You Are Not Allowed To Skip Jesus | God's message today | Jesus Affirmations - Free AI Voice Generator

You Are Not Allowed To Skip Jesus | God’s message today | Jesus Affirmations

my child understand that your life
serves a purpose on this Earthly Journey
Your Existence is not haphazard you are
here for a reason as you navigate
through life’s Labyrinth trust in the
divine plan that unfolds before you this
plan is like a tapestry interwoven with
threads of Love purpose and Destiny
every experience every person you
encounter and every challenge you
overcome contributes to the Masterpiece
of your life when fear grips your heart
and uncertainty clouds your thoughts
know that God is the rock upon which you
can cling he is your refuge and your
strength with him you are sheltered from
the storms that may rage around you when
life’s winds threaten to knock you off
your feet hold on to him and will anchor
you securely together you will weather
the storms and you will emerge stronger
and more resilient your worries your
fears your dreams and your desires god
holds them all in his loving embrace you
need not bear the weight of the world on
your shoulders
entrust your concerns to him and observe
as he works in your life he possesses
the remarkable ability to transform
challenges into opportunities and to
turn pain into growth remember he is the
god of the impossible making the way
even when it appears there is none now I
invite you to take a step of Faith open
your heart to God and accept the peace
and love that he offers seek him with
unwavering faith for he is always near
waiting for you to reach out in The
Quiet Moments of prayer meditation or
reflection you will find him seek his
guidance his comfort and his wisdom and
you will witness the Wonders that unfold
when your heart aligns with his
type Amen in the comments and get
blessed today

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