Soulful Path Unveiled | God message for you | God Says - Free AI Voice Generator

Soulful Path Unveiled | God message for you | God Says

my cherished one I come to you in your

time of need hearing your prayers and

seeing your suffering I am here to guide

you to a better path for too long you’ve

faced hardship and cruelty feeling small

and worthless but hear me now you are

precious flaws and all you are beloved

lay down the heavy burdens you carry if

only for a moment let me lift you up up

embrace you with my strong arms and

soothe your weary Soul you don’t have to

suffer silently anymore unburden

yourself to me without fear of judgment

I am here listening and understanding

you’ve dwelt in the past ruminating on

hurt but there’s an oasis ahead I am

your Oasis offering cool calm and

lifegiving presence together we’ll walk

to better days first drink deeply of my

Living Waters to cleanse your mind body

and soul Feel My Love endless and

unconditional you need not earn my

affections you are worthy because I say

you are there are truth to discuss

change is coming but for now rest

assured you are safe with me no one can

touch you or make you feel less than

whole without not your consent as we

talk of trust remember your past pains

do not define you rebuilding is our work

material things status and possessions

don’t determine your worth my love is

real and everlasting offering security

beyond measure let’s cultivate the good

in your life and nourish your spirit

words alone may not soothe your pain

entirely will speak again but for now

let my peace wash over you sink into it

be still calm and safe Through the Night

We’ll begin again with the dawn choices

made today set the course and I’ll guide

you to the outcomes you seek have

patience and faith brighter days are

already beginning the path you take

leads away from acrimony and resent

face adversity with square shoulders and

head held high the world may seek to

make you feel small but remember no one

defines your worth but me you’re a

courageous Warrior trust your metal and

be proud of who you are Joy of

fulfillment laughter warmth they’re not

Out Of Reach don’t measure your worth by

worldly standards My Love is Real

offering security Beyond majure I see

the storms within you

questions and longings clashing Come

Away With Me into the quiet let my arms

minister to your wounds and burden your

heart in my presence neither anger and

no Agony can frighten me away I will not

rest until you’re found I know the

weight of Shame and is spare but do not

believe its lies there is nothing you

can do you that put you outside the

bounds of my grace pour out your heart

my healing light will penetrate every

crevice the enemy’s attacks cannot


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