of God all other Spirits must come off and out

in Jesus name sent into the abyss where they belong never to return again fill

us and our friends and family with your Holy Spirit to overflowing


proverbs –

my son be attentive to my words

climb your ear to my sayings let them not escape from your sight

keep them within your heart for they are life to those who find them

and healing to all their flesh

yes Lord give us a passion for your words a

passion for the Bible your scripture your word

Lord fill us with your wisdom that heals that leads to life and healing in all

that we do yes God

yes Lord Lord even extract

every source of negativity that would be speaking death

or speaking lies or speaking wickedness

Lord help us to see what we need to uproot what voices or sounds we need to silence

where we need to turn from the world and earn to you

bring healing Lord thank you Jesus

Matthew . verse . heal the sick

raise the Dead cleanse lepers

cast out demons you received without pain

give without pay yes God

heal the sick raise the Dead cleanse lepers

cast out demons release your healing power in the earth

once again in great measure once again

not in a trickle not in a drip

bring a mighty flood of your healing anointing

your healing power embold in your church with your Holy

Spirit put healing in our hands that we may not

only be healed but that we may heal

in Jesus name Jesus name

cover the Earth with your glory Lord the knowledge of the glory of the Lord

as the waters cover the Seas

May such masses of people be healed by you Jesus and turn in Repentance to you

Jesus that no flood like it has ever been seen

before in the Earth Jesus Jesus

Jesus Jesus Jesus

Psalm verse . be gracious to Me O Lord for I am

languishing Heal Me O Lord for my bones are troubled

yes God hear people’s cries tonight

and come to the rescue a faithful God

thank you Jesus

Deuteronomy . . and the Lord will take away from you all

sickness and none of the evil diseases of Egypt

which you knew will he inflict on you yes God

we ask for that non-sick amongst us anointing that the early church walked

in that the Israelites had in this season that you have done throughout history in

certain times pour out the healing and health of

Heaven on your people tonight in Jesus name

Jesus name

Psalm – bless the Lord O my soul

and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity

who heals all your diseases yes Lord

right now anyone who’s listening to this prayer video just whisper out loud say

it out loud sing it quietly out loud whatever you have to do

but as you’re falling asleep say it out loud

[Music] that Jesus is Lord give him some form of verbal worship and

praise and gratitude bless the Lord

tell your soul to bless the Lord [Music]

he does not forget us he forgives all our iniquities he heals all of our

diseases bless the Lord right now as you lay in your bed and as he drifts you off

to sleep in his presence bless him right now

bless him right now thank you Jesus

bless you Lord minister to you God

we thank you Jesus glorify you Jesus

Lord we give you glory and honor and praise

right now and for all time [Music] You Are Holy you are worthy

You Are the Healer thank you for your healing we thank you

for your gifts but we just thank you for you the giver the one the person the god

the god the only God the famous One the

righteous one The Only Name which we have by which we can be saved

maker of heaven and Earth alpha and omega beginning and end Father

Son and Holy Spirit we love you we love you

[Music] thank you for opening up our eyes to see

you thank you for taking the blinders and

scales off of our eyes thank you for disintegrating the shell

off of our hearts thank you for coming in and dwelling

with us God dwelling in us and Us in you

thank you Jesus

Philippians . and my God Will Supply

every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus

yes God supply all the needs tonight

every physical need every Financial need every emotional

need every mental need every relational need every need

from your hands God we look to you Jesus

Psalm verse . he sent out his word and healed them

and delivered them from their destruction

yes God your word heals your word is so holy so creative so

regenerative that it heals everywhere it goes

with the sound waves and the spirit ways of your voice and your words erupt

in healing everywhere it reaches in Jesus name

Proverbs – trust in the Lord with all your heart

and do not lean on your own understanding

in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths

be not wise in your own eyes fear the lord and turn away from evil

it will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones

yes God give us a great surrender to you Lord

a leaning into your wisdom in Jesus name

acts verse . while you stretch out your hand to heal

and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant

Jesus yeah Scott

we stretch out our hands toward ourselves toward our friends towards our

family towards the person we met towards the person we’ll meet

towards our city and our Earth May signs and wonders and healing be

performed through the name of Jesus

second chronicles . If my people who are called by my name

humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their

Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin

and heal their land yes God

we need healing in our land forgiveness of our sins

Lord I pray right now that As We Lay in our beds you would put confession on our

lips even tomorrow in the days to come

bring humility confession prayer and healing

would you quicken in our spirits and our minds even now who you want us to call

and confess to and pray with who you want us to ask them to pray over

us who you want us to pray over Lord bring a great humility in your

church amongst all churches even from one Church to the next a great unity and

healing amongst the bride of Christ the body of Christ all the churches in our

cities would you bring great unity and healing

would we tear down our fences that keep each other out and when we have great

Unity amongst the body and Jesus

Isaiah . one through four

the spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to

bring good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the

Brokenhearted to Proclaim Liberty to the captives

and the opening of the prison to those who are bound

to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of Vengeance of our God

to comfort all who mourn to Grant to those who mourn in Zion

to give them a beautiful headdress instead of Ashes

the oil of gladness instead of mourning

Garment of Praise instead of a faint spirit

that they may be called Oaks of righteousness the planting of the Lord that he may be

glorified they shall build up the ancient ruins

they shall raise up the former devastations they shall repair the ruined cities

the devastations of many generations

yes Lord Lord we pray all these healing

scriptures we believe in your physical healing

that you are releasing a special anointing of physical healing over our

bodies and Minds right now tonight as we sleep

we lift our own physical healing to you our friends and family everyone that

comes to mind we just say their names out loud right now

and we just step into and receive the physical healing that you have won for

us that you are exacting right now manifesting right now releasing right

now into the earth into our rooms into our bodies in Jesus name Jesus

to stay healing tonight Jesus

healing tonight G

great physician [Music] our comforter

[Music] our healer

we pray for physical healing Lord

spiritual healing mental healing Lord

emotional healing relational healing

[Music] Lord Heal our bodies

heal our minds we have big faith in our big God

as we sleep as we sleep in your presence tonight

feel bodies I believe there is a special anointing

for physical healing that you are releasing into the Earth right now Jesus

regenerative power

holy spirit Power resurrection power

healing from heaven where there is no pain no darkness

no disease no sickness no sorrow

no suffering no Brokenness

Lord send healing from Heaven to our

bodies tonight Lord as we sleep

even As We Lay in our beds right now

send your angel of healing

send your presence that heals

speak your word that heals

breathe your breath that heals

[Music] thank you Jesus

thank you Jesus we have full faith in your healing power

heal blind eyes tonight God

heal broken legs Jesus

heal skin issues Lord heal gut issues Jesus

Lord Heal wrists and hands he’ll feet and ankles and knees

Jesus healed back issues spines herniated discs all disc issues

all spinal injuries Lord shoulder problems kidney problems liver

problems stomach problems brain problems heart problems all of our organs and

Bones every system that you put into our bodies Lord with your perfect original

design Lord bring our bodies back into an alignment with your original design

in Jesus name as we sleep As We Lay as

we rest Lord refresh our bodies

refresh our minds may we wake up tomorrow morning with an explosion of

Joy because you have healed our bodies

no longer would it be hope deferred that makes the heart sick but instead would

it be a longing fulfilled that is a tree of life Lord Jesus

immerse us in your healing pool tonight dip us in your cleansing stream tonight

breathe your healing breath let it blow through the garden of our lives in Jesus

name in Jesus name

[Music] Jeremiah .

says Heal Me O Lord and I shall be healed

save me and I shall be saved

for you are my praise

first Peter verse . says he himself bore our sins in his

body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to

righteousness by his wounds you have been healed

yes Lord you have one healing for us

exact that healing in this moment manifest that healing right now Lord in

Jesus name Jeremiah verse .

behold I will bring it health and healing and I will heal them

and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security

thank you Jesus Isaiah verse .

but he was wounded for our transgressions he was crushed for our

iniquities upon him was the chastisement that

brought us peace and with his stripes

we are healed thank you Jesus for the peace You’ve Won

for us thank you Jesus for the Salvation you

have brought us into for the fellowship you have won for us

[Music] once again to have fellowship with God again

[Music] thank you for your healing do you won for us with every whip with

every Scourge with every spit with every punch with every kick

with every hit of the cat of nine tails and the whips with every pounding of each nail with

every breath with every moment Lord you have won

healing for us you died for our healing physical

spiritual now and eternal Lord Jesus with your resurrection power

you raised from the dead and raised us from the dead there was so much power exacted in that

place that so many people were even raised from the dead scripture says hundreds were walking

around town that word Once Dead you resurrected in the same moment Lord your

power released into our world is incredible and nothing can stop you

nothing is impossible for you Jesus

you’ve even put regenerative power into certain things in the world like the

lizard when it loses its tail it can regenerate its own tail back again

you placed that power within them Lord release your regenerative power

your healing power from heaven right now over everyone’s body that is listening

to this video as they sleep Lord may they pray out loud over their

friends and family over strangers that they meet tomorrow would you catapult

healing would you Ripple healing would you fold healing one after another would

you multiply healing exponentially in the Earth would this be

a time would this be a season where we always look back and see that you

started a mighty tidal wave of physical healing in the earth that we all banded

together with great faith in the one true king Jesus who can heal who does

heal who is our healing Lord we look to you God

as we sleep bring healing this night in

Jesus by your Holy Name Lord

thank you Father thank you Father

oh Psalm verse .

he heals the Brokenhearted and binds up their wounds

Lord Heal all the broken hearts right now in Jesus name

protect every weak and vulnerable person man woman and child in Jesus name

victory freedom

healing Lord we lift our eyes to you

you are where our help comes from specifically we pray for anyone who has

trauma trauma in the mind trauma in the heart

trauma in the body trauma in the brain Lord wherever it started we pray that in

one instant with one blink of your eye with one gaze into your eyes

healing from all past and present trauma

healing from every fear of the future that it wanted to bring in our lives

healing Jesus


Psalm verse . the Lord sustains him on his sick bed

and his illness you restore him to full

health yes Jesus we stand in the Gap with arms Linked In

the Spirit right now even As We Lay Lord we join our faith together across

the Earth asking for restoration to full health

in Jesus name there is no other name

but in Jesus name restoration to full health

yes Lord

Psalm –

bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits

who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your diseases

who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and


James . –

is anyone among you suffering let him pray

is anyone cheerful let him sing praise

is anyone among you sick let him call

for the Elders of the church and let them pray over him

anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord

and the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick

and the Lord will raise him up

and if he has committed sins he be forgiven

thank you Jesus Lord bring healing prayer

anoint them with your oil in the name of Jesus

thank you Lord James .

therefore confess your sins to one another

pray for one another that you may be healed

the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working

thank you Lord renew our faith in the praying power

you’ve given us renew our faith in you

restore to us the joy of our Salvation may we return to doing the things we did

at first with our first love Jesus


[Music] third John

verse . beloved I pray that all may go well with you

and that you may be in good health as it goes well with your soul

Proverbs . a joyful heart is good medicine

but a crushed Spirit dries up the bones Lord we pray for joyful Hearts where

there used to be crushed spirits where there used to be dried up bones we

pray that the bones would come to life thank you Jesus

trade the spirit and the man the Heart of Stone for the heart of Flesh

soften hard hearts in Jesus name

Jeremiah verse . for I will restore Health to you

and your wounds I will heal declares the Lord

because they have called you an outcast

yes Lord physical health physical wounds healed and any emotional

or mental or social wounds from people calling others outcasts or other harmful

words anything that was spoken of death or anything that was neglected to be

spoken of Life Lord we pray healing

restoration of Health in Jesus name

wow yes God

Matthew verse . and he called to him his twelve

disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to

heal every disease and every affliction

yes Lord we walk in that Authority right now and

we just say that the only Spirit allowed in and around us and our families and

friends is the holy spirit of God all other Spirits must come off and out

in Jesus name sent into the abyss where they belong never to return again fill

us and our friends and family with your Holy Spirit to overflowing


proverbs –

my son be attentive to my words incline your ear to my sayings

let them not escape from your sight them within your heart

for they are life to those who find them

and healing to all their flesh

yes Lord give us a passion for your words a

passion for the Bible your scripture your word

Lord fill us with your wisdom that heals that leads to life and healing in all

that we do yes God

yes Lord even extract

every source of negativity that would be speaking death

or speaking lies we’re speaking wickedness

Lord help us to see what we need to uproot

what voices or sounds we need to silence where we need to turn from the world and

turn to you bring healing Lord

thank you Jesus

Matthew verse . heal the sick

raise the Dead cleanse lepers

cast out demons you received without pain

give without pain yes God

heal the sick raise the Dead cleanse lepers

cast out demons release your healing power in the earth

once again in great measure once again

not in a trickle not in a drip

bring a mighty flood of your healing anointing your healing

power embold in your church with your Holy

Spirit put healing in our hands that we may not

only be healed but that we may heal

in Jesus name in Jesus name

cover the Earth with your glory Lord knowledge of the glory of the Lord

as the waters cover the Seas

May such masses of people be healed by you Jesus and turn in Repentance to you

Jesus that no flood like it has ever been seen

before in the Earth

Jesus Jesus Jesus

Psalm verse be gracious to me o

for I am languishing Heal Me O Lord for my bones are troubled

yeah Scott hear people’s cries tonight

and come to the rescue a faithful God

thank you Jesus

Deuteronomy . and the Lord will take away from you all

sickness and none of the evil diseases of Egypt

which you knew will he inflict on you yes God

we ask for that non-sick amongst us anointing that the early church walked

in that the Israelites had in this season that you have done throughout history in

certain times pour out the healing and health of

Heaven on your people tonight in Jesus name

Jesus name

Psalm – bless the Lord O my soul

and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity

who heals all your diseases yes Lord

right now anyone who is listening to this prayer video just whisper out loud say it out

loud sing it quietly out loud whatever you have to do but as you’re falling

asleep say it out loud that Jesus is Lord

give him some form of verbal worship and praise and gratitude

bless the Lord tell your soul to bless the Lord

he does not forget us he forgives all our iniquities he heals all of our

diseases bless the Lord right now as you lay in your bed and as he drifts you off

to sleep in his presence bless him right now

bless him right now thank you Jesus

bless you Lord minister to you God

we thank you Jesus glorify you Jesus

Lord we give you glory and honor and praise

right now and for all time You Are Holy you are worthy

[Music] You Are the Healer we thank you for your healing we thank

you for your gifts but we just thank you for you the giver the one the person the

god the god the only God the famous One the

righteous one The Only Name which we have by which we can be saved

maker of heaven and Earth alpha and omega beginning and end Father

Son and Holy Spirit we love you

we love you thank you for opening up our eyes to see

you thank you for taking the blinders and scales off of

our eyes thank you for disintegrating the shell off of our hearts

thank you for coming in and dwelling with us God dwelling in us and Us in you

thank you Jesus

Philippians . and my God Will Supply

every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus

yes God supply all the needs tonight

every physical need every Financial need every emotional need every mental need

every relational need every need from your hands God

we look to you Jesus [Music] Psalm verse .

he sent out his word and healed them

and delivered them from their destruction

yes God your word heals your word is so holy

so creative so regenerative that it heals everywhere it goes

with the sound waves and the spirit ways of your voice and your words erupt

in healing everywhere it reaches in Jesus name

Proverbs – trust in the Lord with all your heart

and do not lean on your own understanding

in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths

be not wise in your own eyes fear the lord and turn away from evil

it will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones

yes God give us a great surrender to you Lord

a leaning into your wisdom

verse . while you stretch out your hand to heal

and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant

Jesus yes God

we stretch out our hands toward ourselves toward our friends towards our

family towards the person we met towards the person we’ll meet

towards our city and our Earth is signs and wonders and healing be

performed through the name of Jesus

second chronicles .

If my people who are called by my name

humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their

Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and will

forgive their sin and heal their land

yes God we need healing in our land forgiveness of our sins

Lord I pray right now that As We Lay in our beds you would put confession on our

lips even tomorrow in the days to come

bring humility confession prayer and healing

would you quicken in our spirits and our minds even now who you want us to call

and confess to and pray with who you want us to ask them to pray over

us who you want us to pray over Lord bring a great humility in your

church amongst all churches even from one Church to the next a great unity and

healing amongst the bride of Christ the body of Christ all the churches in our

cities would you bring great unity and healing would we tear down our fences that keep

each other out and when we have great Unity amongst the body and she

and sheep Isaiah . through four

the spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to

bring good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the

Brokenhearted to Proclaim Liberty to the captives

and the opening of the prison to those who are bound

to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of Vengeance of our God

to comfort all who mourn to Grant to those who mourn in Zion

to give them a beautiful headdress instead of Ashes

oil of gladness instead of mourning Garment of Praise instead of a faint

spirit that they may be called Oaks of righteousness

the planting of the Lord that he may be glorified

they shall build up the ancient ruins they shall raise up the former

devastations they shall repair the ruined cities the

devastations of many generations yes Lord

we pray all these healing scriptures we believe in your physical healing

that you are releasing a special anointing of physical healing over our

bodies and Minds right now tonight as we sleep

we lift our own physical healing to you our friends and family everyone that

comes to mind we just say their names out loud right now

and we just step into and receive the physical healing that you have won for

us that you are exacting right now manifesting right now releasing right

now into the earth into our rooms into our bodies in Jesus name

healing tonight Jesus

healing tonight Jesus [Music]

great physician our comforter

our healer [Music] we pray for physical healing Lord

spiritual healing mental healing Lord

emotional healing relational healing

Lord Heal our bodies heal our minds

we have big faiths in our big God


as we sleep in your presence tonight

eel bodies I believe there is a special anointing

for physical healing that you are releasing into the Earth right now Jesus

regenerative power

[Music] resurrection power

healing from heaven where there is no pain no Darkness

no disease no sickness no sorrow

no suffering no Brokenness

Lord send healing from Heaven to our

bodies tonight Lord as we sleep

even As We Lay in our beds right now

send your angel of healing

send your presence that heals

speak your word that heals breathe your breath

that heals

thank you Jesus

thank you Jesus

we have full faith in your healing power

heal blind eyes tonight God

heal broken legs Jesus

heal skin issues Lord heal gut issues Jesus

Lord Heal wrists and hands he’ll feet and ankles and knees

Jesus healed back issues spines herniated discs all disc issues

all spinal injuries Lord shoulder problems kidney problems liver

problems stomach problems brain problems heart problems all of our organs and

Bones every system that you put into our bodies Lord with your perfect original

design Lord bring our bodies back into an alignment with your original design

in Jesus name as we sleep As We Lay as

we rest Lord refresh our bodies

refresh our minds may we wake up tomorrow morning with an explosion of

Joy because you have healed our bodies

no longer would it be hope deferred that makes the heart sick but instead would

it be a longing fulfilled that is a tree of life

Lord Jesus immerse us in your healing pool tonight

dip us in your cleansing stream tonight breathe your healing breath let it blow

through the garden of our lives in Jesus name in Jesus name

[Music] Jeremiah .

says Heal Me O Lord and I shall be healed

save me and I shall be saved

for you are my praise

first Peter verse . says he himself bore our sins in his

body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to

righteousness by his wounds you have been healed

yes Lord you have one healing for us

exact that healing in this moment manifest that healing right now Lord in

Jesus name Jeremiah verse .

behold I will bring it health and healing and I will heal them and reveal

to them abundance of prosperity and security

Isaiah verse but he was wounded for

our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities

upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with his stripes we

are healed thank you Jesus

for the peace You’ve Won for us thank you Jesus for the Salvation you

have brought us into for the fellowship you have won for us

once again to have fellowship with God again

thank you for your healing that you won for us with every whip with

every Scourge with every spit with every punch with every kick

with every hit of the cat of nine tails and the whips with every pounding of each nail with

every breath with every moment Lord you have won healing for us you died for

our healing physical spiritual now and eternal

Lord Jesus with your resurrection power you raised from the dead and raised us

from the dead there was so much power exacted in that

place that so many people were even raised from the dead scripture says

hundreds were walking around town that word Once Dead you resurrected in the

same moment Lord your power released into our world is incredible and nothing

can stop you nothing is impossible for you Jesus

you’ve even put regenerative power into certain things in the world like the

lizard when it loses its tail it can regenerate its own tail back again

you placed that power within them Lord release your regenerative power

your healing power from heaven right now over everyone’s body that is listening

to this video as they sleep Lord may they pray out loud over their

friends and family over strangers that they meet tomorrow would you catapult

healing would you Ripple healing would you fold healing one after another would

you multiply healing exponentially in the Earth would this be

a time would this be a season where we always look back and see that you

started a mighty tidal wave of physical healing in the earth that we all banded

together with great faith in the one true king Jesus who can heal who does

heal who is our healing Lord we look to you God

as we sleep bring healing this night in

Jesus name by your holy name

thank you Father

foreign Psalm verse .

he heals the Brokenhearted and binds up their wounds

Lord Heal all the broken hearts right now in Jesus name

protect every weak and vulnerable person man woman and child in Jesus name

victory [Music] Peter healing

Lord we lift our eyes to you you are where our help comes from

specifically we pray for anyone who has trauma

trauma in the mind trauma in the heart trauma in the body trauma in the brain

Lord wherever it started we pray that in one instant with one blink of your eye

with one gaze into your eyes

healing from all past and present trauma

healing from every fear of the future that it wanted to bring in our lives

healing Jesus

Jesus Jesus

Psalm verse the Lord sustains him on his sick bed

and his illness you restore him to full health

yes Jesus we stand in the Gap with arms Linked In

the Spirit right now even As We Lay Lord we join our faith together across

the Earth asking for restoration to full health

in Jesus name there is no other name

but in Jesus name restoration to full health

yes Lord

psalm . two through four

bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits

who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your diseases

who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and


Jesus Jesus

James . –

is anyone among you suffering let him pray

is anyone cheerful let him sing praise

is anyone among you sick let him call for the Elders of the

church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of

the Lord and the prayer of faith will save the

one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up

and if he has committed sins he will be forgiven

thank you Jesus Lord bring healing prayer

anoint them with your oil in the name of Jesus

thank you Lord [Music] James .

therefore confess your sins to one another

pray for one another that you may be healed

the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working

thank you Lord renew our faith in the praying power

you’ve given us renew our faith in you

restore to us the joy of our salvation may we return to doing the things we did

at first with our first love Jesus

Jesus Jesus

third John verse . beloved

I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health

as it goes well with your soul

Proverbs . a joyful heart is good medicine

but a crushed Spirit dries up the bones

Lord we pray for joyful Hearts where there used to be crushed spirits

where there used to be dried up bones we pray that the bones would come to life

thank you Jesus trade the spirit and the man the Heart of Stone for the heart of

Flesh soften hard hearts in Jesus name

Jeremiah verse . for I will restore Health to you

and your wounds I will heal declares the Lord

because they have called you an outcast

yes Lord physical health physical wounds healed

and any emotional or mental or social wounds from people calling others

outcasts or other harmful words anything that was spoken of death or anything

that was neglected to be spoken of Life Lord we pray

healing restoration of Health

wow yes God

Matthew verse . and he called to him his twelve

disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to

heal every disease and every affliction

yes Lord we walk in that Authority right now and we just say that the only Spirit

allowed in and around us and our families and friends is the holy spirit

of God all other Spirits must come off and out

in Jesus name sent into the abyss where they belong never to return again

fill us and our friends and family with your Holy Spirit to to overflowing

proverbs – my son

be attentive to my words incline your ear to my sayings

let them not escape from your sight eat them within your heart

for they are life to those who find them

and healing to all their flesh

yes Lord give us a passion for your words a

passion for the Bible your scripture your word

Lord fill us with your wisdom that heals that leads to life and healing

in all that we do

yes God

yes Lord Lord even extract

every source of negativity that would be speaking death

or speaking lies speaking wickedness

Lord help us to see what we need to uproot

what voices or sounds we need to silence where we need to turn from the world and

turn to you bring healing Lord

thank you Jesus


heal the sick raise the Dead

cleanse lepers cast out demons

you received without pain give without pain

yes God heal the sick raise the dead

cleanse lepers cast out demons

release your healing power in the earth once again

in great measure once again

not in a trickle not in a drip

bring a mighty flood of your healing anointing

your healing power [Music] embold in your church with your Holy

Spirit put healing in our hands that we may not only be healed

but that we may heal in Jesus name

in Jesus name cover the Earth with your glory Lord

knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the Seas

May such masses of people be healed by you Jesus and turn in Repentance to you

Jesus that no flood like it has ever been seen

before in the Earth

Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music]

Psalm verse . be gracious to Me O Lord for I am

languishing Heal Me O Lord for my bones are troubled

as God hear people’s cries tonight

and come to the rescue a faithful God

thank you Jesus

Deuteronomy . . and the Lord will take away from you all

sickness and none of the evil diseases of Egypt

which you knew will he inflict on you yes God

we ask for that non-sick amongst us anointing that the early church walked

in that the Israelites had in this season that you have done throughout history in

certain times pour out the healing and health of

Heaven on your people tonight in Jesus name

Jesus name

Psalm – bless the Lord O my soul

and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity

who heals all your diseases yes Lord

right now anyone who is listening to this prayer video just whisper out loud say it out

loud sing it quietly out loud whatever you have to do but as you’re falling

asleep say it out loud

that Jesus is Lord give him some form of verbal worship and

praise and gratitude bless the Lord tell your soul to bless

the Lord he does not forget us

forgives all our iniquities he heals all of our diseases

bless the Lord right now as you lay in your bed and as he drifts you off to

sleep in his presence bless him right now

bless him right now thank you Jesus

we bless you Lord minister to you God

we thank you Jesus who glorify you Jesus

Lord we give you glory and honor and praise

right now and for all time You Are Holy

you are worthy You Are the Healer

we thank you for your healing we thank you for your gifts but we just thank you

for you the giver the one the person the

god God the only God the famous One the

righteous one The Only Name which we have by which we can be saved

maker of heaven and Earth alpha and omega beginning and end Father

Son and Holy Spirit [Music] we love you

we love you thank you for opening up our eyes to see

you for taking the blinders and scales off of

our eyes thank you for disintegrating the shell off of our hearts

thank you for coming in and dwelling with us God dwelling in us and Us in you

thank you Jesus

Philippians and my God Will Supply

every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus

yes God supply all the needs tonight

every physical need every Financial need every emotional need every mental need

every relational need every need from your hands God

we look to you Jesus [Music] Psalm verse .

he sent out his word and healed them and delivered them from

their destruction yes God your word heals

your word is so holy so creative

so regenerative that it heals everywhere it goes

with the sound waves and the spirit ways of your voice and your words erupt

in healing everywhere it reaches in Jesus name

Proverbs – trust in the Lord with all your heart

and do not lean on your own understanding

in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths

be not wise in your own eyes fear the lord and turn away from evil

it will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones

yes God give us a great surrender to you Lord

a leaning into your wisdom in Jesus name

acts verse . while you stretch out your hand to heal

and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant

Jesus yeah Scott

we stretch out our hands toward ourselves toward our friends

towards our family towards the person we met towards the person we’ll meet

towards our city and our Earth [Music] May signs and wonders and healing be

performed through the name of Jesus

thank you second chronicles .

If my people who are called by my name

humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from

their Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and will

forgive their sin and heal their land

yes God we need healing in our land forgiveness of our sins

Lord I pray right now that As We Lay in our beds you would put confession on our

lips even tomorrow in the days to come

bring humility confession prayer and healing

would you quicken in our spirits and our minds even now who you want us to call

and confess to and pray with who you want us to ask them to pray over

us who you want us to pray over Lord bring a great humility in your

church amongst all churches even from one Church to the next a great unity and

healing amongst the bride of Christ the body of Christ all the churches in our

cities would you bring great unity and healing

would we tear down our fences that keep each other out and when we have great

Unity amongst the body and Jesus

Isaiah . one through four

Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to

bring good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the

Brokenhearted to Proclaim Liberty to the captives

and the opening of the prison to those who are bound

to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of Vengeance of our God

to comfort all who mourn to Grant to those who mourn in Zion

to give them a beautiful headdress instead of Ashes

the oil of gladness instead of mourning

Garment of Praise instead of a faint spirit

that they may be called Oaks of righteousness the planting of the Lord

that he may be glorified they shall build up the ancient ruins

they shall raise up the former devastations they shall repair the ruined cities

the devastations of many generations

yes Lord we pray all these healing scriptures

we believe in your physical healing that you are releasing a special

anointing of physical healing over our bodies and Minds right now tonight as we

sleep we lift our own physical healing to you

our friends and family everyone that comes to mind we just say their names

out loud right now and we just step into and receive the

physical healing that you have won for us that you are exacting right now

manifesting right now releasing right now into the earth into our rooms into

our bodies in Jesus name

name healing tonight Jesus

healing tonight Jesus

great physician [Music] our comforter

[Music] our healer

we pray for physical healing Lord

spiritual healing mental healing Lord

emotional healing relational healing

Lord Heal our bodies heal our minds

we have big faiths in our big God

Lord as we sleep foreign

s tonight

heal bodies I believe there is a special anointing

for physical healing that you are releasing into the Earth right now Jesus

regenerative power

holy spirit Power resurrection power

healing from heaven where there is no pain

no Darkness no disease no sickness

no sorrow no suffering no Brokenness

Lord send healing from Heaven to our

bodies tonight Lord as we sleep

even As We Lay in our beds right now

send your angel of healing

send your presence that heals speak your word that heals

breathe your breath that heals

thank you Jesus

thank you Jesus we have full faith in your healing power

heal blind eyes tonight God

heal broken legs Jesus

heal skin issues Lord heal gut issues Jesus

Lord Heal wrists and hands he’ll feed and ankles and knees

Jesus healed back issues spines herniated discs all disc issues

all spinal injuries Lord shoulder problems kidney problems liver

problems stomach problems brain problems heart problems all of our organs and

Bones every system that you put into our bodies Lord with your perfect original

design Lord bring our bodies back into an alignment with your original design

in Jesus name as we sleep As We Lay as

we rest Lord refresh our bodies

refresh our minds may we wake up tomorrow morning with an explosion of

Joy because you have healed our bodies

no longer would it be hope deferred that makes the heart sick but instead would

it be a longing fulfilled that is a tree of life Lord Jesus

immerse us in your healing pool tonight dip us in your cleansing stream tonight

breathe your healing breath let it blow through the garden of our lives in Jesus

name in Jesus name in Jesus name


Jeremiah . says Heal Me O Lord and I shall be

healed save me and I shall be saved

for you are my praise

first Peter verse . says he himself bore our sins in his

body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to

righteousness by his wounds you have been healed

yes Lord you have one healing for us

exact that healing in this moment manifest that healing right now Lord in

Jesus name Jeremiah verse .

behold I will bring it health and healing and I will heal them and reveal

to them abundance of prosperity and security

thank you Jesus Isaiah verse but he was wounded for

our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities

upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with his stripes

we are healed

thank you Jesus for the peace You’ve Won for us

thank you Jesus for the Salvation you have brought us into

for the fellowship you have won for us once again to have fellowship with God

again thank you for your healing

that you won for us with every whip with every Scourge with every spit

with every punch with every kick with every hit of the cat of nine tails

and the whips with every pounding of each nail with

every breath with every moment Lord you have won healing for us you died for

our healing physical spiritual now and eternal

Lord Jesus with your resurrection power you raised from the dead and raised us

from the dead there was so much power exacted in that

place that so many people were even raised from the dead scripture says

hundreds were walking around town that weren’t Once Dead you resurrected in the

same moment Lord your power released into our world is incredible and nothing

can stop you nothing is impossible for you Jesus

you’ve even put regenerative power into certain things in the world like the

lizard when it loses its tail it can regenerate its own tail back again

you placed that power within them Lord release your regenerative power

your healing power from heaven right now over everyone’s body that is listening

to this video as they sleep Lord may they pray out loud over their

friends and family over strangers that they meet tomorrow would you catapult

healing would you Ripple healing would you fold healing one after another would

you multiply healing exponentially in the Earth would this be

a time would this be a season where we always look back and see that you

started a mighty tidal wave of physical healing in the earth that we all banded

together with great faith in the one true king Jesus who can heal who does

heal who is our healing Lord we look to you God

as we sleep bring healing this night in Jesus name

by your Holy Name heart thank you Father

thank you Father

Psalm verse . he heals the Brokenhearted and binds up

their wounds Lord Heal all the broken hearts right

now in Jesus name protect every weak and vulnerable person

man woman and child in Jesus name

victory [Music] Freedom

healing Lord we lift our eyes to you

you are where our help comes from specifically we pray for anyone who has

trauma trauma in the mind trauma in the heart

trauma in the body trauma in the brain Lord wherever it started we pray that in

one instant with one blink of your eye with one gaze into your eyes

healing from all past and present trauma

healing from every fear of the future that it wanted to bring in our lives

healing Jesus

Jesus Jesus

Psalm verse . the Lord sustains him on his sick bed

and his illness you restore him to full health

yes Jesus we stand in the Gap with arms Linked In

the Spirit right now even As We Lay Lord we join our faith together across

the Earth asking for restoration to full health

in Jesus name there is no other name

but in Jesus name restoration to full health

yes Lord

psalm . through .

bless the Lord O my soul forget not all his benefits

who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your diseases

redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and


Jesus Jesus

James . –

is anyone among you suffering let him pray

is anyone cheerful let him sing praise

is anyone among you sick let him call

for the Elders of the church and let them pray over him

anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord

and the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick

and the Lord will raise him up

and if he has committed sins he will be forgiven

thank you Jesus Lord bring healing prayer

anoint them with your oil in the name of Jesus

thank you Lord James .

therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another

that you may be healed prayer of a righteous person has great

power as it is working

thank you Lord renew our faith in the praying power

you’ve given us renew our faith in you

restore to us the joy of our salvation

may we return to doing the things we did at first with our first love

Jesus Jesus [Music]

third John verse . beloved

I pray that all may go well with you

and that you may be in good health as it

goes well with your soul Proverbs .

a joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed Spirit dries up the bones

Lord we pray for joyful Hearts where there used to be crushed spirits

where there used to be dried out bones we pray that the bones would come to

life thank you Jesus trade the spirit and the

man the Heart of Stone for the heart of Flesh soften hard hearts in Jesus name

Jeremiah verse . for I will restore Health to you

and your wounds I will heal declares the Lord

because they have called you an outcast

yes Lord physical health physical wounds healed and any emotional

or mental or social wound from people calling others outcasts or

other harmful words anything that was spoken of death or anything that was

neglected to be spoken of life Lord we pray healing

restoration of Health

yes God [Music] Matthew verse .

and he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over

unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every disease and every affliction

yes Lord we walk in that Authority right now and

we just say that the only Spirit allowed in and around us and our families and

friends is the holy spirit of God all other Spirits must come off and out

in Jesus name sent into the abyss where they belong never to return again fill

us and our friends and family with your Holy Spirit to overflowing

in Jesus name

proverbs – my son

be attentive to my words incline your ear to my sayings

let them not escape from your sight keep them within your heart

for they are life to those who find them and healing to all their flesh

[Music] yes Lord give us a passion for your words a

passion for the Bible your scripture your word

Lord fill us with your wisdom that heals that leads to life and healing

in all that we do

yes God

yes Lord Lord even extract

every source of negativity that would be speaking death

or speaking lies or speaking wickedness

Lord help us to see what we need to uproot

what voices or sounds we need to silence where we need to turn from the world

Turn to You bring healing Lord

thank you Jesus

Matthew verse heal the sick

raise the Dead cleanse lepers

cast out demons you received without pain

give without pay yes God

heal the sick raise the Dead cleanse lepers

cast out demons [Music] release your healing power in the earth

once again in great measure once again

not in a trickle not in a drip

bring a mighty flood of your healing anointing

your healing power embolden your church with your Holy

Spirit put healing in our hands that we may not only be healed

but that we may heal in Jesus name

cover the Earth with your glory Lord the knowledge of the glory of the Lord

as the waters cover the Seas

May such masses of people be healed by you Jesus and turn in Repentance to you

Jesus that no flood like it has ever been seen

before in the Earth Jesus Jesus

Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music]

Psalm verse . [Music] gracious to Me O Lord

for I am languishing Heal Me O Lord

for my bones are troubled

yes God hear people’s cries tonight

and come to the rescue a faithful God

thank you Jesus

Deuteronomy . . and the Lord will take away from you all

sickness and none of the evil diseases of Egypt

which you knew will he inflict on you yes God

we ask for that non-sick amongst us anointing that the early church walked

in that the Israelites had in this season that you have done throughout history in

certain times pour out the healing and health of

Heaven on your people tonight in Jesus name

in Jesus name

psalm . two through three bless the Lord O my soul

and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity

who heals all your diseases yes Lord

right now anyone who is listening to this prayer video just whisper out loud say it out

loud sing it quietly out loud whatever you have to do but as you’re falling asleep

say it out loud that Jesus is Lord

give him some form of verbal worship and praise and gratitude

bless the Lord tell your soul to bless

the Lord he does not forget us he forgives all

our iniquities he heals all of our diseases bless the Lord right now as you

lay in your bed and as he drifts you off to sleep in his presence

bless him right now

bless him right now thank you Jesus

bless you Lord minister to you God

we thank you Jesus glorify you Jesus

Lord we give you glory and honor and praise

right now and for all time You Are Holy

you are worthy You Are the Healer

we thank you for your healing we thank you for your gifts but we just thank you

for you the giver the one the person the

god the the god the only God the famous One the

righteous one The Only Name which we have by which we can be saved

maker of heaven and Earth alpha and omega beginning and end Father

Son and Holy Spirit we love you

we love you thank you for opening up our eyes to see

you thank you for taking the blinders and

scales off of our eyes thank you for disintegrating the shell

off of our hearts thank you for coming in and dwelling

with us God dwelling in us and Us in you

thank you Jesus

Philippians and my God Will Supply

every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus

yes God supplied all the needs tonight

every physical need every Financial need every emotional need every mental need

every relational need every need from your hands God

we look to you Jesus [Music] Psalm verse .

he sent out his word and healed them

and delivered them from their destruction

yes God your word heals your word is so holy

so creative so regenerative that it heals everywhere it goes

with the sound waves and the spirit ways of your voice and your words erupt

in healing everywhere it reaches in Jesus name

Proverbs – trust in the Lord with all your heart

and do not lean on your own understanding

in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths

be not wise in your own eyes fear the lord and turn away from evil

it will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones

yes God give us a great surrender to you Lord

a leaning into your wisdom in Jesus name

acts verse . while you stretch out your hands to heal

and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant

Jesus yeah Scott

we stretch out our hands toward ourselves toward our friends

towards our family towards the person we met towards the person we’ll meet

towards our city and our Earth May signs and wonders and healing be

performed through the name of Jesus

thank you second chronicles .

If my people who are called by my name

humble themselves and pray and seek my face

and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and will

forgive their sin and heal their land

yes God we need healing in our land forgiveness of our sins

Lord I pray right now that As We Lay in our beds you would put confession on our

lips even tomorrow in the days to come

bring humility confession prayer

and healing would you quicken in our spirits and our

minds even now who you want us to call and fast to and pray with

who you want us to ask them to pray over us who you want us to pray over

Lord bring a great humility in your church amongst all churches even from one

Church to the next a great unity and healing amongst the bride of Christ the

body of Christ all the churches in our cities would you bring great unity and

healing would we tear down our fences that keep each other out

and would we have great Unity amongst the body and cheese and cheese

Isaiah . one through four

the spirit of the Lord God is upon me

because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor

he has sent me to bind up the Brokenhearted

to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those

who are bound to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor

and the day of Vengeance of our God [Music]

the comfort of all who mourn to Grant to those who mourn in Zion

give them a beautiful headdress instead of Ashes

the oil of gladness instead of mourning

Garment of Praise instead of a faint spirit

that they may be called Oaks of righteousness the planting of the Lord that he may be

glorified they shall build up the ancient ruins

they shall raise up the former devastations they shall repair the ruined cities

the devastations of many generations

yes Lord Lord we pray all these healing

scriptures we believe in your physical healing

that you are releasing a special anointing of physical healing over our

bodies and Minds right now tonight as we sleep

we lift our own physical healing to you our friends and family

everyone that comes to mind we just say their names out loud right now

and we just step into and receive the physical healing that you have won for

us that you are exacting right now manifesting right now releasing right

now into the earth into our rooms into our bodies in Jesus name

listening healing tonight Jesus

healing tonight Jesus

great physician our comforter

our healer we pray for physical healing Lord

spiritual healing mental healing Lord

[Music] emotional healing relational healing

Lord Heal our bodies heal our minds

we have big faiths in our big God

the Lord as we sleep as we sleep in your presence tonight

heal bodies I believe there’s a special anointing

for physical healing that you are releasing into the Earth right now Jesus

regenerative power

holy spirit Power resurrection power

healing from heaven where there is no pain

no darkness no disease no sickness

no sorrow no suffering no Brokenness

Lord send healing from Heaven to our

bodies tonight Lord as we sleep

even As We Lay in our beds right now

send your angel of healing

send your presence that heals

your word that heals breathe your breath

that heals

[Music] thank you Jesus thank you

thank you Jesus

we have full faith in your healing power

heal blind eyes tonight God

heal broken legs Jesus

heal skin issues Lord heal gut issues Jesus

Lord Heal wrists and hands he’ll feet and ankles and knees

Jesus healed back issues spines herniated discs all disc issues

all spinal injuries Lord shoulder problems kidney problems liver

problems stomach problems brain problems heart problems all of our organs and

Bones every system that you put into our bodies Lord with your perfect original

design Lord bring our bodies back into an alignment with your original design

in Jesus name as we sleep As We Lay as

we rest Lord refresh our bodies

refresh our minds may we wake up tomorrow morning with an explosion of

Joy because you have healed our bodies

no longer would it be hope deferred that makes the heart sick but instead would

it be a longing fulfilled that is a tree of life Lord Jesus

immerse us in your healing pool tonight dip us in your cleansing stream tonight

breathe your healing breath let it blow through the garden of our lives in Jesus

name in Jesus name in Jesus name

[Music] Jeremiah .

says Heal Me O Lord and I shall be healed

save me and I shall be saved

for you are my praise

first Peter verse . says he himself bore our sins in his

body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to

righteousness by his wounds you have been healed

yes Lord you have one healing for us

exact that healing in this moment manifest that healing right now Lord in

Jesus name Jeremiah verse .

behold I will bring it health and healing and I will heal them and reveal

to them abundance of prosperity and security

thank you Jesus Isaiah verse .

but he was wounded for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities

upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with his stripes

[Music] we are healed

thank you Jesus for the peace You’ve Won for us

thank you Jesus for the Salvation you have brought us into

for the fellowship you have won for us once again to have fellowship with God

again thank you for your healing that you won

for us with every whip with every Scourge with every spit

with every punch with every kick with every hit of the cat of nine tails

and the whips with every pounding of each nail with

every breath with every moment Lord you have won healing for us

you died for our healing physical spiritual now and eternal

Lord Jesus with your resurrection power you raised from the dead and raised us

from the dead there was so much power exacted in that

place that so many people were even raised from the dead scripture says hundreds were walking

around town that word wants dead you resurrected in the same moment Lord your

power released into our world is incredible and nothing can stop you

nothing is impossible for you Jesus

you’ve even put regenerative power into certain things in the world like the

lizard when it loses its tail it can regenerate its own tail back again

you placed that power within them Lord release your regenerative power

your healing power from heaven right now over everyone’s body that is listening

to this video as they sleep Lord may they pray out loud over their

friends and family over strangers that they meet tomorrow would you catapult

healing would you Ripple healing would you fold healing one after another would

you multiply healing exponentially in the Earth would this be

a time would this be a season where we always look back and see that you

started a mighty tidal wave of physical healing in the earth that we all banded

together with great faith in the one true king Jesus who can heal who does

heal who is our healing Lord we look to you God

as we sleep bring healing this night in Jesus name

by your Holy Name Lord thank you Father

thank you Father oh

Psalm verse . he heals the Brokenhearted and binds up

their wounds Lord Heal all the broken hearts right

now in Jesus name protect every weak and vulnerable person

man woman and child in Jesus name [Music]

victory freedom

peely Lord we lift our eyes to you

you are where our help comes from specifically we pray for anyone who has

trauma trauma in the mind trauma in the heart

trauma in the body trauma in the brain Lord wherever it started we pray that in

one instant with one blink of your eye with one gaze into your eyes

healing from all past and present drama

healing from every fear of the future that it wanted to bring in our lives

healing Jesus

Jesus Jesus

Psalm verse . the Lord sustains him on his sick bed

and his illness you restore him to full health

yes Jesus we stand in the Gap with arms Linked In

This Spirit right now even As We Lay Lord we join our faith together across

the Earth asking for restoration to full health

in Jesus name there is no other name

but in Jesus name restoration to full health

yes Lord

psalm . two through four

bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits

who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your diseases

who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and

mercy [Music]

James . –

is anyone among you suffering let him pray

is anyone cheerful let him sing praise

is anyone among you sick let him call

for the Elders of the church and let them pray over him

anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord

and the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick

and the Lord will raise him up

and if he has committed sins he will be forgiven

thank you Jesus Lord bring healing prayer

anoint them with your oil in the name of Jesus

thank you Lord [Music] James .

therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another

that you may be healed the prayer of a righteous person has

great power as it is working

thank you Lord renew our faith in the praying power

you’ve given us renew our faith in you

restore to us the joy of our salvation

may we return to doing the things we did at first with our first love Jesus

Jesus Jesus [Music]

third John verse . beloved

I pray that all may go well with you

and that you may be in good health as it goes well with your soul

Proverbs . a joyful heart is good medicine

but a crushed Spirit dries up the bones

Lord we pray for joyful Hearts where there used to be crushed spirits

where there used to be dried up bones we pray that the bones would come to life

thank you Jesus trade the spirit and the man the Heart

of Stone for the heart of Flesh soften hard hearts in Jesus name

Jeremiah verse . for I will restore Health to you

and your wounds I will heal declares the Lord

because they have called you an outcast

yes Lord physical health physical wounds healed

and any emotional or mental or social wound

from people calling others outcasts or other harmful words anything that was

spoken of death or anything that was neglected to be spoken of life

Lord we pray healing restoration of Health

in Jesus name [Music]

his name to ask God Matthew verse .

and he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over

unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every disease and every affliction

[Music] yes Lord we walk in that Authority right

now and we just say that the only Spirit allowed in and around us and our

families and friends is the holy spirit of God

all other Spirits must come off and out in Jesus name sent into the abyss where

they belong never to return again fill us and our friends and family with your

Holy Spirit to overflowing

proverbs – my son

be attentive to my words incline your ear to my sayings

let them not escape from your sight keep them within your heart

for they are life to those who find them

and healing to all their flesh

yes Lord give us a passion for your words a

passion for the Bible your scripture your word

Lord fill us with your wisdom that heals that leads to life and healing

in all that we do

yes God

yes Mark Lord even extract

every source of negativity that would be speaking death

or speaking lies or speaking wickedness

Lord help us to see what we need to uproot what voices or sounds we need to silence

where we need to turn from the world and Turn to You

bring healing Lord thank you Jesus

Matthew verse . heal the sick

raise the Dead cleanse lepers

cast out demons you received without pain

give without pay yes guy

heal the sick raise the Dead cleanse lepers

cast out demons release your healing power in the earth

once again in great measure once again

not in a trickle not in a drip

bring a mighty flood of your healing

anointing your healing power embold in your church with your Holy

Spirit put healing in our hands that we may not only be healed

but that we may heal in Jesus name

cover the Earth with your glory Lord the knowledge of the glory of the Lord

as the waters cover the Seas

May such masses of people be healed by you Jesus and turn in Repentance to you

Jesus that no flood like it has ever been seen

before in the Earth

Jesus Jesus Jesus Lord

Psalm verse . be gracious to Me O Lord

for I am languishing Heal Me O Lord for my bones are troubled

yes God hear people’s cries tonight

and come to the rescue faithful God

thank you Jesus

Deuteronomy . . and the Lord will take away from you all

sickness and none of the evil diseases of Egypt

which you knew will he inflict on you yes God

we ask for that non-sick amongst us anointing that the early church walked

in that the Israelites had in this season that you have done throughout history in

certain times pour out the healing and health of

Heaven on your people tonight in Jesus name

psalm . two through three

bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits

who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your diseases

yes Lord right now anyone who is listening to

this prayer video just whisper out loud say it out loud sing it quietly out loud

whatever you have to do as you’re falling asleep

say it out loud [Music] that Jesus is Lord

give him some form of verbal worship and praise and gratitude

bless the Lord tell your soul to bless

the Lord he does not forget us he forgives all

our iniquities he heals all of our diseases bless the Lord right now as you

lay in your bed and as he drifts you off to sleep in his presence

bless him right now

bless him right now thank you Jesus

we bless you Lord minister to you God

we thank you Jesus glorify you Jesus

Lord we give you glory and honor and praise

right now and for all time You Are Holy

you are worthy You Are the Healer

we thank you for your healing we thank you for your gifts but we just thank you

for you the giver the one the person the

god the god the only God

the famous One the righteous one The Only Name which we have by which we

can be saved maker of heaven and Earth alpha and omega beginning and end Father

Son and Holy Spirit we love you

we love you thank you for opening up our eyes to see

you thank you for taking the blinders and scales off of

our eyes thank you for disintegrating the shell off of our hearts

thank you for coming in and dwelling with us God dwelling in us and Us in you

thank you Jesus

Philippians . and my God Will Supply

every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus

yes God supply all the needs tonight

every physical need every Financial need every emotional need every mental need

every relational need every need from your hands God

we look to you Jesus Psalm verse .

he sent out his word and healed them and delivered them from their

destruction yes God your word heals

your word is so holy so creative

so regenerative that it heals everywhere it goes

with the sound waves and the spirit ways of your voice and your words

erupt in healing everywhere it reaches in Jesus name

[Music] Proverbs –

trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own

understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He

will make straight your paths be not wise in your own eyes

fear the lord and turn away from evil it will be healing to your flesh and

refreshment to your bones yes God

give us a great surrender to you Lord a leaning into your wisdom

in Jesus name acts verse .

while you stretch out your hands to heal and signs and wonders are performed

through the name of your holy servant Jesus

yeah Scott stretch out our hands

toward ourselves toward our friends towards our family towards the person we

met towards the person we’ll meet towards our city and our Earth

May signs and wonders and healing be performed through the name of Jesus

second chronicles . If my people who are called by my name

humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their

Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and will

forgive their sin and heal their land

yes God we need healing in our land forgiveness of our sins

Lord I pray right now that As We Lay in our beds you would put confession on our

lips even tomorrow in the days to come

bring humility confession prayer and healing

would you quicken in our spirits and our minds even now who you want us to call

and confess to and pray with who you want us to ask them to pray over

us who you want us to pray over Lord bring a great humility in your

church amongst all churches even from one Church to the next a great unity and

healing amongst the bride of Christ the body of Christ all the churches in our

cities would you bring great unity and healing would we tear down our fences that keep

each other out and would we have great Unity amongst the body in Jesus name

Isaiah . one through four [Music]

Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to

bring good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the

Brokenhearted to Proclaim Liberty to the captives

and the opening of the prison to those who are bound

to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of Vengeance of our God

to comfort all who mourn to Grant to those who mourn in Zion

to give them a beautiful address instead of Ashes

the oil of gladness instead of mourning

Garment of Praise instead of a faint spirit

that they may be called Oaks of righteousness the planting of the Lord that he may be

glorified they shall build up the ancient ruins

they shall raise up the former devastations they shall repair the ruined cities

the devastations of many generations

yes Lord we pray all these healing scriptures

we believe in your physical healing that you are releasing a special

anointing of physical healing over our bodies and Minds right now tonight as we

sleep we lift our own physical healing to you our friends and family everyone that

comes to mind we just say their names out loud right now

and we just step into and receive the physical healing that you have won for

us that you are exacting right now manifesting right now releasing right

now into the earth into our rooms into our bodies in Jesus name

Jesus name in Jesus name


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