God Says: This Will My Last Attempt To Talk To You, If You Skip | Jesus Affirmations | God Message - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: This Will My Last Attempt To Talk To You, If You Skip | Jesus Affirmations | God Message

beloved child you will receive more

blessings from me than you have seen in

this life so far if you come to me

accept the idea that I will do

miraculous things for you and your

family that go against

nature but I’ll start with easier

miracles to ease you into a new

spiritual realm you haven’t experienced

before it is this path of Miracles that

you will take to enter a new and eternal


your fate on this journey will depend on

your faith and what I’ve written not on

how you feel or how you appear at the

moment Let My Words guide you and you’ll

know they’re true I will show you how to

do great things be patient and I will

show you the exact time day and moment

when blessings will flood overflowing

onto you please don’t be like people who

quickly make up miracles to get

attention their words which are full of

sin and doubt are not mine

but you I’m making you into a Divine

tool of blessing that will quench many

Souls thirst for love spend your time

blessing other people and for every word

you speak I will make you stronger help

you succeed and open many doors for you

let me lead you to Paths of Glory I will

give you everything you need to carry

out my word with Integrity so don’t be

afraid when big problems come up I will

give you the strength to get through

them I I am your God and I am holding

your hand and pushing you forward so

that you can receive the blessings I

have planned for you do not think about

the past too much I have forgiven all of

your mistakes today is a fresh start

washed in my love do not let chaos take

over or hold on to Old feelings give up

the desire for bad habits and vices from

the past I will be with you in

everything you do to make sure you

succeed and keep my promise so even if

it seems like everyone is against you

keep keep going with confidence because

I will fight your battles and lead you

to victory as your God and constant

savior I will always protect you my

grace covers you even if you feel weak

and likely to fall remember that prayers

from the heart find an answer In My

Embrace I have always been there for you

listening to your worries and reassuring

you that I love you remember this truth

I will never leave you it will be there

for you no matter what else is going on

in the world

hold on to my love through hard times

get up and walk because I’m right here

with you there will be bad days but I

will always be there with you though

problems may come up in your life you

will never be alone because I will

always love and protect you close your

eyes and let these words sink into your

soul as you listen no matter where you

are right now do not be afraid to ask

for what you need food healing courage

and the knowledge to carry out out your

purpose in the vastness of time and

space my heart longs for yours more than

anything else I want to protect you and

your loved ones with an unbreakable

Shield a fortress like no other picture

my warrior Angels standing guard over

you with watchful eyes making sure you

are safe at all times know this I will

always be with you to protect you and be

with you lean on me because I’m here to

protect you from temptation’s traps

enjoy the warmth of my love that will

last forever which brings you endless

blessings and no matter what problems

life throws at you you will always have

my protection share this video with your

contacts if you love me and also

subscribe to the Jesus affirmations

channel to stay connected with my voice

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