"Jesus is Begging 3 Minutes Only For a Reason"👆God's Message Today | God Message👆Lord Helps Ep -1289 - Free AI Voice Generator

“Jesus is Begging 3 Minutes Only For a Reason”👆God’s Message Today | God Message👆Lord Helps Ep -1289

the chosen one don’t neglect God’s

magical and wonderful

sign he’s asking for just minutes out

of your time today and this is going to


massive you might think that God is far

away from your reach or he’s ignoring

your pleadings

but this is not true at

all God’s connection with you is not

based on distances or

indifferences instead he is intimately

involved in every aspect of your

life the call for minutes of your time

is a Divine

invitation an opportunity for you to

experience his presence and his love in

a new

way it’s easy to perceive God as beyond

our reach especially in times of

difficulty but his love and attention

are always within our

grasp remember it’s not about the length

of time but the willingness to open your

heart to him

Jesus fed

, but only followed him after


lunch he had disciples but only three

went further in the garden and only one

stood with him at the

cross the devil wants you to pay

attention to your

feelings but Jesus wants you to pay ATT

attention to him he wants your attention

because he is the way the truth and the

life God is telling you today to share

your worries and problems with him he

understands your situation and the many

times you have faced struggles relying

on Him to guide you

through he has consistently provided

Comfort to your heart and carried you


challenges he will continue to watch

over you your family and assist you

through your current

situation it’s okay if others judge

gossip or mis understand you their

opinions shouldn’t be your concern stay

true to yourself committed to love and

embrace your

authenticity don’t question your value

or the beauty of of your truth keep

shining your light and you’ll experience

significant success Clarity healing and

breakthroughs in all areas of your life

before the year

ends just observe how swiftly things

will turn around for you may God bless

your life say and type it I am blessed

to affirm this


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