SHORT MORNING PRAYER - Starting The Day With God - Free AI Voice Generator

SHORT MORNING PRAYER – Starting The Day With God

Lord Our God and loving

father to you we lift our hearts this

morning recognizing your grace that has

awakened us to a new

day we thank you for the gift of life

and the opportunity to live according to


purposes in the Stillness of this moment

we seek your presence asking for wisdom

to guide our steps throughout this

day pour your light upon us so that we

can see opportunities to love serve and

be instruments of your peace in this

often tumultuous

World Lord strengthen our faith to face

the challenges that may

arise may we trust you in all

circumstances knowing that your grace is

sufficient to sustain

us may Our Testimony reflect your light

and love inspiring others to seek the

truth found in

Christ grant us Lord a compassionate

heart towards others so that we can be

instruments of Your

Love enable us to forgive as you have

been merciful to us and to live in

harmony with our brothers and

sisters bless Lord our family friends

and all those we meet throughout the

day may your peace reign in our hearts

bringing comfort and hope even in the

most challenging

situations in the precious name of Jesus

our savior we



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