you will be punished if you skip this ✝️ | Gods message today - Free AI Voice Generator

you will be punished if you skip this ✝️ | Gods message today

after the next minutes you will truly

feel the divine power so don’t cut them

short or skip them you’ll feel as like

God is watching over you and caring

about you after those

minutes the Divine message for today I

hope that whoever is reading this finds

comfort from whatever it is that is

hurting or worrying them it’s time to

purge your mind of all the negative

thoughts to analytical thoughts and

self-doubt please educated brains that

are confused I wish you much peace and

calm in your life if you believe in God

as I do please click the like button

never be scared to get back up and try

again give up the thoughts that diminish

your value get over the belief that you

are incapable of growing and progressing

get rid of the people and actions that

are keeping you from achieving your

objective it’s time to let go of ideals

that confine you allow Your Divine

Essence to surface say Amen to affirm it

now is the time to purge disappointment

anxiety dread trauma and any other

unpleasant feelings and ideas from your

entire body your heart is full of

Courage wisdom love and fortitude

because you have been healed you are a

Divine Soul going through a human life

imagine it for a moment imagine it take

ownership of it to be sure click the yes

button the root ahead of you will be

illuminated by your soul and you will

feel compelled to follow it with great

inner strength every moment is a chance

to reflect on the things that make life

worthwhile and to grow and learn from

the changes that occur in life you are

unstoppable You’re Not Afraid at all you

are strong despite your

limitations put on a confident armor to

Shield oneself from criticism avoid

trying to fit into the stereotype that

other people have of you you are here

for a reason your sole purpose your own

nature be open to The Awakening of your

spirit seeing what to do next will be

simple please answer why yes if you

agree you must choose your own path

while never losing sight of your

Limitless possibilities you will

discover more about who you are and how

you may best help fulfill your Divine

Destiny as you continue on a spiritual

path consider yourself only when you

have the courage to listen to your heart

will you be walking down the path metant

for you no one can take away your

Brilliance if you allow them to you are

the only one with the breath of life

within you as magnificent as your

intellect and heart will allow you to be

so be it to be sure click the yes button

something is going to surface from a

place much deeper than who you think

yourself to be right now your ultimate

life objective ought to be to awaken

avoid falling back on habits just

because they’re comfortable Crossing

past past boundaries emits a unique

energy to Alternative Futures exist take

note agree access things are going to

work out for you immediately negative

thoughts overthinking and doubt will

vanish to be replaced by logical

reasoning your life is going to start

becoming more quiet loving and peaceful

you deserve to be rewarded for your

perseverance now that you have endured

long enough you deserve it God wants you

to know that even if it looks like

everything is falling apart and you’re

scared the puzzle pieces are eventually

going to make since to you the Lord’s

spirit is saying what seems to be coming

apart is actually coming together the

devil has been after you since you were

a young child trying to harm you because

he knows you have great things ahead of

you he has been working especially hard

to silence your voice hinder your

progress limit your growth and keep you

from leaving your mark since he knows of

your Divine appointment you have a

Defender that keeps an eye on you

constantly so they haven’t been able to

take you down he is protecting you from

the wicked forces that would otherwise

destroy you one could type out an

affirmation such as I embrace my power

instead of work being about anything

express your demands to God in prayer

and don’t forget to give him thanks for

his Solutions should you take this

action you will feel God’s peace your

mind and heart will be at ease as you

place your confidence in Christ Jesus

which brings you a Serenity that is

beyond human

comprehension God is saying to us now I

will witnessed what they did to you it

was awful even cruel however refrain

from taking personal Revenge because you

have more crucial work to undertake in

the Kingdom ask the Lord to intervene on

their behalf for I will repay them for

their transgressions I will exact my

fury on those who hurt my children just

relax show them your love say a few more

prayers for them and let me take care of

everything as it comes to me it’s

difficult to continue to believe in God

when you don’t know what’s going on and

you think he has forgotten about you

when you believe that loyalty isn’t

worth it when you’ve been taken

advantage of when you believe that

you’ve been mated

Etc I understand how difficult it is if

youve ever felt as though the wind has

been taken out of your sails after being

knocked down once more I realize that at

this moment you are not understanding

but God is good and works good and he is

with you and for you it hasn’t ended the

leaf is founded on faith rather than

understanding simply press the AL man

key on your keyboard to continue even if

you cannot see it God knows when

something has served its purpose and

will remove it in order to replace it

with something better even though you’re

not ready God knows when this is

supposed to stop God knows you need to

change therefore he is planning what’s

next for you he is aware that he is

guiding you toward a more fulfilling

life or a better place to end up I can

can promise you that God is hearing your

prayers and answering your requests oh

be it in his own time and way he is

telling you that the individuals who use

to make you happy are not the ones you

should be around because they deplete

you when you ask for Joanne instead

notice that you are withdrawing from

them he is telling you that your future

is better somewhere else when you pray

for serenity and end up jobless if you

ask for love and he gives it to you

instead of grief it’s because he

believes you should try something else

God has peculiar ways of working we find

ourselves stuck at times and don’t know

why we beseech God for guidance and

answers we beseech him for people and a


possessions the things we detest in

ourselves are only fleeting and we have

already found someone who accepts us

despite all of our flaws everything is

forgiven by God even the individuals we

have harmed we’re not sure why and we

know we don’t deserve it but he

nevertheless extends his love to

us although we can be wor worried about

the future because we don’t know what it

holds God does all that is required of

us is trusting him and having faith in

his plan for

us pray sander to validate I am kind to

myself we might not always understand

God’s methods or his intentions but we

must always keep in mind that he is in

charge of the whole picture you could be

ready for what God has in store for you

but that doesn’t guarantee everyone else

will be God cannot answer your request

in the way that he desires to answer it

in your life until his perfect time has

come and he has completed working in

another person or

situation allow God to resolve the issue

in his own way it will do so when it is

meant to you must learn to follow God’s

schedule of you want to live your best

life right now please select ass if you

agree though I understand that it’s

difficult God as Beauty hidden behind

those ashes perhaps you’ve lost

something or dejected and believe that

your finest days are behind you you

would ReDiscover your your passion if

you only understood how he would make

everything work together for your

benefit and how he would connect the

connections in your life if only you

knew what was ahead of you what new

people you would meet and that the days

ahead of you will be better than the

ones behind you though it might seem

like it’s over you’re really just

beginning the best years of your life I

didn’t know what to say to you today

because of everything I’ve gone through

this year so I wasn’t ready however I

just had this idea this year is it you

will see the benefits in the natural as

the Lord goes before you God is saying

to you today I need you too be really

focused for the next few days the enemy

knows that I’m going to Grant you the

wish you’ve been longing for the enemy

will take advantage of people you know

to divert your attention with small talk

please don’t respond to that proceed

with your day as if nothing is happening

and prepare to receive a blessing watch

our Channel And subscribe if you believe

in God Heavenly Father please help me to

love forgive and be patient with others

as you have done for me I want the Holy

Spirit to direct my speech and provide

me discernment so that I can tell the

truth to those who are drifting away in

the name of Jesus Christ kindly stop me

from utilizing the truth for my own gain

before long you’ll be able to reflect on

your life and realize that God was

always present listening to you your

prayers and offering a way out of every

challenging situation the world is

prepared to welcome you once more your

efforts to improve your mind body and

soul over the course of many days months

and yours will pay dividends in every

way a new you has emerged as a result of

your growing trust and sense of inner

strength this you is Unstoppable and

reaching incredible Heights the universe

will react as the new you is to busy

recognizing her benefits to be deterred

by obstacles since you are the best

version of yourself that you have ever

been you shouldn’t let go of who you are

right now to claim this declaration type

I claim it if you receive it God is

saying my dear child whatever you face I

I see it too God says it is hard because

you rely on yourself you try to work it

out on your own finding strength and

past struggles recall that you’re are

not alone my child put your trust in me

and I will guide you give you confidence

and show you the way I am here for you

because I love you and we can accomplish

anything together any old yes or no will

do God says to you these worries fears

and anxieties are like clouds that try

to cover up your lovely brightness

remember child that everything will work

out I just can’t show you the finished

product just yet have faith that you can

accomplish anything including moving

mountains and walking on water since I

am here to assist and strengthen you I

will stop at nothing to keep you safe

Since You Are My Sunshine God says to

you today you did a good job of giving

these Giants up to me you have my

undying Pride child now that you know

how let’s examine these specifics that

are bothering your heart every day

accept my presence while you go about

your small tasks and I grant you that

the happiness you have been longing for

give up your ego and allow me to show

you the way I have perceived the world

any old yes or no will do however I want

you to offer everything to me when

things are hard and I’ll make sure

you’re taken care of God for WS you are

attempting to handle things on your own

if you feel like you are losing the

battles you fight on a daily basis you

try to take it on headon with the same

armor and weaponry you used before but

remember Sweet Child that just as

different lessons require different desk

supplies in the classroom so to do

different challenges call for different

tools to be learned come on let’s

strengthen our team as a whole I’m your

supplier and I Supply you all you need

so let go of the past and learn to make

the most of your new skills if

everything is set simply press the I’m

optimistic button God says I am aware of

your high level of tension at times I

don’t blame you life may often be

difficult demanding and overwhelming but

in difficult

circumstances God wants you to offer

everything to him thus taking the joy

that comes with being surrounded by

Serenity at this very now we will

reunite tomorrow when you awaken and I

will give you the serenity you require

for that day God advises child don’t

base your decisions only on the

knowledge that is cly available to you

expand your understanding I’ll free you

from this hopeless circumstance if you

come to me I’ll provide the solution for

you I will help you if you feel this way

Type S this book is for you with

something outside of your control a

death divorce financial difficulties job

loss illness natural disaster accident

Etc turned your life up side down and

put you on a path you didn’t pick rest

easy knowing that God is in control and

has always been aware of the

difficulties you are currently facing

even when it seems like there will never

be Improvement have faith that God still

has a wonderful plan and purpose for

your life and that he will utilize this

for good rely on the Lord and his

promises above your current situation

because he is reliable and will get you

through God is speaking to you today

trust me I’m preparing you for a

gamechanging breakthrough a new season

is starting and it’s time to make the

most of it you are hearing from God

today believe me I’m getting ready for a

breakthrough that will change the game

we are entering a new season and now is

the moment that seize the opportunity

refrain from belittling the process

kindly accept the trip even though there

may be storms if you persevere through

them they will shape you into someone

more like me I will bless you so much

that people will stare and disbelief

wondering what you did to Merit such

good fortune it just eludes them I gave

this to you personally I can accomplish

things through you that no one else can

take credit for when you go into the

next stage of your life don’t be afraid

nothing bad can ever beat you the simple

Act of typing I am evolving is a potent

declaration now that barriers have been

broken down some things will happen

quickly and easily due as God commands

you too your strongest months will be

January and February follow his

instructions no matter how difficult

they may seem Satan will want to enter

your head therefore you have to cut him

off right away November and December in

my opinion will be crucial months

however January for some of you will be

completely different since God is

working on a huge project in this season

and you will receive what he has planned

for you a Sunday prayer I’d want to

begin with offering thanks to the Lord

for another day of life because I want

to approach today with a grateful

mindset I praise God for being my

protection my provider My Redeemer and

the one who meets all of my needs you

you are faithful even when I am not I

appreciate your unwavering support and

for giving me the strength and Grace to

face the obstacles that today may bring

dot in the name of our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ we pray this amen one could

type out an affirmation such as I

embrace my power God speaks saying child

you see poor grades when you look into

the future with faith Do You observe

tough jobs maybe those who have harmed

you yes it is correct they are not

present I’ve got a wonderful and bright

future planned for you therefore don’t

let today’s problems obscure your vision

of the Kingdom pay attention to me my

little warrior not the storm I cherish

you when life seems to be spiraling out

of control it’s natural to become

disheartened and Afraid however try to

keep your eyes fixed on the reality that

God is in control of everything and that

nothing is too difficult or impossible

for him to

handle you may be confident that God is

looking out for your best interests and

that he will always provide for you when

you put your trust in him if you believe

in God please press

amen embrace the fact that God is with

you no matter what you’re going through

at the moment and rather than focusing

on your issues visualize God solving

them rekindle your faith and focus on

His blessings and progress as you

continue to think about him

and decide to obey his word you will

encounter amazing breaks that Propel you

farther than you could have ever

imagined because he holds you in the

palm of his Victorious right

hand simply repeat this to sha pass

aloud as a mantra if you’re excited HS

and send this video to five other godb

believing friends please subscribe to

our Channel and enable Bell

notification if you would like to



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