God Says; Warning This Is Your Last Days...‼️ - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says; Warning This Is Your Last Days…‼️

God says my beloved children everything

will work out your situation is in God’s

hands though things may be difficult

right now rest assured that God is

always with you relax and let him finish

what he started in your life so if you

have faith in God please like and share

this video and watch this till the end

dear child fear not for I am here

listening to your prayers and guiding

you with love and care your desire for

the success of students in their studies

and exams has reached me and I assure

you that shall not go unanswered in this

vast realm of knowledge and wisdom I

understand the challenges you face in

your academic Journey remember every

trial you encounter is enough

opportunity to grow and learn embrace

the power of perseverance for it shall

lead you towards greatness

type yes if you think God is my savior

trust in yourself and your abilities for

you possess a brilliant mind capable of

achieving remarkable Feats let go of

doubt and replace it with confidence for

that is the key to unlocking your full


as you delve into your studies remember

to maintain a healthy balance between

learning and relaxation

take breaks to rejuvenate your mind and

soul for a rested mind absorbs knowledge

more effectively

your success is not solely defined by

the outcome of exams but by the effort

and dedication you put forth Embrace

every lesson whether it bring success or

failure for both offer valuable insights

seek support from teachers mentors and

peers when needed for their strength and

unity together you can conquer any

challenge that comes your way

trust in the Divine guidance I provide

and know that I am with you every step

of the way embrace the journey for it is

not only about reaching the destination

but also about the growth and

transformation that occur along the path

may your studies be fruitful your

efforts be rewarded and your dreams be


have faith my child and let your hard

work shine brightly in the realm of

Academia remember I am always here

listening to your prayers and cheering

you on go forth with courage for a

success awaits you

if you desire Miracles watch this video

all the way through to the end

the Lord assures I have Divine plans

designed to bring prosperity and shield

you from harm offering hope and a

promising future Jeremiah to . dear

God I entrust this day into your hands

and Express gratitude for all you will

do for me your presence will be with me

throughout the day providing me with

Grace and strength to overcome


may my heart be filled with your love

hope joy and peace spreading positivity

to those around me I aim to be a

blessing to others and Lead then to you

through my words and actions in Jesus

name amen

God says type y-e-s if you want to

follow my will God is saying rejection

does not signal the end of your journey

rather it signifies that there are

greater things in store for you take

inspiration from the life of Joseph who

faced rejection from his own brothers

that later became a blessing in their


trust in the divine plan for when you

were sent into this world there were

already plans to prosper and bless your

life don’t well on the way and who of

rejection but instead have faith in the

greater purpose

embrace the unknown with confidence

knowing that each rejection is a

redirection toward something more


keep your faith strong for in the face

of rejection you can still find Hope

growth and unexpected opportunities

remember there is a beautiful story

unfolding and you are an essential part

of it

share this powerful messages people

who is closest to your heart

loving child in the face of life

challenges no that I am always by your

side accompanying you on every step of

your journey my love shall Empower you

and my word shall illuminate your path

hold on steadfast like for I Am With You

taipa man if you believe

God is announcing to you nowadays I will

by no means permit something to occur in

your Lifestyles while not having a plan

I may want to have made David something

else apart from a Shepherd bow but I did

now not do this

because lengthy before Samuel noticed

David I decided David to be thinking

when he was a Shepherd his primary

responsibility turned into the L

protection and Welfare of the flock

he had grazed the animals hurting them

to regions of exact forage and

protective them from ingesting toxic

floor and additionally from wild animals

in fact I changed into education him to

be the king

a king’s primary obligation is the

protectioned and Welfare of his humans

so the past things that passed off in

the lifestyles of David have been owned

not a waste

instead through the Beyond I had

organized him for the future and I had

prepared for him

in the equal way don’t worry

approximately what took place or why

that came about on your life

your past is not going to be a waste it

will only lead you toward the destiny

that I had organized for you have faith

in me type yes to claim this blessing

listen this carefully letting go of

certain things or people in life can be

a challenging and emotional process

often we may hold on to situations or

relationships that we believe are

essential for our future and dreams

the disappointment and heartache that

follow can be overwhelming leading to a

loss of faith and hope.dream d r e a d r

in times like these it’s crucial too

remember that God’s plans are beyond our

understanding and letting go can open

doors to his greater purposes for us

although it might feel like we’re stuck

in a Perpetual waiting period

we can find the strengths to move

forward and embrace a brighter future

filled with his blessings

God says DOT type amen if you

acknowledge my grace

heavenly father I am grateful for your

presence in my life I declare that no

weapon formed against me shall prosper

today is a new day and I believe you

will do something special in my life in

Jesus name amen

to love child a turnaround is coming

you’ll witness sickness transforming

into Health loneliness shall be replaced

by companionship

the child of course will find their

purpose again those against you will

turn into supporters dreams deemed to

far gone will become reality

this turnaround day will make mountains

into mole Hills obstacles meant to stop

you will Propel you towards your destiny

I love you

let my word be a lamp unto your feet and

a light unto your path

spend time in the scriptures and allow

its wisdom to guide your decisions and

actions surround yourself with fellow

believers who can encourage and support

you in your walk of faith

type thank you God if you believe

remember to be patient with yourself as

growth takes time show kindness

compassion and forgiveness towards

yourself just as I do towards you know

that I see your heart and intentions and

I am always ready to extend my mercy and

grace to you

everyone watching this video May Lord

Jesus bless you all today your life will

uplift mentally spiritually financially

may you get success and share this video

people who needs to hear this

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