it is

emerging it is getting

closer God is

confirming what you are feeling in the

dep of your

soul you can already sense it and this

message is the sign you were looking and


for a new realm is waiting

you and the moment you were preparing

for last several month is finally

coming the moment that will be terrible


starting but at the end God will assure


Victory God is

saying I know you have some plans going

on in your mind


know you are constantly concerned about

your future or the future of those


you but this is the moment where I need

a few minutes of your time to give you a

glimpse of the upcoming terrible event

and how you should handle such


accordingly I

promise I will brighten your day after


message so please listen to these words

until they gets

finished you know the dark Forces are

always at

play and you know it to that I have

assigned my angels to help you in your


battles but

today I am here to tell

you the devil has battled you so hard

until now but

now now is the moment of real

battle now is the moment moment where

your faith will be tested and the moment

where you would need to practice my holy

word in your


therefore make your mind and spirit

ready for this is the

time for which all roads have

L if you think God exists please like

this video right

now someone has planned to hurt you and

you are familiar with his

name his name is the

devil yes you had it right you are on

the verge of a major healing

breakthrough and the devil and his

minions have has planned to test your

patience faith and you believe in me

right before your

breakthrough they have planned to

intensify dear attacks on you from


onwards remember dear

child the forces of Darkness May

intensify their efforts

but my light within you is

stronger hold on to your faith cling to

the lessons from my

word and stand firm in the face of

adversity the battle may be fierce and

there might be moments of doubt and

fear but I assure you that

Victory is within your

reach let the principles of my

love kindness and forgiveness guide your

actions during this difficult

moment no matter how strong or

intensified the attacks will be your

faith in me will be the key to get my

protection around you

you the devil may manipulate you to

disbelief in Me by creating certain

circumstances in your

life that will demotivate you discourage

you but I command you to stay strong and

unshakeable your faith will help you to

get victory over this moment

and no evil force or the Devil

Himself could produce harm to you in any

manner my beloved never forget that my

love for you is as it is as it was

before and it will remain same for

eternity type it and speak it out of

your mouth

Faith over fear to affirm your faith in

me and share these encouraging words

with every individual in your contact

list you are watching L’s Channel and

you have just received some crucial and

Urgent words that God intended to speak


you I believe you are not here by chance

God called you here for God is in

control and he never loses

it remember dear child of God sometimes

God’s blessings comes in the form of

things we lose requiring us to let go of


baggage being in God’s will demands

self-denial as he has something

extraordinary and fantastic plan for

you your loyalty and obedience have been

noted and though it may

challenging continue to trust God and


patience your latter ears will be more

delightful than the earlier

ones as you journey toward your

destiny the road becomes steeper

indicating that you are nearing your

destination the same God who granted you

favor from the beginning will also

assist you in completing your

journey he is well aware of where your

path is

leading and although you may not know

how things will turn out trust in his

artistic genius to turn your challenges

and profitable

opportunities watch as God works from a

distance ready to amaze

you even if adjustments need to be made

be prepared to be taken

back you will emerge Victorious


child sometimes we may not understand

God’s methods but he comprehends the


picture even when his methods seem

unclear to

us trusting in God’s timing is crucial

to living your best life right

now allow God to have his way and the

response is on as way arriving precisely


needed despite challenges in

finances spirituality and emotions God

is with

you to not be alarmed God will bring

about a favorable outcome and bless you

even in the midst of

adversaries the live in the divine plan

and remember that God understands your

difficulties pour out your feelings to

him unmasking your

struggles God desires your honesty and

in his presence you can find healing and

deliverance God’s book already records

every day you have

lived don’t end your journey on a a page


disappointment continue holding on to


faith even if you feel worn out

disillusioned and irritated remember

that God is

trustworthy your doubts stem from the

enemy’s efforts to make you doubt your

abilities it’s time for you to step into

your tremendous

Destiny called to Greatness through


Christ so reflect on your life and those

who left or rejected

you God Clos those dos to protect

you trust in God’s restoration and what

you believe you have lost will become a


your heart will hear a fresh Melody from

God and breakthroughs are in

store remain persistent unwavering in

your commitment and affirm your

strength God’s hand will make difficult

circumstances simple and your prayers

will be

heard stay strong stand tall and join me

in this powerful and beautiful

prayer oh gracious

father guide us oh Lord to navigate this

life with Divine

wisdom lead us to live in accordance

with the teachings of the Bible

resisting the influences of the world

that diverge from your

truth your word in Ephesians verse


tells us to carefully discern what

pleases you avoiding participation in

the worthless Deeds of evil and


instead grant us the strength to

expose and rebuke such works for your

light makes everything

visible forgive us lot and cleanse our


we desire to be strong Christians deeply

rooted in you and your

work help us to resist the Allure of

works of darkness and grant us the

courage to rebuke and expose

them we humbly recognize that on our own

we are weak and prone to Falling short

yet in our weakness your strength is


perfect we declare our dependence on you

Lord Lift us up when we fall and renew

our strength each day in this race of

Faith May our hearts be filled with the

light of God reflecting your goodness

and mercy in all our

actions we commit to meditating on your

word take day and night allowing it to

shape Earth thoughts and actions let the

word of Christ dwell richly within us

imparting wisdom and understanding May

Our Lives be a testimony to the

transformative power of your

truth As we sing Psalms hyms and

spiritual songs let our worship be

filled with grace and gratitude

your words oh Lord are Eternal and we

hold fast to them amidst the changing

season of life in Jesus name we pray

amen now to all faithful godly people

who have come here listening to this

holy message and prayed this prayer

within the son of my

voice I declare by the authority

that God is giving me that you are

blessed you are not

unheard God is listening to you I

declare to all those people who have

been faithful to you and the subscriber

of this godly channel that you will get

good health prosperity and

miracles they will live a long and



and declare that their prayers are being

answered and God will never abandon them

in Jesus mighty name


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