welcome to the sacred prayers Channel we have prepared this miraculous prayer especially for you so concentrate take a

deep breath and join us on this incredible spiritual journey with our Mighty God don’t forget to subscribe to

the channel and type the name of the person you want to dedicate the blessings of this powerful prayer to in the comments right down

here my brothers and sisters in Christ Today We Gather here to raise a devout

prayer to the Virgin Mary the holy mother of our savior ior this prayer is to dispel curses Envy

Witchcraft and the evil eye that may be disturbing your lives the Virgin Mary is the morning

star who with her Immaculate Purity faced challenges and overcame Darkness

with the light of Faith she is the symbol of comfort and hope for all of us

known as the intercessor of the helpless and protector of those facing spiritual

battles in our moments of distress we can seek refuge in her miraculous

prayer brothers and sisters let us remember that spiritual trials are a

reality and our most robust defense is faith in God and the intercession of the

Saints the holy scriptures often remind us of the importance of resisting evil

and seeking Divine support and today we will have that protection through the intercession of

the Virgin Mary our heavenly mother before we proceed in the name of

our Master Jesus Christ the King of Kings and spiritual guide of this

journey I invite you to join our family of Faith subscribe to the channel activate

notifications and leave your like so that this video can reach and bless even more lives with the intercession of the

Virgin Mary in the comment comments leave your requests to the most holy

mother placing all your faith and your heart in the power of this prayer let’s go to the strong and

fervent prayer to the Virgin Mary to break spells curses Envy Witchcraft and

the evil eye oh Virgin Mary Valiant mother and protector of the faithful I

come humbly before you with all the faith hope and devotion in my heart

seeking the necess Neary strength to face the spiritual battles that plague my life I believe that through your

powerful intercession I will find Liberation and victory over the evils that try to strike me as a faithful

servant of God and symbol of unconditional love I know you are by my side ready to support me and guide me

through the paths of divine protection I contemplate your story of

faith and service and feel inspired spired to follow your footsteps facing challenges with determination confidence

and unwavering Faith oh Virgin Mary who with your blue mantle and your Pure

Heart defeated Darkness facing evil with the strength of faith I ask you to grant

me the same determination to win the invisible battles that occur in my day-to-day life as I raise my voice in

prayer I know that the celestial angels will be by my side making me Invincible

before the forces of the Shadows receive oh glorious Virgin Mary

my deepest longings for I know you are capable of hearing my prayers and welcoming them with love and

mercy with your protection I feel clothed with courage to face each

adversity knowing that Victory is Within Reach of those who persevere in faith in

times of tribulation when the shadow of of envy and Witchcraft hovers over me I

cast my gaze to the sky finding in your example the strength to

resist I trust oh Virgin Mary and with your help and divine grace I will be

able to break any curse that tries to strike me dispelling the evil eye and

all the negative energies that surround me strengthen me in devotion so that my

heart is always full of love compassion and forgiveness

may I be a beacon of light radiating peace and kindness confronting evil with

the power of prayer and confidence in God by seeking your intercession I find

the certainty that I will achieve Liberation and protection against the enemy’s

tricks I believe with all my soul and spirit and I am deserving of the blessings I year for confident that they

will come to me at the right moment oh Virgin Mary teach me to persist in Hope

even in the most difficult moments may my faith be a Burning Flame

capable of Illuminating my paths and revealing to me the true meaning of Victory one by

faith with gratitude in my heart I thank you for your powerful intercession and

for guiding me toward peace and Harmony may your protection be Eternal

in my life and may I bear Witness to the power of prayer sharing with others The

Hope and motivation that only the love of God can provide I stand before you Virgin Mary

with a heart full of faith hope and devotion seeking the Divine strength

that dwells in your essence you who are the Valiant Warrior and protector of those facing spiritual

battles hear my plea accept my prayer today I come to ask your your

powerful intercession to break all spells curses Envy Witchcraft and the

evil eye that may be entangled in my life with your grace and intercession

you faced the trials of the world showing us the path to Victory through faith and the love of God inspired by

your courage I now face the invisible obstacles that threaten my being

confident that through your powerful intervention I will be freed from the dark chains that try to imprison me oh

Virgin Mary powerful and Valiant Saint I ask that your light illuminate my path

warding off the shadow of envy and Witchcraft that may approach me may your

mantle protect me against all evil dispelling the negative energies that try to reach me may your maternal love

undo all spells and curses that have been cast against me making them as

fragile as Dust in the Wind with unwavering faith in your intercession I trust that your

protection is my Fortress against all the evils that try to strike me you are

the faithful Guardian who will guide me through life’s storms leading me to safe

harbors where peace and Harmony rain oh Virgin Mary you are the Burning

Flame that enlightens my being driving away the darkness that tries to settle

in my my soul with your protective wings I feel secure amid invisible dangers for

I know you are by my side ready to face the battles we fight daily may I be clothed with your courage

and determination so that like you I may defeat the hidden enemies with the

strength of faith and divine love may your presence be my support in times of

Affliction and may I find in you the certainty that nothing can shake me for I am under the protection of the holy

mother of God oh Virgin Mary breaker of spells and curses I ask you to help me

overcome all adversities walking with me side by side in each challenge I

face may your star of light be my strength against all the negative energies that try to deviate me from my

purpose with gratitude in my heart I thank you for your constant presence in

my life for the certainty that with your intercession I can break all the Spells

curses Envy Witchcraft and the evil ey that try to harm me may I be a living

witness to your protection inspiring others to seek your help and to find the

peace and Liberation they so desire I fervently and humbly ask that

your grace invelop me oh Mother of Mercy and let your light dispel the darkness

that thickens around me me under your sacred mantle I find refuge and comfort

for your benevolence is The Shield that guards me from Insidious attacks and the snares of the

adversary kind mother your presence is the bomm that heals and the Safe Harbor

for the troubled spirit in every word of Supplication I

feel the gentle caress of Your Love assuring me that I am not alone in the fight against the forces that seek my fo

with your hand guiding me I Advance firmly on the path of righteousness

aware that your intercession is the beacon that leads me to the Tranquility of the soul may your Immaculate example

of faith and perseverance be the inspiration I need to overcome the trials and challenges that life presents

to me just as you embrac the Angel’s announcement with confidence and total

surrender to the father’s will I desire with equal firmness to embrace the

Divine designs for my existence most pure virgin your wisdom

and compassion are the stars that guide me in hours of doubt and fear teach me to cultivate Serenity and

patience in moments of waiting to be sure that under your protection no evil

can touch my being instruct my heart to open to the fullness of God’s love so that I may be

in instrument of his peace and Grace in this world I implore that your presence be

constant in the lives of those I love may they also feel your support and

tenderness and together may we form a Community of Faith strengthened by the

certainty that your maternal care accompanies us at every step with each

breath I renew my devotion to you Holy Mary Queen of Heaven and Earth may my my

actions reflect your Holiness and may my journey be a Living testament to the power of Faith through your intercession

oh beloved mother the chains that bind me are broken and the Shadows that

surround me dissipate for in your Embrace I find Liberation and the promise of Eternal

salvation accept then my pleas and my tears as an offering from a heart that

ceaselessly seeks the light of truth and the cons soing Embrace of divine love

and at the end of this Earthly Journey may I be welcomed into the arms of your mercy sharing the endless Joy beside

Christ Our Lord in the glory of paradise while I remain under your watch

oh most holy virgin I feel my faith is strengthened and my uncertainties are

dispelled with each prayer lifted in your name a Light Of Hope ignites and

the once dark paths are illuminated with the promise of your grace grant me oh mother of Heaven the

wisdom to discern good from Evil the strength to resist Temptations and the

clarity to see God’s hand in all things may I always remember your

courageous yes to the divine plan thus becoming the mother of the Savior and

inspired by your example may I also say yes to the missions entrusted to me with

a heart full of love and willingness mother of goodness intercede

for us before your son so that through your maternal intercession we may be

freed from the bonds that tie us to sin and the malevolent influences of this

world may your Immaculate Purity be the mirror in which we reflect Our Lives

always seeking purification and spiritual renewal in the midst of daily struggles

remind us that we are not solitary Fighters for we count on your constant

presence encouraging and guiding us may the memory of your life full of faith

and devotion be the flame that never goes out in our hearts keeping alive

hope and charity may your protection oh Star of the Sea be the Safe Harbor for all

Sailors of this Earthly life especially for those in the storm of Despair and affliction

may your light guide them back to the path of peace and serenity I also ask you oh beloved

mother to take special care of those who feel forgotten and abandoned may they feel the warmth of

your maternal love and recognize your outstretched hand offering consolation

and hope in moments of loneliness and pain may my journey reflect your

unwavering yes and in Every Act of love love and every gesture of compassion may

I honor and glorify you and at the end of this Earthly pilgrimage may I find

Eternal Refuge under your mantle In The House of the father where you reign as

Queen and our intercessor oh heavenly mother and protector of families we entrust to you

the safety and well-being of our loved ones in your infinite Mercy wrap each

member of our families in your sacred cloak of protection guard them against the

physical and spiritual dangers that may threaten their peace and integrity in your kindness Virgin Mary

look especially upon the children who in their innocence need your constant

shelter be the light to guide them in a world that can often seem dark and

uncertain teach us to nurture and protect the purity of their hearts with the same love and dedication with which

you cared for the Child Jesus extend your protection also to the

youth guiding them on the paths of virtue and truth may they find in you a model of

righteousness and strength to resist modern Temptations and remain steadfast

in faith and the values that unite them as a family look with affection upon

adults and the elderly who face the daily responsibilities and challenges es

of life may they feel your consoling presence in every decision and action

and may their worries be alleviated by your sweet intercession protect oh most holy mother

the families that are separated whether by distance or by life’s

circumstances May the love that unites them remain unwavering and may the hope

of reunion under your loving gaze bring them comfort and serenity

in times of illness or distress be you virgin of Health The Cure and relief for

physical and emotional sufferings May each home become a sanctuary of love and peace where your

presence is as real and consoling as the sweetest of Embraces we also implore your protection

for families facing crises that under your guidance they may find Paths of

reconciliation and understanding Inspire in each heart forgiveness and

compassion strengthening the bonds that unite and restoring the Lost

Harmony may your protection beloved mother be the shield against adversities

and malevolent influences that surround the sacred Family Circle May our families find in you the

defense against all evil and the certainty that even in storms they are

safe and supported may your Divine assistance oh mother of

goodness be the perennial refuge for parents inspiring them to create an

environment of faith and love in their homes grant them the wisdom and patience

necessary to raise their children on the path that leads to Christ and may their

leadership be marked by understanding and virtuous example under your protection powerful

virgin Place families that are going through economic and social difficulties

so that they may find in your intercession The Hope and strength to overcome their

adversities May Divine provision arrive through your generous hands ensuring the

daily bread and the dignity that every human being deserves pray for us holy mother of God

so that unions may be strengthened in times of trial that respect and dialogue

Prevail over conflict and Discord May in each Christian home your

presence be a constant reminder of the unconditional love that God has for each of his

children watch over oh mother of Perpetual Help those who are far from

home The Travelers and those seeking A New Beginning may they not feel lost or

forsaken for they carry with them the certainty that your protection knows no Borders or distances

intercede oh Queen of Peace for families divided by misunderstandings or past

grievances may your son the prince of peace reign in each heart healing the

wounds and uniting what has been separated by unwillingness and pride and for all of us your spiritual

family we ask that you help us to be messengers of your goodness and care may

we be an extension of your protection protection bringing Aid to the needy Comfort to The Afflicted and hope to the

despairing in the certainty of your maternal protection we entrust the life

and projects of each family member so that under your guidance they may follow

the path of good and Achieve Personal and spiritual fulfillment May our homes be blessed

with the grace of a family Sanctuary where each member grows in Grace and

knowledge of the Lord l oh Mary Refuge of Sinners and health of the sick may

your protection be like a safe harbor against life’s storms may families find in you the

strength to face every challenge together United in love that overcomes and endures all

things thus with faith and trust we place in your Immaculate hands the

safety of our homes and our loved ones under your watchful eyes may we

live in peace and joy celebrating each day the wonders of God’s love manifested

in our family communion most loving mother Morning Star we turn to you in times of unrest

and anxiety in your compassion calm our troubled minds and alleviate the weight

that stress places on our shoulders Inspire us to find moments of

Serenity in our daily lives and teach us to trust trust in the Divine Providence which you so well understood and

lived in this fastpaced world where we are so often consumed by haste and our

knes we ask for your help to cultivate the inner peace that surpasses all

understanding may we learn from you oh Queen of Peace to pause to breathe and

to entrust our worries to God who cares for us with infinite love we invoke your

intercession Dear Mother to assist us in releasing accumulated tensions and

dissolving fears that prevent us from living fully may your silent presence and

gentle hand be a restoring balm bringing calm to our hearts and Clarity to our

spirit under your protection may we find the balance needed to face daily

challenges teach us to manage our responsibilities wisely Distributing our

our time and energy in a way that mental and spiritual health are preserved and

valued pray for us oh mother consoler of The Afflicted that we may be freed from

the anxiety that oppresses us teach us to live the present moment with

gratitude and joy trusting that each day has its own care and that your maternal

Providence accompanies us at every step may we follow your example oh most

prudent ver merg in and find in each prayer and meditation the strength to

continue May practices of contemplation and reflection be sources of relief and

in the Stillness of our being may we hear God’s voice guiding us help us to

nurture healthy relationships and solid support always reminding us that we are

not alone in our struggles May the Community of Faith that surrounds us be a space where we

can share share our burdens and find Mutual support as your son taught us to Bear one another’s

burdens and finally oh Mother of Mercy we ask that you grant us the gift of

patience with ourselves knowing that growth and healing take time with your

sweet guidance may we tread the path of self-discovery and self-compassion

finding in every small progress a reason to celebrate with your hand guiding us us

may we rest in the certainty that in God we will find the true rest for our weary

souls and a safe haven for our Restless Minds oh tender mother Refuge of

Afflicted hearts in the warmth of your maternal Embrace we find relief for our

anxiety and stress in your infinite goodness teach us to surrender each anxious thought to

you trusting that in your intercession we will find the Peace of of mind we so

seek in the gentleness of your presence mother of Silence help us to silence the

many voices of worry that turmoil our minds guide us to seek moments of quiet

and Solitude where in Tranquility we can reconnect with the Divine finding there

the strength for our days teach us oh Serene virgin to

breathe deeply to live intentionally each moment aware that each each breath

is a gift of life and each instant is an opportunity for full presence help us to practice patience

and acceptance knowing that many things are beyond our control but never beyond

your loving gaze may we learn oh guiding star to

navigate the tumultuous waves of our emotions with your wisdom and Grace instruct us to trust in the Rhythm

of Life to embrace changes and certainties as parts of a larger plan

that only the Heavenly Father Knows in your mercy mother of Hope pour

upon us the grace of optimism and confidence that even on the darkest days

the light of Faith May illuminate our hearts and guide us to a brighter tomorrow filled with new possibilities

and blessings intercede for us oh mother of Good Counsel that we may find guidance

and wisdom in our choices thus relieving the burden of fear and

indecision may your gentle voice encourage us and remind us that we are infinitely loved by God who desires our

well-being Our Lady of calm help us to build a routine that honors the balance

between work and rest between activity and contemplation may we create sacred

spaces in our days for the renewal of body mind Mind and Spirit grant us oh Queen of Peace the

ability to release tensions through healthy practices such as prayer meditation physical exercise and

art May these activities be gateways to your consoling presence bringing balance

and Rejuvenation to our lives and that at the end of each day we

may surrender to rest confident that you o Vigilant mother are watching over us

may our sleep be restorative and free of anxieties under your protection so that

upon waking we are ready to live a new day under the blessings of your maternal

love oh Mother of Mercy and comfort in moments of tribulation and uncertainty

we call out for your comfort and maternal tenderness in the difficult times that

assale our souls be the Beacon that guides us through the storms the hand

that calms the turbulenc Sea of Our Lives in Your compassionate bosom Virgin

of trust we find a sanctuary of Peace where our troubled hearts can

rest grant us the grace to feel your consoling presence which becomes a BAL

on the deepest wounds and the warmth that softens the cold of loneliness when the shadows of Despair

try to envelop us illuminate our path with the light of hope that emanates

from your son Jesus teach us oh mother to trust in the

Divine promise that after the darkest night the dawn of Mercy will arise with

new strength and renewed promises in the anguish that the world

imposes on us mother of Perpetual Help remind us that we are not

abandoned may we find in your sweet intercession the strength to move move forward remembering that each trial is

an opportunity to grow in faith and love receive oh mother of consolation

the tears of those who suffer the prayers of the desperate and the size of broken

hearts may your Starry mantle cover each one of us protecting us from Despair and

guiding us to healing and restoration in the Silence of our internal struggles may we hear your

Serene voice Whispering words of comfort and encouragement may your presence be a

constant reminder that even in the hardest battles we do not fight

alone pray for us holy mother that we may face challenges with courage and

serenity May each of us find balance and the necessary strength to overcome

adversities in your loving arms may your intercession beloved

mother bring us relief in everyday worries and in moments of great

distress may we cling to your unwavering faith knowing that through your Aid all

difficulties can be faced and all obstacles overcome finally grant us the certainty

that in every cross given to us there is a lesson in life and a closer proximity

to the Divine may we embrace our crosses not as a burden but as a path to Holiness with

the confidence that you loving mother are with us at every step of this

journey loving and consoling mother in times of adversity and trial we turn our

hearts to you seeking the comfort and strength that only your maternal presence can

provide in your infinite Mercy embrace our weary souls and troubled hearts

offering us the Refuge and support necessary to overcome life’s

difficulties in hours of desolation when the path ahead seems uncertain and our

burdens too heavy to carry remind us oh Mother of Divine Grace that we are not

alone may your gentle hand guide us through the Shadows lighting our path

with the Light Of Hope and unwavering faith in your Immaculate Heart we find a

sanctuary of peace and serenity help us oh compassionate mother

to lay down our anxieties and fears there knowing that you who suffered at

the foot of the cross deeply understand our pains and struggles may your wisdom oh Morning

Star Inspire us to face adversity with courage and resilience teach us to extract valuable

lessons from difficult experiences and to grow in character and spirituality

even in the darkest times pray for us mother of perseverance that

we may maintain faith and trust in God even when everything around us seems to

crumble may we find strength in your promise that in the end all things work

together for the good of those who love the Lord in moments of loneliness when

we feel isolated and misunderstood whisper to us oh Queen of Heaven that

your love Embraces each each one of us may your silent presence be a

consolation for our souls reminding us that Divine companionship is the most

faithful and constant may your mantle o protecting Virgin cover Us in life’s storms being

our defense against all forces that seek to divert us from the path of

righteousness in your protection may we find safety and shelter against the

adversities of the the world teach us mother of consolation to find joy in the

small blessings of each day to appreciate acts of kindness and the daily Miracles that surround us may our

spirit be renewed in gratitude and even amidst tribulations may we celebrate the

beauty and love that still persist in the world in times of uncertainty be you

mother of Good Counsel our guide and our light may your wisdom guide us in

difficult decisions and moments of Doubt always leading us to what is just and good in the eyes of God and finally oh

mother of tenderness we ask that you envelop us with your affection and tenderness healing our inner wounds and

renewing our strength to face each new day may we always remember your infinite

love and your consoling presence which sustains Us in the most difficult moments of our

journey [Music]


amen [Music]

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