God Says : PLEASE DON'T IGNORE ME ON 1st DAY OF NEW YEAR 😭‼️| God Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says : PLEASE DON’T IGNORE ME ON 1st DAY OF NEW YEAR 😭‼️| God Message Today

hello my precious friends it’s Jesus

here sending you the warmest greetings

on this beautiful day January st

I hope this message reaches each

of you with love and joy just like the

sunshine that brightens up a new day as

we step into this brand new year I want

you to feel my presence around you

picture me with a big smile ready to

share some wonderful thoughts and

feelings with you I’m here to bring com

hope and a whole lot of love your way I

know life can be a journey filled with

ups and downs but remember I’m your

Eternal friend walking alongside you

through every Twist and Turn so let’s

embrace the start of this new year

together and make it a Time filled with

joy laughter and countless blessings

wishing you a happy New Year my dear

friends may your days be filled with

love and may you find peace in the

journey that lies ahead now my wonderful

friends let’s take a little trip down

memory lane together imagine it like

flipping through the pages of a special

photo album where each page holds

moments from the past year think about

the times that made you smile maybe

playing with your friends celebrating

birthdays or enjoying your favorite ice

cream those are like little Treasures

aren’t they hold on to them for they are

the gems that sparkle in the story of

your life but my friends life is not

only about the sunny days sometimes

there are cloudy moments too it’s okay

we all have them think about those times

that were a bit tough where you might

have felt sad or scared remember I was

right there with you holding your hand

helping you through it now here’s the

exciting part what did you learn in the

past year maybe you learned how to tie

your shoelaces read new words or to

discovered the magic of numbers every

lesson big or small is like adding a

colorful sticker to your adventure Book

of Life and guess what you’re growing

and learning every day it’s like

planting tiny seeds of wisdom in the

garden of your heart as you water them

with experiences they sprout into

beautiful flowers of knowledge so my

dear friends as you reflect on the past

year remember to celebrate the good

times learn from the not so easy ones

and look forward to the Amazing

Adventure that awaits you in this new


get ready for more smiles more

lessons and more love coming your way

wishing you a year filled with beautiful

Reflections and exciting new discoveries

Can You Feel the excitement in the air

it’s like the world is buzzing with

anticipation because guess what we’re

stepping into a brand new year

imagine this year as a shiny blank

canvas just waiting for you to create a

masterpiece it’s like having a new box

of crayons with all the vibrant colors

you get to choose how to fill each page

of your story book New Beginnings are

like the first day of school where you

meet new friends and learn exciting

things this year you have the chance to

make new friends try new activities and

discover what makes your heart dance

with joy think of it as a fresh start

like when you wake up in the morning and

the sun is shining bright telling you

it’s a brand new day full of

possibilities so my little pals grab

your imaginary Explorer hats and get

ready for the Grand Adventure of

you might wonder what can I do

differently this year well you can be

kinder help others and learn new things

maybe you want to be a great listener or

share your toys with friends it’s like

planting seeds of goodness that will

grow into a garden of happiness and

here’s the magic part even if things

didn’t go exactly as planned in the past

this New Year gives you a chance to try

again it’s like pressing the reset

button on a video game how awesome is

that so my dear friends Embrace these

new beginnings with Open Hearts and Open

Arms you are the authors of your own

story and this year is your chance to

fill it with love laughter and endless

Adventures wishing you a year full of

exciting New Beginnings get ready for

the Fantastic journey ahead my lovely

friends as we dive into the ocean of the

new year let’s set sail with the most

magical Treasures love and kindness

imagine love as a warm cozy blanket that

wraps around you making you feel safe

and cherished it’s like a gentle hug

from your favorite Teddy Bear this this

year let’s spread love like confetti

sprinkle it everywhere you go now let’s

talk about kindness It’s like a

superpower that everyone possesses being

kind means showing goodness and warmth

to others it’s like sharing your

favorite snack with a friend or helping

someone tie their shoelaces simple right

think of kindness as Little Seeds you

plant in the hearts of those around you

when you water the with Friendly Smiles

and helpful Deeds they grow into

beautiful flowers of Joy so my little

Gardeners of kindness let’s sew Seeds of

Love and watch them bloom here’s a

secret the more love and kindness you

give the more you receive it’s like

having a magical backpack that gets

filled with joy every time you do

something nice for others this year

let’s make a promise to be kind to our

family friends and even to people we’ve

just met it could be as easy as saying a

cheerful hello or sharing your crayons

remember kindness is like a ripple in a

pond it starts small but can create big

waves of Happiness so my sweet friends

let’s fill this new year with love and

kindness creating a world where everyone

feels like they belong and are cherished

are you ready to be the superheroes of

love and kindness wishing you a year

overflowing with love kindness and

heartwarming moment M let’s make the

world a brighter place together aoy

Little Helpers are you ready to embark

on a journey of kindness because in this

section we’re talking about the awesome

power of helping others helping is like

being a superhero with a heart full of

Courage it’s about lending a hand just

like a friendly neighbor or your

favorite character in a story who always

comes to the rescue picture this you’re

playing in the playground and you notice

a friend feeling a bit down

what can you do well offering a kind

word or inviting them to join your game

is like sprinkling a bit of magic dust

to brighten their day helping can come

in many forms sharing your toys

assisting the fre with their schoolwork

or even helping your family with chores

it’s like putting together the pieces of

a puzzle to create a beautiful picture

of teamwork and friendship and guess

what when you help others you become a

shining star in their story your

kindness creates ripples of joy that

spread far and wide making the world a

happier place imagine a world where

everyone helps each other it’s like a

giant puzzle where each piece plays a

vital role in creating a masterpiece of

love and

cooperation you my little helpers are

crucial pieces in this beautiful puzzle

so as we step into this new year let’s

make a promise to be help helpers

whether it’s a small act of kindness or

a big helping hand you have the power to

make a difference in someone’s life

wishing you a year filled with exciting

opportunities to be helpers and

superheroes of kindness get ready to

spread smiles and make the world a

better place one helpful deed at a time

let’s set sail on a journey to discover

The Treasure of thankfulness gratitude

is like having a magical map that leads

you to a chest filled with joy and

contentment imagine waking up in the

morning and saying thank you for the

sunshine that brightens your day

gratitude is like a warm fuzzy feeling

that wraps around your heart when you

appreciate the simple things around you

take a moment to think about your family

your friends and all the little things

that make you smile it’s like counting

your favorite candies each one brings

sweetness to your life these are the

Treasures you can be thankful for now

imagine saying thank you not just with

words but with your heart when you feel

grateful it’s like sending a little

thank you note to the universe

acknowledging the beauty and goodness in

your life gratitude is also about being

thankful for challenges yes challenges

they are like puzzles that help you grow

stronger and smarter so let’s be

grateful for the lessons they teach us

here’s a magical secret the more you

Express gratitude the more blessings you

attract it’s like having a magnet in

your heart that pulls in happiness and

positivity as we step into this new year

let’s make a gratitude list write down

the things that make your heart sing

with joy it could be your favorite

bedtime story a hug from a loved one or

even the twinkling stars in the night

sky so my little gratitude adventurers

let’s fill this year with thankful

hearts and joyful Spirits get ready to

discover the endless Treasures that

gratitude brings into your life wishing

you a year overflowing with gratitude

and the magic of appreciating the

wonderful world around you in this

section let’s explore the powerful magic


forgiveness it’s like having a superhero

cape that allows you to soar Above the

Clouds of hurt and anger picture this

imagine a friend accidentally bumps into

you and you feel upset forgiveness is

like choosing not to hold on to that

upset feeling it’s saying it’s okay and

letting go of the tiny clouds that might

try to overshadow your sunshine just

like how I forgive and love Everyone

forgiveness is a gift you give to

yourself and others it’s like cleaning

the Slate wiping away any marks of

frustration or sadness and starting a

new think of forgiveness as a healing

bomb for your heart when you forgive

it’s like applying a magical bandage

that helps wounds of the heart heal

faster it might take time but

forgiveness is a superpower that makes

your heart strong and resilient here’s a

secret people make mistakes big or small

just like you they’re learning and

growing forgiveness is like giving them

a second chance just as I give you

chances every day to try again now

imagine a world where everyone forgives

each other it’s like a garden where

flowers of understanding and kindness

Bloom by forgiving you create a world

filled with love Harmony and joy as we

enter this new year let’s be forgiveness

Warriors if someone says sorry accept it

with an open heart if you make a mistake

say sorry too forgiveness is like a

bridge that connects hearts and brings

people closer together so my dear for

forgiveness Warriors get ready to wield

the mighty power of forgiveness this

year let go of any grudges and let love

and understanding blossom in your hearts

wishing you a year filled with the magic

of forgiveness and the freedom it brings

to your

heart let’s chat about the exciting

world of New Year

resolutions it’s like setting goals for

the year ahead making plans for your own

adventure imagine you have of a magic

wand and with each wave you can create

positive changes in your life New Year

resolutions are like using that magic

wand to bring out the best in you think

about some things you’d like to improve

or try this year maybe it’s learning a

new skill like tying your shoes or

riding a bike or perhaps it’s being more

patient sharing toys with friends or

helping your family with

chores resolutions are like planting

seeds of determination that grow into

beautiful flowers of achievement keep

your resolution simple and fun it’s like

creating your own Tre sewer map with

little x marks the spot goals as you

achieve each goal it’s like finding

Hidden Treasures along the way Treasures

of accomplishment and pride but here’s

the key be kind to yourself if you face

a little hiccup along the way it’s okay

resolutions are about the journey not

just the destination it’s like walking a

path filled with exciting twists and

turns discovering new things about

yourself imagine you’re the hero or

heroine of your own story book and each

resolution is a chapter in your

adventure as you turn the pages you grow

stronger smarter and more amazing now if

you believe show it by liking

subscribing sharing and support through

thanks option or by joining Channel

membership amen yeah

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