God Says: You Are Not Allowed To Skip This Today | Jesus Affirmations - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: You Are Not Allowed To Skip This Today | Jesus Affirmations

my beloved child if you pour out your

heart to me I can hear your deepest

desire for peace in the midst of the

troubles you are going through your

words show that you have a soul that

needs comfort and a spirit that wants

peace that only Gods can understand you

have a lot on your shoulders and your

tiredness makes it hard to see clearly I

see it all your plea for healing and

inner peace can be heard in the halls of

Heaven let me fill your troubled heart

with the Divine peace that you can’t

understand your worries fears and doubts

get in the way of your progress and make

it hard to see your goals I understand

your struggle and the conflict you feel

as you go through life’s storms my

presence which is peace itself is here

to ease your load and give you the peace

you seek I understand your need to be

happy no matter what and your plea for

unwavering faith when things get hard as

life’s waves crash around you I am the

steady anchor that leads you to a deeper

understanding of my peace I fully

support your desire for a changed mind

that is free of doubt and negativity

trust that I will change the way you

think give you courage when things go

wrong and strength when you’re turned

down I protect your heart from the

dissonance that bad voices cause in me

you find Clarity meaning and peace that

lasts my spirit walks with you and

reminds you of my promises all the time

he leads you to live a good life I hear

your prayer very clearly and I want to

give you the Deep peace you seek know

that in the name of Jesus I calm your

troubled heart take comfort in knowing

that I am with you and will bring you

lasting peace through life storms don’t

forget my child though sin is a subtle

force it is what separates people from

God and and destroys his plans for your

life its initial appeal hides what it

really is it looks good but ends in

disaster this Allure is talked about in


which Compares stolen water and

secret Indulgence to short-term

sweetness like a roaring lion the enemy

wants to steal kill and destroy sin is

his weapon because it separates you from

God’s protection don’t let the devil

steal God’s Wonderful Plan for Your Life

by entangling you in Sin Sin should not

dim your vision or change your destiny

sin starts in the mind where it often

starts as a small thought that grows

into action sin comes from a dirty mind

to get away from it pray deeply that God

will clean your heart take steps to get

rid of things that are bad for your

spirit and cut ties with people who

tempt you to sin even though everyone is

tempted Jesus gives you the power to

fight the devil he set your your spirit

free by feeding you the bread of life

and making you into a vessel for God’s

use God wants you to turn away from the

world so he can use you for Great Things

Corinthians he is always ready to

wash away your sins and make you whole

again no matter how bad they are don’t

worry about things because God cares

about you very much give him your

worries and he will make everything

better for you enjoy a life without

guilt surrounded by God God’s love and

grace he loves you more than anything

else share this video with your

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