Don't Give Up - A Miracle is Waiting For You🙏Inspiring Prayer For a New Season - Free AI Voice Generator

Don’t Give Up – A Miracle is Waiting For You🙏Inspiring Prayer For a New Season

have you ever felt like you were hanging

on by a thread teetering on the edge of

a cliff and one wrong move might send

you tumbling down into darkness maybe

you’ve been through Seasons where

failure heartache or hardship has left

you shaken to your core can any of you

relate tonight’s SP trying out to God

how much more can I take well today I

believe God has a powerful word for

anyone who can identify with those

feelings of being weary wounded or

wondering how you’ll ever climb out of

the hole you found yourself in are you

struggling to see the light at the end

of the tunnel do you need a reminder

that our God Specializes in turning

despair into Destiny what if I told you

that not only does God want to save you

from the claws of Crisis but he wants to

catapult you even higher than than you

were before that his ultimate plan has

always been to take you from victim to

Victor to make your mess your message

and your pain your purpose would you

like a glimpse today of how God can take

all that was meant for evil and use it

for your good then I invite you to open

your heart as we plunge into God’s

hope-filled message today brothers and

sisters I know these times have been so

hard so painful I know many of you are

feeling beaten down like your best days

are behind you but I’m here today to

tell you do not lose heart God has not

forgotten you even in your darkest

Valley even when it feels like all hope

is gone God is there he sees everything

you’re going through all the tears

you’ve cried in the midnight hours and

I’m here to tell you he has a plan for

your comeback maybe you’ve lost your job

or your business has failed maybe

sickness has ravaged your body or

depression has clouded your mind but

take it from me friends this is only

temporary God is setting the stage for

your greatest Triumph he’s been refining

you in the fire so you come out stronger

sharper ready to change lives when he

restores you when people thought you

were down and up oh but God was working

behind the scenes and soon very soon

he’s going to lift you up before their

very eyes in a way that will leave them

gasping in awe they’ll say how did they

do it how did they overcome all they

went through and you get to tell them it

was God my friends it was God all long

so I know the sun has set on your

happiness I know the future looks bleak

but keep your chin up night is always

darkest just before the dawn and your

Dawn is coming friends your Dawn is

coming so don’t give up thank God for

what’s ahead thank God for the blessings

he’s prepared just for you your time is

coming are you ready for your comeback

let’s bow our our heads in prayer

Heavenly Father we come before you today

with thankful and hopeful Hearts though

the road has been long and at times

lonely your faithfulness has never

wavered you saw us through our deepest

fears darkest nights and hardest

struggles when we stumbl you were there

to pick us up when we faltered you gave

us strength and even in our weakness you

made a away where there seemed to be no

way now father as we look ahead fill us

with expectation for all you have in

store help us to keep our eyes fixed on

your promises instead of our

circumstances give us eyes to see the

blessings you’ve swn into each new day

and Lord prepare the way for Mighty

works and miracles you are able to do

far more than we could ever ask ask or

imagine so we believe that your best is

yet to come with you all things are

possible so we lift our hands and voices

as one big family declaring that you are

our provider our healer and our hope we

thank you for this new season and for

all you will bring to pass now fill us

with faith hope and power from on high

as we step into our futures without fear

for this and so much more we give you

all glory in Jesus precious name amen

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to tell God what you are thinking right


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