God Says: Skip Now If You Hate Jesus | God's Message For You - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: Skip Now If You Hate Jesus | God’s Message For You

my child I understand that life can
present challenges that seem
insurmountable yet rest assured that
with me all things are possible you are
never given more than you can handle and
you are never alone on this journey even
when it feels like the weight of the
world rests upon your shoulders remember
that I am there to help you bear the
load in times of Doubt remember my love
Remember My Love
for you love is patient and kind it does
not envy or boast love is not proud rude
or self-seeking it honors others and
does not keep a record of wrongs love
Delights in truth and protects trusts
hopes and perseveres my love for you
encompasses all these qualities and more
Love Delights in Truth
it’s a love that knows no bounds a love
that is unwavering and eternal the love
I have for you is so profound that I
gave my one and only son for you he came
to bring you salvation to offer you a
path to eternal life this act of Love
Love One Another
demonstrates the depth of my commitment
to you just as I love you I ask you to
love one another love even those who may
seem difficult to love and show kindness
to those who need it most by loving
others you become a beacon of light in a
world that sometimes feels dark and
challenging take a moment to reflect on
these words dear child allow them to
sink into your heart and let them guide
your actions let your belief in me
radiate through your words your choices
and your interactions with others be a
living example of the love and
compassion that I have shown you may
these words bring you comfort guidance
and a deeper understanding of the love I
have for you if you believe in me if you
trust in my promises and if you are
willing to share this message of love
with others type amen your faith and
love bring me immense joy and I am
always here to listen to your prayers to
guide your steps and to embrace you in
my boundless

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