we would all like to know what the

future holds for us God does have a good

plan for each of us but we must be

willing to follow his

plans rather than going in our own way

to experience the beauty of

it after the next few minutes of

listening to this

message you will sense the presence of

God near

you because he is right there watching

over you and delivering this message to

you through the words you’re about to

hear God is

saying I am

concerned but

sorry I am concerned about you my child

for the day when some crucial things

will will happen in your

life that will change the way you are

living your life

currently I am concerned about your

future but I’m

sorry this has to

happen sometimes I have to let you go

through the toughest of moments just to

shape your

character it me they seem perplexing

even painful but let me assure you that

every trial and hardship has a purpose

in the big

picture remember when you walk through

the valley of

Shadows when life storms rage around you

it is an opportunity for your character


shine I know that the path ahead may


uncertain and you may wonder why changes


necessary I want you to understand that

my concern for you is rooted in love A

Love that sees beyond the present moment

beyond what you can

perceive there are moments approaching

in in your life that might bring

challenges but fear not for these are

opportunities of your growth and

transformation remember I am not distant

during your trials I’m right there with

you just as a parent guides a child

through the challenges of love learning

to walk or ride a

bicycle I walk beside you supporting you

through the tough

moments your growth is my joy and your

triumphs are a testament to the strength

I’ve instilled within

you I always bring some lifechanging

moments ments in everyone’s lives and

one of those moments is coming for

you some moments have came in the past

for you that have led you to this point

in life but trust me there are many more

moments yet to come that will redefine

the way of living your


you won’t just go through life you will

live it fully and with

purpose these moments I bring aren’t

accidents they are carefully planned

events meant to fit into the purpose I

have for

you in these moments you will meet

people face

opportunities and handle challenges that

will leave a lasting impact on your

journey there will be joyful moments

that light your

path and tough moments that encourage

you to explore your

emotions the challenges you face and the

victories you you

celebrate are part of the bigger story I

am writing for your

life so look forward to these moments

with hope welcome them with an open

heart and a willingness to

learn whether they come gently or with

Force each moment is a gift an

expression of my love for

you remember your story is is still

unfolding and there are many more things

yet to come in your

life this is not the end of your journey

your breakthroughs and

miracles it’s

unfolding and will continue to unfold

with each passing

day trust in my perfect plan for your

life and be blessed in my

name type

triple if you trust in God’s plans and

as always we the messenger of God by

sharing this

message with faithful

individuals and God will bless you with

a miracle


dear child of God through this message

God is sending a great reminder to all

of his people that every day might not

go in our favor every day things might

not happen as we want them to happen

that pleases us they may go against us


overthinking about our failures or the

bad things that have happened to

us during those unfortunate

days will not bring forth the life you

want to manifest more

quickly people might have told you that

this is your destiny this is your faith

you don’t own some glorious moments in



remember God has the final say and he

has promised you

life of many memorable glorious

moments in life there are times when

everything seems to be blooming and

other times when things get

tough maybe right now you are facing a

stormy winter season it could be

handling Parenthood on your own going

through a divorce or dealing with health

challenges remember it’s just a season

where God has placed you for a

reason God wants to use everything in

this season to guide you towards his

purpose for your

life remind yourself that if you give

your best during this time you will

reach where you need to

be too often we fail to understand this

principle that we are in a season right

now and God has a purpose for this time

in our

lives if we don’t recognize the season

we are in we are bound to miss the

purpose it is meant to serve as well as

Miss how it should be preparing

us for the next season of Our

Lives avoid getting stuck in the past

longing for the enjoyable moments or

dwelling on past pains and

regrets people change situations change

unless you fully live in your current

season you won’t move into the new one

God has for

you embrace the

present discover what this season has

for you and strive to be the best

version of

yourself don’t let the season go to

waste extract everything you can from it

make positive changes move forward and

continue to

grow trust that God will guide you

through the right Seasons at the very

right time and you will get all the

blessings and become everything God

intends you to be now let us pray

together and get the blessings of this


completely dear heavenly father in the

Ever Changing season of Earth lives we

come before you seeking strength

guidance and

Grace we recognize that life brings

challenges and joys and we trust that

each season has a purpose in your divine


for those facing a stormy winter season

dealing with the challenges of single

Parenthood going through the pain of

divorce or confronting health issues we

ask for your comfort and healing touch

remind them lot that this is just a

season and you have a purpose for them


it help us not to dwell on power past

Seasons whether they were filled with

joy or marked by

pain instead grant us the wisdom to

embrace the present knowing that you are

with us every step of the

way give us the strength to be our best

selves in the midst of

challenges trusting that you will lead

us where we need to be

Lord I come to asking for patience I

know that your timing is perfect that

every season has its

purpose while I may not understand what

you are working towards in my life at

this moment I trust in you and continue

to walk in this life with your guidance

Forever In Front of

Me Lord

we may not waste the opportunities for

growth and change in our current

season fill us with courage to make

positive changes to move forward and to

continue growing in your love guide us

through the seasons of life knowing that

your timing is perfect and you are

shaping us into the individuals you

intend us to


we place our trust in you Heavenly

Father for you are the master of all

seasons Your Love sustains us and your

race carries us through every

challenge thank you for being with us in

every season of Life In The Name of

Jesus we pray

amen as you have come to the end of this

message I kindly request you to please

subscribe this channel as we are on a

mission to share the word of God the

gospel and reach as many people as we

can we want to help all those in need

who are in need of these encouraging

words who want to be connected with God

your subscription enables us to spread

the kingdom of God through his words so

please subscribe if you truly love and

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