SAY These 2 WORDS, 5 Minutes Before You Sleep ( Manifest Anything You Want ) - Joseph Murphy - Free AI Voice Generator

SAY These 2 WORDS, 5 Minutes Before You Sleep ( Manifest Anything You Want ) – Joseph Murphy

repeat these two words just before going

to sleep and make your dreams manifest

before your eyes if you have set your

sights on something but are not sure how

you can get there this two-word

technique will work as a guide for you

see working hard and giving all in is

one thing but if you are not aligned

spiritually manifesting your dreams

might be a bit hard have you ever

noticed that some people seem to

effortlessly attract abundance in into

their lives While others no matter how

hard they try are always going through

difficult times and find themselves

struggling if working hard to succeed

was the only way then you might have

noticed there are a lot of people who

give all they can yet can’t find a way

out this can also be correlated with the

most successful people out there through

this video I am going to give you an

extremely powerful technique to overcome

the fear of failure and take steps

towards your goals welcome and I hope

you are having a good day if you are new

to the channel don’t forget to like this

video because something good is coming

into your life also subscribe to the

channel to never miss out on updates and

stay connected with us now coming back

to our topic we are talking about two

words just two not three not four and

not one that you have to repeat just

before going to bed why before the bed

don’t worry I will explain everything

stay until the end to find out

everything before jumping into what the

technique is let’s try to learn what

makes this technique effective and

Powerful I want to tell you that you me

and everyone else in this universe have

been created equal we have been

programmed to do any kind of work and we

have been given the freedom to visualize

we are not helpless but we have been

programmed to be

none of you out there have been faded

for poverty you are just trained for it

one thing you are free to do is think if

you change the way you think you can

actually change your future and live the

dream of having all the wealth you

desire even as a

millionaire you are not meant to be ill

or feel

unwell some people out there emphasize

that it’s due to your genes and cannot

be changed no matter what you do well

let me tell you no disease can live in a

body that is in healthy emotional state

your body is casting off millions of

cells every second and it’s also

creating millions of new cells at the

same time if our entire bodies are

replaced within a few years as science

has proven then how can it be that

degeneration or illness remains in our

bodies for years it can only be held

there by thought by observation of the

illness and by the attention given to


illness metaphysics and quantum physics

have been studying this idea for years

and now mainstream science is beginning

to acknowledge it you have been

programmed to face the hardships and the

failures but if you can alter your

programming or in other words

reprogrammed your subconscious then you

are introduced to amazing relationships

abundance prosperity and other infinite

possibilities it starts with you being

ready to reprogram your mind and the way

you think you are not convincing a

stranger you need to convince your own

mind especially the subconscious part of

it the subconscious has the answer to

all problems if you suggest that your

subconscious mind wake you up at a.m.

before going to sleep it will awaken you

at the exact same time have you ever

paused and thought about the essence of

our sleep we spend about hours a day

which is nearly onethird of our entire

lifetime in sleep

lack of sleep can cause you to become

irritable Moody and depressed so there

is no doubt that you are spiritually

recharged during

sleep adequate sleep is essential for

you to be joyful and happy in life let

me ask you a question have you ever come

across moments where you were given

guidance while you were asleep

especially in your

dreams I am sure that it has happened to

many of you there are healing currents

in our body

and these are released during sleep

making you fresh and rejuvenated in the

morning your subconscious mind never


sleeps when your subconscious mind is in

an open state it won’t really resist

what you are trying to tell it and that

time when the subconscious is welcoming

is the time just before you go to

sleep that is the very reason we often

dream about the thing we last thought or

talked about just before falling asleep

in this busy world I am sure you have

found yourself lost in a NeverEnding

Loop doing chores rushing to the office

and all the other responsibilities in


head before you have time to realize all

this you are bombarded with more

responsibilities and

distractions now I hope you realize the

importance of the moment before you go

to sleep you will be able to leave your

existing life and move towards a more

fulfilling and ambitious life if you

incorporate this practice into your

daily bedtime routine I urge you to make

it a part of your bedtime routine I have

seen and realized why this method holds

such immense power I want you to

acknowledge the essence of this moment

and how it plays a crucial role in

fulfilling your goals moving on let’s

try to break down the imagination and

praying part Neville Goddard has often

said it’s not just about what you think

it’s about how you

feel Jesus of Nazareth also taught

whatever you ask for in prayer believe

that you have received it and it will be

yours so what do these two sayings imply

well if you are my regular viewer you

might already have decoded this that’s

why I encourage you to subscribe to the

Channel A continuing the imagination and

praying part nille GD said that your

dream should not be limited to words

only you should be able to visualize

them you should be able to play it in

your head like a movie plays in a

theater further Jesus taught that if you

want your prayers to be effective or in

other words if you want them to manifest

in your life you should act like you

have already received the thing you wish

for be happy and do not hold resentment

towards anything act like you already

have what you wish for this implies that

it is not only about how you feel but

also how you can use these feelings to

visualize confused about how to do this

perfectly I’d like to suggest something

to you I want you to get a notebook and

create a list of all the things you

desire rank them according to their

importance in your life don’t be afraid

to dream big there are no

limitations when you complete this list

first try to read it the second time you

are reading what you have written try to

visualize whenever you are uttering

those words for instance if you have

written that you desire a big house

imagine yourself lying in the garden of

that big house as you are lying imagine

you appreciating all the hard work you

put in which was completely worth it

this is just an example you can try this

on anything including your dream car

your dream job your soulmate or anything

that is most relevant to you try to

achieve something positive for you for

you as well as for the

universe proceed to the next step and

try to Envision The Experience from a


perspective this is how you visualize

things as if they are happening right

now as if you already have them and are

living by that

experience so let me tell you what will

happen you might probably write down

or or even goals but you will fall

asleep envisioning the first few of them

and that is completely fine as the first

ones that you listed were of more

importance to you your subconscious will

let in your prioritized goals and it

will remember them even if your

conscious mind forgets them now comes

another important thing I mentioned at

the beginning of the video two powerful

words so Dr Joseph Murphy renowned

author of the book The Power of the

subconscious mind suggests a practice of

reading two words that are related to

what you desire the most so if I want to

manifest love lots of wealth and I want

my health to be in perfect condition I’d

say wealth and health you can choose any

words that you think are relevant to

your goal a tip I can give you is to try

to take the words from the first two

desires and write them down in your

notebook these words hold immense power

and your subconscious mind will accept

them as you have already store the most

important of your desires in them as you

are sleeping repeat these words until

you drift away into the realm of

Dreams after you have expressed your

desires and visualized them repeat the

two words that are relevant to our

desires enchant these words like mantras

and drift into sleep with them if you

succeed in sticking to this formula I am

sure you will break the scarce chain

that has been holding you back the

essence of this technique lies in

consistency slowly you will begin to

observe changes especially in the coming

weeks and months

give yourself a minute before going to

sleep during this time reflect on your

desires the things you have planned out

for tomorrow what you want to happen in

the next day or in your life in

general this will put you one step

towards your goal and overall makes you


organized remember we all are created

equal and our dreams have no end you

have the ability to recreate your

reality act in now and give thanks to

this determination your entire life

never doubt the process be grateful

continue to work hard and make all the

techniques I have mentioned your habit

there is no stopping you from pursuing

your dreams good luck and see you on the

next video

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